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Kanjō Travel Travel concierge celebrating the essence of Sri Lanka 🇱🇰

Travel concierge celebrating the essence of Sri Lanka 🇱🇰


A .kanjo agency

One of Sri Lanka’s warmest and most hospitable family-run wellness retreats, Barberyn Waves Ayurveda Resort , lies in We...

One of Sri Lanka’s warmest and most hospitable family-run wellness retreats, Barberyn Waves Ayurveda Resort , lies in Weligama, a coastal village at the southern tip of Sri Lanka🌿. Apart from its serene coastal setting, what really draws people to Barberyn Waves again and again is its Ayurvedic Health Centre, which is considered one of the best in Sri Lanka and in Top 10 Ayurveda Clinica in the World (Sudano Rodrigo, Barberyn’s founder, established the first Barberyn resort in 1968).

Like-minded people from all parts of the world gather at Barberyn to consult with the physicians and follow individual treatment plans🍃, some of them have been coming to Barberyn every year for the last 10/15 or even 20 years now. Following a detailed consultation with one of their resident Ayurvedic doctors, a personalized programme which includes Ayurvedic food, freshly made herbal medications, 🧘‍♂️ yoga, meditation and a variety of treatments and therapies, including head and face massages, synchronised body massages and herbal steam baths will be put together for you to help balance your mind, body and soul.

When not undergoing treatments, guests can experience daily yoga, cooking classes, tours around Sri Lanka and health lectures and enjoy the property’s amenities, which include a gym and two swimming pool overlooking the ocean, a medicinal forest or explore the attractions of the surrounding area - the lush gardens or the stunningly beautiful beaches of Weligama.

Barberyn Waves features 55 rooms, most of them boasting balconies with a spectacular view of the ocean, the infinity swimming pool and the lush garden. The rooms sizes range from 63 square metres to 81 square metres. They are spacious, rich in natural light and ventilation, and all have en-suite bathrooms. Air-conditioned rooms are available upon request only, most guests prefer natural ventilation – which is also the recommendation during Ayurveda treatment.

The large yoga pavilion is built from natural material. It has a 180-degree sea view, and is a unique location to practice yoga, connect with your inner self and develop better consciousness.

Descoperă frumusețea Sri Lankă alături de Alina Mereuta și Tatiana Balaban într-un tur personalizat Kanjō Travel desfășu...

Descoperă frumusețea Sri Lankă alături de Alina Mereuta și Tatiana Balaban într-un tur personalizat Kanjō Travel desfășurat în perioada 16-26 martie.

🇱🇰 Libertatea de a Descoperi Casa Sufletului Nostru

De-a lungul anilor, am fost ghizii prietenilor apropiați, grupurilor mari și familiilor din întreaga lume în Sri Lanka. Cu toate acestea, niciodată nu am organizat propriul tur, având rezerve față de programele rigide impuse participanților. Ne-a(m) luat timp pentru a dezvolta un format care să corespundă viziunii noastre.

🐆 O Călătorie Autentică și Personalizată

Această călătorie este rezultatul a 6 ani de explorare, oferind o experiență autentică, personalizată și liberă. Renunțăm la programele fixe, permițând fiecărui membru al grupului să-și creeze propriul itinerar în ritmul său. Oferim posibilitatea de a alege și personaliza cele 14 experiențe și activități pe care le-am pregătit, astfel încât fiecare să descopere Sri Lanka în propriul său mod unic.

❇️ Ziua 1-2: Colombo - Începutul Călătoriei

Prima oprire este în capitala vibrantă, Colombo, cu cazare la Shangri-La Colombo, unul dintre cele mai frumoase hoteluri din oraș. Prima zi o dedicăm adaptării la fusul orar, relaxându-ne la renumitul spa Chi. Apoi, explorăm Fortul Colombo, o zonă istorică cu clădiri coloniale impresionante, temple budiste și moschei spectaculoase sau atmosfera autentică a Pieței Pettah.

❇️ Ziua 2: Bijutieri și Piatre Prețioase

Întâlnire specială cu o familie de bijutieri și comercianți de pietre prețioase în a patra generație, prieteni dragi inimii noastre. Ei împărtășesc povești despre Sri Lanka, renumită pentru cele mai vechi mine de safir, fiind țara care găzduiește peste 75 de soiuri de pietre prețioase și semiprețioase, din cele 200 de tipuri descoperite până astăzi. Descoperim detalii despre safire albastre, roz, rubine, safire galbene și Padparadscha - unul dintre cele mai rare safire din lume, explorând atelierul lor și participând la etapele creării bijuteriilor.

❇️ Ziua 2-9: Barberyn Ayurveda Resorts - Rejuvenare și Ayurveda

Continuăm spre coasta oceanului pentru a experimenta una dintre cele mai bune clinici de Ayurveda din lume, Barberyn Waves. Cu peste 55 de ani de experiență, vă oferim 8 zile de liniște și îngrijire personalizată.

Prin consultații detaliate, se creează un program adaptat, incluzând mâncare Ayurvedică (sa nu va sperie gandul ca sunteti intr-o clinica, mancarea este extraordinar de buna), medicamente pe bază de plante, yoga, meditații și diverse tratamente, ajutându-te să-ți echilibrezi mintea, corpul și sufletul.

Când nu vei urma tratamente, poți participa la yoga, cursuri de gătit și excursii în zonă, sau să te bucuri de două piscine cu vedere la ocean și să explorezi plajele frumoase din Weligama. Barberyn Waves dispune de 55 de camere extrem de spațioase (60-80 mp), majoritatea dintre ele având balcoane cu vedere la ocean.

❇️ Ziua 9-11: Malabar Hill Sri Lanka și Explorări Unice

După relaxare, rămânem tot în sud, schimbând priveliștea oceanului cu cea a câmpurilor de orez, la Malabar Hill - un hotel de 5 stele, preferatul nostru de pe insula, distins de Conde Nast drept unul dintre cele mai bune hoteluri din Sri Lanka. Ultimele zile vor fi dedicate unor explorări autentice, atât în exterior, cât și în interiorul nostru: safari-uri fascinante, întâlniri cu elefanți și leoparzi, tururi ghidate în situri UNESCO, vizite la temple istorice, meditații alături de călugări budiști, cursuri de gătit tradițional, contribuții la proiecte de regenerare a pădurilor tropicale sau să împărtășești și să predai ceva din experiența ta pentru 10 copii dintr-un sat.

P.S. Dacă acum nu este momentul potrivit să ni te alături în această călătorie, trebuie să știi că am conceput programul pentru a putea fi adaptat la alte perioade și pentru familii sau grupuri mici de 2, 4 sau 6 persoane.

Ne vedem în inima Sri Lankăi 🇱🇰 💚🧡❤️

Descoperă frumusețea Sri Lankă alături de noi într-un tur personalizat Kanjō Travel desfășurat în perioada 16-26 martie....

Descoperă frumusețea Sri Lankă alături de noi într-un tur personalizat Kanjō Travel desfășurat în perioada 16-26 martie.

🇱🇰 Libertatea de a Descoperi Casa Sufletului Nostru
De-a lungul anilor, am fost ghizii prietenilor apropiați, grupurilor mari și familiilor din întreaga lume în Sri Lanka. Cu toate acestea, niciodată nu am organizat propriul tur, având rezerve față de programele rigide impuse participanților. Ne-a(m) luat timp pentru a dezvolta un format care să corespundă viziunii noastre.

🐆 O Călătorie Autentică și Personalizată
Această călătorie este rezultatul a 6 ani de explorare, oferind o experiență autentică, personalizată și liberă. Renunțăm la programele fixe, permițând fiecărui membru al grupului să-și creeze propriul itinerar în ritmul său. Oferim posibilitatea de a alege și personaliza cele 14 experiențe și activități pe care le-am pregătit, astfel încât fiecare să descopere Sri Lanka în propriul său mod unic.

❇️ Ziua 1-2: Colombo - Începutul Călătoriei

Prima oprire este în capitala vibrantă, Colombo, cu cazare la Shangri-La Colombo, unul dintre cele mai frumoase hoteluri din oraș. Prima zi o dedicăm adaptării la fusul orar, relaxându-ne la renumitul spa Chi. Apoi, explorăm Fortul Colombo, o zonă istorică cu clădiri coloniale impresionante, temple budiste și moschei spectaculoase sau atmosfera autentică a Pieței Pettah.

❇️ Ziua 2: Bijutieri și Piatre Prețioase

Întâlnire specială cu o familie de bijutieri și comercianți de pietre prețioase în a patra generație, prieteni dragi inimii noastre. Ei împărtășesc povești despre Sri Lanka, renumită pentru cele mai vechi mine de safir, fiind țara care găzduiește peste 75 de soiuri de pietre prețioase și semiprețioase, din cele 200 de tipuri descoperite până astăzi. Descoperim detalii despre safire albastre, roz, rubine, safire galbene și Padparadscha - unul dintre cele mai rare safire din lume, explorând atelierul lor și participând la etapele creării bijuteriilor.

❇️ Ziua 2-9: Barberyn Ayurveda Resorts - Rejuvenare și Ayurveda

Continuăm spre coasta oceanului pentru a experimenta una dintre cele mai bune clinici de Ayurveda din lume, Barberyn Waves. Cu peste 55 de ani de experiență, vă oferim 8 zile de liniște și îngrijire personalizată.

Prin consultații detaliate, se creează un program adaptat, incluzând mâncare Ayurvedică (sa nu va sperie gandul ca sunteti intr-o clinica, mancarea este extraordinar de buna), medicamente pe bază de plante, yoga, meditații și diverse tratamente, ajutându-te să-ți echilibrezi mintea, corpul și sufletul.

Când nu vei urma tratamente, poți participa la yoga, cursuri de gătit și excursii în zonă, sau să te bucuri de două piscine cu vedere la ocean și să explorezi plajele frumoase din Weligama. Barberyn Waves dispune de 55 de camere extrem de spațioase (60-80 mp), majoritatea dintre ele având balcoane cu vedere la ocean.

❇️ Ziua 9-11: Malabar Hill și Explorări Unice

După relaxare, rămânem tot în sud, schimbând priveliștea oceanului cu cea a câmpurilor de orez, la Malabar Hill - un hotel de 5 stele, preferatul nostru de pe insula, distins de Conde Nast drept unul dintre cele mai bune hoteluri din Sri Lanka. Ultimele zile vor fi dedicate unor explorări autentice, atât în exterior, cât și în interiorul nostru: safari-uri fascinante, întâlniri cu elefanți și leoparzi, tururi ghidate în situri UNESCO, vizite la temple istorice, meditații alături de călugări budiști, cursuri de gătit tradițional, contribuții la proiecte de regenerare a pădurilor tropicale sau să împărtășești și să predai ceva din experiența ta pentru 10 copii dintr-un sat.

P.S. Dacă acum nu este momentul potrivit să ni te alături în această călătorie, trebuie să știi că am conceput programul pentru a putea fi adaptat la alte perioade și pentru familii sau grupuri mici de 2, 4 sau 6 persoane.

Ne vedem în inima Sri Lankăi 🇱🇰 💚🧡❤️

Sri Lanka, mon amour 🇱🇰💚🧡❤️Our love for this gem of an island — just like its nature — is boundless. Rated one of the 20...

Sri Lanka, mon amour 🇱🇰💚🧡❤️

Our love for this gem of an island — just like its nature — is boundless. Rated one of the 20 Best Countries in the World as per 2022 Conde Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards, Sri Lanka is so much more than a holiday destination. In fact, it’s many — an anthology of experiences.

Its tear-shaped land is painted with azure oceans, dense jungles, and towering mountains, weaving tales of adventures waiting to be embarked on. Wildlife, in all its raw and untamed glory, thrives here — from underwater world and lush tea country to majestic leopards, elephants and sea turtles. Recognized as a top safari destination ""outside Africa,"" it is home to Yala park with the world's highest leopard density. And 1340 km of pristine beaches stretch into a dreamy coastline, offering solace to the soul-seeker and thrill for adventure lovers.

Devotees of immersive travel, we’re lured by the island's cultural depth, architectural frenzy and evolving infrastructure. From ancient civilization to Portuguese, Dutch, and British colonialism and into refreshing modernity; it offers a feast for any taste. Breathtaking villas, exquisite hotels and life-altering wellness retreats. And the people – with their never ceasing welcoming smile – are the pinnacle of the Sri Lanka experience.

The list goes on, and we cannot wait for you to start writing your own! With its myriad of experiences, Sri Lanka makes our mantra of embracing the essence of the destination come alive. It's not about fleeting visits or quick snapshots for us. It's about diving deep into the soul of the place, understanding its heartbeat, and offering our travelers an opportunity to not just see, but to truly feel Sri Lanka.

Join us in this journey to the very heart. 🇱🇰

🌿☕ Steeped in History: Ceylon Tea Trails 🏞️🇱🇰Nestled amidst the misty hills of Sri Lanka, Ceylon Tea Trails is more than...

🌿☕ Steeped in History: Ceylon Tea Trails 🏞️🇱🇰

Nestled amidst the misty hills of Sri Lanka, Ceylon Tea Trails is more than a luxury retreat; it's a living testament to the rich history and heritage of Ceylon tea. Let's journey through time and sip on the story of this iconic destination. ☕🌄

🌱 The Birth of Ceylon Tea: In the 19th century, British planters transformed these hills into a thriving tea industry. The lush plantations spread like an emerald blanket, and the tea produced here became world-famous as Ceylon Tea.

🏡 The Residences: Ceylon Tea Trails is a collection of beautifully restored colonial-era bungalows, each with its unique character. These historic bungalows were once the homes of British tea estate managers and offer a glimpse into the island's colonial past.

🌏 UNESCO Heritage: The region, where Ceylon Tea Trails is nestled, was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its breathtaking beauty and cultural significance. The tea plantations, waterfalls, and the stunning scenery have made it a destination for nature lovers.

🍃 A Living Legacy: Today, Ceylon Tea Trails continues the tradition of crafting the finest teas. Guests can explore the tea-making process, from plucking the leaves to the perfect brew, and savor the distinct flavors that make Ceylon tea renowned worldwide.

🌅 Beyond Tea: While steeped in tea history, the estate offers modern luxury and diverse experiences. From leisurely hikes through the tea fields to serene afternoons by the pool, it's a retreat that harmoniously blends history and contemporary comforts.

🌟 Ceylon Tea Trails is not just a destination; it's an immersion into the essence of Sri Lanka's tea culture and the heritage of Ceylon tea. It's where the past and present coexist, and each cup of tea tells a story of generations of craftsmanship and love for the land.

Join us at Ceylon Tea Trails and become a part of this remarkable journey through time, where every moment is an ode to the history and heritage of Ceylon tea. 🏞️🏡✨ ☕🌿🌅

From bucket list to travel itineraries. 🌍Kanjo Travel’s passion for curating exceptional journeys transforms your travel...

From bucket list to travel itineraries. 🌍

Kanjo Travel’s passion for curating exceptional journeys transforms your travel dreams into lasting memories. Here is how you can book your bespoke adventure with us:

📍Initial Consultation: Begin your journey by reaching out to us via a phone call or a message. We’ll book an initial consultation, where we'll delve into your travel preferences and desires, allowing us to create a personalized traveler's profile tailored after your own heart.

📍Profiling and Planning: Once we have a comprehensive understanding of your travel wishes and particularities, our team will craft a one-of-a-kind travel itinerary. Drawing from our personal experiences and love for each destination, we'll design an itinerary that will immerse you in the most exquisite local experiences.

📍Authentic Experiences: Our commitment is to connect you to the essence of every destination. From captivating landscapes to hidden gems, every aspect of our packages has been designed and experienced by our team, ensuring an intimate and seamless exploration of all the places you’ll discover.

When you book with us, you're not just embarking on a trip—you're embarking on a journey to the heart of your selected destination, whether it's our cherished Sri Lanka or beyond. Book your custom-designed journey today!

[In top 50 Best Hotels in The World in 2023] Step into a world where time stands still, where history and luxury converg...

[In top 50 Best Hotels in The World in 2023]

Step into a world where time stands still, where history and luxury converge. Amangalla, a haven of colonial splendor nestled in the heart of Galle, Sri Lanka, is our slice of paradise.

Historical Significance: The hotel itself is housed in a 17th-century colonial building that was once the New Oriental Hotel, making it a living piece of history.

Colonial Architecture: The hotel's architecture reflects the colonial Dutch and British influences in Galle. It features tranquil courtyards, elegant verandas, and high ceilings, preserving the elegance of the past. Every corner of this heritage gem tells a story of a bygone era. 📜

Luxury Accommodation: Amangalla offers luxurious rooms and suites, each uniquely designed to blend modern comforts with historic charm. Many rooms offer scenic views of Galle Fort and the surrounding area.

Ayurvedic Spa: The hotel has a renowned Ayurvedic spa where guests can indulge in traditional Sri Lankan wellness treatments and therapies, providing a rejuvenating experience.

Dining Experience: Amangalla offers a fine dining experience with a blend of Sri Lankan and international cuisine. The Dining Room, which features high ceilings and antique furnishings, adds to the ambiance.

Tea Lounge: The hotel's Veranda is a delightful spot to enjoy Ceylon tea and light snacks while soaking in the atmosphere of Galle Fort.
Art and Antiques: Throughout the property, you'll find a collection of art and antiques that add to the historical ambiance, creating a museum-like experience within the hotel.

Amangalla, where the past meets the present, and where memories are crafted in timeless elegance. 🕰️💫

🐾✨ Journey into the Heart of Sri Lankan Leopards 🐆 🇱🇰🌿Did you know that Sri Lankan leopards, scientifically known as Pan...

🐾✨ Journey into the Heart of Sri Lankan Leopards 🐆 🇱🇰🌿

Did you know that Sri Lankan leopards, scientifically known as Panthera pardus kotiya, are a unique subspecies found exclusively on this breathtaking island? 🌏 Let's unravel the fascinating facts about these elusive felines! 🐆

1. Distinctive Elegance: Sri Lankan leopards boast a smaller size compared to other subspecies, yet their golden coats adorned with dark rosettes showcase unparalleled elegance. Their size is an adaptation to the diverse habitats they call home. 🌳

2. Stealthy Navigators: Masters of stealth, these leopards are skilled climbers and swimmers. Their adaptability allows them to navigate the varied landscapes of Sri Lanka, from dense rainforests to arid plains, with remarkable ease. 🌊🌲

3. Endangered Status: Sadly, Sri Lankan leopards are listed as endangered, facing threats such as habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, and poaching. Conservation efforts are crucial to ensuring the survival of these iconic big cats. 🚫

4. Silent Communicators: Communication among leopards involves vocalizations, scent marking, and body language. Their silent roars and territorial markings play a vital role in establishing boundaries and interactions within their communities. 🐾🔊

5. Nighttime Predators: Embrace the nocturnal magic of Sri Lankan leopards. These solitary hunters prefer the cover of darkness to stealthily stalk their prey, showcasing the awe-inspiring prowess that makes them top predators in their ecosystems. 🌙🦌

6. Conservation Champions: Sri Lanka's commitment to leopard conservation is evident through various initiatives and protected areas. Yala National Park stands as a haven for these magnificent creatures, providing a safe space for their survival. 🌳🐆

7. Population Estimates: While estimating leopard populations is challenging due to their elusive nature, recent studies suggest that Sri Lanka is home to a significant number of these big cats. Ongoing research plays a pivotal role in understanding and protecting their populations. 📊🐆

8. Human-Leopard Coexistence: Efforts are underway to foster peaceful coexistence between local communities and leopards, minimizing conflict and ensuring the harmony of both human and wildlife habitats. Education and awareness play key roles in achieving this delicate balance. 🤝🏡

Join us in celebrating the wonder of Sri Lankan leopards! Together, let's raise awareness, support conservation, and ensure a future where these majestic creatures continue to roam free. 🌿💛

🌿 🐆 Welcome to Leopard Safaris: Where Adventure Meets Luxury! 🇱🇰✨Nestled at the heart of Sri Lanka's breathtaking wilder...

🌿 🐆 Welcome to Leopard Safaris: Where Adventure Meets Luxury! 🇱🇰✨

Nestled at the heart of Sri Lanka's breathtaking wilderness, Leopard Safaris Yala offers an unforgettable blend of untamed nature and indulgent comfort. 🏞️🛏️
🐾 The Call of the Wild: Located near Yala National Park, this retreat invites you to explore the realm of Sri Lanka's magnificent wildlife. Prepare for thrilling safaris to encounter leopards, elephants, and an array of exotic species in their natural habitat. 🐆🐘🍃
🌅 Luxury Under Canvas: Your accommodation is a canvas tented oasis that harmoniously merges with the landscape. Each tent is a cocoon of opulence, where you can relax in style after a day of adventure. 🏕️🌟
🌞 Cuisine Amidst Nature: Savor the flavors of Sri Lanka in a setting that blends culinary artistry with jungle ambience. Every meal is a gastronomic journey that celebrates local produce cuisine. 🍽️🌿
🌄 Sunrise Serenity: Wake up to the magic of sunrise safaris, where the dawn paints the landscape with golden hues. Witness nature's awakening, accompanied by the calls of wild inhabitants. 🌄🐦
🌟 A World of Experience: From guided nature walks to stargazing by the campfire, Leopard Safaris Yala offers a wealth of experiences that connect you with the wonders of the wild. 🌌🚶‍♂️
Join us at Leopard Safaris Yala and embark on a journey where the boundaries between luxury and adventure blur, and every moment is an encounter with the wild heart of Sri Lanka. 🌿🌅🦓 🦋🌄🐾

☕🌟 Embrace the Art of Sri Lankan Tea Ceremony! 🍃🇱🇰Step into a world of tradition and tranquility as we explore the seren...

☕🌟 Embrace the Art of Sri Lankan Tea Ceremony! 🍃🇱🇰

Step into a world of tradition and tranquility as we explore the serene ceremony of savoring Ceylon tea. 🌿🍵

1️⃣ Begin with the selection of tea leaves, a delicate process that sets the tone for the ceremony. 🍃🌱

2️⃣ The water is heated to just the right temperature, ensuring the flavors are coaxed to perfection. 💧🌡️

3️⃣ Watch as the tea leaves unfurl, releasing their aroma, and appreciate the natural beauty of the brew. 🌸🍃

4️⃣ Pour the tea into delicate cups and savor the first sip, allowing the flavors to dance on your palate. ☕🌅

5️⃣ In Sri Lanka, tea ceremonies are a moment of connection, where stories are shared and time stands still. 🗣️🕰️

Join in this time-honored tradition and let the soothing ritual of Sri Lankan tea transport you to a state of blissful serenity. 🌅🌟 🍵🌺🌄

“A grand family home hidden unsuspectingly down a busy street in the heart of Colombo, Maniumpathy has been home to five...

“A grand family home hidden unsuspectingly down a busy street in the heart of Colombo, Maniumpathy has been home to five generations of a family hailing from Jaffna. This refurbished colonial villa evokes feelings of old world charm mixed with modern comforts.

Named after the town of Manipay - a wealthy area in Jaffna - this eight-bedroom boutique hotel whose original structure is over a hundred years ago, offers large expanses of greenery with a pool tucked away in the centre.”

“Inspired by a lifetime of travel, designer and co-owner Lawson Johnston gathered influence from extensive exploration o...

“Inspired by a lifetime of travel, designer and co-owner Lawson Johnston gathered influence from extensive exploration of Sri Lanka and the surrounding region, which laid the foundation of the 8 year design process to create Malabar Hill Sri Lanka. As a result, Malabar Hill is blending Indian and Middle Eastern bohemia with local materials and artisan craftsmanship, from locally handmade terracotta roof and floor tiles through to reclaimed timber doors and windows.

Perched on a 33-acre hilltop of lush tropical landscape, Malabar Hill is in a prime position to enjoy the highlights of both the hills and Sri Lanka’s vast biodiversity - it gazes both seawards and inland, across acres of rice paddy-dominated farmland towards the Akuressa and Deniyaya rainforests. The hotel occupies just 15 per cent of the estate's 33 acres. The rest of this 10-year-retired cinnamon plantation has been rewilded as a rainforest where over 500 flora and fauna species have been discovered, alongside wildlife including the Sri Lanka Grey hornbill and purple-faced leaf monkey.

The main house provides panoramic views of the surrounding jungle and the nearby coastline. At the heart of the resort, you will find the restaurant, bar, 35-meter infinity pool flanked by hand-carved pavilion-style sun loungers and plenty of indoor and outdoor lounge space. Wander along cool haveli-style corridors beneath Moorish-arches and sip sundowners from the turret-walled, riad-style roof terrace. It feels convivial though there are plenty of nooks for independent lounging and dining, including a reading nook recessed into the wall acts as the hotel’s mini library.”

Sigiriya (Stâncă Leului) - impresionanta împărăție de pe stâncă, care a fost pentru o scurtă perioadă capitala Sri Lankă...

Sigiriya (Stâncă Leului) - impresionanta împărăție de pe stâncă, care a fost pentru o scurtă perioadă capitala Sri Lankăi medievale, unul dintre cele mai bine conservate exemple de urbanism antic și sit pe lista Patrimoniului Mondial UNESCO.

Sigiriya fost folosită ca refugiu de către călugării budiști din secolul al III-lea î.Hr., dovadă stau inscripțiile din peșterile din zonă. Regele Dhatusena (455 - 473) a avut doi urmași: Mogallana, fiul unei regine, și Kassapa, fiul unei consoarte de rang inferior. Când Mogallana a fost desemnat moștenitor al tronului, Kassapa s-a răsculat împotriva tatălui său, pe care l-a luat prizonier, după care și-a alungat fratele în India. Dhatusena a fost zidit de către Kassapa într-o încăpere și lăsat să moară. Temându-se de răzbunarea lui Mogallana, Kassapa a pus să se ridice, în doar șapte ani, o nouă reședință, castel și fortăreață, pe stânca Sigiriya. Noul rege a construit la baza stâncii un complex imens de grădini, bazine și fântani. În anul 491, Mogallana, în fruntea unei armate de mercenari tamili, a venit să-și revendice tronul.

Kassapa și-a părăsit citadela în fruntea armatei sale, călare pe un elefant, și și-a întâmpinat inamicul în câmp deschis.A pierdut bătălia și s-a sinucis. Mogallana a redat Sigiriya călugărilor budiști, aceasta redevenind astfel un loc de meditație și de rugăciune. Stânca a fost abandonată în 1155 și a fost redescoperită de englezi în anul 1828.

🍽️ Taste of Sri Lanka: Pol Roti and Hoppers Delight! 🇱🇰🍛Get ready for a culinary adventure as we explore two iconic Sri ...

🍽️ Taste of Sri Lanka: Pol Roti and Hoppers Delight! 🇱🇰🍛

Get ready for a culinary adventure as we explore two iconic Sri Lankan dishes that will tantalize your taste buds! 😋🌴

1️⃣ Pol Roti: These rustic coconut flatbreads are a delicious blend of grated coconut, flour, and spices, grilled to perfection. They're a true taste of Sri Lankan comfort. 🥥🍞

2️⃣ Hoppers: These bowl-shaped rice pancakes are a culinary masterpiece. They come in various forms - plain, egg, or string hoppers. Perfect for scooping up curries or savoring with a runny egg. 🍳🥘

3️⃣ Both dishes offer a medley of flavors, from the fragrant coconut to the gentle heat of Sri Lankan spices. 🌶️🥥

4️⃣ Served with an array of sambols and curries, they offer a symphony of taste in every bite. 🍛🌟

5️⃣ Whether enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Pol Roti and Hoppers are a culinary journey you can't miss in Sri Lanka. 🇱🇰❤️

Indulge in these Sri Lankan delights and let your taste buds dance to the rhythms of island flavors! 🎶🌴🍴 📸🍽️🌅

🐘🇱🇰 Sri Lanka's Majestic Giants: The Enchanting Elephants! 🌿🌅Let's celebrate these incredible creatures that roam the is...

🐘🇱🇰 Sri Lanka's Majestic Giants: The Enchanting Elephants! 🌿🌅

Let's celebrate these incredible creatures that roam the island's lush landscapes, a symbol of strength and grace. 🌴🐾

1️⃣ Encounter them in their natural habitat, where you can witness their gentle nature and wisdom. 🏞️🐘

2️⃣ The Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage offers a heartwarming glimpse into elephant rescue and care. 🐘❤️

3️⃣ Sri Lanka's "Perahera" festivals showcase adorned elephants in vibrant processions - a cultural spectacle. 🎉🪶

4️⃣ Eco-friendly safaris in national parks like Yala or Minneriya offer thrilling opportunities for elephant sightings. 🌄🌳

5️⃣ These magnificent giants are a vital part of Sri Lanka's biodiversity and cultural heritage. 🌏🌼

Let's cherish and protect these majestic creatures, ensuring they continue to roam free in the beautiful landscapes of Sri Lanka! 🐘🌟


Originally the home of owner Hanif Yusoof and his family, Ishq Colombowas born out of a passion to share the epitome of ...

Originally the home of owner Hanif Yusoof and his family, Ishq Colombowas born out of a passion to share the epitome of luxury, the warmth of a family home and a destination that evokes a feeling of home. The name, ‘Ishq’ stems from the Arabic word for love and passion. This stunning 4-suite exclusive-use luxury villa could accommodate a maximum of 10 guests and was designed by Channa Daswatta, a protégé of the late architect Geoffrey Bawa.

The villa pays homage to Sri Lanka’s rich history, with balanced auras of Dutch and English heritage lingering about at every nook and cranny. From the luxurious brushed brass fittings to the elegantly landscaped garden, the attention to detail is evident in the design of the villa, which takes you back to the old-world charm of the island’s colonial heritage and offers you the most unique luxury experience in Colombo.

Ishq Colombo is the only exclusive-use luxury villa in the city and is extremely quiet, so much so that you do not feel as if you're in a city. It is a full-service villa, with 9 staff on-site including a villa manager, chefs, butlers and housekeepers. The villa has a pool, whirlpool bath, 2-bed spa room, steam room and library.

🌺🏡 Embrace Elegance at Maniumpathy, Colombo's Hidden Gem! 🇱🇰💫Step into a world of timeless beauty, where history, herita...

🌺🏡 Embrace Elegance at Maniumpathy, Colombo's Hidden Gem! 🇱🇰💫

Step into a world of timeless beauty, where history, heritage, and luxury converge in perfect harmony. 🏡✨

1️⃣ Maniumpathy is not just a hotel; it's a heritage mansion that tells the story of Colombo's past. 🏰📜

2️⃣ Each room is a journey through time, blending colonial architecture with modern comforts. 🛏️🕰️

3️⃣ Explore the lush gardens, a tranquil oasis in the heart of the city's vibrant energy. 🌳🌿

4️⃣ Immerse yourself in culinary delights that pay homage to Sri Lankan flavors and global cuisine. 🍽️🌶️

5️⃣ Maniumpathy is a testament to elegance, where every corner is a piece of history waiting to be discovered. 🌺🗝️

Visit Maniumpathy and experience the charm of a bygone era in the heart of Colombo. 🌟🏡 📸🌇🍽️






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