Cyclist Welcome.jp is for travelers who tour Japan by bike, providing routes and hotel information for the featured areas. The beautiful landscapes, achieving a new personal record, or filling up on the regional specialties?
Before deciding on routes, we’d like to introduce you to our listings of luscious accommodations. We offer choices from Japanese style ryokans, luxury hotels, private lodges, and bed and breakfast cottages. Quality Guarantee:
At Cyclist Welcome.jp, we take care of the potential needs, anxieties and wishes related to your cycling travels. All information has been carefully picked after personal evaluations of the first-rate hotels and marked with our "Cyclist Welcome Standard". All registered accommodations follow the conditions below, based on European guidelines:
1. Secure and safe place to keep bicycle inside the hotel grounds (e.g. Bike wash and maintenance spaces
3. Rental washing machine (dehydrating machine) or same day laundry service
4. Rental air pumps and other tools
5. Postal service with bicycle shipping
6. Route maps and guidebook
Accommodations that include three or more of the following qualifications will be noted as Platinum Lodging:
a. Luggage storage available before and after check-in/out
b. Provides shower and bathroom services after check-out
c. Massage and fitness services and facilities
d. Sandal rental services for lounging around the grounds
e. Provides early breakfast for cyclists
f. Sells tubes and repair kits for flat tires
g. Offers to-go energy food for cyclists
h. Free shuttle bus service that holds bicycles
i. Road and mountain bike rental services
j. Sells cycling wear and accessories
k. Offers cycling tour guides
With these guidelines, we hope to match your cycling needs with a hotel we believe you will enjoy.