Prior Preparation
When children are not in the mood to play independently you can set up simple play activities.
For example, you could set up stuffed animals “in a jungle� to complement a book you are reading, then talk to them about the story, prompting them to use their imagination.
Getting ready in advance means that you will be able to have activities ready as the morning or afternoon unfolds.
Managing Expectations
Families in this current environment have very busy schedules with work, school activities and family commitments. However, it is important to take time out to spend with your child each day and to let them know when you will be able to be with them. So, giving your children the knowledge that this is a ten-minute playtime will help to set expectations.
Whether it is setting up a play activity, talking to them about their day, having a meal together, or simply taking the time to watch them play is all valuable time together. The important point is to remember to let your children know that you enjoy this time too!
Routines like reading a book before bed are also great: it helps to develop speech and language, makes them curious and give time for parents & caregivers and child time to connect.