Well Irma is headed our way. Our last major hurricane that set us back was about 20 yrs ago. I remember hurricanes Hugo, George, Louis and Marilyn very well indeed. The last 2 were in Sept about 3 weeks apart. Shutters are up, generators checked, water tanks filled, spare petrol in, anything that can fly stored, big trees cut back and shaped tight - learned that growing up from the groundsmen, animal shelters checked and secured, flashlights working, tinned food and drinking water in and on it goes. Just before the weather gets too bad the power station shuts down the electricity, then the main phone lines, TV and internet are next to go. Water stays on but it can get very dirty and then the main filters get clogged. I will see the water supervisor for my area tomorrow and get updated. We are off the main line so when they shut off the main lines we still have water as no one wants to trek up into the back fields to turn us off. Basseterre, Frigate Bay, the main beaches, Old Road, the Bay Road and the road to Brimstone Hill tend to get hit hard. But for a small island we usually recover well. Being a mountainous island our mountain ranges help a lot where as St. Maarten and Anguilla are mostly flat they tend to get flooded out. Tomorrow we clean the ponds, check the roofs as there are certain areas that get hit harder. I remember once one of the heavy garage doors went flying and part of the verandah roof went same time. Insurance up to date. Many people on the island do not insure their houses. It is costly but one day worth it. School was to start Wed but that sure that will not be the case. I hope the emergency services are up to scratch. Be safe and God Bless.