As a team, we believe that a company is the mixture and incorporation of many different elements and factors that are integrated and put together and are made to work like clockwork. Each factor depends on the other to create a working, successful company – if one factor fails, the whole organisation fails. That’s why we feel that we are able to achieve the required teamwork to create a successful
business. The JA-YE Company Program was something which was very appealing to us as a team and we felt very enthusiastic to sign up for this competition. We had actually heard about this activity before we had entered sixth form and we thought the competition was a very positive way in which we could take our first steps into the business world. As a team we feel that we are perfectly suitable to enter this competition and create a successful product, not only in sales but also to raise awareness for products that are environmentally friendly; something that we feel quite strongly about. We are a group of close friends that have been closely knit for several years – we know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and we are sure to work well together. Before we even started sixth form we were already eager to enter JA-YE. We also feel that this is a good opportunity to learn ‘people skills’ and learn how to work with clients and customers, as well as achieve the invaluable skills of working in a team, something which is essential for in entrepreneurship. This is why we have gone with the name ‘Starling’; as this depicts the bird which travels in flocks, representing a closely-knit team.