Midan City

Midan City MIDAN City 비 전 / 방문객에게는 잊지 못할 재미와 엔터테인먼트를. 지역주민에겐 아름다운 자연 경관 제공. Most of the southern border of the site is edged by oak and pine forested mountains. Time is now!

Our vision is set to offer visitors an unforgettable fun and entertainment experience as well as to create an ideal and naturally scenic place for permanent local residents.

친환경, 자족 도시 / 엔터테인먼트, 쇼핑, 레저, 비즈니스 및 의료, 교육, 주거시설을 겸비하며 친환경적인 요소를 접목한 올인원 시티. SELF-SUSTAINABLE, ECO-FRIENDLY MIDAN City will be an “All-in-One-City” providing a variety of facilities including diverse entertainment, shopping,

leisure, and business as well as medical, educational and residential amenities. These facilities will be located within a concept of “Green Rhapsody”, a system of natural layers of existing natural site features as well as planned park space connections. Marina and Chinese Cultural Village adds an international flavor to our city where people would experience Chinese culture and food as well as language training

경쟁력 갖춘 편의적 지리 동북아의 중심지 / 인천경제자유구역 내 영종도에 위치. 도쿄, 홍콩, 상해, 베이징 등 아시아 주요도시 3.5시간 비행거리 이내 전 세계 인구의 1/3 규모의 인구 집중. 세계적인 교통 중심지인 인천국제공항과 10분 거리. COMPETITIVE AND CONVENIENT LOCATION MIDAN City is located at Yeongjong Island within Incheon Free Economic Zone, the Center of North East Asia within 3.5 hours flight distance from major Asian Cities including Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taipei, Beijing as well as Vladivostok, covering approximately 1.5 billion populations. MIDAN City located within 10 minutes driving distance from Incheon International Airport, one of the world’s busiest transportation hubs, is equivalent to Dubai airport in MENA region and Singapore airport in South East Asia. MIDAN City will be accessible by monorail and shuttle buses from Incheon international airport; and Airport Express Rail (AREX), boat and buses from Seoul, which is only 40 km away.

장관을 이루는 주변환경 / 아름다운 경관을 자랑하는 산과 바다로 둘러싸인 270 hectares 규모의 미단시티는 누구나 찾는 복합 리조트/레저도시로 거듭 날 것이다. SPECTACULAR SURROUNDINGS 270 hectares site is bordered by the seawall to the north, beyond which offer spectacular view of the distant mountains over the ever-changing mud flats landscape. The western portion contains a harbor with small fishing boats and an active local shell fishing industry. Set between the mountains and the sea edge, MIDAN City will be a “Destination Resort/Leisure City”.

시장 환경 / 2020년 인천공항 연간 이용객은 1억명에 다다를것으로 예상되며 이중 60%는 환승객으로 예상된다. 환승객의 평균 대기시간은 4.5시간. 간편해진 비자심사 및 2020년까지 무비자 지역 추진 예상으로 견주어 봤을 때 6천만명의 환승객 및 미단시티를 거쳐가는 방문객들이 몰릴 것으로 기대. 또한, 2천5백만의 인구가 분포된 수도권과 불과 40분 거리 위치. 2014년에 인천시에서 개최될 17회 아시안게임의 파급효과 또한 클 것으로 기대된다. MARKET POTENTIAL Incheon international airport expects 100 million passengers by 2020, of which 60% would be transit passengers. Transit passengers normally spend an average of 4.5 hours at the airport. With simplified Visa procedure now & Visa free district by 2020, MIDAN City can attract up to 60 million transit passengers as well as visitors passing through. Greater Seoul with approximately 25 million populations is only 40 minutes away by car. In 2014, Incheon City will hold 17th Asian Game.

국내외 굴지의 파트너 / 아시아지역의 대기업중의 하나인 리포그룹의 주도하에 공기업인 인천도시개발공사 및 국내 유명 굴지의 기업들 (GS건설, SK건설, 포스코건설, 우림건설, 한국외환은행, 우리은행, 미래에셋, LIG등) 과 사업 추진. PROMINENT PARTNERS Spearheaded by Lippo, one of the biggest Asian conglomerate companies in partnership with prominent domestic companies such as Incheon Urban Development Corporation (IUDC), GS E&C, SK E&C, POSCO, Woolim, Koam, Korea Exchange Bank, Woori Bank, Mirae Asset and LIG.

투자 수익 극대화를 위해 지금 투자하십시오. Invest now to maximize profit by getting ready to accommodate visitors by 2014.




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