It acts as a facilitator for sporting tours of all sports including Cricket, Badminton, Basketball, Hockey, Rugby, American Football, Baseball and Volleyball among others. The company benefits from the extensive experience of its team comprising of experts and renowned personalities in Sri Lanka’s sporting arena. Sri Lanka is a Global tourism hotspot having an array of attractions due to its Geogr
aphic diversity spanning from golden beaches to rugged mountains and also for its cultural heritage. B & R travels provides another reason for Tourists to visit the miracle of Asia- ‘Sports and Adventure’. Despite its size and relatively small population, Sri Lanka is well known for its Cricketing prowess around the world and is also a leading sporting nation in the south Asian region. B & R Travels believes that Sri Lanka has a lot more to offer for tourists seeking a more wholesome sporting experience. To address this niche B & R Travels creates tailor made packages for sports enthusiasts and adventure seekers based on their preference and budget. B & R travels is set to revolutionize Sri Lanka’s tourism sector by offering an unforgettable experience for sportsmen/ women and sports enthusiasts around the world.