"- Two kings went into the forest. But you, my brother, do not think that they were two ordinary kings and that it was a simple forest. Everything there was faery and magnificient. Just imagine, cities and palaces, and pagodas, and towers were standing on the branches of those trees. Just imagine, what branches and what trees it were. And especially what huge forest it was. And those kings, tall as the trees of that forest... You can not understand. Their waist was the size of the trees trunk. Those were giants, of course. Kings wore beautiful ethnic clothes, prouded crowns were on their heads...
Forest in which they walked was dark and gloomy. Kings were looking for something. They saw the light shining from below and were searching for the source of that light. And then on the ground among those giant trees they found a tiny thing lit by the light of the sun. One of the kings took the shining thing into his hands and they stood suprised looking to it. What could it be? - they wondered. They knew-nothing. And they will never know or understand. As after all it was just simple Lithuanian village so well-known to all Lithuanians. It spreads Lithuanian culture to the world. Just kings did not undestand it. "
M. K. Čiurlionis about his painting 'Fairy Tale' (1909), better known as the 'Fairy Tale of Kings'.
We invite you to take chance to get to know Lithuanian culture and do not be like those giant kings who knew nothing about it's importance to the world. We invite you to 'Mėnuo Juodaragis XIX' festival of native alternative music and contemporary Baltic culture. More information at: http://www.menuojuodaragis.lt/en/
Nepriklausomas savitos muzikos ir šiuolaikinės baltų kultūros festivalis MĖNUO JUODARAGIS tradiciškai vyks paskutinį 2016 m. vasaros savaitgalį, rugpjūčio 26 - 28 d. naujoje vietoje – Dūburio ežero saloje, Zarasų rajone. Grįžk kur nebuvęs! Išgirsk Karalių pasaką...