CHANGES the CHAIRMAN is Making on HOW We Can Give Help
This post is an expansion of a post I, Dr. Dee Groberg, made in July, 2018
But this post contains more details and some future plans for our NGO
I am Dr. D. H. Groberg, better known as just "Dr. Dee. "I am a retired American, living temporarily in Cambodia. I am also the Chairman of a local NGO by the name of "The SOLIDARITY FUND for RURAL DEVELOPMENT in Cambodia," or by just the initials "SFRD." This NGO was established in 2012 by Mr. Chhay Leang Suy, a talented and capable Cambodian man who has always loved and believed in his country. And he is not a man of words only; he is a man of high integrity--one who “walks his talk.” Not able to help with everything his country needed, he decided to focus the effort of the NGO, “SFRD,” on one specific goal: helping that great number of Cambodia living in the poverty of Cambodia’s rural areas lift and improve their standard of living.
At first this was done by providing some basic items most rural residents lacked, like latrines and water filters. This did help lift the living standards of the very few rural families who received them, but at the slow rate the NGO was receiving donations, and thus the slow pace it has been supplying these items, it would take over 16,000 years to fill the needs for just these two items! And more seriously, trying to help in this way unintentionally reinforces a growing negative belief among rural residents that the only way they can get their living standard raised was for someone else to raise it for them.
I noticed these unexpected problems trying to help by simply giving things to those rural families who "appeared to need them the most," and I pointed them out to Mr. Chhay, who was a valued and respected friend at the time. Mr. Chhay immediately recognized the problems, but with the meager donations the NGO was receiving, he didn’t know how else to help these rural residents. I shared some of my ideas about what could do done and how we could do it. Mr. Chhay liked the ideas and asked me to help implement them by leading the NGO in this new direction as the Chairman.
So, about 2 years ago I was given the responsibility—and the opportunity—of leading SOLIDARITY FUND for RURAL DEVELOPMENT in Cambodia. I receive no pay or other tangible compensation for this work. My one snd only compensation is the intrinsic reward that comes from knowing I am helping people who really need help, and that the help I give REALLY HELPS, long term.
The first thing I did as Chairman was to address the two problems I had seen with HOW the NGO was trying to help. I felt the first problem--the most absurd amount of time it would take to fill all the needs-was a secondary problem, and it would probably be resolved by if we could stop reinforcing these negative and counter-productive beliefs and mind sets our way of trying to help was doing.The way we had been trying to help--that is just GIVING THINGS to them--didn’t CAUSE these negative beliefs. No. They had been festering there for a long time, But I knew that the current negative beliefs, mind sets, and self-images HAD to change if we were to give help that really helped long term. If NOT, we would be fighting against ourselves. It was totally incompatible for use to try to change the current negative beliefs AND continue to continue to reinforce them by our actions.
So, it was clear that stopping our reinforcement of these negative beliefs would be a significant and necessary step we would need to take before we began trying to help them change these beliefs. But I also knew that giving free latrines and water filters to rural residents was about the only thing the NGO was doing. To suddenly stop doing it would make it appear that we were giving NO HELP at all.
The paralyzing affect that these negative beliefs were and still are having can be seen by clearly stating a few of them, (which rural residents may not actually say in words, but their actions or lack thereof speak louder and clearer than words anyway).
1. “As a rural resident, the ONLY WAY my living standards will be raised is if someone else raises them for me.”
And another one:
2. “As a rural resident I am INCAPABLE of raising my living standards by myself.”
And another:
3. “As a rural resident, the best thing for me to do to raise my living standards —in fact the ONLY thing I CAN do—is to DO NOTHING and wait and hope that someone with a generous heart and lots of money will come along and lift my living standards for me.”
This kind of thinking is like waiting and hoping to win the lottery without even buying a lottery ticket! Why would put in any effort themselves if they believe it wouldn’t help? And think how much easier it is to just wait and hope that someone with a generous heart and lots of money will come along and raise their standard of living for them. By our supplying a few rural residents with items that lifted their standards of living--even though they did little or nothing themselves to earn it--we were in essence saying, “Yes. What you believe and feel about yourselves and your situation is true. Having us or someone else lift your living standards FOR YOU is the only way your living standards can be lifted and improved"
It has been observed that "For every hundred people cutting at the leaves and branches of a problem, (the SYMPTOMS), there is only one hacking at the roots," (the CAUSE.)
By carefully thinking through what our way of trying to help was actually doing, we were then able to identify the single biggest challenge--the ROOT CAUSE--we were facing in trying to give the kind of help to rural residents that would REALLY HELP long term. That challenge was this: changing the long-held but non-effective beliefs and mind sets, beginning with a self-image that tells them they are incapable of doing anything by themselves, and that the primary reason they are incapable is because they DON'T have any MONEY."
Both parts of these non-effective mind sets are simply NOT TRUE. Yes, rural residents may not have much money, but they do have some. They generally CHOOSE to use it for things other than that which could raise their standard of living--but why would they use it for that when didn't believe it would help? But they do have some money.
And the belief that they are INCAPABLE of doing anything by themselves that would raise their own standards of living CANNOT possibly be true. It may indeed be true that they believe they are incapable, but believing something doesn't make it true. It only takes one rural resident that uses their own resources—even if they are only intangible resources like time, energy, perseverance, willpower, etc.--to lift their own living standards--even just a little--to show that rural Cambodians ARE capable of lifting their own standard of living. It’s the one who DOES it that proves they ALL have the ability.
But there is not just one, there are MANY rural people who have raised their own standards of living by themselves, which clearly shows that those who believe they are incapable believe something that is clearly NOT TRUE.
In saying this. I need to be clear that my intent is NOT to criticize these rural residents for their beliefs and mind sets. I would probably hold to similar or even less productive beliefs and a mind-set if I had arrived where they are through the same experiences that took them there, both physically and mentally. After knowing about even some of the negative, demeaning "things" they have experienced, I am in awe and deeply admire and respect their courage to have endured and even survived. I wonder if I could have or would have done as well, were I in that same situation.
Nevertheless, my life experiences have taken me to a differnt place, to a firm belief that without a change in the beliefs, the mind sets--especially the image of SELF that now prevails--other attempts to help--giving things, providing money, building a better infrastructure, etc.--are unlikely to give help that really helps in the long term. More likely, such actions will reinforce the current beliefs and mind-sets. But WITH the change of the current negative beliefs and mind-sets--again, especially the belief they have about themselves--the things, the money, the improved infrastructure, etc., CAN and most likely WILL lead to help that really helps long term.
I accept that changing beliefs, mind-sets, self-images, etc., is without question, usually a most difficult task. I also believe that it CAN be done and that it MUST be done in order to give help that really helps long term. Certainly it is easier to give and man a fish than to teach a man to fish. But giving a man a fish only feeds him for a day, AND makes him dependent upon the given, NOT self-reliant. Teaching him to fish may be more difficult and require more time, but it is very much worth it. One who knows how to fish can feed himself and his family for a life time, AND he can pass the skill down.
The reason that the beliefs and mind sets and MUST change becomes obvious when one examines the power and choking grip such intangibles have on a person. A closer look reveals how these intangibles can and do masquerade as reality in the minds of those who hold them. Thus, they become self-fulfilling.
Consider this: With regard to beliefs, it is often said: "IF YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN, OR YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN'T, YOU'RE RIGHT!" So, it matters greatly what people believe. Even if they believe in something that is NOT TRUE, their belief in it is REAL to them and will keep them from taking the kind of actions that could and would change everything for the better. So, it's almost the same as if what they believe WERE true.
That is only a an expanded summary of the biggest difficulty I feel that I and the NGO I am directing, The SOLIDARITY FUND for RURAL DEVELOPMENT in Cambodia are facing in trying to help the rural Cambodians develop the Self-Reliance and the confidence to raise their own living standards.
But I am NOT presenting this negatively, as an excuse or as an insurmountable barrier or road block to offering help that really helps. Not at all. Knowing what the single biggest difficulty is, and having seen and even been a part of many successful efforts to solve such a problem--to change beliefs, mind-sets, and self-images--gives me the confidence that if the right effort is put into it, it will be just as successful here in Cambodia with the rural residents we are working with.
Perhaps more importantly, I have seen the immediate positive effects such changes have had on almost everything else. And I am FULLY CONFIDENT that it can be done here and now as our NGO works to lift the living standards of rural Cambodians.
I have deliberately stated the last few words above wrongly. I have done so in order to show how different, how powerful, and how effective doing things the way I have described, (and the way I intend doing them) is. The last few words above state: “as our NGO works to lift the living standards of rural Cambodians.”
That is WRONGLY stated. Let me correct that statement now. Neither I nor the NGO I am directing intends to change anyone’s beliefs, mind sets, or self-images. No! Both I and the NGO are going to offer information, begin new processes, show tangible reasons, give positive and real examples, and find, recognize, and support the efforts of people to make positive changes. This will result in the people we are working with to WANT to change their OWN ineffective, untrue beliefs, mind sets, and self-images. We will also show them HOW to change them—the one by one steps they can take to make the changes. This will be helping them to take small steps an see small results, then take larger and more confident steps, and get more rewarding results, and so forth.
Additionally, neither I nor the NGO, SFRD that I am directing intends that WE will raise the living standards of rural Cambodians or anyone else’s. No. Again, we are not the ones that will lift their living standards. With the new positive and more effective beliefs, mind-sets, and self-images--and the immediate results the rural Cambodians will have from them., THEY will be the ones that lift their OWN standards of living.
Our role we will be as a resource for them, to give them examples of things they might do--and things others have done--that would lift their living standards. In that way we will be helping them with the HOW TO as well.
Now, let me modify the last part of the first sentence of that same paragraph above to describe our role more accurately: We are . . . “trying to help the rural Cambodians develop the desire, the self-reliance, the confidence, and the know-how to continuously raise their own living standards.”
I do NOT see the rural people as a problem, but rather as the most important part of a solution to a core, ROOT problem that they are coping with. I envision them to be the ones who solve the problem, using us as a resource for ideas, tools, and experience in solving the problem. I see what we as an NGO are trying to do—our initiative, or program—as THEIR initiative and program much more than it is ours. I intend to begin turning parts of it over to them almost immediately and continue turning more and more over to them as they are able to grasps the ideas and show ownership of them.
I believe that is the best way--perhaps the ONLY WAY--to assure that the help we give is HELP THAT REALLY HELPS, long term.
If anyone has thoughts, ideas, suggestions, or anything else constructive and helpful about what I have written here and what I intend to do and how I intend to do it in steering the NGO in a new and more promising direction, I would love to hear from you so I can learn from you and from your comments. I welcome and value your comments, ideas, and your support.
Sincerely, Dr. D. H. (Dee) Groberg, or "Dr. Dee," Chairman of NGO SOLIDARITY FUND for RURAL DEVELOPMENT in Cambodia.
I have developed detailed plans as well as a tentative schedule for carrying out this initiative. I plan to write a series of posts giving at the core ideas, and how each part reinforces both what has come before as well as what will come later. Here is a preview of some of the things that will be addressed in these posts:
We are in the initial stages of carrying out this new approach to providing help that really helps. Unlike many types of aid--, food, medicine, clothing, shelter, etc., this is not something that we can just “deliver” and then leave. It is a long-term interactive process with the goal of “empowering” the rural residents so that they can help each other and wisely and effectively use the resources they now have, and continuously develop new ones.
By “empowering” I don’t mean “giving them power,” as the word is usually thought to mean. Of course, they do need power in order to become self-sufficient and do things like solve their own problems. But I don’t need to give that power to them because I believe that they already have it within them—perhaps largely in a potential form and undeveloped—but that’s how everyone who achieves anything of value starts out.
I see my challenge, and the challenge of my colleagues and our HUMANITARIAN NGO—and also our great opportunity—to be catalysts to help RELEASE more of that potential and to help the owners of that potential nurture and develop it. It takes time and patience. It is starting slowly—as most things of lasting value do—but it will gather great momentum as it demonstrates its value by the positive results it produces.
Not everyone will move at the same pace through the many changes that will occur as this “Rural Initiative” gains momentum. At first it will be only a few who catch the vision of it and move fast early. They will be a small minority. Then others encouraged by the successes of those who moved fast early will start getting involved. Some will even surpass the earlier ones.
Then larger and larger numbers of people who have seen the successes again and again, will have the confidence to follow, some making impressive innovations that everyone begins to use.
After a period of time, those who have not yet caught the vision and the value of what is happening, (and who are a minority now), will begin to try their ideas and because they benefit from the experience and help from those who caught on earlier, they will be almost assured to have success.
The approach is based almost entirely on natural laws, mainly those dealing with the interactions of people. No person or group of people created these laws, but over the years many people have discovered and defined them, and many more people have found ways to use these natural laws to works FOR them, not AGAINST them in achieving what they are trying to achieve.
Watch for new posts and details of the plan!
Again, If anyone has thoughts, ideas, suggestions, or anything else constructive and helpful to offer concerning what I have written, and what our NGO intends to do to insure that the HELP we GIVE REALLY DOES HELP LONG TERM. We intend to re-align our goals and activities to focus on the more difficult but more promising CORE ROOT issues like BELIEFS, SELF IMAGES, and MIND-SETS. This will require us to steer our NGO in a somewhat new direction, but one we firmly believe will be sustainable and infinitely more fruitful. I would love to hear from you, learn from you, and where possible cooperate and even work together with you in situations where all will benefit from doing so. I welcome and value your comments, your ideas, and your support. Dr. Dee Groberg