GOZO SHORT LETS - Flat Cloud 9 - Holiday Apartment

GOZO SHORT LETS - Flat Cloud 9 - Holiday Apartment One bedroom apartment available for short let. Marsalforn/Zebbug

Happy Winter ❄️🌞🎉

Happy Winter ❄️🌞🎉

🇬🇧 Today is the first day of winter. The astronomical start of a season is based on the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun. The start of each season is marked by either a solstice (winter and summer) or an equinox (spring and autumn). A solstice takes place when the Sun reaches the most southerly or northerly point in the sky, while an equinox marks the point when the Sun passes over Earth's equator.

The winter solstice occurs when one of the Earth's poles, the north pole in the case of the Northern Hemisphere, has its maximum tilt away from the Sun. It happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere. The winter solstice is the day with the shortest period of daylight and longest night of the year for us. The sun rose at 07:08 and will set at 16:51 today. This means 9 hours, 43 minutes and 19 seconds of daylight. The Sun is at its lowest daily maximum elevation in the sky locally. At the North Pole, there is continuous darkness today. On the other hand, the South Pole enjoys a day of continuous daylight. The winter solstice marks the beginning of winter. Because of leap years, the dates of the equinoxes and solstices can shift by a day or two over time, causing the start dates of the seasons to shift too. This year, winter starts today, exactly at 10:21.

Since prehistory, the winter solstice has been seen as a significant time of year in many cultures, and has been marked by festivals and rituals. On the first day of each season, the Sun rises in a particular alignment to the prehistoric temples of Ħaġar Qim and Mnajdra. They are so systematic that it is very probable that these orientations were intentional. In prehistory, the observation of the motion of celestial bodies was related to the changing season and times of planting and harvesting of crops.

From tomorrow onward, the length of daylight will start increasing slowly again! For those of you who love summer, see this day as the start of the road to summer.

🇲🇹 Illum huwa l-ewwel jum tax-xitwa. Il-bidu astronomiku ta’ staġun huwa bbażat skont il-pożizzjoni tad-Dinja madwar ix-Xemx. Il-bidu ta’ kull immarkat b’solstizju (ix-xitwa u s-sajf) jew ekwinozju (ir-rebbiegħa u l-ħarifa). Solstizju jseħħ meta x-Xemx tilħaq l-aktar punt imġenneb lejn in-nofsinhar jew it-tramuntana, filwaqt li fl-ekwinozju jimmarka l-punt ta’ meta x-Xemx tgħaddi minn fuq l-ekwatur.

Is-solstizju tax-xitwa ta’ l-Emisfera ta’ Fuq jseħħ meta ċ-Ċirku ta’ l-Artiku (North Pole) ikun fl-aktar punt imġenneb mix-Xemx. Il-jum tas-solstizju tax-xitwa ta’ l-Emisfera ta’ Fuq huwa l-jum bl-anqas dawl u l-aktar dlam għalina. Ix-xemx illum telgħet fis-07:08 u se tinżel fil-16:51. Dan ifisser 9 siegħat, 43 minuta u 19 sekonda ta’ dawl. Ix-xemx tkun fl-aktar punt baxx tas-sema illum. Fiċ-Ċirku ta’ l-Artiku (North Pole) illum ikun hemm dlam kontinwu. Minn naħa l-oħra ċ-Ċirku ta’ l-Antartika (South Pole) igawdi minn dawl kontinwu. Is-solstizju tax-xitwa jimmarka l-bidu ta’ l-istaġun tax-xitwa. Minħabba snin biżestili (leap years), id-dati ta’ l-ekwinozji u solstizji tvarja minn jum sa tnejn, u b’hekk id-dati tal-bidu ta’ l-istaġuni ma jkunux dejjem il-21. Din is-sena x-xitwa tibda illum, sewwa sew fl-10:21.

Sa minn żmien il-preistorja, is-solstizju tax-xitwa kien immarkat bħala żmien sinifikanti minn diversi kulturi, u kien iċċelebrata b’modi numerużi. Fl-ewwel jum ta’ kull staġun, ix-Xemx titla b’tali mod fit-tempji ta’ Ħaġar Qim u l-Imnajdra. Dan il-fenomenu tant huwa sistematiku u ovvju li ma jħalli l-ebda dubju li huwa wieħed intenzjonat. Fi żmien il-preistorja, l-osservazzjoni tal-moviment tal-qamar u l-kwiekeb kien jintuża bħala indikatur ta’ meta għandhom jinżergħu u jinħasdu l-uċuħ tar-raba’.

Minn għada, is-siegħat ta’ dawl jibdew jitwalu bilmod il-mod. Għal dawk li jħobbu s-sajf u jippreferu s-siegħat itwal ta’ dawl li jġib miegħu dak l-istaġun, ħarsu lejn dan il-jum bħala l-bidu ta’ dik it-triq!

📷 Għajnsielem 🎄 | Joanne Mohr Photography

A new event in Gozo 😊

A new event in Gozo 😊

Join us for the first International Puppets Festival in the picturesque village of Għarb and enjoy performances featuring three giant puppets from France, string puppet shows, workshops, puppet vendors, and live entertainment. The festival takes place on Saturday, September 28, with puppet displays...


👉 For info on availability
call or message here
+356 77397143 📞

‼️ Flat Cloud 9 will be available from the 20th of December till the 20th of May for minimum one month of stay ‼️👉€480 p...

‼️ Flat Cloud 9 will be available from the 20th of December till the 20th of May for minimum one month of stay ‼️

👉€480 per month WiFi included

Get in touch if you are interested.

👉Message on WhatsApp or call

Finally we've got some rain and the land will be green very soon 💚

Finally we've got some rain and the land will be green very soon 💚

Spectacular double rainbow after the thunderstorm ⛈🌈

Photo: Eric Camilleri

Welcome Autumn!🧡 🏵️🍂🍁

Welcome Autumn!🧡 🏵️🍂🍁

A look at Gozo’s events in October.

Back to traditional arts and crafts 👇💕

Back to traditional arts and crafts 👇💕

Gozo Traditional Weaving - a seminar and workshop is taking place in the beautifully restored Xewkija Windmill in Gozo. Gozitan weaver Alda Bugeja will demonstrate and talk about the traditional weaving process, one of the oldest crafts of the island. The programme of activities, which is open

That's interesting 👇

That's interesting 👇

Sweater weather, is that you?


For bookings and enquiries kindly contact us on this number 77397143.
Available on WhatsApp

Villa Rundle gardens from above 🤩

Villa Rundle gardens from above 🤩

The garden was first opened in 1915.

Time to open the 🏖️  ☺️🌞🌞🌞

Time to open the 🏖️ ☺️🌞🌞🌞

Lovely sunrise at Ramla bay ❤️

Lovely sunrise at Ramla bay ❤️

🇬🇧 First light at Ramla l-Ħamra 😍 Today is 1st July, the start of the second month of meteorological summer. This weekend we'll be taking a look back at how June fared in comparison to climate norms and also have a glance at how summer will progress in July. We remind you that the first few days of July, starting later on today, will be overall windier and cooler than average.

🇲🇹 L-ewwel dawl fuq ir-Ramla l-Ħamra 😍 Illum l-1 ta' Lulju, nagħtu bidu għat-tieni xahar tas-sajf meteoroloġiku. F'dawn il-jiem se nħarsu lura lejn kif ikkumpara Ġunju ma' l-istatistiċi tal-klima kif ukoll nagħtu titwila għal kif mistenni jiżvolġi s-sajf matul dan ix-xahar. Infakkrukhom li l-ewwel jiem ta' Lulju, minn aktar t**d illum, se jkunu ġeneralment aktar mirjieħa u friski minn normal.

📷 Peter Mohr Photography

➡️ 🚌Direct bus to the ferry and back to Marsalforn is finally back!!! Hooray! 🥳 https://gozo.news/104476/direct-bus-rout...

➡️ 🚌Direct bus to the ferry and back to Marsalforn is finally back!!! Hooray! 🥳


The new Gozo TD30 and TD31 routes from Mgarr will start on Sunday, 2nd July, Malta Public Transport said.. These routes are aimed at providing improved transportation options for residents and visitors in Gozo, connecting key destinations in the island. The TD30 route offers transportation from M

🌞🌞🌞🌞 Welcome Summer 🌞🌞🌞🌞

🌞🌞🌞🌞 Welcome Summer 🌞🌞🌞🌞


💙 🌞 💕 🐠 💕




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