A Way With Occult & Magick

A Way With Occult & Magick Delivering a magical and engrossing experience where nothing is ever what it seems.

The art of Evoking and InvokingThe Art of Evocation is a Black Magick skill that once learned will prove very useful and...

The art of Evoking and Invoking

The Art of Evocation is a Black Magick skill that once learned will prove very useful and can be applied to every area of your life. There is a huge difference between Invocation and Evocation.

Magick done properly, as in an invocation of an element, planetary force, godform, angel or daemon, will result in that force truly coming to life and suppressing the ego, so that either A) a full possession occurs (such as is so easy to happen in African traditions as voodoo/hoodoo, which to my western taste is fascinatingly effective but quite tricky to manage to the inexperienced, but oh so easy to work with for the uninitiated), or B a partial evocation happens where the magickian is slightly possessed and will act according to the Will of the entity or force in question, but regains his subjective reality.

Invocation: Is a ritual or Prayer. You call upon a deity and ask them to grant your desired request or to help you in an area of your life. When you invoke a deity you are calling upon their energy bringing the presence of the entity into the room, then you can ask them to grant your request, such as protection, inspiration, their presence at a ceremony, etc. In some rituals, the essence of the deity or spirit can enter the magician and inspire them.

Invocation is relatively simple to perform and really just involves being devoted to your diety and genuinely asking them for guidance. Like all magickal practices when performing an invocation you must be focused in order for it to work properly. Some different forms of Invocation are Rituals, Prayers, Hymes, Meditation, etc. All religions have their different forms of invocation.

Evocation is a little different.

Evocation: In This art, you call forth a spirit, Demon, Angel or other diety and ask them to appear before you. Where once they appear you ask them to grant a specific request. When performing an evocation you have to be very specific and remember to tell the entity to not harm your friends and family as in the spirit world things happen a little different.

There are many different ways to perform evocation rituals and they can be performed on any type of spiritual entity out there. The two most common are Angelics and Demonics.

There are two ways to get the entity to appear, one is by evoking them to the Physical Plane which can be challenging and is the harder of the two methods. On the Physical Plane, the entity has a harder time assuming a form and it can take longer beside more energy is required. Though this method is effective it is not recommended for the initiate magician.

The next is an easier way to evoke an entity, it is evoking it to the Astral plane via a black mirror. This way is preferable to most magicians as it is easier for the entities to reveal images and communicate with you. This way has its challenges, like all forms of evocation that require focus and a controlled mind, but it is the easier of the two.

I have done many evocations in my time albeit I do not follow a lot of the old teachings where one must be cruel to the entity and bind it, I am actually grateful to the entities for their help. I have found that with that attitude I have made some very strong connections and had extra gifts befall upon me.

If you want to master this skill then there is a book I recommend that is a must. It is called “Summoning Spirits“ by Konstantinos….

Both Evocation and Invocation are very useful abilities and will be greatly beneficial to your Black Magick practices.

Em hotep - Patrick Gaffiero

Almuajihin (mentor)Iblis the fiery Jinn ... The Divine Flame that shines bright. His beauty is unlike any other. His kno...

Almuajihin (mentor)

Iblis the fiery Jinn ... The Divine Flame that shines bright. His beauty is unlike any other.

His knowledge encompasses everything. His bravery is unmatched, He left the comfort of the heavens to come to earth that at that time was barren and built the earth with His own efforts and with the efforts of those who came down with Him.

He knew that He was superior and He had every right to be superior to some man-made of clay. He is the keeper of all the secrets of all the worlds. He is proud of His achievements and strives each day to achieve more. His level of progression to this day is unmatched, each day He is becoming something much more than what He was the previous day. Iblis is joy, sadness, life, death, knowledge, and wisdom. He shuns ignorance and arrogance. He is for the proud and strong and not the weak of mind. He is forever the Eternal Divine Flame that burns within us always.

What happens when one makes a formal commitment to Iblis? Iblis looks out for his own. Iblis gives us an inner strength and we become very strong in spirit. Unlike right-hand path religions, where adherents are forever praying and searching for their god, Iblis comes to us on his own. Many times, we can feel him. He comes to guide us when we get down, worried, or are experiencing problems. He snaps us into line and directs us as to what we need to do to be focused and happy.

The foundation of Our Spirituality is in our finishing Iblis's work upon humanity. This is the goal of the godhead and is accomplished through power meditation. Humanity is currently at a very low level spiritually. When we begin to meditate, we experience profound positive changes within our lives. Iblis and his Demons (The Original Gods) protect us and look out for us as we transform and achieve personal power. With Iblis, we have the protection that outsiders do not have. We can advance in the powers of the mind and soul as far as we wish. For outsiders, this can prove dangerous.

Iblis also gives us knowledge. "I lead to the straight path without a book." As we transform and grow, our lives change for the better and we are much happier. We learn through Iblis how to take control of our own lives and destiny instead of being at the mercy of fate. We learn to heal ourselves, and to fulfill our own desires, using the powers of our mind and soul.

In making a commitment, we engage a formal ritual. This is done out of free will. We are making a choice, as opposed to being dragged off to some church and reciting canned prayers (stolen and corrupted from Eastern mantras) in front of a bunch of fools.

With knowledge and research, we can prove the use of fictitious characters, stolen, corrupted concepts to remove all spiritual knowledge so that a "chosen" few can rule the world using powers of the mind and soul.

Because so many have been forcefully indoctrinated with these characters, and what they stand for (The enemies of Iblis), we renounce them permanently in the dedication ritual ( Ritual not disclosed here). This proves to be psychologically healthy and liberating. The initiation ritual is a very personal one.

Subhana Rabbi Iblis

Worship, Entities and magickOne can say the elements are dead, and therefore not an entity. Well, you could by means of ...

Worship, Entities and magick

One can say the elements are dead, and therefore not an entity. Well, you could by means of magick create what is known as an Artificial Elemental, which is a symbolic representation of your Will. The Luciferian will choose to pretend this is a living being, or not, depending on his taste, but the more pragmatic Luciferian will know that the work is being done within the psychological realm of consciousness and shared consciousness, where the limit between the self, the Ego, and the outside, the Macrocosms, are blurred.

Further work on the alchemical path, through which many tools exist such as ritual magick, the operator, known as the magickian, uses his various ability of consciousness and collective consciousness, symbolism and other methods enabling him to integrate and work with symbols and forces that exist on other planes. One good example is the different psychological traits of a human being's personality, symbolized by earth, wind, fire, and water.

A proto-masculine character would be that of fire, having the typical broad-shoulder V shape, while the intellectual airy type will be slender, the earthy type big and bulky. But in reality, people are influenced more or less by all the elements and are unbalanced. The magickian could invoke a certain element, such as water, by means of all the different methods of associating with this force, to integrate it and balance it against his current mix of elements. I am not talking about physical fire or physical water, but the symbolic and universal forces that are embedded in all things in nature.

To worship an entity is to invest your energy in that entity, or sometimes, to achieve communion with that entity to accomplish a goal where the entity can be perceived as being part of you, sometimes it is the integration of that entity, such as a person who has not known love, or who is unable to feel love because deep inside he doesn’t love himself. He could do a Venus ritual, (or to any other archetype which means the same) planning this ritual to the same respect he would plan a wedding, fasting for a week and abstaining from all kinds of s*x, obtaining rare materials and items to carry the ritual out, perform ritual bath, and invoke Venus with masturbatory s*x magick thus creating psychological and spiritual imprints that can cause fundamental change in that person.

This is the essence of magick, and I think it can be explained rationally by the view of magick and alchemy as an advanced (but archaic) form of psychotherapy, or if you like the fun version, to think that you invoked Venus and have been bestowed gifts that were external to you given by an entity.

My point is that if done correctly, the result will be the same. And if choosing to believe will make the ritual more elegant or effective, then so be it. Maybe in the process, that entity does exist because the Luciferian has successfully created this entity in his universe, drawing on the collective subconsciousness, making the symbol more sublime and powerful.

Slavery is to be ignorant and go about wasting your love or hate on something or someone who doesn’t deserve it. Slavery is wasting your energy on something resultless, that which does not benefit anything or anyone. To worship should be an act of love, to love yourself is the highest worship. It is not by itself a master/slave contract, it is not imprisonment but liberation from the limit of the self. Love is the most powerful direction of the will, as is its anti-particle, hate.

Love is best invested in yourself and should be dealt out sparingly. Also, limit the energy you spend. Done wisely, the expenditure of energy can give profound results.

Em hotep - Patrick Gaffiero

Controlling The Dark Side of your PsycheWe have spoken previously about the Dark Night of the Soul. So, what is Existent...

Controlling The Dark Side of your Psyche

We have spoken previously about the Dark Night of the Soul. So, what is Existential Crisis? How does it come about? Spirituality just like magick to comes at a price. The hardest thing about going through an existential crisis is that you feel constantly depressed and alienated. Nothing makes sense anymore and everything feels meaningless – including all of your old accomplishments, desires, attachments, relationships, and goals.

You desperately seek your real purpose in life. You want to know why the f*ck we’re all here in the first place, but you don’t know where to begin. If you can relate to these feelings, my heart goes out to you. I’ve been there before and it’s a dark place. Worst of all, it can sometimes last for years or come and go (like mine does). As someone who has been and occasionally goes through this, I’m not here to bu****it you, neither am I promising to make it all become magically better. But I do hope you, that through this, you will find a little bit of solace.

Put simply, an existential crisis is a period in life where a person is at a crossroads and is questioning their entire reality. They may wonder what the meaning of their life is and whether they have a higher purpose. They may wonder whether life itself has meaning or is just a random, chaotic product of chance. And as a result, they may suffer from tremendous anxiety, depression, isolation, and feelings of being lost.

Going through an existential crisis my entire worldview shattered, I went through confusion, emptiness, anxiety, and depression wondering what the purpose of all this was. It was an extremely difficult, traumatizing, and heart-breaking time. But my story is only one of the millions, and there are many reasons why you may be going through such a crisis.

Anything sudden can destabilize your mind. Think of it like an earthquake that sets off a domino effect within your psyche. Before you know it, you have cut off all your friends, quit your job, and have completely withdrawn from society because it all becomes too much. Again, I want to emphasize the fact that this won’t last forever. It might feel like it and you might believe, in your present frame of mind, that you’re the only person out there who is going through this. But you’re not. Yes, you heard it right: the existential crisis is increasing in prevalence.

It’s becoming a global phenomenon. With a record number of people experiencing major depression and other symptoms associated with an existential crisis, the question here is WHY? With all our technology, wealth, material abundance, why are we feeling more and more empty inside? There are many possible answers, but I believe that the main cause is emotional, philosophical, and spiritual in nature.

We live in a world that worships the reductionistic mechanistic scientific view of life. Anything mysterious, magical, or remotely spiritual in nature are scorned and looked down upon. We pretend we’re all above such childish nonsense when in reality it’s what we need the most. We have lost that magick from within.

As a society, we deal with our existential emptiness in many ways, but the unifying sobering reality is that we are spiritually destitute. We’ve lost touch with our spiritual nature and are suffering horribly as a result. The current generation is simply wandering aimlessly in the dark.

I understand that some of you might be atheists or simply not interested in spiritual connections, but perhaps it’s time to reconsider your relationship with the mysterious at the very least.

The existential crisis is an opportunity for you to find your life purpose, figure out what truly matters in life, and connect with your spiritual nature. The more you suffer existentially, the closer you are likely to draw to what is Divine.

You’re experiencing death and rebirth. You’re undergoing a mental, emotional, and spiritual renewal process. Everything in life works in cycles. Think of life like the four seasons. What you’re experiencing right now is the winter stage of existence. Soon after that, will come spring.

LVX - Patrick Gaffiero

Beyond the EgoTo know the difference between experiencing something that is of the Ego, as compared to an experience tha...

Beyond the Ego

To know the difference between experiencing something that is of the Ego, as compared to an experience that is truly originating from an entity outside of us, is deemed important. Zen goes some way in defining how ego must be conquered or in some way defeated to reach the realms beyond, and to avoid the traps of self-delusion or ego-driven thought-forms that take on a life of their own but add to illusion (Maya).

So, let’s try to define the difference between something experienced from the perspective of the ego compared to that of a true external entity. I would also like to give an option to those of you who consider that there is no such thing as an external entity other than the self. My argument is such: If that is true, then there is still the option of defining the Self as the centre of the Universe, and defining Ego as the part that you are in contact with, while on the other hand there are parts of your Self that contain wisdom inaccessible to you, sourced either from the collective unconsciousness that you absorbed throughout your life, but didn’t process or master, hence you are unable to use it adequately.

My take on the world is that external entities are real, whether you choose to believe that it is a figment of your imagination or that it is really in existence, the consequences are one and the same.

Same thing applies to magick. You can believe that by magickal ritual you change the world and thereby your relation to the world, or on the contrary, you change yourself and thereby your relation to the world. Either way, your relation to the world will experience change.

Let me stress that by doing magick, and doing it really and truly the way it should be done, in a real magickal practical sense, you cannot combine the ego with an element, planet, god form, angel or daemon.

Magick done properly, as in an invocation of an element, planetary force, god form, angel or daemon, will result in that force truly coming to life and suppressing the ego, so that either a full possession occurs or a partial evocation happens where the magician is slightly possessed and will act according to the Will of the entity or force in question, but regains his subjective reality.

Contrast this to a L*D or mushroom trip where the ego is completely altered or even lost in the process, but most of the time regained at a later point so objective un-reality can merge with subjective “reality” and projections (Maya).

When doing ZaZen meditation, the goal is to achieve the moment where your voice falls silent. That is the end of the Ego and the beginning of Enlightenment. Somewhere in that fragile state of mind of illumination, you can have experiences of a non-egoistic nature and non-subjective experience.

When doing magick, as in path working, you allow an external force that is not your ego, but a primordial force that belongs to the cosmos, and to the pan-dimensional, collective extra/sub consciousness, that which belongs to neither time nor space, to come into play and enrich your life. To ensure a safe operation and safe interaction with these powerful entities, guaranteeing a pure and true operation, is exactly the purpose of ritual/magickal preparedness.Banishing, consecration of the temple by water and fire, its furniture, peculiar lighting, sigils and pentagrams, are there to induce both an altered state of reality, and to magically and on all levels change the reference point and focus on a particular force and/or operation.

The secret law, or reason behind this working is embedded in occult knowledge, reference can be made to Hermes in the teaching “As above, So below”.

Anything created in the high level is also created in the low. Anything created in the low must also exist in the high. The Ego is just a lower form of un-enlightenment but just as an unkempt garden, the Ego-personality can be cultivated, and it will reflect change down to the animal self, as well as to the divine self, the astral self, the cosmic, the spiritual, and so on and so forth.

I urge you to persevere in your studies and works of the Occult, until such knowledge occurs where you can clearly separate those experiences that do stem from the ego, to those that are external to it.

LVX - Patrick Gaffiero

The Devil - Partaker of souls I am well aware that this next lesson is going to create confusion, disbelief, and curiosi...

The Devil - Partaker of souls

I am well aware that this next lesson is going to create confusion, disbelief, and curiosity in equal measure. I have touched base on this intricate subject before alluding to the fact that a sale of soul was nigh impossible but then again … maybe not entirely. So am I just jesting, writing, entertaining your fantasy, or am I revealing something more, a clearer hand maybe?

So, off we go. We gotta some souls to sell. All you have to do is "be alone in your room, close your eyes and say, 'Satan, I summon you. I have a quality soul to sell if the price is right.' It may take dozens, even hundreds of tries but at all costs, avoid sounding desperate or needy. Always remember, make the devil want to want you.

When you sell your soul to the devil, you are giving your life to him in return for an object or ability of great power. You are also signing a pact chaining you to him, which makes you serve under his dark unholiness. There are no distinct changes in Personality, Physical Appearance, or emotions. unless that is what you traded your soul for. Usually, when one sells their soul, they get something of untold power. This 'power' usually causes the human psyche to become one that is corrupted by greed, power, lust, and on occasion violence. As some unknown great man once said, "If you truly want to test a man's character, give him power." Also, when you give your soul to Satan, you are not giving it to him directly, in actual fact, you are traded with one of his lesser demons which serve as a type of ambassador. Catch! Right?

This may be why some believe that the men and women who sell their souls are demons. The power that these individuals gain is originally from a demon, which means that the powers and changes are, in essence, demonic. That may be the other reason why they are seen as demons.

To sell your soul to the devil, there are several rituals one must perform. You will need a cold room that has not received sunlight for three days, and you'll need a parchment of plain paper that also has been in total darkness for three days. You'll also need a pentagram drawn on the floor, in order to protect yourself, and you must stand inside it from beginning to end.

Keep the air heavy with incense (whichever ones you like most), and do the ritual alone, otherwise, your concentration will stray. Taking a vial of goat's blood mixed with human blood, scatter drops within the pentagram, but not outside it, and not on your feet.

After the scattering you must not step on the blood, otherwise, you will carry it with you outside the pentagram. You must also know which demon you want to summon. Each demon is unique and depending on which ability or change you desire, you need a different demon. Also, each demon has a different ritual.

Set up each ritual for each demon you wish to summon around the pentagram. Demons like to be comfortable and are not as mean as some people claim. Perform each ritual in order, starting from the bottom point of the pentagram and work counter-clockwise. The demon will see from your rituals that it can only take part of your soul, therefore, some demons may not want to trade with you as they want an entire and complete entity.

Generally, the greater the portion of your soul a demon gets, the greater the power he will bestow upon you. When all demon rituals are complete, give a blood sacrifice inside the pentagram, then burn the parchment and boil the blood using either matches or candles. Mechanical devices are not allowed in this ancient ritual. Pledge your soul to Satan then leave the room.

After 3 days, clean the room so that nothing remains. The power that you have gained is demonic and thus misfortune can be a consequence that befalls you. The demons all maintain the right to yank your soul out of your body and into hell at any time they please. They could even do that immediately after bestowing your powers if they so wanted to. However, if you sold your soul to multiple demons, they would have to agree with each other to take your soul into hell.

If you sold your soul to two demons, each with half your soul, they would have to agree with each other to yank out your soul. But, if you equally sold your soul to 5 demons, and only 4 wanted to have your soul out at that moment, you would live and they would fail.

The minimum soul density required for living is 20% of its original total. And since 4 out 5 is the same as 80% over 20% you would live. But if you sold your soul unevenly, it's a completely different case. Let’s say you sold your soul unequally to 2 demons. 60% of it to one, and 40% of it to another, say the demon with 60% wanted it, you would undoubtedly die. Even though you have 40% remaining, you sold your soul unevenly to 2 demons thus, once the majority of your soul is in hell, you will die.

But fear not, for it is highly unlikely that your term as a sold soul will be of short tenure. You have been bought at a great price, and the glory of that is only yours to share.

Em Hotep - Patrick Gaffiero

QUO VADIS Nietzsche had it right: a yes, a no, a straight line, a goal. Walking with Crowley in the Desert, if you looke...


Nietzsche had it right: a yes, a no, a straight line, a goal. Walking with Crowley in the Desert, if you looked back, what would you see? A man? A demon? An adept? There are no easy answers.

Anything you say about magicK, stands as a critique of any belief.... yet, with even less room for the self. Undertake the practices for yourself. Train seriously. Don't just follow a "recipe book" and conclude its BS when it doesn't work.

That's the only way you will ever know. No one can show you magicK. As Lon Milo Duquette says, yes "its all in your head, you just have no idea how big your head is".

What if magicK is the essence that fuels reality? How can you witness it if you are surrounded by it? No one performs magicK, one manipulates magicK. The problem is that people think that "subconscious" psychological techniques and placebo is the real deal, and that "magicK" is a fantasy thing.

MagicK is not defined by interpretation "MagicK is what you want it to be". MagicK is a way of altering probabilities, reality, and the physical world.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, it is known but people tend to ignore it for a reason. The reason is probably what I mentioned before, that people have caused a problem of misunderstanding. While I do agree with altering your state of mind, I would say that magicK is directing energy towards a desired outcome. Intent is having a clear idea of what the goal is, it directs the energy, concentration allows you to focus solely on the goal, willpower allows you to gather and move the energy. There are many ways of doing magicK, some will have more of a kick to them, others may be more precise, some are more formal and others are casual, but this is my basic understanding of it. The greater the outcome, the more energy is required.

We (humans) may not know exactly how magicK works. We (practitioners) do know that magicK does work. Outcomes can change and be nudged/pushed/urged by intentional human acts and awareness. But magicK possess a quality of uncertainty that many other human activities do not.

I have a sense that the more a practitioner focuses on the how of magicK working, the more likely that intended outcomes will not be accomplished by magicKal means. I don't mean that magicK is an act of faith so much as it is susceptible to the ups and downs quirks and wiggles of human consciousness. Practically, an intended outcome is better than mulling over how to attain it.

Science=MagicK. All the things I work with are proven in science as well. We just don't call it magicK. How the number 1 is the root of all numbers before it and after it. 1 cannot be multiplied by itself and it cannot be divided by itself. It is the source. This is in nature too. Not just math. Like if you had 3 stones, do you really have 3 stones? Well, no because you have one stone of one certain size and shape then another of a different kind and so on. On an atomic level there is not more than 1.

When a child is in the womb it is not yet male or female. So, the s***m and the egg are really only 2 halves of one whole. They come together to make one life. Also, energy can neither be created or destroyed. It only transforms. This is fascinating to me since it kinda proves that things have always been and will always be.

And they are all SUPER connected. The only thing that makes us awesomely powerful with using magicK is the mind. The human mind has the same ability as the universe that created us. We have the power to create and destroy(transform) also. No other beings in existence (that we know of) have this power of the mind.

So, have I gone too far? Far too far is the honest truth. Grief pushed me deep into the practice, in search of what I had lost, my mentors always advised caution. The deeper you go the bigger the achievement but so is the exchange. It has a corrosive action on the three pillars... your body, your mind, your soul. I fear the temple might be crumbling, an implosion and an explosion happening in frightening synchronicity and there will be causalities.

Ain Soph Aur - Patrick

       Life’s Ups and DownsIn being a Luciferian, I too am first of all human; realising, as other humans do, that life ...

Life’s Ups and Downs

In being a Luciferian, I too am first of all human; realising, as other humans do, that life is a bitch to be put bluntly, of course. It is after this realisation that humans attach moral interactions with reality such as having the firm inclination to see positive things in whatever s**t may happen. I am all for positive thinking. The cycles we experience in life form a part of the bigger picture: birth, death, rebirth.

Recent years have seen positive thinking through self-improvement programs like “The Secret” and its myriad of spin-offs. I am all for the revival of hidden knowledge. At least many people become aware of how they themselves are responsible: “all the s**t in your life is dragged into your life by you“. Therefore we try to find positives in all the s**t that happens.

As a Luciferian, you are also and firstly human and s**t happens to you too. But do not assume things happen for a reason. I mean, they happen for a reason [as in consequence] but not for a reason [as in punishment or reward for something] unless it is a consequence. We separate this by realising that consequences [the way things turn out] are real, and moral values [the way things should be] are not.

Do you believe in destiny, that everything is pre-decided? Or do you believe in free will? Do you even know what true Will is? Being human, you will tend to adapt and jump around these assumptions more or less in a random fashion.

Luciferians should be well aware of the conditions of assumption and try to transcend them. Sometimes you marvel that something you call ‘fate’ has smiled at you, at the same time knowing well enough, you dragged all the s**t into your life, and you realise also that if you can get this herculean pile of s**t in, you clearly not only possess great power but can just as easily project that s**t out.

The worst enemy you will always face is doubt and regret. They are powerful signals that you need to be more in control of your plans and actions. Learn from the consequences that arise. Once you control your plans, and your actions, you can control fate.

LVX - Patrick Gaffiero




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