Collection of cheap Artworks, best African Art, Abstract Art, Modern Art etc. Buy oil paintings and Acrylic Paintings for your interior design & wall hangings decor
Our painting and artworks for sale are of top quality therefore we take a lot of pride in our work. All our paintings are 100% hand-painted by our experienced artists. Sometimes due to weather conditions, the oil paints we use take lo
ng to dry than we expect. In order to ensure that your painting arrives to you in pristine condition, we will let the painting dry a few extra days, increasing processing time. We assure you that your painting is worth the wait and every piece of art created is exquisite. We only use Top quality paint since it is environmentally-friendly and never fades. Your painting will look good for years to come. Our paintings do not reflect light, resistance to warm temperatures, waterproof and moisture proof, no peculiar smell, do not fade discoloration. For proper Painting maintenance, kindly use a wet towel or dry towel to wipe. We always offer the lowest prices possible while never compromising on quality. Our prices are the best in the market. Our paintings are Ideal for Living Room, Bedroom, Dining, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Cafe, Hotel, Restaurants, and Wine Bar etc. Because of the rich art colours and stylish paintings that we make, our paintings will give your room the life it deserves. Our paintings are made of thick linen canvas, high quality oil or Acrylic colours. We can customize the paintings for you. If you have a picture of a painting you would love to have, we will give it to our talented team of artists and they shall make you the painting. Kindly contact us for your needs. If your favourite painting is marked as sold, don’t worry, we can arrange within 30 days after you place your order for a similar painting. For more painting for sale Visit