Windmill accommodation Malta

Windmill accommodation Malta Converted windmill holiday let


An unseasonably warm good afternoon as today's MAX temperature is set to reach a balmy 24°C! However, it will all change by the weekend as part of the very cold air over Europe is set to reach Malta with the MIN temperature tumbling down to 10°C by early Monday morning in some places bringing an early taste of Winter. This will be preceded by some isolated rain showers and strong NW wind particularly tomorrow morning (21/11/24) and overnight between Friday and Saturday. What's happening these days over continental Europe might be related to the ongoing slowdown of the Gulf Stream as there's the possibility of cold spells becoming harsher in Europe! For example statistically snow in the UK is more likely in Easter than Christmas.

Il-wara nofsinhar it-tajjeb aktar sħun mis-soltu hekk kif it-temperatura mistennija tilħaq l- 24°C! Madankollu, it-temp se jinbidel sa tmiem il-ġimgħa peress li parti mill-arja kiesħa ħafna fuq l-Ewropa mistennija tinżel ukoll lejn Malta bit-temperatura MIN tinżel għal 10°C sa kmieni t-Tnejn filgħodu f’xi postijiet u ġġib togħma bikrija tax-Xitwa. Dan se jkun preċedut minn xi ħalbiet tax-xita iżolati u riħ qawwi mill-Majjistral partikolarment għada filgħodu (21/11/24) u matul il-lejl bejn il-Ġimgħa u s-Sibt. Dak li qed jiġri f’dawn il-jiem fl-Ewropa kontinentali jista’ jkun relatat mat-tnaqqis kontinwu tal-Gulf Stream u b'hekk tiżdied il-possibbiltà ta' perjodi kesħin li jkunu aktar ħorox fl-Ewropa! Pereżempju statistikament il-borra fir-Renju Unit hija aktar komuni fl-Għid milli fil-Milied.




A weak but widespread layer of cold air aloft will descend from the Rhone Valley towards the Maltese Islands whereby it shall contrast with a much warmer sea than normal which at 24°C is about 3°C warmer than normal as if it were the old September. This shall generate instability hence rain clouds around the Maltese Islands likely approaching from the East giving the much needed rain (which could be thundery) for this coming Thursday and Friday 7/11/24 and 8/11/24 despite air pressure remaining high. Rain showers could be heavy in places particularly over the immediate coast. The weekend and probably the beginning of next week will also remain unstable. This is probably the same DANA Low that effected Spain in the previous week but in a weakened state! The MAX temperature will drop a little more to around 20°C.

Roqqa dgħajfa iżda mifruxa t'arja kiesħa fil-għoli se tinżel mir-Rhone Valley lejn il-gżejjer Maltin fejn għandu jikkuntrasta ma' baħar ħafna aktar sħun min-normal b' temperatura ta' wicc l-ilma ta' 24°C tkun madwar 3°C aktar sħuna min-normal daqs li kieku Settembru tal-antik. Dan għandu jiġġenera l-instabbilta' li toħloq sħab tax-xita madwar il-Gżejjer Maltin li x'aktarx jersaq mil-Lvant u jagħti x-xita tant meħtieġa (li tista' tkun bir-ragħad) għal dan il-Ħamis u l-Ġimgħa li ġejjin 7/11/24 u 8/11/24 minkejja li l-pressjoni tal-arja tibqa għolja. Ħalbiet tax-xita jistgħu jkunu wkoll qawwija f’ certu postijiet partikolarment fuq il-kosta immedjata. Tmiem il-ġimgħa u probabbilment il-bidu tad-dieħla se jibqgħu wkoll instabbli. Din hija probabbilment l-istess DANA Low li effettwat lil Spanja fil-ġimgħa ta’ qabel iżda fi stat imdgħajjef! It-temperatura MAX se tinżel ftit aktar għal madwar 20°C.

High 5 🌟

High 5 🌟


A negatively tilted upper-level trough will cross the Central Mediterranean and the Maltese Islands on Saturday, 19th October 2024 inducing lots of instability. This is expected to generate fierce thunderstorms over Southern Italy. A relatively dry mid-level airmass shall sit on top of the Maltese Islands on Saturday morning enhancing the threat of severe thunderstorms consisting of damaging winds and/or large hail. In the afternoon/evening, the main focus will shift on the potential for heavy thundery rain showers as the arrival of a much cooler airmass contrasts with the warm sea surface temperature. The weather on the morrow, Sunday, should improve. However, further warnings for bad weather might need to be issued for early next week.

Sistema ta' pressjoni baxxa fil-għoli ser taqsam il-Mediterran Ċentrali u l-Gżejjer Maltin nhar is-Sibt, 19 t’ Ottubru 2024 fejn se ġġib magħha ħafna instabbiltà. Dan mistenni jiġġenera maltempati qawwija bir-ragħad fuq in-Nofsinhar tal-Italja. Massa t' arja relattivament xotta fil-livelli medja fuq il-Gżejjer Maltin nhar is-Sibt filgħodu tista twassal għal potenzjal ta' maltempati severi li jikkonsistu f' buffuri ta'rjieħat qawwija ħafna li jikkawżaw il-ħsara u/jew silġ kbir. Wara nofsinhar/filgħaxija, l-enfasi tinbidel fuq il-probabilta ta' ħalbiet tax-xita qawwija u bir-ragħad hekk kif il-wasla t' arja ferm aktar friska tikkuntrasta mas-sħana tal-baħar. It-temp għal Ħadd għandu jaqlebgħal aħjar. Pero. jista' jkun hemm il-bżonn li noħorġu iktar twissijiet għal temp ħażin tul il-bidu tal-ġimgħa d-dieħla.

New name tag ... incase misplace it.

New name tag ... incase misplace it.

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Explore the charming hamlet of St. Luċija in Gozo in this video, where we uncover its rich history and serene surroundings. From the welcoming community to t...


Don’t miss “Museums by Candlelight”, happening this Saturday and Sunday, 12th and 13th October, at three Heritage Malta sites in Birgu.

Visitors can enjoy a weekend of entertainment and learning, with all three sites open till late at a very low price, a live band and re-enactors at Fort St Angelo, traditional għana at the Inquisitor’s Palace and a live band and a talk by ex-Dockyard workers at the Malta Maritime Museum.

All this plus four exhibitions, guided tours and a magical ambience created by thousands of candles on Saturday night! Exquisite Taste History food may be purchased to complement the experience.

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Heritage Malta


Maltese Islands Weather warns humidity over the weekend will be ‘very uncomfortable and oppressive’



8 Caghki Lane





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