Isle of Gozo - Farmhouse & Apartment Rental in Gozo, Malta

Isle of Gozo - Farmhouse & Apartment Rental in Gozo, Malta We help you find accommodation and any other services you may require for your holiday. Examples in We love meeting new people and we love Gozo.

It's all about Gozo, Gozo and Gozo :)
We help you with any service you require for your relaxed holiday on Gozo; be it accommodation, car or bike hire, airport transfers, water sports, boat hire, wedding arrangements, any thing you need, just ask.

Few days available in June, don't be disappointed, contact us now!

Few days available in June, don't be disappointed, contact us now!

Contact us for your holiday in Gozo complete with a boat trip!

Contact us for your holiday in Gozo complete with a boat trip!

Our Apartments are big and spacious.Have everything you need for a comfortable stay.Enjoying the country views of Marsal...

Our Apartments are big and spacious.
Have everything you need for a comfortable stay.
Enjoying the country views of Marsalforn and within a walking distance to the beach.
Contact us now, for your Easter holidays!
Days filling quickly.

Contact us to book your holiday in Gozo!Days are filling up quickly!

Contact us to book your holiday in Gozo!
Days are filling up quickly!


Contact us for your holiday in Gozo

Beautiful Gozitan balcony

Beautiful Gozitan balcony

🇲🇹 Gozo Kite & Wind International Festival 2021 huwa ċelebrazzjoni popolari mimli successi li ssir kull sena matul il-weekend u li ser jinzamm bejn l-15 -17 ta’ Ottubru 2021.

Nibdew nhar il-Ġimgħa 15 fil-ground 'Wigi Portelli' Għarb u insegwu fiż-żona ta' San Dimitri is-Sibt u l-Ħadd 16 u 17 ta’ Ottubru, festa mill-isbaħ b’sema’ kkulurit, azzjoni ta’ titjir kbir u mill-aqwa, b’moviment koreografiku.

Gozo Kite & Wind Festival jattira numru kbir ta' dilettanti famużi mid-dinja kollha fosthom mill-Ingilterra, Ukranja, Ġermanja, Polonja, Awstrija, Svizzera, Olanda, Italja, Cuacao, Belġju, Ċina u Brażil u għexieren ta' eluf ta' spettaturi, li ħafna minnhom jipparteċipaw bi pjaċir bl-avventuri tagħhom stess li jtajru t-tajr.

Sponsors ewlenin Ministeru ta 'Għawdex u d-Direttorat għall-Wirt Kulturali.

L-organizzaturi ta’ dan l-avveniment huma responsabbli li jsegwu r-regolamenti u d-direttivi kollha tas-saħħa u s-sigurtà ta’ dik il-ġurnata, maħruġa mill-Awtoritajiet tas-Saħħa.

🇬🇧 Gozo Kite & Wind International Festival 2021 is a successul and well known successful celebration held every year during the weekend between 15th and 17th October, 2021.

The festival will start on Friday 15th at Wigi Portelli football Ground in Gharb followed by two days Saturday and Sunday 16th and 17th October at San Dimitri area with a feast filled with colorful skies, great flying action, with a choreographic movement.

Gozo Kite & Wind Festival attracts a large number of entusiasts from all over the world including England, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, Austria, Swizzerland, Holland, Italy, Curacao, Belgium, China and Brazil and a number of specators that part of them participate adventerously flying their own kites.

Main sponsors Gozo Ministry and the Cultural Heritage Directorate.

The organisers of this event are responsible to follow the rules and all the directives of the health department and those issued by the Health Authorities.

David Apap Agius Louis Apap Tonio Mifsud Joseph Tixx Miriam Borg Emily Amatulli Depasquale



An article on has listed three beaches in the Maltese Islands in an article called '13 Beautiful European Beaches Considered The Safest Post-Coronavirus'.


The coastal battery, Il-Batterija tal-Qolla l-Bajda, or as it is better known, the Qbajjar tower, which is scheduled First Grade is expected to be restored and maintained by Din l-Art...


will now be open every Sunday from 10.30am - 3.00pm to welcome visitors.

The coastal watchtowers on Malta and Gozo typically fly a red rectangular flag with the white Latin cross, which is the same as the State flag of the Sovereign Order of Malta. Called the flag of St. John, it has been used since ancient times, and is flown today to highlight the fact that the tower was built during the time of various Grand Masters of the Knights of St. John. The red and white flag also appears on the coat of arms of the Grand Masters.

Flying the flag in this way also lets people know from a distance that the watchtower is open to welcome visitors. Many of our Danish visitors also comment on the similarity with their National flag :-)

Dwejra Tower was completed in 1652, during the time of Grand Master Lascaris, and a small, painted wooden copy of his coat of arms are found inside the tower above the entrance doors.

Giovanni Paolo Lascaris di Ventimiglia e Castellar (28 June 1560 – 14 August 1657) was an Italian nobleman and Grand Master of the Knights of Malta.

For more information about flags and emblems, visit this link

Further details about Grand Master Lascaris can be found here


This year, Gaulitana: A Festival of Music is coming to its listeners’ homes with a series of online performances. Festival manager Pierre-Louis Attard speaks with Gabriele Spiller about the new classical music experience starting on May 19 as part of the event’s 14th edition. “Flexibility is t...

Contact us for your accommodation needs in Gozo, we are here to help you.

Contact us for your accommodation needs in Gozo, we are here to help you.


Denmark announced that Malta will be the first country in its 'yellow' category • Malta Tourism Authority welcomes decision

Big well done to Local talent!

Big well done to Local talent!

The JoyGivers is a Gozitan five piece band founded in 2020.




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