MY African Poems

MY African Poems Let us pick up our books and our pens. They are our most powerful weapons. One teacher, one book, one pen can change the world

This is a collection of all poems written by Imran Will Suleyman.Imran is an Architect, Vocalist, Pianist and poet.Most of his poems are influenced by life's experiences, from across the board.


The Drink Menu

He walks into the bar,
Sits next to this couple,
Conversing in low tones.

The man says, I like slippery ni**le,
The lady smiles and breaks into laughter,
She responds, I like the blow job.

The man winks, in one move, swallows the slippery ni**le,
The lady does the same, grabs the tiny glass and the blow job is done

They look juicy Lucy, like a drunken sailor,
On a short trip to Hell,
Where they will encounter Mikey’s Breakfast Banger.

They decide to hop, skip and go naked,
To the beach,
S*x on the beach, Latino inspired, tightly embraced like Brazilian rain forest
But there’s sand In the crack
And like A Lonely Island Lost in the Middle of a Foggy Sea,
They walk back to the bar to bend over Shirley.

Time to suck, bang and blow,
A hell lot of ingredients, 3 oz Jose Cuervo Especial gold tequila with Smirnoff Vodka

He leaves the bar,
Like a man who’s had s*x with an alligator,
Raspberry Liquor, melon liquor, sweet and sour memories ringing in my head.
Time to catch up with a three legged monkey and try the slippery ni**le.



Who can restart it?

How do you restart a lifeless body,
How can I jump-start it to breathe again?
How can I save his memories In a flash drive,
How can I transfer his knowledge to a cloud?
Can I push him to force start?
Can I cold boot him to life?
Can I get a jumper to help his heart beat again,

As he lies there on a cold concrete floor,
I ask myself, is there any mechanic who can fix this?
Any thing that can be replaced to make him live again?

Death is cruel, it devours whatever lies on its path, leaving nothing happy to behold,
In a moment, he's happy, he's fully of life,
The next moment, he can't feel anything,
He can't feel your love, he can't hear your kind words,

My heart aches, as I know this is the path we all have to go through,
Live each moment as though it's your last.



I can't be where you want me to be,
I can only be where you've brought me,
Though your legs are tired,
You've carried me gently in your heart,
Where there was peace, love and joy,
A joy that I have never seen before.

Sometimes your heart drowns me,
With a mixture of happiness and sadness,
Your heart thaws me, with your tears,
The tears confuse me, I can't tell if they are of joy or pain

Don't ask me to come down,
Up here I can see far,
I can feel the cool breeze like your fresh breathe,
I am on top of the world.

I can't be what you want me to be,
I can only be what you've made me be.


My twin brother

When you left us,
My life paused,
Like frozen music,
Or perfect fairy tale frozen in time,
I didn't move for a long time,

Everyone tried to move on,
Like nothing had happened,
They tried to make me happy,
But I missed your companionship,
Each and every moment.

I have learnt to take small steps,
Living in your reflection everyday
Until we meet again.



I stop to stare at her,
She's at her best, very beautiful and tempting,
I look at her hair, real African black beauty, dancing like a reed in the wind,
She wipes the sweat of her brow, and bends back to her work.

She pauses again, takes in a deep sign and stretches her back,
She pulls her skirt above her knees exposing her thick chocolate thighs,
I stand in awe, at the sight of the amazing angel,
She raises her hoe up,
And hits the ground again and again,
Pushing the soil underneath, upside down,
She is not worried about her nails,
Her feet is covered in dust,
Her freed breasts dance to every rhythm of the hoe,
The beauty of an angel

She does this again and again,
Until we finally make eye contact,
And without a smile on her beautiful motionless face,
She asks, 'What are you gazing at?"

I struggle to find the courage to say,
"The best of the creation"
I just peddle away,
Those words whispering in my head,
I feel the weight of her stare,
As I ride away, far into the horizon of nowhere.
Smiling as her beauty unfolds in my mind.

Don't touch me here woman,
I say loudly to myself...


No one Remembers

You stood so high,
Above all other flowers in the field,
You were a beacon of beauty,
Everyone who saw you,
Wanted to touch and smell your petals,
You exuded confidence and power,
You were gentle and lovely.
I loved seeing you sway in the wind,
The curvy, s*xy, tender stem that held you up,
Your smile was envious to your friends,
They will fade in the background of the crowd.

Then came the hailstorm,
It shook everything in the field,
Everything was flattened down,
Your petals were torn
Your foundations were washed away,
Your tears were washed with the storm.

Now everyone has stood up again,
Except you.
You have faded into oblivion,
No one remembers that you once stood tall in the fields
No one remembers your fragrance anymore
No one even remembers your name.


"Atta Way To Go"

Atta way to go you finally broke it off
Atta way to go we can't even talk or cry
Or even wonder why that a way to go

Didn't you believe me when I loved you
I guess you thought we were playing games
All this time I tried to think I've known you
I guess I really only knew your name

Atta way to go you finally broke it off
Atta way to go we can't even talk or cry
Or even wonder why that a way to go

I thought you knew I lived my life just for you
There was just no price to big to pay
And even though I know I still live for you
The feeling's that you show won't let me stay

Don Williams


At the end of the road

It's been a long walk,
Running and panting like a wounded gazelle,
The price at the end of the road,
Is where your focus is.

At the end of the road,
There is nothing,
There is nothing to behold,
It was all in vain,.
The race was a futility,
Everything was vanity,
The words, the actions, the intimate moments,
All were in vain.

At the end of the road,
Place of despair, hopelessness,
The crowd looks at you and laughs pointing mocking fingers at you,
They say, Oh poor fellow,
The weight of this burden is heavy on your heart,
But you have to move on no matter what has gone before.

At the end of this road,
Is where people lose the hope of living and dreaming,
Many have died at this point,
They can't live to face another tomorrow,
It's the valley of shadow of death.

At the end of the road,
Do you turn back,
Do you go to the left,
Do you to to the right,
Burying your head in your hands won't change the fact,
That your efforts can't be regained.

At the end of the road,
Look back but move forward,
Don't despair, pick yourself up,
Dust yourself off,
It was just some dust,
Wash your eyes so that you may see clearly,
Obstacles are those frightful things,
That we see when you take eyes off the prize,
Pick yourself up,
Dust yourself off,
Look into the person looking back at you in the mirror,
He deserves a second chance, to get it right from start.

At the end of the road, it's the choice we make,
That is a right choice.


Strength of a contrite heart

It's not the fall that hurts,
But the sudden stop.

It's not the words that break,
But message conveyed,

The human heart,
So fragile, so weak, yet very strong.

This heart gives a soldier courage to face a war,
This heart gives a fireman strength to endure a firestorm,
This heart, so fragile pushes limits unimaginable,
This heart, easily pricked, gives a grieving mother hope of better tomorrow.

Who can understand the heart,
It can be torn in pieces, yet picks itself up again,
It can be shuttered in agony, yet it cleanses itself in it's own tears.

The heart is strong,
It has a force enough to kill you,
Listen to your heart.
Listen to that voice you ignore coming from within.


When the heart is broken,
It shutters like pieces of glass,
The pieces vibrate continuously to a painful dance.

When the heart is pierced,
The arrow sticks right deep in the veins,
You can't pull it out without ripping open the flesh.

When the heart is crushed,
It falls flat like a petal that is trounced upon,
It's worthless and valueless.

Who can heal a broken heart,
When pain is all it can see?
Who can revive it again?

Oh and When a heart is broken,
Saying I am sorry may not fix it,
But it is the step to the right direction.


The Dog in Kivulu, by Ralph Bitamazire
The dog in Kivulu,
Thin, bony and yawning;
The dog in Kivulu,
panting and squatting
Like its master.
The dog in Kivulu,
Barking at naked children,
Children who sing a thanksgiving
As they leave the rubbish heaps.
The dog in Kivulu,
Running away from fat flies
And scratching its tail with teeth,
Biting nothing but itws own gums,
Swallowing nothing more than its own saliva.
The dog of Kivulu,
Guarding its drunkard master
And the hoard of fermenting millet,
Kwete and malwa in clay-pots.
But the dog of Kivulu
Lies by, with nothing to drink;
Nobody calls it Acaali the bitch,
It looks on -at the trenches -
And drinks the water from the cattleshed.


Jayden, you are a candle in the wind,
Always flickering and swaying
Yet,it won't go off
Dancing to every strife,
Every tide thrown at it,
Never backing down


Fare thee well my son,

It pains me to say goodbye,
We had just become friends and fond of each other,
and it happened, you had to go.

I keep looking every place for a sign of you,
All I find is the love and memories you've left with us,
I wish I knew where to find you again.
Are you the twinkle twinkle star?
Are you the bird that sings outside in the morning?
Are you the cool breeze that washes my face?

I promised you to always be there for you,
I wish I could have shared in your pain,
I wish I slept next to you,
Just to warm your lovely hands and beautiful feet,
And sing your favorite rhyme,

I miss you my boy,
You'll always live with us,
You are Le Grande Ninja.



© Pearlyn

They have no mouth, but seem to speak
A thousand words so mild and meek.

They have no eyes , but seem to see
And bury thoughts into me.

They have no ears, but seem to hear
All my cries, my every tear.

They have no arms, but seem to pat
When with worries my heart is fat.

They have no feet, but seem to walk
Along with me in my dreams and talk.

They, I know, are the flowers so nice
That spread their fragrance a million miles.

Grow a few and then you'll know
How your life is fresh and new.

With a smile so broad, I thank my God,
Whose work to imagine is really too hard.


First they came by Martin Niemöller

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me.



Njiwa peleka salamu,Oh kwa yule wangu Muhibu,
(Oh dove, convey my greetings, to the one I love)
Umueleze, afahamu, Kwamba N'napata ta'bu
(let him understand, I am suffering)
Hali yangu mahamumu,Oh Maradhi yamenisibu,
(My situation is not good, and am ailing)

Ewe Njiwa, Peleka salamu,Kwa yule, wangu muhibu
(Oh dove, convey the greetings, to him who is my friend)

Usiku kucha nakesha, Oh nayeye ndiye sababu,
(am awake all night, because of him)
Iwapo hajima'isha, itamfika aibu
(If he doesn't do something, he'll be ashamed)
pendo langu halija'sha, Oh ndilo liloniadhibu
(My love ain't over, it's what's punishing me)

Ewe Njiwa, Peleka salamu,Kwa yule, wangu muhibu
(Oh dove, convey the greetings, to him who is my friend)

Njiwa usihadaike, nenda un'letee majibu,
(dove don't be fooled, get me back the feedback)
Nenda upesi ufike, Mkimbilie swahibu,
(Get there so fast, run to my friend)
Mbele yake utamke, oh, niyeye wa kunitibu
(Stand before him and say, he's the one to heal me)

Ewe Njiwa, Peleka salamu,Kwa yule, wangu muhibu
(Oh dove, convey the greetings, to him who is my friend)

Ukifika tafadhali, oh sema naye taratibu,
(When you get there please, talk to him nicely)
Ukisema kwa ukali, mambo utayaharibu,
(If you speak with rage, you'll make things difficult/You will spoil everything)
Kamwambie sina hali, oh, kufariki si ajabu
(Say to him that I am hopeless, dying won't be something strange)

Ewe Njiwa, Peleka salamu,Kwa yule, wangu muhibu
(Oh dove, convey the greetings, to him who is my friend)



Ufukara si kilema,
N'ende wapi walimwengu, nifanyeje dunia,
Kulima nalima,
Navuna lawama ndugu zangu, bahati mbaya oyaye,

Nikisema lahaula, najua Mola jalali,
Imenikumba balala, sina hali sina mali,
Kwa wenzangu mashaala, kwa kweli zimenona zao hali,
Inanipita mihula, hali sijaibadili,
Zinaniisha zangu hila,maisha kitendawili

naangaika usiku mchana kuitafuta riziki baba,
Dhiki hii, eh Mungu baba naomba faraja,
Wazazi wangu mama, uwezo hawana baba
Sina digiri, sina refari, Kuchwa nachacharika,
Sipati n'nachotaaka, wajanja nao wananizidia.

Shamba hili mali yangu mimi, nimelima mie kwa mikono yangu,
kinachonipa machungu, kwangu nao si wenzangu, nambiwa sina changu
Nalia ehehe, nadhulumiwa na walimwengu,
Wananifanya mimi nyuki, masikini mzinga wangu,
Wanichoma naungua, asali yangu kwao ni dawa

Mimi kidege musala, mvua na jua kali,
Mimi popote nalala, kidege sina muhali,
Sichagui cha kukila, kidege, chochote ni maakuli,

Kidege sina mahila, embe kwangu ni ugali,
Ndio yangu majaala, nipewacho nakubali,

Naangaika usiku mchana kuitafuta riziki baba,
Dhiki hii, eh Mungu baba naomba faraja,
Wazazi wangu mama, uwezo hawana baba,
Sina digiri, sina refari, Kuchwa nachacharika,
Sipati n'nachotaaka, wajanja nao wananizidia.

Shamba hili mali yangu mimi, nimelima mie kwa mikono yangu,
Kinachonipa machungu, kwangu nao si wenzangu, nambiwa sina changu
Nalia ehehe, nadhulumiwa na walimwengu,
Wananifanya mimi nyuki, masikini mzinga wangu,
Wanichoma naungua, asali yangu kwao ni dawa.

N'namuhidi Mola, mimi kwake ni halali,
Ajuaye yangu kula, bora isiwe batili,
Wadekao na fadhila, kidege, sikhofu mimi sijali,
Ipo siku Inshaalla, Mwenyezi atanijali,
Kwa dua njema na sala, ndio yangu maadili

Naangaika usiku mchana kuitafuta riziki baba,
Dhiki hii, eh Mungu baba naomba faraja,
Wazazi wangu mama, uwezo hawana baba,
Sina digiri, sina refari, Kuchwa nachacharika,
Sipati n'nachotaaka, wajanja nao wananizidia.

Shamba hili mali yangu mimi, nimelima mie kwa mikono yangu,
Kinachonipa machungu, kwangu nao si wenzangu, nambiwa sina changu
Nalia ehehe, nadhulumiwa na walimwengu,
Wananifanya mimi nyuki, masikini mzinga wangu,
Wanichoma naungua, asali yangu kwao ni dawa.

Ningalimo mukabala, n'natafuta kivuli,
kidege mimi jalala, yoyote kwangu shughuli,
Kila kazi majaala, kidege, muradi siuramali,
Us'omshirika Allah, nakuomba yajamali,
Maisha sembeholela, bila hili pesa hali

Naangaika usiku mchana kuitafuta riziki baba,
Dhiki hii, eh Mungu baba naomba faraja,
Wazazi wangu mama, uwezo hawana baba,
Sina digiri, sina refari, Kuchwa nachacharika,
Sipati n'nachotaaka, wajanja nao wananizidia.

Shamba hili mali yangu mimi, nimelima mie kwa mikono yangu,
Kinachonipa machungu, kwangu nao si wenzangu, nambiwa sina changu
Nalia ehehe, nadhulumiwa na walimwengu,
Wananifanya mimi nyuki, masikini mzinga wangu,
Wanichoma naungua, asali yangu kwao ni dawa.


Let Me Go

When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me
I want no rites in a gloom filled room
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little, but not for long
And not with your head bowed low
Remember the love that once we shared
Miss me, but let me go.
For this is a journey we all must take
And each must go alone.
It’s all part of the master plan
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick at heart
Go the friends we know.
Laugh at all the things we used to do
Miss me, but let me go.
When I am dead my dearest
Sing no sad songs for me
Plant thou no roses at my head
Nor shady cypress tree
Be the green grass above me
With showers and dewdrops wet
And if thou wilt remember
And if thou wilt, forget.
I shall not see the shadows,
I shall not fear the rain;
I shall not hear the nightingale
Sing on as if in pain;
And dreaming through the twilight
That doth not rise nor set,
Haply I may remember,
And haply may forget.

Christina Rosetti


The Dog in Kivulu, by Ralph Bitamazire

The dog in Kivulu,
Thin, bony and yawning;
The dog in Kivulu,
panting and squatting
Like its master.
The dog in Kivulu,
Barking at naked children,
Children who sing a thanksgiving
As they leave the rubbish heaps.
The dog in Kivulu,
Running away from fat flies
And scratching its tail with teeth,
Biting nothing but itws own gums,
Swallowing nothing more than its own saliva.
The dog of Kivulu,
Guarding its drunkard master
And the hoard of fermenting millet,
Kwete and malwa in clay-pots.
But the dog of Kivulu
Lies by, with nothing to drink;
Nobody calls it Acaali the bitch,
It looks on -at the trenches -
And drinks the water from the cattleshed.



Fare thee well,
On this path you are now treading,
Riding high on Elijah's chariots.

Reality has visited us,
Our dear one shall not be amongst us,
She's flying higher; her head held high
Everlasting peace is all in her reach.

Our hearts despair,
Under this shade of pain and loss,
Rock of ages cleft for us; let's hide ourselves in thee.

Another leaf has fallen
Under the trunk of our great family,
Nothing can ever replace you,
'Til we meet again.



when I found the best,
I had to rest,
and leave behind the rest,
For I'd passed the test,
For now I can't protest,
Why I should have resisted,
When the craving for love persisted,
And in my heart it was registered.

In my heart you are enlisted,
Never will you be shortlisted,
As a candidate for fidelity,
You are now a special entity,
That will last eternity.

I don't know how it happened,
But we are now destined,
Together we are entwined,
In the heartland of love.



For Nine months,
We waited patiently,
For the day you will walk into our lives,
Days begat weeks,
Weeks begat months,
And the time and moment came.

The first moment I held you in my arms,
I felt like I already knew you for a long time,
The magnet connecting our hearts was very strong,
Pulling all my feelings to you,
The feeble hands, the beautiful eyes, the tiny legs,
I was scared you might slip through my fingers.

You smile from the very first day,
Caught the attention of my nerves,
It keeps radiating in my spirit everytime I see you smile again and again.

Nothing is as beautiful as seeing the look in your eyes,
when I know you have questions you'll like to ask
But you can't express them at the moment,
I see how you try to speak it out,
And you end up with a beautiful long humming,
That leaves us in stitches.

I love you my gentle one.


To my brave sisters, the kidnapped schoolgirls of Chibok,
On this first anniversary of your captivity, I write to you with a message of solidarity, love and hope. My name is Malala. I am a Pakistani girl your age. I am one of the millions of people around the world who keep you and your families foremost in our thoughts and prayers. We cannot imagine the full extent of the horrors you have endured. But please know this: we will never forget you. We will always stand with you.
Today and every day, we call on the Nigerian authorities and the international community to do more to bring you home. We will not rest until you have been reunited with your families.

Like you, I was a target of militants who did not want girls to go to school. Gunmen shot me and two of my friends on a school bus. All three of us survived and are back in school. Now we speak out on behalf of all girls about the right to get a proper education. Our campaign will continue until you and all girls and boys around the world are able to access a free, safe and quality secondary education.
Last July, I spent my 17th birthday in Nigeria with some of your parents and five of your classmates who escaped the kidnapping. Your parents are grief-stricken. They love you, and they miss you. My father and I wept and prayed with your parents – and they touched our hearts.

The escapee schoolgirls my father and I met impressed us with their resolve to overcome their challenges and to complete their high school education. My father and I promised your parents and the girls who had escaped that we would do all we could to help them. I met Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan and urged him to work harder for your freedom. I also asked President Jonathan to meet your parents and the girls who escaped the kidnapping, which he did a few days later. Still, in my opinion, Nigerian leaders and the international community have not done enough to help you. They must do much more to help secure your release. I am among many people pressuring them to make sure you are freed.

There are reasons for hope and optimism. Nigerian forces are re-gaining territory and protecting more schools. Nigeria's newly-elected president, Muhammadu Buhari, has vowed to make securing your freedom a top priority and promised his government will not tolerate violence against women and girls.

You will have the opportunity to receive the education you want and deserve. The Malala Fund and other organizations offered all your classmates who escaped the kidnapping full scholarships to complete their secondary education. Most of the escapee girls accepted this scholarship and are now continuing their studies at a safe boarding school and with the support they need. We hope to someday extend that same scholarship to all 219 of you, when you return home.

Remember that one day your tragic ordeal will end, you will be reunited with your families and friends, and you will have the chance to finish the education you courageously sought. I look forward to the day I can hug each one of you, pray with you, and celebrate your freedom with your families. Until then, stay strong, and never lose hope. You are my heroes.

Your sister,
Malala Yousoufzai


If I Had My Life To Live Over

by Erma Bombeck

The following was written by the late Erma Bombeck
after she found out she had a fatal disease.

If I had my life to live over, I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.

I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television - and more while watching life.

I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner."

There would have been more "I love you's".. More "I'm sorrys" ...

But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute... look at it and really see it ... live it...and never give it back.


Daddy's Little Angel~unknown

When you were born you filled my heart with pride,
And I was overcome by the joy I felt inside.
As I held you in my arms that very first day,
I knew I would never let any harm come your way.
With your tiny little hands and tiny little feet,
Every time I look at you my heart skips a beat.

As I watch you sleep in the middle of the night,
I hope and pray I will do everything right.
I know I may make some mistakes along the way,
But I promise to do my best not to every single day.
I often wonder what you will grow up to be,
But whatever you become will be fine with me.
So whatever you may decide to do in your life,
Maybe an astronaut, a lawyer, or even a doctor's wife.

I can say this without any doubt at all,
I will always be there to catch you if you fall.
And another promise I make to you from me,
Daddy's little angel you will always be.


At The End Of The Day by Les Miserables

At the end of the day you're another day older
And that's all you can say for the life of the poor
It's a struggle, it's a war
And there's nothing that anyone's giving
One more day, standing about, what is it for?
One day less to be living
At the end of the day you're another day colder
And the shirt on your back doesn't keep out the chill
And the righteous hurry past
They don't hear the little ones crying
And the winter is coming on fast, ready to kill
One day nearer to dying!
At the end of the day there's another day dawning
And the sun in the morning is waiting to rise
Like the waves crash on the sand
Like a storm that'll break any second
There's a hunger in the land
There's a reckoning still to be reckoned
And there's gonna be hell to pay
At the end of the day!

[The foreman and workers, including Fantine, emerge]

At the end of the day you get nothing for nothing
Sitting flat on your butt doesn't buy any bread

There are children back at home
And the children have got to be fed
And you're lucky to be in a job
And in a bed
And we're counting our blessings!

Have you seen how the foreman is fuming today?
With his terrible breath and his wandering hands?
It's because little Fantine won't give him his way
Take a look at his trousers, you'll see where he stands!

At the end of the day it's another day over
With enough in your pocket to last for a week
Pay the landlord pay the shop
Keep on grafting as long as you're able
Keep on grafting till you drop
Or it's back to the crumbs on the table
You've got to pay your way
At the end of the day!

What have we here, little innocent sister?
Come on Fantine, let's have all the news!

[She grabs the letter from Fantine]

"Dear Fantine you must send us more money...
Your child needs a doctor...
There's no time to lose!"

Give that letter to me!

[They fight over the letter. Valjean rushes over to
Break up the squabble]

[Valjean (as M. Madeleine)]
What is this fighting all about?
Will someone tear these two apart?
This is a factory, not a circus!
Now come on ladies, settle down
I run a business of repute
I am the Mayor of this town

[Valjean turns to the foreman]

I look to you to sort this out
And be as patient as you can

[He goes back into the factory]

Now someone say how this began!

At the end of the day she's the one who began it
There's a kid that she's hiding in some little town
There's a man she has to pay
You can guess how she picks up the extra
You can bet she's earning her keep sleeping around
And the boss wouldn't like it!

Yes it's true there's a child and the child is my daughter
And her father abandoned us leaving us flat
Now she lives with an innkeeper man and his wife
And I pay for the child
What's the matter with that?

At the end of the day she'll be nothing but trouble
And there's trouble for all when there's trouble for one
While we're earning our daily bread
She's the one with her hands in the butter
You must send the slt away
Or we're all gonna end in the gutter
And it's us who'll have to pay
At the end of the day!

I might have known the bitch could bite
I might have known the cat had claws
I might have guessed your little secret
Ah, yes, the virtuous Fantine
Who keeps herself so pure and clean
You'd be the cause I had no doubt
Of any trouble hereabout
You play a virgin in the light
But need no urgin' in the night

She's been laughing at you
While she's having her men

She'll be nothing but trouble again and again

You must sack her today

Sack the girl today!

Right my girl!
On your way


The letter of the unborn

Dear papa,
I know you are happy.
For you asked mama not to pester you,
You called her names,
Because I got inside her womb,
You threw her out of your house,
Because she trusted you ,
To share the secrets of her bosom.

Now papa, look at her,
She's crying day and night,
She can't go to my granny,
She is cursing all day,
Why she allowed you into the comfort of her heart.

Yesterday I heard her whisper,
The whisper scared me to death,
She talked of getting rid of me papa,
What have I done papa?
What have I done?
Is it not you who asked her out?
Is it not you who told her you'll never leave her?
Was I there when you cuddled and kissed her?
Was I the one who swept you off your feet?
Why should I die when you enjoyed the moment?
I haven't seen either of your face and neither have you seen me,

She whispered,
She called me 'this thing?'
She can't carry 'this thing' alone,
Papa, this thing has great dreams,
This thing has only one life to live,
Now you've made me a looser before I even tried,

Papa, papa, please papa,
I write to you because she can't listen to my cry,
I've kicked her several times, but my formless legs can't be felt,
I need that one chance papa,
Just one chance to live my life to the fullest,
Papa, keep me for the seven months papa,
Then dump me at the roadside,
Go your way and never look back,
I will find my way in this darkness,
I promise not to pester you papa.

I love you papa,
I am the dream you are chasing,
I am the future you've been looking to papa,
Don't let me go papa.


You are a miracle that I get every time I need one,
Every time I look above,
I see your face,
You breath love, inspiration, encouragement and happiness into my life,
You re-create and make me me new,
I speak this from my heart,
Knowing that you may not believe me,
For I see you in a way you may never understand,
and I understand you in a way you may never see,
I am so jealous,
Why I can't be with you all day and all night,
It grieves my heart,

Every time your voice sounds,
A fraction of my worries fades away,
Pain bows away,
Fear takes cover,
Tears of joy comes over.
You Stand out from the crowd,
Like the morning star,
alone and distant,
Like an angel,
Lovely and perfect,
Words can't define you.
I love you my angel.

Every time I look above,
I see a miracle that I get every time in you.





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