Geotechnics Myanmar Co., Ltd. မွ Geo technical Investigation course ကို စာေတြ႕သင္တန္းမ်ား လက္ေတြ႕ (site visit, In-situ & Laboratory testing) သင္တန္းမ်ားျဖင့္ လုပ္ငန္းခြင္၀င္ရန္ အဆင္သင့္ျဖစ္ ေအာင္ သင္ၾကား ပို႔ခ်လ်က္ရွိပါသည္။ အင္ဂ်င္နီယာ ဘူမိေဗဒဘာသာရပ္ကို စိတ္ပါ၀င္စားသူ မည္သူမဆို တက္ေရာက္ႏို္င္ပါသည္။
Date of Start - 1st, October 2016.
Training Duration - 1 month (Lecture 52 hours, Practical 36 hours
+ Additional 3 days & 24 hours, Job hunting
2 hours, Total 52 + 38 = 90 hours).
Training Place - Geotechnics Myanmar Knowledge Sharing Center.
For more information;
Geotechnics Myanmar Office, 1st Floor, San Pya Yankin Market, Beside Yankin Center, Sayarsan Road, Yankin Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : +95(9) 448007119, 790639153, 250849753, +95(1)
E-mail : [email protected]
Course Outline for Geotechnical Investigation
1. Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering.
2. Role & Responsibilities of Geotechnical Engineer & Engineering
for Geotechnical Investigation.
3. Regulatory requirements for Geotechnical Investigation
(CQHP / YCDC & MNBC requirements).
4. How to Planning the Geotechnical Investigation Works.
5. Fundamental of Engineering Geology (Soil and Rock Forming
6. Geotechnical Site Investigation Drilling and Sampling of Soil
andRock SPT Test (Assignment).
7. Other In-situ Test (Including Sand Cone, DCP, Plate bearing,
In-situ CBR, Mackintosh Probe Test).
8. How Important the Geotechnical Instrumentation for
Construction Project and Geotechnical Instrumentation
9. Introduction to Soil Mechanic and Rock Mechanic.
10. Practical Approach to Site Investigation (One day site visit).
11. Soil Classification & Description (Assignment).
12. Rock Classification & Description (Assignment).
13. Introduction to Soil Mechanic Laboratory.
14. Moisture / Density Test (Lecture & Practical).
15. Atterberg Limit / Cone Penetrometer Test / Shrinkage Limit Test
(Lecture & Practical).
16. Grain Size Distribution Test / Hydrometer Test
(Lecture & Practical).
17. Triaxial Test (Lecture & Practical).
18. Direct shear Test (Lecture & Practical).
19. Consolidation Test (Lecture & Practical).
20. Practical (Assignment).
21. Shallow Foundation & Deep Foundation.
22. How to understand the geotechnical report.
23. Supervision and Implementation of SI works.
24. Singapore Geology and Soil and Rock Formation of Singapore.
25. Regulatory requirements of Singapore Authorities
(3 lecture × 2 hours ).
26. Job Hunting – Consulting.
27. Additional Practical hand-on experience on site or laboratory
(3 days × 2 hours ).