Look who visited 😍
Brown Headed Barbet also known as the Polos Kottoruwa in Sinhalese.
A breeding resident of all zones while becoming less common at higher hills. Much prefer to village gardens and open lands than dense forests. It lives in pairs or sometime in small loose feeding parties, usually keep in touch by means of its loud monotonous call. Its food consist mainly of varies kind of berries and fruits. It also feed on insects such as beetles taken by fly, since being an arboreal bird it never descending to the ground. The main breeding season is from February to July while secondary season may be possible in August to September. Nest, a hole in a soft-wooded dead stem or branch of a tree pecked out by birds themselves.
There’s a Leopard.. oh wait!! there are two!!!! 😲 My god these creatures are just magnificent!!!
Book with us now for an unforgettable wildlife experience!
#tembosafaris #leopardsightings #wilpattunationalpark #wilpattuholidays #tourism #srilankawildlife #wildlifelovers
Trying out new things, learning on ancient Srilankan 🇱🇰 practices .. Making Memories to last a lifetime, having fun and loads more ❤️❤️
Book with us now for a guaranteed amazing stay !!
#activitiesattembo #tembocottagelk #wilpattunationalpark #srilankanpractices #srilankanculture #srilankantraditions🇱🇰 #srilankanpottery #wildlifeandnature #tourismsrilanka #tourism #travelsrilanka #visitsrilanka🇱🇰 #tourismworld
We found a lil birdie on the ground. We thought ..Probably must have fallen down from its nest cuz it rained quite heavily the previous day..
Fledglings have all or most of their feathers and leave the nest just before they can fly, so sometimes it's normal to see them on the ground. We first checked if the little birdie was injured or so.. it looked completely fine..So we left it back from where we found it and closely monitored it, and then we realized that it’s parents were nearby and feeding the bird 🥰💚
Can you guess what the bird is ??
#tembocottagelk #natureatitsbest #birdlovers #naturelovers #wilpattunationalpark #wildlifebungalows #yourwildlifehomeawayfromhome #visitsrilanka🇱🇰 #tourism #holidaysrilanka #travelworld
A very rare instance when a wild boar chased on the safari jeep.
Why do you think it did??
#makingmemories #wilpattunationalpark #safarigamerides #wildboar #wildlifesrilanka #travelsrilanka #visitsrilanka
Our extremely lovely and kind guests from France visiting our beautiful island for the third time because they just love it so much ❤️
Such an amazing country and such lovely people they said !! 🙏🏽🇱🇰
#visitsrilanka🇱🇰 #doingourpart #tourismsrilanka #wilpattunationalpark #travelsrilanka #holidaysrilanka #srilankaneedsitstourists
Red Jungle Fowls and their Territorial Quarrels right in front of the cottage !!
#tembocottagelk #wildlifelovers #birdlovers #redjunglefowl #srilankanationalbird #wilpattunationalpark #bestofnatureandwildlife
Clay harvested from earth’s recess takes shape at the nimble hands of our lovely Guest 😍
Pottery in Sri Lanka dates back to the year 900BC and 1120BC with the excavation of Sri Lanka’s first pot to be identified from Anuradhapura and Ranchamadama, Embilipitiya. This finding proved that tradition of pottery prevailing since proto historic period where rural, sedentary village settlement were in place. Valued ancient communities in Sri Lanka began the craft by preparing earthenware which they used for their day to day purposes such as domestic utensils, religious activities and other household tasks.
#temboactivities #localpottery #tembocottagelk #tourismsrilanka #travelsrilanka #wilpattunationalpark #holidaybungalows #temboguests #holidaysrilanka
Leopards are among the most difficult of the big cats to see in the wilderness, which may be why they’re one of the greatest prizes of any safari. That, and the fact that this is ONE beautiful cat, the epitome of feline grace 🤎🤎🤎
Enjoy this video of how our guests sighted the majestic creature last evening, walking right up and close to them. The sighting lasted a good 10 mins.
#leopard #wilpattunationalpark #safari #gamerides #wilderness #bestofwildlife #wildlifelovers #naturelovers #luckysightings #momentstobecherished #momoriestolastalifetime #travelsrilanka #holidaysrilanka #wildlife #wildlifebungalow
Another one of those
“hyper-excited, but all you can do is quietly watch” moments 🤎🤎
#tembosafaris #wilpattunationalpark #leapord #wildlifelovers #thebestofthewild #bigcatsoflanka #wildlifebungalows #wildlifeholidays #travelsrilanka #holidaysrilanka #memorablemoments #makingmemories #srilanka #tembostories
A sighting of a Sloth Bear on a Safari at the Wilpattu National Park.
• Sloth bears' nostrils can close completely, protecting the animals from dust or insects when raiding termite nests or beehives.
• Sloth bears are the only bears to routinely carry their young on their backs.
• Sloth bears are considered solitary, although they are occasionally seen in groups when resources are plentiful.
#slothbear #wildlife #wilpattunationalpark #wildlifeplanet #wildlifebungalows #safarisightings #tembosafaris
As much as we would all love to catch a glimpse of the top 3 on a Safari at the park, it really doesn’t matter if the odds of you have been high or low as there are many more other ways to enjoy and learn about all things wild.
In the meantime, allow me to show you a video of us meeting the “Nelumville male” on the way back to the park entrance 🤎🤎🤎
#wilpattunationalpark #bigcatsoflanka #bigcatswildlife #leapord #wildlifelovers #thebestofthewild #wildlifebungalows #travelsrilanka #holidaysrilanka #wilpattusafaris #tembocottagelk #tembosafaris
Kids outgrow stuff, they never outgrow adventures so make some memorable ones 😊
#kidsattembo #wildlifebungalows #wilpattunationalpark #kidslovenature #wildlifelovers
At the drop off to the Wilpattu junction to take the bus to their next stop to Anuradhapura, we taught our lovely guests who are also biologists, all the way from Belgium, the beautiful Sinhala language along with “our” style of pronouncing English words 😁😉
#wilpattunationalpark #travelsrilanka #holidaysrilanka #tourism #tembodiaries #tembosafaris #wildlifelovers #biologistsofinstagram #welovesrilanka #toptouristsdestinations #naturelovers
Came across these two fellas sneaking about at a Chena plot close by.
Did you know “Wilpattu” has the biggest chena cultivation in the whole of Srilanka 😊 so when you visit, do try to take a walk around to see..the villagers are too kind and would love to show you around ❤️
#wilpattu #chenacultivationwilpattu #somuchtosee #naturelovers #wildlifeatitsbest #srilanka #srilankatravel #tourismsrilanka #startortoise #reptilesofsrilanka #wildlifesrilanka #tembostories #makingmemories
What a pretty view to be around almost sunset 🌅
#lakeviewwilpattu #peaceful #newbeginnings #wilpattunationalpark #wildlifechalets