Guwana Travels & Tours pvt ltd

Guwana Travels & Tours  pvt  ltd CHAMINDA COORAY +94 770 690 875 No Problem! Join us on this exciting adventure as we continue to redefine travel, one destination at a time.

🌍 Guwana Travels: Navigating Dreams Since December 1998 🌍

🛫 Setting Sail from Wennappuwa, Our Journey Begins

In the quaint little city of Wennappuwa, nestled in the heart of Sri Lanka, the seeds of Guwana Travels were sown in December 1998 by my wife and me. What started as a humble venture has now blossomed into a global force in the travel industry.

🌐 From Air Tickets to Tours and Visas – A O

ne-Stop Travel Hub-

Guwana Travels set sail with the mission to simplify travel for the people of Wennappuwa and beyond. Specializing in air tickets, tours, and visa services, we quickly became the go-to destination for those seeking seamless and affordable travel solutions.

✈️ Taking Flight Worldwide

Over the years, we spread our extension and expanded our horizons, reaching every corner of the globe. Our commitment to excellence and personalized service allowed us to establish a global presence, connecting Wennappuwa to the world.

🤖 The Power of AI – Our Secret Weapon

At Guwana Travels, we embrace innovation, and technology is at the heart of our operations. We have seamlessly integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems into our processes, enabling us to operate efficiently on a global scale. Our AI-driven approach not only enhances the customer experience but also allows us to streamline operations, making travel accessible and affordable.

💼 No Branch Office? Unlike traditional travel agencies with multiple branch offices, Guwana Travels operates without the need for physical branches. This unconventional approach not only saves us considerable expenses but also translates into direct savings for our customers. By minimizing overhead costs, we ensure that our travel products remain competitively priced, making international travel dreams a reality for many.

💑 I am together with my wife Dedunu –

Leading the charge at Guwana Travels is the dynamic duo – We are together With a shared passion for travel and a commitment to customer satisfaction, We have steered the company to new heights. Our hands-on approach and unwavering dedication have shaped Guwana Travels into the customer-centric and technologically advanced travel powerhouse it is today.

🚀 The Future of Guwana Travels

As we reflect on our journey from Wennappuwa to the world, Guwana Travels remains dedicated to pioneering innovation in the travel industry. With a commitment to providing affordable travel solutions through AI integration, we look forward to many more years of helping individuals and families explore the wonders of the world. Guwana Travels – Your Gateway to the World! ✈️🌏


"If you’d like more details, feel free to give me a call."

දවසක් මගේ හොඳම යාළුවා මට කිව්වා ආදානයක් සහ ප්‍රතිදානයක් සහිත උපාංගයක්, ඔබ දාන ඕනෑම දෙයක් දෙගුණයකින් එළියට එනවා. මගේ මිත්‍රයා සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම විශ්වාස කළ මම පැකිලීමකින් තොරව ඔව් කීවෙමි. එවිට ඔහු ඇසුවේ, "ඔබට ඩොලර් 100 ක් තිබේ නම් සහ එය දෙගුණයක් වුවහොත්, ඔබ මෙම උපාංගයට කොපමණ මුදලක් දමනවාද?" මගේ පිළිතුර වූයේ...❤

CHAMINDA COORAY +94 770 690 875

Infinity Rover මගේ දෘෂ්ටිකෝණය "සාර්ථකත්වය කරා යන ගමන: ඔබේ විභවය සොයාගෙන සිහින යථාර්ථයක් බවට පත් කරන්න"ඔබේ හදවතට මඟ පෙන්ව...

Infinity Rover මගේ දෘෂ්ටිකෝණය

"සාර්ථකත්වය කරා යන ගමන: ඔබේ විභවය සොයාගෙන සිහින යථාර්ථයක් බවට පත් කරන්න"

ඔබේ හදවතට මඟ පෙන්වන සිහිනය

ඒ ගැන සිතන විට ඔබේ නහර හරහා ශක්තිය ගලා යන බවක් ඔබට දැනෙන්නට තරම් විශාල සිහිනයක් ඔබ කවදා හෝ දැක තිබේද? සමහර විට එම සිහිනය ඔබව නව විකල්ප මාර්ග සෙවීමටත් විදේශයකදී ඔබේ පිළිතුර විය හැකිද යන්න ඔබෙන්ම අසන්නටත් ඔබව පොලඹවා ඇත. බොහෝ දෙනෙකුට, සාර්ථකත්වයේ සිහිනය සීමාවන් දන්නේ නැත. කොහොම වුණත් අපි අපේ බැංකු ගිණුම දිහා බලලා ඒක කවදා හරි හදයිද කියලා හිතෙන වෙලාවල් තියෙනවා. ශුභාරංචිය නම් පළමු පියවර ගැනීමට ඔබට මුදල් කන්දක් අවශ්‍ය නොවන බවයි; ඔබට නිවැරදි මානසිකත්වය අවශ්‍යයි.

සාර්ථකත්වය ආරම්භ වන්නේ ඔබේ මුදල් පසුම්බියෙන් නොව ඔබේ අධිෂ්ඨානයෙනි. ඔව්, ඔබට අවශ්‍ය යැයි ඔබ සිතන තරම් ඉතිරියක් නොතිබිය හැකිය, නමුත් එය බාධාවක් වීමට ඉඩ නොදෙන්න. ඔවුන්ගේ අභිලාෂකාමී අරමුණු සාක්ෂාත් කර ගත් මිනිසුන් සෑම විටම ධනවත්ම නොවේ; ඔවුන් අවදානම් ගැනීමට, කාලය, ශක්තිය ආයෝජනය කිරීමට සහ සියල්ලටම වඩා තමන් කෙරෙහි විශ්වාසය තැබීමට කැමති අය විය.

සාර්ථකත්වයේ රූපකයක් ලෙස ගමන

ඔබේ සිහිනය සැබෑ කර ගැනීමේ අරමුණින් විදේශගත වීම ඔබේ දැක්ම යථාර්ථයක් බවට පත් කිරීමට වඩාත්ම බලගතු මාර්ගයකි. ඔබ ඔබේ සුවපහසු කලාපයෙන් ඉවත් වී නව සංස්කෘතියක ගිලී සිටින විට, ඔබ ලෝකය සහ ඔබ වෙනස් ලෙස දැකීමට ඉගෙන ගනී. භෞතික වෙනස්කම්, නව ස්ථානයක සිටීම, සෑම අභියෝගයක්ම වෙස්වළාගත් අවස්ථාවක් පමණක් බව ඔබට උගන්වයි. මෙය ඉගෙන ගැනීමට ඔබට බොහෝ දුර යා යුතු නැත: වෙනස් වීම ආරම්භ වන්නේ හදවතේ සහ මනසෙනි.

ඔබට සාර්ථක වීමට අවශ්‍ය දේ ගැන ඔබ කවදා හෝ සිතා තිබේද? ඔබ සැමවිටම මුදල් නිදහස සමඟ සම්බන්ධ කර ඇති නමුත් සැබෑ නිදහස පවතින්නේ ඔබ කැමති දේ පසුපස හඹා යාමට ධෛර්යය තිබීමයි, තත්වයන් අහිතකර ලෙස පෙනුනත්.

මුදල් සාර්ථකත්වය නිර්වචනය නොකරයි

ඔබට කවදා හෝ ප්‍රමාණවත් මුදලක් ඉතිරි කර ගැනීමට හැකි වේදැයි ඔබ කල්පනා කරන්නේ නම්, මට ඔබට යමක් පැවසීමට අවශ්‍යයි: ලෝකයේ ශ්‍රේෂ්ඨ ව්‍යවසායකයින් බොහෝ දෙනෙක් මුල සිටම ආරම්භ කළ අයයි. ඔවුන්ව වෙන් කළේ ක්ෂණික ගැටලුවෙන් ඔබ්බට ගොස් විසඳුම් කෙරෙහි අවධානය යොමු කිරීමට ඔවුන්ට ඇති හැකියාවයි. ඔවුන්ට ආරම්භ කිරීමට මිලියන ගණනක් අවශ්‍ය නොවීය, පැහැදිලි දැක්මක් සහ සෑම දිනකම වෙහෙස මහන්සි වී වැඩ කිරීමට ඇති කැමැත්ත පමණි.

සාර්ථකත්වය මුදල් මත රඳා පවතී යන අදහසට හසු නොවන්න. මුදල් යනු මාර්ගයක් මිස අවසානයක් නොවේ. සැබෑ සාර්ථකත්වය මනිනු ලබන්නේ ඔබට නොනැසී සිටීමට ඇති හැකියාව, අන් සියල්ලන්ම සැක කරන විට ඔබ ගැන විශ්වාස කිරීම සහ අධෛර්යමත් වන අවස්ථාවන්හිදී පවා ඔබේ දැක්ම ඉහළ මට්ටමක තබා ගැනීමයි.

ඔබ සොයන පිළිතුරු

ඔබ ඔබේ ප්‍රශ්නවලට පිළිතුරු සොයන්නේ නම් - "ප්‍රමාණවත් ඉතුරුම් නොමැතිව මා එය ලබා ගන්නේ කෙසේද?" හෝ "මගේ සිහිනය සැබෑ කර ගැනීමට මට ඇත්තටම කාලය තිබේද?" - පිළිතුරු ඔබ තුළ ඇති බව දැන ගන්න. අපි බොහෝ විට අතුරුදහන් වූ දේ ගැන ඕනෑවට වඩා අවධානය යොමු කරන අතර අපට ඇති දේ සමඟ අපට කළ හැකි දේ ගැන ඕනෑවට වඩා අවධානය යොමු කරමු.

අද ඔබට ඇති සම්පත් සමඟ වැඩ කිරීමට ඉගෙන ගන්න. සිහිනයක් එකවර සැබෑ නොවේ; එය දවසින් දවස කෑලි කෑල්ලක් ගොඩනගා ඇත. උස් පහත්වීම් සිදුවනු ඇත, නමුත් ඉදිරියට යන සෑම පියවරක්ම ඔබේ ඉලක්කයට සමීප කරයි.

ඔබේ ප්‍රශ්න ක්‍රියාවක් බවට පත් කරන්න

ඊළඟ වතාවේ ඔබට ප්‍රමාණවත් කාලයක් හෝ මුදල් තිබේදැයි ඔබ කල්පනා කරන විට, ඒ වෙනුවට ඔබෙන්ම මෙසේ අසන්න: "අද මට ගත හැකි පළමු පියවර කුමක්ද?" පරිපූර්ණ මොහොත එනතෙක් බලා නොසිටින්න, මන්ද එම මොහොත කිසිදා නොඑනු ඇත. ඔබ සතුව ඇති දේ සමඟ ක්‍රියා කිරීමට කාලයයි. ඔබේ අධිෂ්ඨානය සහ ක්‍රියා කිරීමට ඇති හැකියාව ඔබ සිතනවාට වඩා බලවත් ය.

නිගමනය: ඔබේ ගමන සාර්ථකත්වයේ යතුරයි

සාර්ථකත්වය යනු පැමිණීමේ ලක්ෂ්‍යයක් නොව අඛණ්ඩ ගමනකි. අද ඔබට පිටත්ව යාමට ධෛර්යය තිබේ නම්, පළමු පියවර ගැනීමට, ඔබ දැනටමත් සටනෙන් අඩක් ජයගෙන ඇත. ඔබට විශාල ඉතුරුම් අවශ්‍ය නැත, ඔබට ලෝකය සෑම විටම අවශ්‍ය නොවේ. ඔබට අවශ්‍ය වන්නේ ඉදිරියට යාමට කැමැත්ත සහ ඔබ ගැන විශ්වාස කිරීමට ධෛර්යය පමණි.

අදම පටන් ගන්න. සිහින සැබෑ වන්නේ පියවරෙන් පියවරයි.
Chaminda Cooray

"Opportunities You Don’t Know Yet Can Lead to Your Success"When I was a child, my mother always told me, "There’s more y...

"Opportunities You Don’t Know Yet Can Lead to Your Success"

When I was a child, my mother always told me, "There’s more you don’t know than what you do know." That simple phrase stayed with me, shaping the way I approached life. I would share it with my friends, not realizing how profound it truly was. One day, a friend called me with an opportunity to get rich. Although I didn’t fully understand it, I remembered my mother’s words and thought, "How many things don’t I know yet?"

I took the chance and invested, but it didn’t go well. Another opportunity came, and again I invested—and again, I failed. With each setback, I began to think, maybe it’s better not to know things so I can avoid failure.

But then, a new opportunity found me. A friend visited and shared something different—something that felt right. My first instinct was to say yes. I invested immediately, and within eleven days, I began earning every day (except Saturdays and Sundays). It felt like magic.

My mom was right. Sometimes the things you don’t know are the very things that can change your life. I’m now earning consistently, without risk, and I tell everyone I can about this opportunity. If you want to build wealth and make your dreams a reality, I encourage you to take that leap. It worked for me, and it can work for you too.

Trust the process, trust the unknown, and trust yourself. Your success is waiting.


"Opportunities You Don’t Know Yet Can Lead to Your Success"

When I was a child, my mother always told me, "There’s more you don’t know than what you do know." That simple phrase stayed with me, shaping the way I approached life. I would share it with my friends, not realizing how profound it truly was. One day, a friend called me with an opportunity to get rich. Although I didn’t fully understand it, I remembered my mother’s words and thought, "How many things don’t I know yet?"

I took the chance and invested, but it didn’t go well. Another opportunity came, and again I invested—and again, I failed. With each setback, I began to think, maybe it’s better not to know things so I can avoid failure.

But then, a new opportunity found me. A friend visited and shared something different—something that felt right. My first instinct was to say yes. I invested immediately, and within eleven days, I began earning every day (except Saturdays and Sundays). It felt like magic.

My mom was right. Sometimes the things you don’t know are the very things that can change your life. I’m now earning consistently, without risk, and I tell everyone I can about this opportunity. If you want to build wealth and make your dreams a reality, I encourage you to take that leap. It worked for me, and it can work for you too.

Trust the process, trust the unknown, and trust yourself. Your success is waiting.

CHAMINDA COORAY +94 770 690 875


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Bitcoin: The Reigning King of Cryptocurrency Since 2008, Surpassing $73,000 USDIn the ever-evolving landscape of finance...

Bitcoin: The Reigning King of Cryptocurrency Since 2008, Surpassing $73,000 USD

In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, one name has consistently dominated headlines and captured the imagination of investors worldwide: Bitcoin. Since its inception in 2008, Bitcoin has soared to unprecedented heights, recently surpassing the $73,000 USD mark. While some have ridden this wave to riches, others have been left behind, unable to partake in the wealth that cryptocurrencies promise. But fear not, for there is a solution - the PI mining system offers a guaranteed path to riches, and it's available to anyone willing to seize the opportunity.

Bitcoin's meteoric rise from obscurity to global prominence is a testament to its revolutionary potential. Conceived by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin introduced the concept of decentralized digital currency, free from the constraints of traditional banking systems. Over the years, it has weathered skepticism, regulatory scrutiny, and market volatility to emerge as the undisputed king of the cryptocurrency realm.

Those who recognized Bitcoin's potential early on have reaped immense rewards. Stories abound of individuals who invested modest sums in the early days, only to see their holdings multiply exponentially as Bitcoin's value skyrocketed. These early adopters, often dubbed "Bitcoin millionaires," serve as inspiration for those looking to emulate their success.

However, not everyone has been able to capitalize on the cryptocurrency boom. Many missed out on the opportunity to invest in Bitcoin during its formative years, either due to lack of awareness or skepticism about its long-term viability. As a result, they find themselves on the sidelines, watching as others amass wealth in the digital gold


But fear not, for there is a solution that promises to level the playing field and offer a chance for everyone to partake in the riches of the cryptocurrency revolution. The PI mining system offers a guaranteed pathway to wealth accumulation, and it's available to anyone who wants to seize the opportunity.

Unlike traditional mining methods that require expensive hardware and technical expertise, the PI mining system is accessible to all. By simply downloading the PI Network app and participating in the mining process, users can earn PI tokens, the native cryptocurrency of the PI Network. These tokens have the potential to increase in value over time, offering a lucrative opportunity for early adopters.

What sets the PI mining system apart is its emphasis on accessibility and inclusivity. Whether you're a seasoned investor or someone new to the world of cryptocurrencies, the PI mining system provides a user-friendly platform to participate in the digital economy. With a strong community of users worldwide, the PI Network is poised to become a major player in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

In a world where wealth inequality is a growing concern, initiatives like the PI mining system offer hope for a more equitable future. By democratizing access to wealth-building opportunities, cryptocurrencies have the potential to empower individuals and communities around the globe.

So, if you've ever dreamed of joining the ranks of the cryptocurrency elite, now is the time to take action. With the PI mining system, the path to riches is within reach – all you have to do is seize the opportunity.

I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 47 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username (Guwana21) as your invitation code.

🌟  Dive into the Depths of Crypto!Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey into the world of cryptocurrency? Look ...

🌟 Dive into the Depths of Crypto!

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey into the world of cryptocurrency? Look no further than BLACK Whale Coin - your gateway to the lucrative realm of digital assets!

Why BLACK Whale Coin?
🐋 Exclusive Access: Join the ranks of elite investors with BLACK Whale Coin, a token designed for those who seek exclusivity and unparalleled opportunities in the crypto market.
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Don't miss out on the next big thing in cryptocurrency! Invest in BLACK Whale Coin today and ride the waves of success in the ever-evolving digital economy. Join the BLACK Whale Coin community now! 🚀🌊

Explore the World with Guwana Travels and Tours: Your Gateway to Unforgettable JourneysAre you ready to embark on a jour...

Explore the World with Guwana Travels and Tours: Your Gateway to Unforgettable Journeys

Are you ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime? Look no further than Guwana Travels and Tours, a renowned travel agency that promises to turn your travel dreams into reality. With a legacy of excellence and a commitment to unparalleled service, Guwana Travels and Tours stands as one of the most esteemed names in the global travel industry.

Discovering the world with Guwana Travels and Tours is an experience like no other. Whether you're seeking a serene beach getaway, an adventurous trek through rugged landscapes, or a culturally enriching expedition, our extensive range of meticulously crafted itineraries caters to every traveler's desires and preferences.

At Guwana Travels and Tours, we understand that every journey is unique, which is why we prioritize personalized experiences tailored to your individual needs. Our team of expert travel consultants boasts a wealth of knowledge and expertise, ensuring that every aspect of your trip is meticulously planned and flawlessly executed.

From luxurious accommodations to immersive cultural experiences, we go above and beyond to curate unforgettable moments that exceed your expectations. Whether you're traveling solo, with family, or in a group, our commitment to excellence remains unwavering, promising a seamless and hassle-free travel experience from start to finish.

As a testament to our dedication to excellence, Guwana Travels and Tours has earned accolades and recognition as one of the top travel agencies in the world. Our unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction and our passion for travel have earned us the trust and loyalty of discerning travelers worldwide.

But our commitment extends beyond delivering exceptional travel experiences. At Guwana Travels and Tours, we are deeply committed to sustainable tourism practices, ensuring that our journeys not only enrich the lives of our travelers but also contribute positively to the communities and environments we visit.

Join us on a journey of discovery and adventure with Guwana Travels and Tours. Let us be your trusted companion as you explore the wonders of the world, create cherished memories, and embark on transformative experiences that will stay with you for a lifetime.

Contact us today to start planning your next unforgettable journey with Guwana Travels and Tours. The world awaits – are you ready to explore it with us?


Guwana Travels: Pioneering a New Era of Personalized Service and Belief in the Law of Attraction. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Guwana Travels is not just another travel agency; it's a beacon of empowerment and manifestation. With a core belief in the law of attraction, Guwana Travels transcends the conventional boundaries of travel services, inviting individuals to co-create their journeys in alignment with their deepest desires and aspirations.

In the realm of Guwana Travels, the conventional notion of travel is redefined. It's not merely about reaching a destination; it's about manifesting dreams into reality. The company's philosophy centers on the profound belief that what you think, you attract. In this vision, dreams are not distant fantasies but tangible possibilities waiting to be realized.

"At Guwana Travels, we don't just sell tickets or book accommodations; we facilitate the manifestation of dreams," says , the visionary founder of Guwana Travels. "In our world, your dreams are not only valid but achievable. We provide the platform, but you are the architect of your journey."

Central to Guwana Travels' ethos is the idea of personal agency. Clients are not passive recipients of pre-packaged travel experiences but active participants in the creation of their own destinies. The company offers a customizable framework where individuals can shape their travel experiences according to their unique desires and intentions.

"Our system is designed to empower individuals to build their lives according to their own terms," We explains. "We offer a canvas, and it's up to you how you paint your journey. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or spiritual enrichment, we provide the tools and support to help you actualize your vision."

Guwana Travels' approach is anything but conventional. Unlike traditional travel agencies that prescribe fixed itineraries and standardized packages, Guwana encourages clients to chart their paths authentically. Whether it's embarking on a solo backpacking adventure through the Andes or indulging in a luxurious wellness retreat in Bali, the possibilities are as limitless as one's imagination.

"We believe in the power of individuality," We asserts. "There is no one-size-fits-all approach to travel or life. That's why we invite you to create your own way of serving yourself, as you want, as you think. Your journey with Guwana is an expression of your unique essence."

In a world inundated with conformity and prescribed norms, Guwana Travels stands out as a beacon of liberation and self-expression. By embracing the law of attraction and championing personalized service, the company invites individuals to step into their power and manifest their dreams with unwavering confidence.

"We don't want to be like others because we believe in the extraordinary potential within each individual," I affirms. "Come with us, and together, we will co-create a reality that surpasses your wildest imagination. With Guwana Travels, prepare to embark on a journey unlike any other, where your dreams become your reality like never before."❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


🌍 Guwana Travels: Navigating Dreams Since December 1998 🌍

🛫 Setting Sail from Wennappuwa, Our Journey Begins

In the quaint little city of Wennappuwa, nestled in the heart of Sri Lanka, the seeds of Guwana Travels were sown in December 1998 by my wife and me. What started as a humble venture has now blossomed into a global force in the travel industry.

🌐 From Air Tickets to Tours and Visas – A One-Stop Travel Hub-

Guwana Travels set sail with the mission to simplify travel for the people of Wennappuwa and beyond. Specializing in air tickets, tours, and visa services, we quickly became the go-to destination for those seeking seamless and affordable travel solutions.

✈️ Taking Flight Worldwide

Over the years, we spread our extension and expanded our horizons, reaching every corner of the globe. Our commitment to excellence and personalized service allowed us to establish a global presence, connecting Wennappuwa to the world.

🤖 The Power of AI – Our Secret Weapon

At Guwana Travels, we embrace innovation, and technology is at the heart of our operations. We have seamlessly integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems into our processes, enabling us to operate efficiently on a global scale. Our AI-driven approach not only enhances the customer experience but also allows us to streamline operations, making travel accessible and affordable.

💼 No Branch Office? No Problem!

Unlike traditional travel agencies with multiple branch offices, Guwana Travels operates without the need for physical branches. This unconventional approach not only saves us considerable expenses but also translates into direct savings for our customers. By minimizing overhead costs, we ensure that our travel products remain competitively priced, making international travel dreams a reality for many.

💑 I am together with my wife Dedunu –

Leading the charge at Guwana Travels is the dynamic duo – We are together With a shared passion for travel and a commitment to customer satisfaction, We have steered the company to new heights. Our hands-on approach and unwavering dedication have shaped Guwana Travels into the customer-centric and technologically advanced travel powerhouse it is today.

🚀 The Future of Guwana Travels

As we reflect on our journey from Wennappuwa to the world, Guwana Travels remains dedicated to pioneering innovation in the travel industry. With a commitment to providing affordable travel solutions through AI integration, we look forward to many more years of helping individuals and families explore the wonders of the world.

Join us on this exciting adventure as we continue to redefine travel, one destination at a time. Guwana Travels – Your Gateway to the World! ✈️🌏



Embark on an Unforgettable Journey: Explore Bangkok with Guwana and Greenfeather Tours!Are you ready for an adventure of...

Embark on an Unforgettable Journey: Explore Bangkok with Guwana and Greenfeather Tours!

Are you ready for an adventure of a lifetime? Join Guwana and Greenfeather Tours on an incredible expedition through the heart of Bangkok and beyond. Our all-inclusive packages ensure that your experience is seamless, enjoyable, and filled with memories that will last a lifetime.

Transportation Like Never Before
Say goodbye to the hassles of navigating unfamiliar roads. With Guwana and Greenfeather Tours, you'll enjoy comfortable and convenient transportation throughout your journey. From cozy buses to exciting train rides, we've got it all covered.

Friendly Tour Guides at Your Service
Our experienced and friendly tour guides are here to make your trip extra special. They'll share fascinating insights, local stories, and hidden gems that you won't find in any guidebook. Get ready to discover the true essence of Bangkok with the help of our knowledgeable guides.

All-Inclusive Activities and Entry Tickets
Forget about the stress of planning. We've got your back with a comprehensive list of activities and entry tickets included in your package. Marvel at the ancient beauty of historic sites, witness the vibrant culture of Women Village, and be mesmerized by the breathtaking views of the Golden Triangle.

Special Treats: Food, Fuel, Parking, and Toll Fees
Indulge in a worry-free journey with our special inclusions. Enjoy delectable local cuisine, knowing that your meals are taken care of. Forget about fueling up, parking, and toll fees – we've got everything covered so you can focus on creating unforgettable memories.

Ayurveda Treatment, Eco Living, and Heritage Camping
Immerse yourself in the tranquility of Ayurveda treatments, experience eco-friendly living, and camp in the lap of heritage. Our special packages cater to those seeking a holistic and immersive travel experience.

Hot Springs Living and Island Exploration
Relax and rejuvenate in natural hot springs, and set sail to explore exotic islands. Your journey with Guwana and Greenfeather Tours includes these unique experiences that showcase the diverse beauty of Thailand.

From Bustling Markets to Nightlife Extravaganza
Indulge in retail therapy at vibrant markets, witness the charm of Soi Nana, and dance the night away in world-renowned clubs. Our tour takes you through the pulsating nightlife of Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, and Chiang Mai.

GemWorld and Beyond
Uncover the mysteries of GemWorld and explore even more. Our packages are designed to cater to the diverse interests of our travelers.

Book Your Bangkok Adventure Today!
Don't miss out on the chance to be part of this extraordinary journey. Contact Guwana and Greenfeather Tours to book your all-inclusive Bangkok experience. Pack your bags, leave your worries behind, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!

Grand Carnival Extravaganza at John Paul II Network of Education, Wennappuwa - Limited Tickets Available!

Grand Carnival Extravaganza at John Paul II Network of Education, Wennappuwa - Limited Tickets Available!


CHAMINDA COORAY +94 770 690 875


Grand Carnival Extravaganza at John Paul II Network of Education, Wennappuwa - Limited Tickets Available!

Wennappuwa, 06 JANUARY 2024

In an exhilarating celebration of culture and community spirit, the John Paul II Network of Education in Wennappuwa is gearing up for an unforgettable Carnival experience. The event promises to be a kaleidoscope of entertainment, featuring renowned performers such as N E W S, Centigradz, B N P, and KANCHI.

The carnival is scheduled to take place on 02,03,04 FEBRUARY at the John Paul II Network of Education premises, Wennappuwa. The festivities kick off at 10:00 Am, promising a day filled with music, dance, and joyous celebrations.

Attendees can look forward to captivating performances by some of the most sought-after artists, including the melodious tunes of N E W S, the rhythmic beats of Centigradz, the soulful melodies of B N P, and the energetic vibes of KANCHI. The diverse range of performances is set to cater to various musical tastes, ensuring a memorable experience for everyone.

Ticket Information:
As anticipation builds for this spectacular event, organizers are urging the public to secure their tickets promptly. With an incredible lineup and limited seating, tickets are expected to sell out quickly.

To avoid disappointment, interested individuals are encouraged to reserve their tickets in advance. The last thing you want is to miss out on this one-of-a-kind carnival experience. Tickets can be reserved through Guwana Travels at the following contact numbers: 0770690875, 0777765875, and 03122 66702.

With only 25 days remaining until the grand Carnival, the clock is ticking. This is your last chance to be part of a celebration that promises to be the talk of the town. Don't let the opportunity slip away – act now and reserve your tickets for an unforgettable day of entertainment and camaraderie.

Mark your calendars, set your reminders, and make sure to be a part of the John Paul II Network of Education Carnival. Let's come together to create lasting memories and celebrate the spirit of unity in Wennappuwa!


CHAMINDA COORAY +94 770 690 875


"Indika Gamage Tops Everest Guides - A Thrilling 14-Day Adventure with Guwana and Greenfeather Tours"
"Leading the Way to Everest's Summit, Mr. Gamage Ensures Safety and Joy for Adventurous Travelers"
Guwana and Greenfeather Tours proudly announces the remarkable achievement of Mr. Indika Gamage, who has secured the top position among guides, steering adventurous travelers to the summit of Everest. With a 14days itinerary, this daring journey promises not only the thrill of conquering the world's highest peak but also the assurance of safety under the expert guidance of Mr. Gamage.
The 7days ascent and subsequent 7days descent offer a unique and challenging experience for those seeking the ultimate adventure. Navigating through the treacherous terrain of Everest demands skill, experience, and a keen understanding of the mountain's unpredictable conditions. Mr. Indika Gamage, with his extensive knowledge and expertise, ensures that every traveler is in capable hands throughout this daring expedition.
Safety First, Always:
Guwana and Greenfeather Tours prioritize the safety of their passengers, implementing rigorous safety measures to manage potential risks associated with the Everest climb. Mr. Gamage, as the leading guide, is dedicated to safeguarding the well-being of the participants, making this demanding journey not only thrilling but also secure.
Communication Challenges at the Top:
While the ascent to Everest's summit provides a sense of accomplishment, reaching the top comes with its own set of challenges. The high altitude poses communication difficulties, rendering mobile phones ineffective at the peak. Recognizing this, Guwana and Greenfeather Tours have devised a solution to ensure constant connectivity and communication throughout the expedition.
A Unique Solution:
Understanding the importance of staying connected, even at the top of the world, Guwana and Greenfeather Tours provide a reliable communication system that enables travelers to stay in touch with their loved ones throughout the journey. This innovative solution ensures that the thrill of Everest does not compromise the ability to share the experience with friends and family.
Embark on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure with Guwana and Greenfeather Tours, led by the unparalleled expertise of Mr. Indika Gamage. Conquer Everest, experience the joy of achievement, and relish the safety and connectivity offered by this extraordinary expedition.


A Grand Voyage Awaits: Guwana Travels Wishes You a New Year as Bright as Jenny of the Lamp

Guwana Travels, your trusted companion in exploration, extends heartfelt wishes to our cherished customers as we bid farewell to 2023 and embark on a thrilling journey into 2024. Like Jenny of the Lamp, may this new year bring you boundless joy, prosperity, and magical experiences.

As we reflect on the incredible journey we've shared throughout 2023, Guwana Travels expresses sincere gratitude for your unwavering trust and loyalty. Your enthusiasm and passion for exploration have fueled our commitment to delivering exceptional travel experiences.

In the spirit of collaboration, we look forward to continuing this remarkable journey together. Guwana Travels remains dedicated to crafting unforgettable adventures, unveiling hidden gems, and creating memories that last a lifetime. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority, and we pledge to enhance your travel experiences in the coming year.

As we wrap up the chapters of 2023, let's embrace the new beginnings that 2024 holds. The upcoming year promises fresh horizons, uncharted territories, and opportunities for growth. Guwana Travels stands ready to accompany you on every step of this exciting voyage.

So, dear customers, here's to a New Year filled with exploration, discovery, and the joy of travel. May 2024 be a year where your dreams take flight and your wanderlust knows no bounds. Guwana Travels eagerly awaits the privilege of being your guide through another year of incredible journeys.

Wishing you a Happy New Year and may your travels with Guwana be as enchanting as a wish granted by Jenny of the Lamp! Cheers to the adventures that lie ahead.


No:/113/1, Colombo Road


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