Kicheche Camps

Kicheche Camps Exclusive African safaris in Kenya’s private, prime wildlife conservancies from four small eco camps Travel company

Kicheche@25The first spot of the week was scribbled in a Moleskine notebook before being faxed to London. It involved li...


The first spot of the week was scribbled in a Moleskine notebook before being faxed to London. It involved lions, mentioning that they were just close enough to camp for our tallest staff member (of only six), Lenye, to see them. Lenye is still with us.

Twenty-five (25) years on, Paul and Greg, the founders, look a little older now; anyone would. With 170 staff and thousands of livelihoods depending on these four camps, they show no signs of hanging up their binoculars. They are just as determined to keep Kicheche at the vanguard of sustainable tourism in the community conservancies they helped establish, quite literally in this for the long game.

At ten years, Lenkume – one of the ‘Kicheche Six’ – accepted his long service award before turning to all the staff and declaring: ‘Ten years still makes me a kijana (young boy)... this is not something to brag about yet. I will talk if I’m still here at 25 years.’

It was quite the soliloquy, and he is still here, and he is talking. What’s more, his son is now working with him at Mara Camp too, joining the Kicheche family.

Are we going to celebrate? You bet we are, throughout 2025, culminating on October 15th in London.

The evening will feature bitings, sundowners, and rare and roar entertainment as we mark 25 years of wilderness awakenings. Oh, and we need you there... all of you. Put it in your diary. Now.

📍Kicheche Camps

Mara North Conservancy (Masai Mara, Kenya)
Mara Naboisho Conservancy
Olare Motorogi conservancy-Official
Ol Pejeta Conservancy

Your first Kicheche kiss is one you never forget.📍Kicheche Laikipia  Peter Kariuki                                      ...

Your first Kicheche kiss is one you never forget.

📍Kicheche Laikipia
Peter Kariuki


Lovers' tiff

Rudi with one of the Acacia girls this morning.

📍Kicheche Mara North


Spot of the Week - Leap into the

Whether it's a parental relationship, party, or a spotted relationship, there is always a time to go, trouble is often one side doesn't know this. Cheetah mothers can spend months trying to rid themselves of their offspring. Leopards however, are not quite as patient although it is rarely a clean break.

At 14 months Naboisho Conservancy's Nadala had spent a while on her own but kept returning to mother, particularly when her larder was empty. It has been fascinating to see mum's (Sankuet) patience wear thin: morphing from a few growls to some more robust wrestling.

Read full Spot via link in bio.

📍 Kicheche Valley, Mara Naboisho Conservancy
#📸 📹Barryrachwildlife
Guided by Nchoe David


Spot of the Week - Buffalo Soldiers

Just a few minutes from Olare's bush airstrip James Nampaso and Patrick Koriata witnessed an extraordinary battle not long after sunrise. In the dim crepuscular hours some lions from the local Enkoyani pride had injured a huge bull buffalo, breaking its back legs.
The rest of the pride were here to finish the job', Patrick said. 'It limped into the waterhole to escape the predators and after a while felt safe enough to retreat from this watery safe haven.
Read the full headlining spot covering extraordinary buffalo vs lion encounters with the and coalition Olare Motorogi Conservancy and Mara Naboisho Conservancy via

📍Kicheche Bush
Kicheche Valley
# 📸 James Nampaso

Through The Window.⁠ #📷  ⁠With    ⁠📍Kicheche Bush ⁠

Through The Window.⁠
#📷 ⁠
With ⁠
📍Kicheche Bush ⁠

THE LION FLINGWe are so proud of our two Titans James Nampaso and Patrick Koriata. Both were featured in the press this ...


We are so proud of our two Titans James Nampaso and Patrick Koriata. Both were featured in the press this morning in three newspapers with their spectacular coverage of this plains drama.

📍Kicheche Bush Olare

Olare Motorogi conservancy-Official


Testimonial Tuesday

Lydia brings extraordinary commitment to conservation, to life and to guests every time she jumps into her Kicheche Toyota.

We had an extraordinary safari with her from spotting serval kittens, to fabled leopard Nalangu and memorable sundowners especially when a herd of elephants gatecrashed the party!

Jeannette Widman. Clinton, Tennessee.

📍Kicheche Mara North
Mara North Conservancy (Masai Mara, Kenya)

Spot of the Week - Lydia's KittensHerding cats is difficult, but finding them can be even harder, especially when they a...

Spot of the Week - Lydia's Kittens

Herding cats is difficult, but finding them can be even harder, especially when they are five-week-old serval kittens weighing less than a kilo.

Quartering, trawling, and scanning endless oat grass plains and croton bushes: panning for spotted gold is a Herculean task and fruitlessly occupied many 'man' hours ... enter one Lydia Seela, Mara's camp's extraordinary silver guide.

Read more:

📍Kicheche Mara North
Lydia Seela

Paul Goldstein


Wild awake Monday morning

The four Enkoyanai pride males chased six, sub-adult males from the Acacia pride out of their territory.

📍Kicheche Mara North
Mara North Conservancy (Masai Mara, Kenya)
Mara Predator Conservation Programme


'Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.'
Norman Vincent Peale

Kicheche guide Jimmy Tinka, didn't miss this time, with his moon pecking Striped Kingfisher.


Kicheche's Spot of the Week - Eland of Plenty⁠

The false dawn was still blushing the horizon above Naboisho when two Ilkisiausiau pride females arrowed through the oat grass towards an Eland family. Their initial skirmish failed but unusually they immediately tried again and the young antelope, confused by a mass of hyenas ahead hesitated, fatally. The triumphant females promptly dragged it down. They had their prize for around ten seconds before it was pillaged by sixty (60) hyenas who ploughed into them and tore into this fresh early breakfast.

📍Kicheche Valley Naboisho

Last but certainly not least our tenth Safari Partner, Kicheche. We are incredibly proud to have them support the compet...

Last but certainly not least our tenth Safari Partner, Kicheche. We are incredibly proud to have them support the competition and host a winner for their plus one for three nights. ⁠

( #📷 )


Paws and reflect ...
2024 was a feast of flora and fauna. Gorge on these bitings. We are beyond excited to have you on our journey as we enter our 25 year milestone and thanks for being .

Kicheche... Not just for Christmas? Many have said how they'd love to spend this time of year at Kicheche and their unso...

Kicheche... Not just for Christmas?

Many have said how they'd love to spend this time of year at Kicheche and their unsolicited correspondence is always a joy, but particularly when they tell us, with both yearning and a little decoration, what they really miss.

So, compiled over many years, this is their letter to Santa.

Santa, would you please bring:

1. A pangolin again (!) … Sally, Co Cork, Ireland
2. Leopard with triplets (last seen 2012) Phillip Norwich, UK
3. A lie-in (No chance) Peter, Perth, Australia
4. Kachembari intravenously (hot topic) Roger & Pamela, Ottawa (Canada)

Could you also supply:

5. A Kicheche hot water bottle to keep (perhaps just the cover) Simon, Fulham, UK
6. My family to provide bitings every evening (they don’t?) Phyllis, Atlanta, USA
7. Lions rumbling each night (We hear you) Jacob and Tina, Maidenhead, UK
8. My husband not rumbling each night (We hear you again) Mary NYC, USA

And if it's not too much trouble:

9. My local knowing exactly how I take my G&T like Kennedy does, (they just don’t do they?) Theresa, Basingstoke, UK
10. Someone to launder my clothes even half as well as Lenye (No-one does) Francois, Lyon, France
11. That Mara Camp souffle on Deliveroo (speed dial) Toby & Penny, Penarth, Wales
12. Mount Kenya out my window not Mount Pleasant High school (long stays welcome) Peter, St Albans, UK

And while you're at it:

13. Amarula in my latte (should be compulsory) Jennifer and Ross, Napier, NZ
14. Sunday night to ALWAYS be curry night (Isn’t it anyway?) Tom and Nancy, Chiswick, UK
15. A Maasai chorus every time a member of my family has a birthday (but 'has' to be done live) Dieter, Hannover, Germany
16. A handwritten welcome card on my bed every day (with a wild sage garnish…obvs) Lukas, Bergen, Osl
17. Tree tomato juice when I get home from work in Cleveland (those trees grow in Ohio?) Lisa Ann
18. A Masai poncho every time it rains in Manchester (might need more than one) Jonathan, Chester, UK
19. Freshly made lemonade and afternoon cake every day (not sure we can deliver) Steve and Margaret, Santa Barbara, USA
20. Bat-eared fox den, not urban foxes raiding my dustbins (for fox sake) Erica, Lewisham UK


‘Tuskered’ at Kicheche Camps

On the drive of Kicheche Mara Camp

Mara Elephant Project
Mara North Conservancy (Masai Mara, Kenya)


Spot of the Week - It's Our Turn To Eat

Jenny and Graham are in for their winter retreat and it was not long before their Kicheche Valley Camp relationship with Johnson Kepara bore dividends. This sorcerer found a hungry cheetah ‘Namunyak’ and her boy two (2) hundred metres from camp.

She missed her first lunch sitting but then brought down a large male impala. This is a big meal for any cheetah regardless of the time of year and pretty soon the two spotted bellies resembled basketballs.

Read full Spot via

📍Kicheche Valley
Mara Naboisho Conservancy

Johnson Kepera


UltraMARAthon 2024

Kicheche was delighted to give the 5th Ultra_Mara_thon
some legs again this year, entering two relay teams of four staff members in each.

The UltraMARAthon is not only a test of endurance but a powerful way to support conservation and community initiatives.

The proceeds significantly benefit Mara Elephant Project’s key goals including rangers training, equipment and uniform, healthcare and salary support.

The Kicheche Ultras team secured 3rd place in the men-only 4×12.5 km relay category, while the Kicheche Stars team finished 10th in the 50 km mixed 4×12.5 km relay category.

Well done to *ultraMARAthon Line-up* 🥇🎖️🏅

*Kicheche ULTRAS:*
1. Jackson Lekishon
2. ⁠Peter Lemein
3. ⁠Aaron Sairowua
4. ⁠Robert Takata

*Kicheche STARS:*
1. Nelson Kamakia
2. ⁠Donna Goldstein
3. ⁠Edwin Kimemia
4. ⁠Dalmas Lenkume

This year, Kicheche Camps played a vital role in the event’s success by sponsoring the relay station at the 25km mark. Thanks to the support crew Andrew, Esther, Aurelie, Lydia and Jimmy.

Asante sana team for representing us and kudos for another fantastic run of this great event.


P. O Box 15236


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Our Story

Our Passion

Wildlife numbers have declined dramatically throughout Africa over the last few decades. The primary cause is not poaching or hunting but habitat loss which is largely driven by a growing human population competing for resources hence the critical need for Conservancies.

The creation of them has enabled the protection of the habitat whilst providing an important revenue stream for the landowning communities in addition to jobs and security, all funded by tourism, plus social welfare projects funded by donors. All Kicheche camps are located inside Conservancies. Our founder is the chairman of Olare Conservancy and like his staff, swallowed the ethic whole about these precious parcels of land and wildlife havens.

Our Founders