
WildMongolia Mongolia is Wild, and we’re here to keep it that way.

To us, sustainable travel means curating experiences that make the furthest reaches of possible, possible, while keeping local people, culture and nature at the heart.

The art of flirting the Kazakh way. Kyz Kuar is a horseback chasing game between a man and a woman. The man’s goal is to...

The art of flirting the Kazakh way.

Kyz Kuar is a horseback chasing game between a man and a woman. The man’s goal is to steal a peck on the cheek and escape unscathed to the finish line, while the woman’s goal is to tag him back with the help of a healthy but playful lash across the back with a whip.

Join our small group travels in October to witness the fascinating display of Kazakh culture at Golden Eagle Festival, and experience the serene beauty of the mountainous western Mongolia.

For bookings, head to our website:

Aglag Buteel Monastery, just 100kms (62 miles) drive out to the northwest of Ulaanbaatar, is home to more than 80 Buddha...

Aglag Buteel Monastery, just 100kms (62 miles) drive out to the northwest of Ulaanbaatar, is home to more than 80 Buddha figures and mythical creatures carved into the giant mountain rocks and cliffs, including Norjunma, the Goddess of Prosperity and Wealth pictured here. These meticulously carved figures are the work of the late Purevbat lama and his students. While a fairly young monastery that opened its doors in 2014, it has fast become a favorite rest stop for those traveling north out of Ulaanbaatar, known for its stunning view of the surrounding mountains and forests. If you only have a day to spare for a trip out of Ulaanbaatar, we highly recommend this serene and spiritual spot.


Naadam is without a doubt the best time to experience Mongolia. Apart from the official 3-day festival, there are plenty...

Naadam is without a doubt the best time to experience Mongolia. Apart from the official 3-day festival, there are plenty of things to see during this peak summer month. From a 4-day long music and arts festival with popular international artists to a fascinating yak festival set against the backdrop of a picturesque Mongolian steppe, click on link below to read our latest article on what to do in Mongolia in July.

From yak festivals to roaring music festivals, here's our recommendations on what to do in Mongolia in July, apart from the world-famous Naadam festival.

Aymuldir Dayinbek is a 13 year old eagle huntress in Sagsai soum of Bayan-Ulgii province. She has been training birds of...

Aymuldir Dayinbek is a 13 year old eagle huntress in Sagsai soum of Bayan-Ulgii province. She has been training birds of prey since she was five years old. The experience has been as much a journey of learning and growth for her as it has been for the bird. Having started with a falcon when she was five, she’s worked her way up to the bigger bird of prey. For Kazakhs of Mongolia, eagle hunting is a point of pride and a cherished tradition that gets handed down to each successive generation.

Aymuldir is from a family of eagle masters going back three generations. One of her uncles, Jenisbek has made a name for himself as an Asian eagle-hunting champion and was dubbed Mongolia’s “most eligible eagle hunter” in a CNN article.
Aymuldir hopes to prove her eagle-hunting skills in the Golden Eagle Festival, the main event for eagle hunters.

Our small group journey to the Golden Eagle Festival (October 1-8, 2024) is now open for booking. Visit our website for a detailed itinerary and booking:

In April 2024, WildMongolia team organized a fundraiser to help care for two orphaned brown bear cubs in Khuvsgul region...

In April 2024, WildMongolia team organized a fundraiser to help care for two orphaned brown bear cubs in Khuvsgul region. This evening, we raised over 12,500,000 MNT, including auctioning off the right to name the cubs, who were then named “Borya” and “Pepe”, and a beautiful painting of the cubs by J. Shijirbaatar, a local artist.

In addition to food, the funds were spent on purchasing satellite collars to monitor and protect the bear cubs.

We are happy to announce that the bear cubs have just been released back into the wild on May 28, 2024.

Brown bears play crucial roles in keeping the ecological balance of Mongolia. Their numbers have been dwindling due to illegal hunting and encroachment of human habitation into their territories. As a responsible tour operator, we pride ourselves on showcasing the pristine beauty of Mongolia, which stands as our greatest strength, and we felt it was our duty to contribute to the preservation and protection of wildlife through this effort.

We thank all our supporters and donors for their generosity.
Lkham Gallery
Rosewood Kitchen + Enoteca
DDance Lab
World Wine
Marishka Xgl
Oyunpurev Nyam-Ochir
Batbayar Sumkhuu

Good luck, little explorers Borya and Pepe, in the great adventure of life!

WildMongolia's friends in the north, the dedicated park rangers of the Red Taiga protected area led by a renowned conser...

WildMongolia's friends in the north, the dedicated park rangers of the Red Taiga protected area led by a renowned conservationist and veteran park ranger Tumursukh Jal, have been adopting, caring for and reintroducing orphaned brown bear cubs back into the wild for the past two years. Pepe and Borya (shown in the photo), the class of 2024, are going to be set back into the wild valley of the bears in June. Until then, the park rangers will feed, care and climatize these cubs for their release. But conservation does not stop with the release. There are satellite collars and wildlife cameras that help monitor their movement, ensuring they are safe from poachers and protective nomadic herders. There's Tumursukh and his team of park rangers spending more than 200 days a year on horseback patrolling the stunningly beautiful and wild Taiga through rain and snow, night and day.

Before the cubs are released back into the wild, we invite you to be a part of this expert-led conservation journey. Through this specially-designed program, see the two bear cubs from up close (but not too close, as getting too comfortable in human presence would be detrimental to their survival in the wild), meet Darkhad shamans for insights on this most ancient spiritual practice, ride the sturdy Mongolian horse along Darkhad Valley and meditate on the serenely beautiful shores of Khuvsgul Lake, referred to as "mother ocean" by Mongolians for its seemingly endless vastness and clear blue waters. End the journey on a high note in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city, exploring this eclectic urban metropolis referred to as "felt city" by architects due to its mixture of modern high-risers, hip young crowd, nomadic felt gers and new migrants from all over the country.

All profits from "Travel for Conservation" will be donated to the park rangers' conservation efforts in the Red Taiga protected area.

For details and inquiries, get in touch with our travel designer team at [email protected].

On April 25th, WildMongolia organized a charity drive to raise funds for the care and feeding of two brown bear cubs in ...

On April 25th, WildMongolia organized a charity drive to raise funds for the care and feeding of two brown bear cubs in Khuvsgul's Red Taiga protected area. We would like to thank all our donors, supporters, and sponsors for making this charity drive a success!

Click on the link below to read about this event and learn how your contributions are making a difference in the lives of these vulnerable cubs. Your generosity is truly appreciated and helps vital conservation efforts in Mongolia's precious wilderness, led by the brave and passionate park rangers like Tumursukh Jal.

Tour Title Everything you need to know before your trip to Taiwan In April 2023, two infant bear cubs were found in the wintering spot of a local herder in Bulgan province. The locals notified the park rangers of the Zed-Khantai-Buteel Mountain range protected area. Deeming the cubs,

WildMongolia's co-founder Uyanga Galbadrakh talked to Ensemble Travel's Range by Ensemble in April to share her thoughts...

WildMongolia's co-founder Uyanga Galbadrakh talked to Ensemble Travel's Range by Ensemble in April to share her thoughts on what surprises travelers about Mongolia, and how to immerse yourself in Mongolian culture. Link to the full issue of the magazine below.

Read Range - Volume 6 by Ensemble on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. Start here!

Happy Tsagaan Sar to you! May your nine white wishes come true! Today, we are celebrating the Mongolian Lunar New Year, ...

Happy Tsagaan Sar to you!
May your nine white wishes come true!

Today, we are celebrating the Mongolian Lunar New Year, also known as Tsagaan Sar. Tsagaan Sar is a coming-of-spring celebration marked by extended family reunions. Mongolians take turns visiting their elders during the first three days of the Lunar New Year to pay their respects. A traditional saying, expressing good wishes during these times, is "May all your nine white wishes come true," often conveyed by elders to the younger generation along with “tsatsal”.

Tsatsal, meaning "sprinkling," is a time-honored Mongolian custom symbolizing devotion and offering. During the spring, the milk from animals that have given birth for the first time of the season is collected and offered to Tengri, the sky, and Mother Nature using a wooden tsatsal ladle. This act of sprinkling milk around the household invokes blessings of prosperity and well-being for both the family and their animals.

Our ancestors recognized the regularity of these wishes and left a blessing to remind future generations that they had achieved them, and that they would be blessed with “nine white wishes".

They are:
Self-Empowerment (Sovereignty)
Peace & Tranquility
Eternal Life

From the vast steppe of Mongolia, WildMongolia is wishing you "nine white wishes"!

WildMongolia Corporate Services танилцуулж байна.1998 оноос хойш Монгол бэйкери салбарын анхдагч бөгөөд тэргүүлэгчээр ту...

WildMongolia Corporate Services танилцуулж байна.

1998 оноос хойш Монгол бэйкери салбарын анхдагч бөгөөд тэргүүлэгчээр тууштай үйл ажиллагаагаа эрхлэн ирсэн Жүр Үр компанийн оны ажлаа дүгнэж, ололт амжилтаа тэмдэглэх онцгой үдшийг зохион байгуулах хариуцлагатай ба нэр хүндтэй ажлыг бид хийн гүйцэтгэсэн билээ.

Тус компанийн бизнес эрхлэх зарчмын салшгүй нэгэн хэсэг болсон "Аз Жаргалаа Хуваалцая" уриа үг дор WildMongolia Corporate Services баг "Casino Royale" сэдэвтэй үдэшлэгийн концепц, загварыг санал болгон, зохион байгуулалт хэрэгжилтийг нь хариуцан ажиллалаа. Энэхүү арга хэмжээ нь шинэ оны үдэшлэгээс гадна Jur Ur Bakery / Жүр Үр бэйкери-гийн 25 жилийн ойгоор тохиосноороо онцгой байсан юм.

Жүр Үр компанийн хөдөлмөрч хамт олон болох 800 хүндэт зочдын сэтгэлийг баясгаж, сонорыг мялаасан урлагийн тоглолт, хөгжөөнт сорилт тоглоом зэргээс бүрдсэн сонирхолтой баялаг хөтөлбөрийг Жүр Үр компанийн багаас ирсэн хүсэлт, даалгаврын дагуу WildMongolia хамт олон зохиомжлон хийлээ.

WildMongolia компанийн Corporate Services үйлчилгээг сонгон, бидэнтэй хамтран ажилласан Жүр Үр компанийн хамт олонд гүнээ талархъя. Бидэнд итгэн, дотоодын маш чухал арга хэмжээгээ даатган хамтарсанд баярлалаа.

Тэмдэглэн онцлох үйлсээр цаашид ч дүүрэн бялхаж байхыг та бүхэндээ хүсэн ерөөе!

Монгол дахь АНУ-ын Худалдааны танхим-ын зүгээс байгууллагын нийгмийн хариуцлага, инновацийн шилдэг төслүүдийг онцлохоор ...

Монгол дахь АНУ-ын Худалдааны танхим-ын зүгээс байгууллагын нийгмийн хариуцлага, инновацийн шилдэг төслүүдийг онцлохоор жил болгон уламжлал болгон зохион байгуулж ирсэн ээлжит "Annual Gala Dinner & CSR Awards Night” 2023 оны 12-р сард болж өнгөрсөн юм. WildMongolia компани энэхүү онцгой үдшийн зохион байгуулалт, хөтөлбөрийг хариуцан гүйцэтгэх хүндтэй үүргийг хүлээсэн билээ.

Shangri-La Ulaanbaatar зочид буудлын хүлээн авалтын тэнхимд болсон энэхүү арга хэмжээнд Монгол Улсын Засгийн Газрын хүндэт төлөөлөгчид, Монгол дахь олон улсын элчин сайдын яамдын төлөөлөл ба төр, хувийн хэвшил болон иргэний нийгмийн 250 гаруй төлөөлөгчид оролцсон.

Нийгмийн хариуцлага ба инновацийн санаачлагуудыг онцлон тэмдэглэж, хувийн хэвшил дэхь нийгмийн хариуцлагын манлайлал ба нийгмийн оролцоог сайжруулах, өргөжүүлэх зорилготой энэхүү үйл ажиллагаа нь АНУ-ын Худалдааны танхимын зүгээс чухал ач холбогдол өгөн зохион байгуулдаг гол хөтөлбөрүүдийн нэг юм.

WildMongolia компанийн баг урлаг, соёлын салбар дахь туршлага, багийн гишүүдийн томоохон арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулж байсан олон жилийн туршлагад тулгуурлан энтертэйнмент, хүндэтгэлийн арга хэмжээний тэнцвэрийг чухалчилсан хөтөлбөрийг шинэлэг концепцтойгоор зохион байгуулсан билээ. Тус үдэшд зориулан авъяаслаг залуу уран бүтээлчид Deaf Cats, классик жазз хөгжмийн Tenuun & Big Band нарыг урин оролцууллаа. Мөн энэхүү үдэшд тусгайлан зориулж 1970-аад оны эхээр ардын жүжигчин, төрийн шагналт Ц. Сэвжидийн анх дэглэж байсан домогт "Жалам Хар" бүжгийг 2023 онд буюу орчин үед хөрвүүлэн дэглэснийг D-Dance орчин үеийн бүжгийн хамтлаг толилуулсан нь хүрэлцэн ирсэн зочдод ихээхэн таалагдсан. WildMongoliа-гийн хамтрагч Батбилэгдээ (UB Comedy) энэхүү чухал бөгөөд гайхалтай арга хэмжээг хөтлөн, хөг аясыг нь тохируулан ажилласанд баярлалаа.

AmCham Mongolia-д WildMongolia Corporate Services-ыг сонгон үйлчилүүлж, итгэн дэмжсэнд гүнээ талархал илэрхийлье. Байгууллагын нийгмийн хариуцлага цаашид улам өргөжиж, нийгэмд эерэг нөлөө дүүрэн үйлс улам дэлгэрэх болтугай!

WildMongolia Corporate Services orchestrated a spectacular end-of-the-year celebration for our esteemed client Jur Ur Ba...

WildMongolia Corporate Services orchestrated a spectacular end-of-the-year celebration for our esteemed client Jur Ur Bakery / Жүр Үр бэйкери, one of the pioneer bakery goods companies in Mongolia since 1998.

Under their corporate theme of "Share Happiness," WildMongolia Corporate Services proposed, presented, and produced a “Casino Royale” themed New Year Party for Jur Ur Bakery’s 800 employees on their 25th anniversary.

WildMongolia team closely worked with Jur Ur Bakery’s marketing team in designing an unforgettable celebration with themed decorations, interactive games and events, video content, and entertainment. As always, our team of experts was on hand throughout the celebration to make sure that the evening was a success.

We extend our sincere appreciation to Jur Ur for choosing WildMongolia Corporate Services as their solution provider for this special occasion. Your confidence in our services is immensely valued, and we feel privileged to have played a part in contributing to the success of your company.

Here's to many more years of collaboration and shared celebrations!

WildMongolia team is thrilled to share the success of the annual AmCham Mongolia CSR Awards (held in December 2023, a pe...

WildMongolia team is thrilled to share the success of the annual AmCham Mongolia CSR Awards (held in December 2023, a perfect end to a fruitful year), an event that showcased the outstanding dedication of member organizations fostering sustainability and innovation in Mongolia. WildMongolia Corporate Services played a behind-the-scenes role in orchestrating this remarkable evening.

Held at the Shangri-La event ballroom for over 250 guests, it was a full house attended by representatives from public, private, and civil sectors, including honorary foreign ambassadors and representatives of the Government of Mongolia. This annual event, held to highlight and celebrate CSR initiatives, serves as a catalyst to foster social responsibility and community engagement throughout the private sector and is one of the key projects of the American Chamber of Commerce, Mongolia.

Our WildMongolia team drew on our unique understanding of the local arts scene and our expertise in large-scale event management to propose and present a high-level, highly entertaining, and original concept event. We engaged many talented entertainers for this special evening from the refreshingly talented Deaf Cats to the classy Tenuun and his Big Band. Among the highlights of the program was a mix of American Jazz music and dance performances, and a revitalized Mongolian classic: a modern interpretation of the 1970’s iconic music and dance Jalam Khar performed by the contemporary dance troupe D-Dance. The perfect emcee, also a WildMongolia talent, and flawless event management made for a successful night.

We extend our sincere appreciation to AmCham Mongolia for selecting WildMongolia Corporate Services as their trusted service provider. Grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this groundbreaking event. Here's to a future filled with impactful CSR initiatives!

Billion Dollar Industry: Mongolia's Thriving Tourism SectorFrom vast landscapes to rich cultural heritage, Mongolia quie...

Billion Dollar Industry: Mongolia's Thriving Tourism Sector
From vast landscapes to rich cultural heritage, Mongolia quietly beckons adventurers from every corner of the world. But did you know that tourism in this untamed land is not just a traveler's paradise but also a game-changer for its economy?

Fostering a New Area of Economic Growth: By the end of 2023, Mongolia's tourism industry is poised to become a cornerstone of the nation's economy. Transitioning from reliance on traditional sectors, tourism is shaping a vibrant and dynamic 'rainbow economy.'

Government Initiatives: With the launch of groundbreaking tourism initiatives, including a new international airport and the comprehensive 'Welcome to Mongolia' campaign, the Mongolian government aspires to attract over a million visitors in 2023. Designating 2023-2025 as 'Years to Visit Mongolia,' the government's focus on air transport liberalization, digital technology integration, adherence to tourism standards, and global promotion has yielded remarkable results.

Charting the Skies: In 2013, over 10% of the national budget was allocated to a substantial airport expansion project, responding to the surge in business travelers and limitations of the existing Chinggis Khaan International Airport. With Japanese support, the new airport aims to fuel economic growth by accommodating a larger volume of visitors. Featuring a 3,600-meter runway, a 35,300-square-meter passenger terminal, and cutting-edge infrastructure, this project is set to redefine Mongolia's travel landscape.

Explore Mongolia with WildMongolia through tailor-made experiences.

Our Head of Education MG (Munkhnaran) shares her thoughts on the award-winning "Mongolia: Valley of the Bears" documenta...

Our Head of Education MG (Munkhnaran) shares her thoughts on the award-winning "Mongolia: Valley of the Bears" documentary featuring WildMongolia's expert Tumursukh Jal.

Deep in the outer edges of Mongolia’s northernmost province Khuvsgul is the Red Taiga, a part of the Northern Hemisphere’s diverse biome and protected national park that spans over a million acres. Think lush greenery, deep blue lakes, evergreen forests, and mountain ranges that make us believe ...

Nestled in the heart of Central Asia, Mongolia is the last undiscovered world.Explore the vast steppes less traveled.Mar...

Nestled in the heart of Central Asia, Mongolia is the last undiscovered world.
Explore the vast steppes less traveled.
Marvel at the timeless beauty beyond your imagination.
Meet everyday Mongolians with extraordinary stories.
Experience nomadic hospitality.
And awaken your wild in the land of the eternal blue sky.

Go Mongolia! by WildMongolia #2024



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