Butwani bridge ...
Malindi Watamu coming up soon .
If I was given a chance to describe you, I'd say you're a dream come true and everytime i see you no matter how many times we've crossed paths it's always like the first time i saw you.
I fell in love with your height and your skin, do you use cocoa butter because aiiiish, skin so fine. Then those long beautiful legs and that neck, so magnificent and breathtaking. If I talked about your tongue they'll judge me. Everytime we plan a game drive courtesy of Afri Adventures i get over excited thinking about me seeing you and taking photos of you.
Girrafes, I really love you .
Anytime I spot you my heart is always overwhelmed with joy . I need to be taken to the jungle to live near you and see you daily that my craving might ease .
I love how diverse your family is, here in Kenya you come as The Maasai Giraffe, Nubian Girrafe and The Reticulated Girrafe. You're the tallest animal in the world that's why you are able to reach soft leaves on tree tops but struggle to drink water hence making you prone to predators.
Male girrafes butt their heads and in turn the horns experience some wear and tear and that's why they are bald while female girrafes don't fight, and they don't loose their horns giving a clear distinction between male and female girrafes. Most of the male girrafes mate with other male girrafes making them "gay"
Before mating with a female girrafe, she urinates on the mouth of the male girrafe , with this the male will be able to know when the female is on heat and he will therefore follow her until he mounts her.The gestation period is 400- 460 days and she gives birth whilst standing.
A male girrafe is a true definition of a Kevin or a Brian because he doesn't take any responsibilities of raising the baby girrafe. Instead, he lets her raise the baby single handly.
Did you know that a group of girrafes is called a tower?
Which animal do you get to see on a game drive and you feel overly happy?
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