Trekking Club

Trekking Club Мы предлагаем приключения!


Тимбилдинг с командой Trekking Club

Как организовать выезд для своей компании? Как весело и эффективно провести время с коллегами на природе? Где можно отдохнуть с красивыми видами и хорошим питанием? Как мотивировать сотрудников?

Перед организатором праздников обычно встает много вопросов. Решений тоже немало – для разных групп и сезонов, но, возможно, именно сегодня вы ищете что-то оригинальное и активное. То, от чего будут в восторге и участники, и руководство.

И мы можем с этим помочь!

В активе Trekking Club сотни успешных outdoor-мероприятий для взрослых и детей, групп от 10 до 500 человек. Наши сценарии всегда необычны: мы организуем event-ы силами своей команды и собственными ресурсами, которые, к примеру, позволяют людям с любой подготовкой соревноваться в лазании по скалам или переправе через каньон, искать клады с приборами GPS, строить форты, стрелять из лука или решать другие командные задачи безопасно и увлекательно. При этом, мы уделяем большое внимание и окружающей красоте, и питанию, и логистике. Выбор подходящей природной локации, интересный сценарий, хорошее питание и правильное планирование – залог успешного выезда, вне зависимости от количества участников.

Мы тщательно подходим к организации каждого мероприятия, для нас важен не только результат, но и эмоции, от которых заряжается и наша команда. Возможно, благодаря этому, мы сотрудничаем со многими компаниями с 2005 года, и не перестаем их удивлять.

📌 В чем уникальность наших квестов?

Тимбилдинги и квесты от команды Trekking Club нацелены на создание слаженной и эффективной группы. Они проводятся в виде реалити – постановок и приключенческих соревнований, всегда на открытом воздухе (мы не организуем развлечения в залах).

Программы могут сочетать в себе элементы популярного мультиспорта:

👍 заезды на велосипедах или самокатах

👍 скалолазание

👍 стрельба из лука

👍 каньонинг

👍 геокешинг с GPS, рациями, картами и пр.

👍 фото-квесты

👍 эстафеты, исторические или приключенческие задачи

👍 веревочные препятствия, переправы, паутины, slack-line

Для каждого случая мы разрабатываем сценарий и легенду – это может быть “Захват острова”, “Большой курултай” или что-то связанное с именно вашей тематикой. Главное - программа будет увлекательна и подойдет для людей с любой физической подготовкой.

📌 Как это происходит?

Вы рассказываете о вашей команде, составе и количестве игроков/отдыхающих. Мы согласовываем с вами даты и место.

Для весенних и осенних приключений отлично подходит Тамгалы-Тас – правобережье р.Или. Это огромная природная территория, где можно развернуться с активными играми с любой компанией. Здесь есть что посмотреть и чем заняться даже после мероприятия. Прекрасные степные пейзажи, развалины буддийского монастыря и скалы станут приятным бонусом.

В летний период мы обычно проводим тимбилдинги на собственной территории в ущелье Тургень. Это приватная площадка, настоящий лесной «остров», где все готово для вашего веселого выезда: красивый велотрек, веревочный парк, переправа над бурлящей рекой и даже зона гамаков.

После выбора даты и локации, мы обсуждаем с вами сценарий. В однодневном выезде, регламент дня обычно выглядит так:

09.00 – 11.00 переезд из Алматы до выбранного места

11.00 – 12.00 встреча, знакомство с локацией, кофе-брейк и вступление

12.00 – 15.30 (16.00) приключения! Точное время зависит от величины группы и легенды игры, но непрерывно двигаться свыше 4 часов человеку обычно не хочется 😆

16.00 – 17.00 красивый обед на природе

18.00 – выезд домой

📌 Что требуется?

От вас: информация о сроках и вашей группе. Ну и прибыть к началу игры без опоздания, с заряженными участниками. Впрочем, участники могут быть и не в курсе ваших планов – это вполне может быть и сюрпризом.

Не беспокойтесь о настроении! Мы ни разу, за всю нашу почти 20-летнюю практику, не видели, чтобы кто-то не включился в игру – участвуют всегда все. Так что просто проследите, чтобы люди были одеты спортивно, и наблюдайте процесс.

📌 Что предоставляем мы:

⇒ помимо разработки сценария и ведения игры, для активных этапов мы предоставляем все необходимое специальное снаряжение: велосипеды с комплектами защиты, самокаты, спортивные луки в сборе со стрелами и мишенью, GPS-навигаторы, рации, веревки/карабины/ролики, страховочные системы, оборудование для эстафет, скалолазания, каньонинга и пр. Мы используем только собственное сертифицированное снаряжение. Мы его привозим, устанавливаем и снимаем сами.

⇒ квалифицированный персонал: инструкторов, судей, ведущего и ассистентов. Мы также заранее готовим территорию - проверяем и обозначаем трассы соответствующим образом. Используются ограничительные ленты, указатели, флажки и флаги, конусы и пр.

⇒ безопасность: наши этапы устроены таким образом, чтобы участник с любой физической подготовкой смог преодолеть их безопасно и с максимальным комфортом. Участки с опасностями, любыми вероятными рисками травм, исключены. На каждом этапе инструктор всегда обеспечивает участников специальными средствами защиты.

⇒ питание. Выездной кейтеринг – одно из направлений нашей работы, мы часто обслуживаем питанием open-air мероприятия, фестивали, съемки и пр. Поэтому, на наших тимбилдингах мы также обычно кормим сами. Привозим и устанавливаем большие шатры, столы, посуду, умывальники и прочий инвентарь для комфортного и красивого праздника на природе. Больше о нашем выездном кейтеринге вы найдете здесь.

⇒ сервис «под ключ». Мы можем взять на себя полную организацию вашего выездного мероприятия: от транспорта и активностей до питания и вопросов с территорией. Вы уже поняли, что у нас все для этого есть: собственное снаряжение и ресурсы, транспорт, своей кейтеринг, и самое главное – креативная команда.

📌 Что еще?

…а еще, у нас есть масса идей и сценариев для активного детского праздника, выпускного или дня рождения! Мы умеем проводить веселые квесты не только для взрослых но и для детей. Причем, детские приключения могут быть даже разнообразнее. Можно включать кулинарные конкурсы, поиски кладов с металлоискателями и еще многое, о чем вы и ваши дети даже не мечтали.

Кстати, мероприятие может быть и не 1 день – у нас есть опыт и своя база для размещения с ночевкой. Вечерние посиделки и песни под гитару у костра обычно только добавляют душевности коллективному выезду.

Больше полезной информации у нас на сайте:

#тимбилдинг #тимбилдинги #тимбилдингалматы #квест #квест #квесты #квествалматы #корпоратив #корпоративы #корпоративалматы


Приглашаем в 2-дневный тур Чарын - Кольсай - Каинды

Отличный вариант на выходные для с полным сервисом для тех, у кого нет времени заниматься организацией путешествия.

Утром первого дня за вами заедет наш гид на комфортном чистом джипе. По новой трассе, в объезд всех поселков доезжаем до Чилика, где сворачиваем в сторону Чарына, и, миновав перевал Кокпек, попадаем в Национальный парк.
Парк "Каньоны Чарына" огромен - он включает в себя несколько боковых притоков реки Чарын и прилегающие к ним территории. Наибольший интерес представляет небольшой каньон под названием Долина Замков. Мы пройдемся по дну скалистого ущелья, стены которого нависают над головой, поражая удивительными формами и цветами и оставляя ощущение полного погружения в мир зазеркалья. Чарын известен далеко за пределами нашей страны, и его часто сравнивают с Гранд Каньоном в Колорадо.
Осмотрев каньон и окунув руки в бурные воды Чарына, мы обедаем в стиле пикника на природе, с потрясающими видами.
Наш дальнейший путь станет наглядной и очень яркой иллюстрацией разнообразия природы Казахстана. Всего за пару часов из зоны пустынь и песчаных ущелий мы доберемся до высоких гор и глубоких озер с ледниковой водой. Едем в Кольсай.
Кольсайские озера (их три) расположены в хребте Кунгей Алатау, который разделяет Казахстан и Киргизию. Самое большое озеро в каскаде Кольсая - Первое. На него мы и приедем прямиком с Чарына. Первое Кольсайское озеро - это огромный, невероятно чистый горный водоем, зажатый в горной теснине. Отражение гор всегда можно видеть на зеркальной глади озера. Кольсай - это жемчужина Алматинского региона, и его обязательно нужно посетить каждому жителю и гостю города.
Насладившись видом на озеро, мы спускаемся чуть ниже и располагаемся в очень уютном и новом гостевом доме. Там же ужинаем, с видом на горы и воды реки Чилик.

Утром следующего дня, позавтракав в гостевом доме, мы переезжаем в соседнее ущелье Каинды. Это именно то место, где расположено знаменитое озеро с торчащими из воды елями. Дорога до озера сложная, но результат того стоит! Посмотрите своими глазами на это чудо природы: "затонувший" лес в зеленой глади горного озера.
История этого феномена проста: в 1911 году, во время сильного землетрясения, на дно ущелья сошел оползень, и перегородил течение реки Каинды. Образовалось озеро, затопив густой лес на дне. Деревья как будто законсервировались в холодной воде - их белые остовы с ветками остались над водой, а нижняя часть кроны поросла водорослями - это придает подводной части вид настоящей зеленой чащи.
Прогулявшись вокруг Каинды, мы отправляемся домой. Длинную дорогу будет нетрудно перенести, ведь мы обязательно остановимся на ланч-пикник с прекрасной панорамой.

Подробнее о туре на нашем сайте:

#чарын #чарынканьон #кольсай #кольсайскоеозеро #турчарын #турчарынскийканьон #турчарынкольсайкаинды #туркольсай #туркольсайкаинды #туркольсайскиеозера


Алтын-Эмель – полезная информация для любителей отдыха на природе

Национальный парк «Алтын-Эмель» создан в 1996 году с целью сохранения уникального природного комплекса на правом берегу реки Или. Общая площадь парка составляет около 520тыс га, что делает его самым большим парком в Казахстане. На его территории расположены западные хребты Джунгарского Алатау, Актауские меловые горы, вулканические образования Катутау, священные курганы Бес Шатыр с доисторическими дольменами и знаменитый Поющий Бархан.

Парк представляет собой сочетание различных природных ландшафтов: пустыни, горы и реки. Он также известен как место, богатое уникальной растительностью и дикой фауной - здесь произрастает около 200 видов растений, 78 видов животных, 230 видов птиц, более 10 000 видов насекомых. В Алтын-Эмеле можно встретить таких редких животных, как лошадь Пржевальского, кулана (туркменский осел) и джейрана.

На поездку в Алтын-Эмель лучше запланировать 2-3 дня, чтобы увидеть большинство достопримечательностей. Ночевка возможна как в палатках, так и в гостевом доме в поселке Басши. Проехать через парк насквозь (с запада на север, где есть официальные въезды), невозможно. Чтобы увидеть район Бес Шатыра, нужно будет заехать с запада (пос.Шенгельды). И поскольку прямой путь перекрыт, то придется вернуться, объехать Парк по трассе, и снова заехать через официальный пост, но уже с севера - в случае, если вы хотите добраться до Поющего Бархана и Актау. Это следует учитывать, наряду с расстояниями, при планировании маршрута по Алтын-Эмелю. Кстати, в этом году в Бес Шатыре открылся визит-центр!

Если у вас нет подходящего транспорта или времени на организацию путешествия, то можете поехать с нами!
У нас на сайте вы найдёте готовые предложения выходного дня: мы предоставляем комфортный трансфер, питание, хайкинги-экскурсии с гидом и кемпинг в горах Актау.
Ссылка на 2-дневный тур в Алтын-Эмель:

А если собираетесь в путешествие самостоятельно, то можете воспользоваться бесплатным путеводителем с картами, которые вы можете загрузить в хорошем разрешении. Там же на сайте вы найдете полезную информацию по погоде и вариантам активностей:


KAZAKH ALTAIAltai is probably one of the last places on the planet that has preserved its unique nature and original cul...


Altai is probably one of the last places on the planet that has preserved its unique nature and original culture. Despite the fact that the inhabitants of Eurasia have known about the "wild highland country" located in the depths of the continent since the time of Herodotus, this region still remains without deserved attention. Although a trip to Altai can become the adventure of a lifetime!

Altai (translated as “Golden Mountains”) is a kind of bridge that connects the immense Siberian taiga and the sun-baked deserts of Central Asia. It is located at the junction of several states, natural areas and cultural worlds. The highest point of this mountain region is Belukha Peak (Muztau), 4509 meters above sea level - it is also the highest point in Siberia.

The Kazakhstani part of Altai occupies almost a tenth of the territory of the entire republic. This is a region of extraordinary beauty, famous for its picturesque landscapes: from the deserted hills on the border of the Zaisan depression to snow-capped mountains and glaciers in the north. Glaciers feed numerous rivers and springsand lakes. Due to the abundance and unique color of water, the Kazakh Altai is sometimes also poetically called the Blue Altai.

Altai is famous not only for mountains, waterfalls and lakes: there are amazing archaeological sites, ancient burial mounds, rock paintings, as well as pantotherapy resorts, maral deer farms and, of course, the unique “Altai” culture.
This review is about the main attractions of the Kazakh Altai. It starts with the highest point - Mount Belukha

Belukha (Muztau) is the highest peak in Altai and Siberia, it has 2 summits: Eastern (4506m) and Western (4435m). The slopes are covered with eternal snow and glaciers, from which the Great Berel and Katun rivers originate. The Altaians call it “The Home of the Gods” and “The Great Old Man”. Not only climbers and mountain hikers, but also disciples of various mystical doctrines flock to its foot. Belukha is shrouded in legends like in clouds. The peak is located on the border between Russia and Kazakhstan, in the north of the Katon-Karagai Natural Park.

In addition to Belukha, the foot of which can be reached on foot (trekking) or on horseback, the Park is also worth visiting the waterfalls:
📌 Kok-Kol - the biggest Altai fall
📌 Rakhmanovsky Falls, also known as Veronica's Hair
📌 Yazovy waterfall, consisting of a dozen cascades
📌 Arasan or Batyr's Mustache - a big fall on the Arasan River

Many of them are located near the Rakhmanovskie Klyuchi (Rakhmanov's springs) resort, which is also an Altai landmark.

Rakhmanov's Springs are the real embodiment of the fairy tale about "living water". The sanatorium is located on the shore of Big Rakhmanovskoe Lake at an altitude of 1760 meters above sea level. The lake is surrounded on three sides by majestic mountains covered with cedar forest. It was here that, in ancient times, sources of radon, a natural gas with healing properties, were discovered.

The purest lakes are another attraction of Altai. In the Katon-Karagai Park there are incredibly beautiful…..Rakhmanovskoye Lake, famous for its healing springs and the transparency of the water: here you can look 6 meters deep!..Yazevoe Lake, located on the way to Belukha and offering one of the best panoramas of the peak: in clear weather the mountain is reflected in its calm waters. This is the only lake in the region where ides are found!..Lake Balance is located in the upper reaches of Belaya Berel. Formed by melting glaciers in the bowl of three peaks: Vera (2591m), Nadezhda (2709m) and Lyubov (3039m).

Katon-Karagay is also known as a region where deer (maral) breeding and treatment of deer's antlers are practiced. Altai is perhaps the only place in the world where treatment is carried out with antlers and the blood of maral (Altai deer). Watching and taking part in such a practice is a real adventure! Deer are bred on special farms: animals are not killed for treatment, but only their horns are cut off - this happens every year from June to August. Antlers and the blood obtained from them contain 18 of the 20 amino acids existing in nature. Due to its composition, antler products - and this includes pantohematogen, bath powders and tinctures - are used in medicine and cosmetology.

In addition to hiking, exploring natural beauty and healing, it is worth going to Katon-Karagay for historical discoveries: the Park has a unique archaeological monument of the 1st millennium BC called "Berel mounds". These are over 100 burial mounds of the Scythian period, in which famous gold items were found, the so-called “Scythian gold” - jewelry in an inimitable animal style, clothing and weapons. Many artifacts from the Berel Valley of the Kings have become exhibits in world museums.

By the way, lovers of not so ancient history should also visit the Kok-Kol mine in the Katon-Karagai National Park, located on the road to the foot of Belukha. This is a unique abandoned mining complex on the Kok-Kol pass at an altitude of 3,000 meters, where tungsten and molybdenum have been mined by hand since 1938. Now you can see abandoned mine adits, barracks, a forge and other attributes of this period of our history. A little scary, but a very impressive sight!

South of the Katon-Karagai Park is the Markakol Nature Reserve, with its pearl - Lake Markakol.

This is a protected area, where pristine, virgin nature has been maintained for many years and the rarest species of animals are preserved. Lake Markakol, located at an altitude of 1447m above sea level, is surrounded by taiga forests and mountain ranges. Samovar Peak rises above the water surface: the peak, like a boiling kettle, is almost always surrounded by clouds. Rare plant species grow on the shore of the lake, and there is even a 700-year-old larch. Unique animals here include wolverine and musk deer. Musk deer is a beautiful animal: it is a mini-deer the size of a dog. The musk deer has large fangs, but the animal is not dangerous: it feeds only on lichen.

Markakol is also the coldest region of Kazakhstan. In the Markakol depression in winter, a temperature of minus 56 degrees Celsius was recorded.

Other attractions in the area include the Old Austrian Road, connecting the village of Markakol, the village of Urunhaika on Lake Markakol and the valley of the Bukhtarma River. The road is almost 150 km long and offers impressive views, but you need an SUV to overcome it. The road was built between 1914 and 1916, during World War I, by prisoners of war from Austria-Hungary, mainly Czechs and Slovaks. Starting in the desert-steppe part near the village of Markakol, it goes north through the Marble Pass, from which the sand dunes of Kyzylkakum in China are visible.

The road passes by Lake Markakol, through the valley of the Kara-Kaba river to the Burkhat pass: from it the Katunsky ridge and Bukhtarma are already visible.

Lake Zaisan is considered another “must visit place” of the Kazakhstan Altai
This is the largest lake in the East Kazakhstan region, its area is more than 1800 sq. km, and the border with China is only 60 km from the coast. It is surrounded by three ridges: Altai, Tarbagatai and Kalbinsky. 10 rivers flow into the lake, but only one flows out, the Irtysh, the main water artery of the eastern part of the country. From November to April the lake is covered with ice.

On the southern side there are many amazing historical monuments: the mausoleum of the famous folk healer, a kind of Kazakh Avicenna - Doskanuly Yrgyzbay. This is a place of pilgrimage with a museum and library, which houses about 4 thousand ancient books and treatises, including the works of Ibn Sina.
Another important historical place on the southern bank of Zaisan is the Shilikty mounds. There are more than 200 of them in the valley; they date back to the early Iron Age (1st millennium BC). As a result of excavations of one of the royal burials in 2003, about 5 thousand gold items made in the early Scythian style were found: these are figurines of animals, elements of clothing and jewelry. The gold of Shilikty is of a very high standard, and the artifacts found here are the earliest in the art of the Sakas, who inhabited the territory of Kazakhstan in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages.

The northern coast of Zaysan is no less interesting. Having left Ust-Kamenogorsk to the southeast, be sure to stop for a rest at the Sibinsky lakes and Tainty lakes (well, Altai is the land of lakes :) And also don’t miss the historical sights:
- Ablaikit is an ancient Buddhist monastery-fortress, built, according to legend, by Ablai Khan. During excavations here, books in the Mongolian language and a library of Tibetan manuscripts were found. This library marked the beginning of the Asian Museum in St. Petersburg.
- Ak-Baur tract - Altai Stonehenge. This is a temple complex and observatory of the Neolithic era (3rd millennium BC). The rock paintings decorating the complex are made with red ocher - there are no such paintings anywhere else in Kazakhstan.

The most amazing natural attraction of the northern coast of Zaisan are the “Martian Valleys” Kiin-Kerish and Cape Shekelmes

Kiin-Kerish is a deserted canyon where scarlet, red, yellow hills alternate with white patches of salt marshes and create a truly mystical picture! The bizarre landscape of Kiin-Kerisha was formed as a result of erosion in the Mesozoic, when dinosaurs lived on the Earth. In the clay slopes of the canyons you can still find the remains of ancient animals (crocodiles, turtles, salamanders) and plants similar to palm trees and magnolias.

Shekelmes is a cape extending far into the waters of Zaisan, a huge deserted area of sedimentary rocks. However, the bizarre shapes and bright colors of the soil give this place an unearthly charm: the cone-shaped mountains resemble pyramids or landscapes of Mars. Once upon a time there was the bottom of the ancient Tethys Ocean. At the same time, Shekelmes is a definite must-visit place on the map of Altai, because here you can not only swim against the backdrop of grandiose landscapes, but also see rare pelicans basking on the sandy shore!
Note: to visit areas bordering Russia and China, a special permit (border pass) is required, it must be obtained in advance.

KAZAKHSTAN NATIONAL PARKS Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world. Its territory is huge, and the nature is...


Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world. Its territory is huge, and the nature is amazing and diverse. Kazakhstan has deserts and steppes, dense forests and the highest peaks covered with glaciers. In the south and southeast there are the Tien Shan and Altai mountains. Northern Kazakhstan is known for its lakes and forests. The western and central parts of the country are mainly represented by deserts and semi-deserts, they form 60% of the total area of the republic.
With such dimensions, our country remains one of the most sparsely populated in the world - with an area of almost 3 million square kilometres, just 19 million people live in Kazakhstan. Therefore, we have the opportunity not only to travel for weeks without crossing the borders, but also to preserve the unique nature. We can afford huge National Parks!
There are 13 National parks (and 10 reserves) in Kazakhstan. Acquaintance with the nature of the country, of course, should begin with visits to the Parks. Each of them is unique, and the choice of where to start is yours.

📌 1. Ile-Alatau National Park

Mountains around Almaty. Ile-Alatau is one of the oldest parks in the country, founded in 1996.
It is located in the Almaty region and includes almost the entire ridge called the Zailiysky Alatau (or Trans-Ili mountains). The area of the park is almost 200 thousand hectares.
The Trans-Ili Alatau is one of the two ranges of the Northern Tien Shan. The second, southern ridge is almost entirely located in Kyrgyzstan, and only its eastern part is located in Kazakhstan (Kolsai region, Kolsai Lakes National Park). The national park is located within the height range from 600 to 5000m above sea level. The nature of the park is based on picturesque forests, where you can see the Schrenk spruce, Sievers apple trees (the ancestor of all apple trees on earth), gardens of wild apricots and mountain ash. The park is unique - literally within one day you can travel from the Kazakh steppe to the Arctic, passing from the sultry semi-deserts to dry steppes, then through the coolness of alpine meadows to the tundra zone, and, finally, reach the snow-covered peaks of the highlands.

Things to do: Hiking and trekking, mountain biking, mountaineering and rock climbing, downhill skiing, sledding and ski touring.

📌 2. Altyn Emel National Park

Deserts and singing sands. Altyn-Emel Park was also established in 1996, and is located in the north of the Almaty region, on the right bank of the Ili River. Its area is about 520 thousand hectares - today it is one of the largest national parks in Kazakhstan. Its territory consists of the western spurs of the Dzungarian Alatau, the desert mountains of Katutau, Aktau, Ulken and Kishi Kalkans, and the famous Singing Dune.
Altyn-Emel is known not only for its deserted landscapes and sands, but also for its unique nature - herds of goitered gazelles (Persian gazelle), wild asses (Turkmen donkey), camels and Przewalski's horses graze here under protection. There are also famous archaeological sites. The most impressive of them are the so-called royal mounds of Bes Shatyr, surrounded by ancient dolmens.

Things to do: hiking along the Singing Dune, trekking in the Aktau mountains, viewing Bes Shatyr and rock paintings, animal watching

📌 3. Burabai National Park (Borovoe)

A forest oasis in the middle of the steppes of Central Kazakhstan. This is the land of transparent lakes and bizarre rocks surrounded by dense pine forests. Area - 130 thousand hectares; located in the Akmola region, not far from Astana. 305 species of animals live here, which is 36% of the entire fauna of Kazakhstan - elk, deer, wild boar, lynx. The lakes are especially beautiful in spring and autumn, when flocks of migratory birds stop here.
The infrastructure of the Park is quite developed; in recent years, many hotels and sanatoriums have appeared.

What to do: in addition to walking, fishing, picking mushrooms, people practice here treatment with healing mud and mineral water (sanatoriums). Borovoe is also a local climbing Mecca, athletes from all over the country come here for training and competitions.

📌 4. Sairam-Ugam National Park

Mountains of South Kazakhstan. The park is located in the Turkestan region, not far from Shymkent. The area is almost 150 thousand hectares.
Sairam-Ugam is a piece of wild and stunningly beautiful nature in the south of Kazakhstan. One of the few places where rare animals can still be found, such as the Turkestan lynx, mountain sheep (argali) or Indian porcupine. And the Sievers apple tree grows here - the genetic ancestor of all living apple trees.
There are seven natural zones in the park, from the steppe at the foot of the mountains to the highlands. The highest point is Sairam peak, 4236m above sea level.

Things to do: Hiking to the mountain lakes Makpal and Susyngen, trekking, horseback riding, viewing rock art

📌 5. Kolsai Lakes National Park

Ridge Kungei Alatau (mountains of the Northern Tien Shan). The park is located in the Almaty region, near the border with Kyrgyzstan. Its area is 161 thousand hectares.
Kolsai represents Kazakhstan on most of the pictures, the panoramas of its famous lakes adorn any guidebook. In general, Kolsai is the name of a cascade of three lakes located in the Kolsay gorge. The lakes are beautiful at any time: incredibly clear water, virgin forest around and amazing nature fascinate. Here you can see wild argali (mountain sheep), Tien Shan bear, Turkestan lynx and even snow leopard. In the lakes there is a local trout - osman.
Another attraction of the Park is Lake Kaindy, located in a nearby gorge. This is exactly the turquoise pond with trees "growing" out of the water that you can see in advertising.
On the First Kolsai Lake there is an infrastructure for living, boating and catamarans.

Things to do: Hiking from First to Second Lake, trekking, horseback riding, boating and catamarans

📌 6. Charyn Canyons National Park

Deserted canyons. The "Charyn Canyons" park is huge, its area is 127 thousand hectares and includes several lateral tributaries (canyons) of the Charyn River and adjacent territories. The most visited canyon is called the Valley of Castles. It makes an indelible impression on any traveler. While walking along the bottom of a rocky gorge, you see the colorful walls with amazing shapes, hanging over above your head. You get the feeling of complete immersion in the world of the Looking Glass. It is also worth exploring other canyons - Red (Bestamak) and Lunar (also Yellow or Zhabyr). Nowadays other locations of the Charyn Park are also gaining popularity - the red mountains of Boguty and the Ash-tree Grove, where you can walk among the 600-year-old gigantic ash trees (a relic Sogdian ash tree that survived the Ice Age).

Things to do: Hiking along the Yellow and Red Canyons, walking along the Ash Grove, cycling through the Boguty Mountains

📌 7. Katon-Karagai National Park

Mountains of Southern Altai. The largest natural park in Kazakhstan, its area is 643 thousand hectares. Located in the East Kazakhstan region, not far from Ust-Kamenogorsk.
This is the best place to get acquainted with the unique nature of Altai, which is worth starting in the village of Katon-Karagay. The park includes the mountains of the Southern Altai, with its highest point peak of Belukha (4506m). Visitor is welcomed to admire the magnificent lakes (the largest is Rakhmanovskoye), plunge into the thermal radon springs "Rakhmanovskie Kluchi". You can walk or drive a jeep along the Old Austrian Road - it's almost 150km through passes and gorges. The road was intended for the transfer of forces and weapons to strengthen the border of the Russian Empire with China, and was built by captured Hungarians, Czechs and Slovaks who fought on the side of Austria-Hungary in World War I. By this road, you can directly get to Lake Markakol - another attraction of the Park.

Things to do: hiking and trekking, mountain climbing, horseback riding, hydrotherapy in thermal springs. Treatment with maral antlers.

📌 8. Bayanaul National Park

Rocks and lakes of Northern Kazakhstan. The park is located in the south of the Pavlodar region, it is the oldest in Kazakhstan (founded in 1985 in order to preserve the nature of the Kazakh sand-hills). Its territory is 68.5 thousand hectares.
Bayanaul is a favorite vacation spot for residents of the cities of Central and Northern Kazakhstan. The largest lake here is Sabyndykol (“soap lake”), on the shore of which the village of Bayanaul is located. The lake is named so due to its special, soft water, as if soapy to the touch. Lakes Byrzhankol and Toraigyr are not so big, but they are famous for fish - they are home to different carp types.

Things to do: people come to Bayanaul not only to swim, but also to climb rocks, ride a bike, and fish.

📌 9. Kokshetau National Park

Granite mountains, lakes and forests of Northern Kazakhstan. The park is located southwest of the city of Kokshetau. On its territory of 182,000 hectares, there are lakes Shalkar and Zerenda, surrounded by beautiful green hills. The region is called Kazakhstan Switzerland due to the similarity of landscapes. For 60% it is covered with forests, which alternate with steppe and meadow zones.
Park "Kokshetau" is known for its rich fauna - 47 species of mammals are found here, including elks, roe deer, foxes, oxen and badgers, as well as 7 species of fish. History buffs also have something to do here - in the Park, under the protection of the state, there are 185 monuments of ancient archeology, history and architecture. In the village of Syrymbet, a monument of architecture of the 19th century, the estate of Shokan Valikhanov, was recreated.

Things to do: Hiking in a pine forest, cycling and horseback riding, picking mushrooms and berries, fishing

📌 10. Karkaralinsky National Park

Forests and lakes of Central Kazakhstan. The park was founded in 1998 in the eastern part of the Karaganda region. Known for its unique nature - clean lakes, forests and springs with healing water. On the territory of the park, with an area of 112 thousand hectares, there are 5 mountain groups: Airtau, Buguly, Kent, Maten and Shankoz. The highest points are in the Kent ridge (1400m ASL). Among the lakes, the most famous are Bassein (Pool) and Shaitankol (Devil's Lake), to which good trails lead. The flora and fauna of the park is very diverse - here you can find argali (mountain sheep), rare black storks, relict trees and even sphagnum swamps covered with a dense layer of moss.

Things to do: hiking and trekking, rock climbing, cycling

📌 11. Zhongar-Alatau National Park

Mountains of Dzhungaria, Southeast Kazakhstan. The park was founded relatively recently, in 2010. Its area is 356 thousand hectares, it is located on the northern slopes of the Dzhungarsky (also Zhetysusky or Semirechensky) Alatau mountain range. Dzhungaria is a real pearl of Kazakhstan, practically unexplored and fertile land. It is also the source of the seven great rivers of the Almaty region, thanks to which our region is called flourishing.
The park is known for its unique mountain landscapes and vegetation. In general, the purpose of its creation was the preservation of forests and orchards where the Sievers apple tree grows - the progenitor of all cultivated varieties of apple trees on earth. In addition to rich flora, more than 50 species of mammals live in the Park, including deer, bears, and roe deer. Endangered species of animals are also found here: the Central Asian toad and the Dzhungarian frogtooth (newt), black stork, snow leopard, etc.
The famous Zhasylkol lakes, the Lepsy nursery, unique rock paintings and petroglyphs are also located in Dzhungaria.

What to do: hiking and trekking in the highlands of the Dzungarian Alatau, visiting the reserves of Sievers and Nedzvetsky apple trees, viewing rock art

📌 12. Buiratau National Park

Forest-steppes of Central Kazakhstan. The Buyratau park is located on the territory of two regions: Akmola and Karaganda, and has two branches. Its area is almost 89 thousand hectares, this twelfth national park in Kazakhstan appeared in 2011. The purpose of its creation was to preserve the unique nature of the steppes, but it is known primarily for its largest aviary, where marals (red deer) are bred. Over the entire history of the enclosure, over 247 red deer have been released into the natural habitat. People from all around come here, to the Belodymovsky branch, to see not only deer, but also migratory birds - swans, cranes and geese nesting on lakes Azhbai and Bozaigyr, and to fish with a bait.

Things to do: Lake walks, bird and animal watching, fishing

📌 13. Tarbagatai National Park

Tarbagatai mountains, East Kazakhstan. One of the youngest parks, founded in 2018 in the east of the country. Its area includes not only the Tarbagatay Mountains, but also several rivers. Here you can find over one and a half thousand plant types and about 400 species of animals, including birds. There are 16 species of fish in local rivers, and most of them are listed in the Red Book. The total area of the national park is 144 thousand hectares.
Tarbagatai is worth visiting because it is not yet so famous among tourists, which means that almost no one will interfere with your acquaintance with kazak nature. It is one of the best places to see how the Sievers apple tree blooms at an altitude of 1100 meters, to meet wild animals far from civilisation and enjoy the beautiful mountain landscapes.


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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 15:00




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