(English below) キノコの季節。足元の落ち葉や倒木、奥の方の木の幹にも目をやるとキノコが沢山!この間いた阿寒湖周辺には500種類のキノコがあるらしい - 北海道で見られるほとんどのキノコ。キノコを📸撮るコツも教わった: 「かわいく」撮ることだって💕
There’s about 500 kinds of mushrooms in Akan, that’s about all the mushrooms you can see in Hokkaido! Hearing that, I started walking more carefully in the woods looking into the nurse logs, fallen leaves and tree trunks. Look at some of the 🍄 that I found! I think I turned into a mushroom fan😍