Central Tottori Tourism Promotion Organization

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Central Tottori Tourism Promotion Organization We offer the updating information of sightseeing & tourism in Central Tottori , Japan.

【Discover Hiruzen : Your Ideal Destination from Late Summer to Autumn!】Hiruzen, one of the premier resort areas in weste...

【Discover Hiruzen : Your Ideal Destination from Late Summer to Autumn!】

Hiruzen, one of the premier resort areas in western Japan, is renowned nationwide for its breathtaking natural landscapes. As you explore Hiruzen, you'll be captivated by the "Three Peaks of Hiruzen," adorned in the vibrant colors of the four seasons. These peaksMt. Kamihiruzen (1,202m), Mt. Nakahiruzen (1,123m), and Mt. Shimohiruzen (1,100m)are the remnants of volcanic activity that ceased around 600,000 years ago. The scenery, particularly the volcanic fan spreading from the slopes to the foothills of Mt. Kamihiruzen, serves as grazing land, offering a grand and pastoral view.

In autumn, Hiruzen transforms into a haven of spectacular fall foliage. One of the top activities to enjoy during this season is cycling. The Hiruzen Highlands feature a well-maintained, 30-kilometer cycling road that circles the area. This route offers a refreshing ride through magnificent scenery, providing the perfect way to rejuvenate both body and mind.

Cycling in Hiruzen is made easy with numerous bike rental facilities offering sports bikes and electric-assisted bicycles. It's a highly recommended way to explore the region.

For families with small children, the Hiruzen Kogen Center Joyful Park are must-visits. This amusement park is a favorite among kids, and as a special treat, birthday visitors get free admission! Don't forget to bring identification to verify your birthday. Enjoy rides like the merry-go-round, roller coaster, and sky cycling to your heart's content.

Hiruzen is also the birthplace of the renowned Jersey milk, and you can indulge in delicious soft-serve ice cream made from this rich, creamy milk.

This autumn, come and immerse yourself in the natural beauty and attractions of Hiruzen. It's an experience you won't want to miss!

【Cool Off in Hot Summer with a Refreshing Dip: Enjoy Free Misasa Onsen!】Nestled by the riverside, Misasa Onsen's "Kawara...

【Cool Off in Hot Summer with a Refreshing Dip: Enjoy Free Misasa Onsen!】

Nestled by the riverside, Misasa Onsen's "Kawaraburo," an open-air bath, offers round-the-clock bathing free of charge.
"Kawara" translates to "Riverbed," aptly named for its natural hot spring waters located right by the river.
Immerse yourself in the serene ambiance, embracing Japan's nature and onsen culturea guaranteed memory-maker!

Prepare for your soak in the hot spring at the adjacent dressing area, then ease into the water, listening to the soothing sounds of the river, feeling the breeze, and letting your mind unwind.
You might even receive waves from passing tourists on the nearby bridgeenjoy such interactions!
For those hesitant about nudity, the foot baths are perfect. "Kajika no Yu" and "Yakushi no Yu" foot baths await.
Slip off your shoes and socks, letting your feet soak in the warm natural hot spring waters.
It's a gradual relaxation process, perfect for unwinding and relieving fatigue.
Engage in conversations with locals beside you, creating delightful memories.

Near "Kajika no Yu," you might encounter fireflies during summer, indicating the pristine condition of rivers in the Misasa area. Moreover, at "Yakushi no Yu," you can even drink spring water, renowned for its health benefitsafter all, "Yakushi" means medicine. *Foot baths are not open 24 hours. Please check the operating hours.
Misasa Onsen boasts a tranquil atmosphere, blessed with abundant hot springs. It's the perfect onsen town to rejuvenate your spirit from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

【Snow Crabs🦀 season is here again in Central Tottori!】Snow Crabs (Matsuba-gani) season has finally come back!As you know...

【Snow Crabs🦀 season is here again in Central Tottori!】

Snow Crabs (Matsuba-gani) season has finally come back!
As you know, Central Tottori is blessed with delicacies from sea and mountains. But once winter has come, the gastronomic throne goes to the crabs.
Meat of snow crabs, grown in the cold and harsh Sea of Japan, are so plump and chewy! The moment you put it your mouth, its sweetness spreads softly.

Be sure to try them as Sashimi🤗.Charcoal-grilled ones also have an exceptional taste😋. Of course, the boiled cannot to be missed, too😉.
After all, I must say the best way to enjoy them is to have a full course meal🫡.

Do you know that? In addition to protein, crabs are rich in taurine, which improve liver and heart function, vitamin E and astaxanthin, which are high in antioxidants, and zinc, an essential mineral that cannot be made by the body.

To enjoy crabs in Central Tottori, staying at an Onsen (hot spring) resort ♨️is a must! Relax in an idyllic open-air bath in the cold and snowy weather☃️, and after warming up comfortably, taste them as much as you like.
Isn’t this the best reward for a busy year of work🏆!?

soaking in a radium Onsen of Misasa , which has the effect of boosting the immune system, and powering up with crab of Central Tottori, you are sure to be energetically active again in the coming year 2024💪!

We are waiting for you here in Central Tottori!

【Magical “Sea of Clouds” in Hiruzen Highland】Have you ever seen a natural phenomenon called “sea of clouds”?As you know,...

【Magical “Sea of Clouds” in Hiruzen Highland】

Have you ever seen a natural phenomenon called “sea of clouds”?

As you know, Central Tottori is rich in nature, facing the Sea of Japan.
In fact, you may also be able to witness a sea of clouds☁️ early in the morning from October to November at Hiruzen Highland, a 30-minute drive from here Kurayoshi, Central Tottori.

Hiruzen Highland is a 500 to 600 meters above sea level, a well-known resort where visitors can enjoy magnificent nature, skiing and snowboarding in winter⛄, and fresh greenery and autumn leaves in spring 🌳and fall🍂.

Although a sea of clouds is not something that you can see without fail, since it depends on weather conditions, but once you witness it, I bet you’ll be astonished by the magical scenery created by mother nature. As the sun rises, fog settles into a valley and the surrounding mountains peak out like islands, making the phenomenon resemble a mystical sea🏞️.

It’s said that about 1 million years ago Hiruzen Highland used to be a lake, and it had disappeared due to a volcanic activity of Daisen Mountain, and subsequently this magnificent Hiruzen Highland which now we see has be created.
Maybe Hiruzen is showing us what it used to be once in a while😉.

If you’d like to witness this fantastic sea of clouds by your eyes, longer stay is recommended, as it depends on the natural conditions. At the same time why don’t you enjoy the unique natural beauty of Hiruzen, including a skyful stars 🌌and a vast field of silver grass🌾 during your stay?

【Singing stone beach 🎶 (Nari-Ishi no Hama) in Central Tottori!】 Have you ever heard stones singing? If you haven’t yet, ...

【Singing stone beach 🎶 (Nari-Ishi no Hama) in Central Tottori!】

Have you ever heard stones singing? If you haven’t yet, just come to “Nari-Ishi no Hama” (singing stone beach) in Kotourao Town, Central Tottori, and experience this mysterious and relaxing sound conducted by stones!!

Actually, it is a very rare natural pebble beach where the oval-shaped pebbles sing gently when tumbled by the waves of Sea of Japan🌊. Smaller pebbles make smaller sounds, bigger pebbles make bigger ones. Their singing voice differs depending not only on the size of stones, but also on the strength and direction of wind and the tide, so the sound you are hearing here on this moment might be the only one in the world!!

A stone “sounds well (YOKUNARU)” is the same sound as “gets better (YOKUNARU)” in Japanese. Therefore this beach has become very popular throughout Japan as a power spot for good luck😊!

I recommend coming at sunset🌇. In the dusk of evening, looking out at the sea and listening to the stones gently singing in harmony with sea, wind and other natural elements, you will soon find your mind full of peace and your body filled with energy😄!

Some people also enjoy stone balancing with these pebbles and leave behind the art works they create.

Now, it’s your turn! Why don’t you explore more about Central Tottori that you don’t know yet😉?!

<🍶A toast to fine Sake in Central Tottori !!🍶>Blessed with beautiful nature and famous mineral water, Central Tottori is...

<🍶A toast to fine Sake in Central Tottori !!🍶>

Blessed with beautiful nature and famous mineral water, Central Tottori is known by those in the know as the home of quality Sake (alcoholic beverage). We’ve even gotten comments of “Delicious!” 😋from people who know all about quality from all over the world!
Followings are two of the best Sake breweries in Central Tottori open for tours and/or tastings which are recommended for travelers.

【Daiginjo GENSUI (Japanese Sake)🍶】
It has been brewed for more than 170 years in the rich natural environment of Kurayoshi in Central Tottori by local craftsmen carrying on traditional skills, using only high-quality rice and water. It’s the pride of GENSUI SHUZO Co., Ltd that’ve gotten numerous awards!
You are highly welcome to tour inside the brewery! Why don’t you become a connoisseur of Japanese Sake by observing the production process which is seldom seen?! (Free of charge, reservation required.)
Here you can enjoy tasting several kinds of Sake and, if you like, buy some for souvenirs as well.
 They also have a store located in an antique merchant house which stands in a Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings (Shirakabe Dozou Gun) in Kurayoshi City.
Just stop by, you’ll be satisfied with not only Sake but also with tasty sweets of Sake flavor, even if you don’t drink alcohol♪ 😍
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【Kurayoshi Winery🍷】
Wines of “Kurayoshi Winery”are 100% made in Central Tottori, for all grapes to vint are grown in their vineyard in sandy soils of Hokuei Town, Central Tottori. Consul General of France also visited here and raved about the taste of them!! 
The winery is located in an old wooden house of wealthy merchant in the Preservation District same as above mentioned GENSUI SHUZO. At a store on the 1st floor of the winery, visitors can taste 3 different wines. (Tasting fee 500yen/person, the fee refunded to purchasers of wines here.)
There is also a Japanese style wine bar on the 2nd floor , so if time allows, why don’t you enjoy wines fresh from the brewery along with local fresh and delicious food? 
You can enjoy a tasty non-alcohol wine as well♪🥰

↓ ↓ ↓

Spring has finally come!!The long-awaited festival “KURAYOSHI Spring Festival” began today, Mar.24, and runs through Jun...

Spring has finally come!!

The long-awaited festival “KURAYOSHI Spring Festival” began today, Mar.24, and runs through June 30🌸🌸🌸.

The main festival site, Utsubuki Park, has about 4000 Sakura trees, and actually has been selected as one of a “100 best Sakura viewing spots” throughout Japan. During the festival, around 300 Bonbori (Japanese traditional lanterns) are lit from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., so that we can enjoy illuminated Sakura at night, as well.

Have you ever seen a great number of Sakura petals falling just like a snowstorm with a wind in the dark of night? It’s breathtakingly fantastic!!

Spring nights are still a bit chilly, so please come dressed thickly🧥.

From mid-April to mid-May, when Sakura has finished blooming, azaleas take its place! More than 40,000 azaleas trees come to bloom in the same park! I’d say a hole city of Kurayoshi changes its color, from snowy white of winter to pale pink of Sakura and then to glossy pink of azaleas, as the temperature rises.

By all means, enjoy Japanese spring in Kurayoshi, Central Tottori!
It’s not too late, everyone!

【Mochi-Shabu ~Let’s enjoy melting “Mochi” and its aroma!~】A happy new year, everyone!!Speaking to a new year, a traditio...

【Mochi-Shabu ~Let’s enjoy melting “Mochi” and its aroma!~】

A happy new year, everyone!!

Speaking to a new year, a traditional Japanese rice cake “Mochi” is indispensable to perfect a Japanese new year's menu.
They say a Mochi in Kansai (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka) is round, while that in Kanto (eastern half of Japan, including Tokyo) is square. But here in Kurayoshi, Central Tottori, a thinly sliced Mochi is also very popular at some restaurants where you can enjoy it by Shabu-Shabu (hot pot) style!
We call it a “Mochi-Shabu”!!

In addition to standard flavors such as White-original, Nori (toasted seaweed), Tochi (horse chestnuts), and Mug wort, there are 8 more different flavors, including Sesame, Yuzu, Sakura-shrimp, Chili pepper, Green tea and Blueberry!

Just dipping for 5-10 seconds in a bonito broth, a Mochi-Shabu gets ready to eat. The aroma of hot melting slice spreads in your mouth even after it goes down your throat.     
It tastes perfect♬

Basically each Mochi-Shabu is made by craftsmen‘s hand who have a thorough knowledge about Mochi.

Why don’ you come to Central Tottori, and try it by yourself?

【A beautiful but sad legend in Central Tottori.~Legend of the Utsubuki Tennyo(Heavenly Maiden)~】   .Utsubuki  (Heavenly ...

【A beautiful but sad legend in Central Tottori.~Legend of the Utsubuki Tennyo(Heavenly Maiden)~】
.Utsubuki (Heavenly Maiden)

Mt.Utsubuki, the symbol of Kurayoshi City in Central Tottori has been loved by people all the year round, with cherry blossoms and azaleas in full bloom in spring, fresh greenery in summer, autumn leaves in fall, and camellias in winter.
Utsubuki Park, located on the mountain, also has a small zoo and is a popular spot for families to picnic on holidays.

Did you know that there is actually a beautiful but sad legend about this place?

Long ago, a man found a beautiful Tennyo (heavenly maiden) bathing alone in the shallows of a pond. The man fell in love with her and hid her beautiful robe of feathers so as not to let her go. Unable to return to heaven, she had no choice but to become his wife. She gave birth to two children a short time later.

Then one day, she found a missing robe in her house and put it on. Her love for her children faded immediately, and she flew back to the heaven, leaving them earth.

The two children, greatly saddened, climbed on top of a nearby mountain (Mt.Utsubuki), played the flute and drums, and called out to their mother who loved music and loved them so much. However, she never returned to earth.

Legends about Tennyos and their beautiful robes of feathers are found not only in Japan, but also widely in Asia and Europe! Could it be based on a true story? Perhaps the beauty of Central Tottori has been so outstanding since ancient times that it even attracted heavenly maidens!!

Nashikkokan -Tottori Nijisseiki (20th Century) Pear MuseumSpeaking of Central Tottori, Nijisseikii pear cannot be missed...

Nashikkokan -Tottori Nijisseiki (20th Century) Pear Museum

Speaking of Central Tottori, Nijisseikii pear cannot be missed!
Today, I’d like to introduce Nashikkokan, a mecca for Asian pear lovers! In fact, this is the only museum in Japan dedicated to the Asian pear!! Do you like pear? Why don’t you come to Nashikkokan in Central Tottori and learn all about Asian pear♪

Do you know what an Asian pear is like?
Pear can be roughly classified into 2 types by their origin: an European pear and a round-shaped Asian pear. Asian pear is also divided into 2 kinds by its skin color; a green pear and a red pear. Central Tottori is very famous for producing Nijisseiki pear, a round-shaped bright green pear with crisp juicy flesh. Above all, it has a perfect harmony between sweet and sour!

New cultivars you find in Japan these days such as a Shinkansen pear, a Natsuhime pear and a Natsusayaka pear have been rooted in Nijisseiki pear!!
Don't you like to try different kinds and compare them at the same time?
Just come to Nashikkokan, you can taste three different kinds of them throughout the year!

I first met a Shinkansen pear, my favorite, just in here Nashikkokan few years ago. Although it remains the sweetness of a red pear, it also has the crunchy texture of Nijisseiki pear, and is as juicy as its original!
The "Shinkansen 新甘泉" is pronounced just the same as "Shinkansen 新幹線(bullet train)"in Japanese! I wonder that’s why I can’t stop eating Shinkansen pears !?

 Please don’t miss ice cream and sweets with Nijisseiki pear flavor in Nashikkokan!


~Kurayoshi , a city where past and present meet in perfect harmony~In Kurayoshi, Central Tottori, there still remains lo...

~Kurayoshi , a city where past and present meet in perfect harmony~

In Kurayoshi, Central Tottori, there still remains lots of old buildings with full of quaint retro atmosphere. Actually, they are designated as a national “Important Preservation District of Historic Buildings”. Surprisingly, those buildings are still in use!

Not only long-established sake and soy sauce breweries which have been in business there for more than 100 years but also restaurants and souvenir stores that have opened in recent years are welcoming you with almost the same exteriors as the buildings appeared to be originally.

I personally recommend very unique ice cream at Kuwata Soy Sause Brewery!
The traditional atmosphere of a soy sauce brewery and the fragrant aroma of soy sauce lured me into the store, where I found not only a variety of soy sauces made in traditional way but also soy-sauce flavored ice creams! That aroused my curiosity, I bought one and took a cautious bite. What a taste!! It has a nostalgic flavor, somewhat like Mitarashi dango (a dumpling covered with soy sauce and sugar). I love it!

Why don’t you come and enjoy the perfect harmony with past and present here in Central Tottori?

“KURAYOSHI Figure Museum” ~ Incredibly realistic figurines!!~Let me introduce you to the most popular “KURAYOSHI Figure ...

“KURAYOSHI Figure Museum” ~ Incredibly realistic figurines!!~

Let me introduce you to the most popular “KURAYOSHI Figure Museum” in Central Tottori right now!

As you know, Tottori is home to many famous Manga artists, such as Gosho Aoyama, the creator of “Detective Conan”, and Shigeru Mizuki, the creator of “Gegege no Kitaro”. That’s why Tottori has a nickname of Manga Kingdom!

If you like Manga, you can't go wrong with fgurines!

This museum displays an amazing array of finely crafted figurines of TV heroes, popular cartoon characters, dinosaurs, animals, and more, by genre.

But don’t be satisfied with just watching!
Here we also have a special effects studio where you can bring your favorite figurines (some can be borrowed) and have them photographed against the backdrop of the diorama by yourself.
Why don’t you immerse yourself in your own imaginary world without hesitation!

You can also try your hand at making a mini-diorama using figurines.

Right now, the “World of Food Samples” exhibition is being held.
I can’t believe they are not eatable!!
Please check out the following for more details ↓↓↓


“Abandoned railway of old JNR Kurayoshi Line” ~Instagram worthy spot known to those in the know.~Admiring the decaying b...

“Abandoned railway of old JNR Kurayoshi Line”
~Instagram worthy spot known to those in the know.~

Admiring the decaying beauty of abandoned railroads is just one of myriad hobbies world’s railway enthusiasts indulge in. It has an appealing fragility and sadness, as if it’s about to disappear.

Actually, in Central Tottori, there still remains scatteringly several abandoned railways and platforms of old Japan National Railway Kurayoshi Line which was discontinued in 1985.

One of the most breathtaking spots among them is said to be the railroad from Taikyuji Station to Yamamori Station. Surrounded by bamboo groves, the line has been eroded by bamboos all the way to the inside of the track.
we can’t help but feel its rise and fall!

This area is now a trekking course. if you have more than 15 people, you can not only enjoy walking along the railway but also can get inside the limited-access abandoned tunnel with a professional guide!!(Charge will be required.)

Why don’t you come to Central Tottori and enjoy hiking in the mountains and visit this fascinating and spectacular spot?

Did you know Central Tottori is a favorite destination for family vacation? Our recommend stay plan is enjoying fresh se...

Did you know Central Tottori is a favorite destination for family vacation?

Our recommend stay plan is enjoying fresh seafood and local mountain vegetables as well as hot springs renowned for their beneficial effects in the morning and night, and enjoying playing Ground Golf at “ Tomari Sea Breeze Hill” (潮風の丘 泊) to work up a good sweat in the daytime!

The rules of Ground Golf are very simple, everyone irrespective of age can give a shot right away.

Actually “Tomari Sea Breeze Hill” is a birthplace of Ground Golf and is a well-equipped hilltop-course where International Ground Golf Open is held annually.
You can rent equipment here, so just bring yourself!

The time you spent with your family here will become an irreplaceable treasure in your life!!

【Do you know we have one of the world’s best radon hot springs in Central Tottori?  It’s “Misasa Onsen”!!】 “Misasa (三朝)”...

【Do you know we have one of the world’s best radon hot springs in Central Tottori? It’s “Misasa Onsen”!!】

“Misasa (三朝)” in Japanese literally means “three morning”. It is said that you shall go home feeling much better after staying over the morning three times here, since Misasa’s hot springs have great benefits for health such as boosting your immune system, as well as enhancing your antioxidant function. 
Don’ you think it perfectly fit for you under current situation?

Misasa Onsen is “good to bathe in, good to drink, and good to inhale”, just all- around! Moreover, you’ll also get to relaxed and recharged by the spiritual power of Mount Mitoku, a sacred mountain of Shugendo(修験道, Japanese Mountain Asceticism), just next to Misasa Onsen.
That’s why Misasa has designated as “Japan Heritage”!!

Why don’t you take a break from your busy everyday life and refresh your body and mind here in Misasa, Central Tottori?!

【Tottori’s Matsuba snow crab, the king of winter seafood, was featured on NHK WORLD-JAPAN!!  】Freshness is the crucial t...

【Tottori’s Matsuba snow crab, the king of winter seafood, was featured on NHK WORLD-JAPAN!! 】

Freshness is the crucial to Matsuba. Daniel Woolpert, the reporter of NHK WORLD-JAPAN, seemed to savor really juicy and fresh Matsuba at a Japanese-style hotel in Misasa Onsen, central Tottori.

He says he wasn’t a big fan of crab and was hesitant to try all different types of crab, but the multi-course dinner of Matsuba in Misasa made him say “Now I’m a fan!”

After tasting them, he highly praises sashimi of Matsuba saying “meat is very soft, thicker than red snow crab, excellent!”, also he strongly recommends charcoal grilled Matsuba legs to the audience, commenting “it’s tasty, and more enjoyable to chow than crab eaten in US, this is something I like everyone to experience!”

We can easily see how delicious Matsuba is from his simple word , “What a experience!”.

Why don’t you come to Central Tottori to enjoy this fabulous taste by yourself?

NHK WORLD-JAPAN (Broadcast on December 16, 2021 /Available until December 16, 2022)

Hello, everyone, nice to see you again! We “Central Tottori Tourism Promotion Organization”resume posting information ab...

Hello, everyone, nice to see you again! We “Central Tottori Tourism Promotion Organization”
resume posting information about tourist attractions, photo spots and fantastic season food etc., of here in Central Tottori.
 Central Tottori might remind you of the birthplace of Gosho Aoyama, the author of "Detective Konan"! Naturally you will have a lot of chances to meet Konan here in Tottori♪ Moreover here we have 4 hot springs among which Misasa Hot Spring is designated as one of Japan Heritage, also we have juicy and crunchy 20th century pears, watery and sweet watermelons and snow crabs which are recognized as the king of winter culinary delights etc.
Hope to see you soon!


Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:30
Thursday 08:30 - 17:30
Friday 08:30 - 17:30




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