Chinampa Temachtiani, Xochimilco MX

Chinampa Temachtiani, Xochimilco MX Farming Chinampas. Axolotls/Water health. Campesino advocacy. Eco-tourism.Volunteer opportunities.

Did you know amaranth was once illegal? When the Spanish arrived with Cortez, they outlawed amaranth after seeing how Na...

Did you know amaranth was once illegal?

When the Spanish arrived with Cortez, they outlawed amaranth after seeing how Natives in Mexico used it in ceremony. The settlers burned amaranth fields and punished anyone who cultivated this nutrient dense plant.

Tlazocamati, muchas gracias y thank you to all the volunteers who came out this week and those who camped on the chinamp...

Tlazocamati, muchas gracias y thank you to all the volunteers who came out this week and those who camped on the chinampa for the first time! We were able to w**d through many rows of delicious spinach, clean a small canal, mulch a resting field, harvest and package orders and paint a portada which is still a work in progress ~ also a talented volunteer weaved a basket with tule which grows throughout the canals of Lake Xochimilco! Our friend Omar with Chinampa Nantli has expressed his deepest gratitude as he only had one worker this week when usually there’s a minimum of 3. Y’all came at the right time and accomplished everything that needed to get done! 🙌🏽

Tlazocamati, muchas gracias y gracias a todos los voluntarios que vinieron esta semana y a los que acamparon en la chinampa por primera vez. Pudimos desherbar muchas hileras de deliciosas espinacas, limpiar un pequeño canal, cubrir un campo de descanso, cosechar y empaquetar pedidos y pintar una portada que aún es un trabajo en progreso ~ también un talentoso voluntario tejió una canasta con tule que crece por todas partes del lago Xochimilco! Nuestro amigo Omar de Chinampa Nantli ha expresado su más profundo agradecimiento ya que solo tuvo un trabajador esta semana cuando normalmente hay un mínimo de 3. ¡Todos ustedes vinieron en el momento adecuado y lograron todo lo que había que hacer! 🙌🏽

no se necesita filtro ✨

no se necesita filtro ✨

Our goals: revive Axolotl population in Xochimilco, protect ancient chinampas from collapse, restoration of historical w...

Our goals: revive Axolotl population in Xochimilco, protect ancient chinampas from collapse, restoration of historical wetlands (habitat to many migratory birds), share Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge and more!

Are you a good writer? Have you applied for a grant before? Have ideas for fundraising? Join us next Monday to collectively brainstorm and work towards applying for 6 grants in 6 weeks. Together, sí se puede!🌱

❤️ Repost from •Hi everyone! I am directing a short documentary film that explores the transformation of the last remain...

❤️ Repost from

Hi everyone! I am directing a short documentary film that explores the transformation of the last remaining lake in Mexico Valley: Lake Xochimilco. The story is told through first-hand experiences of the first people of Xochimilco: the Xochimilcas. This includes our main film participant and character of the film, Doña Susana ‘Marina’ Sandoval who is a respected elder, teacher, chinampera and floricultura from Xochimilco. She grew up producing plants from seed to sell to local markets and feed the people of Mexico City. Her ancestral knowledge is being lost, along with the survival of the wild Axolotl population, an endemic salamander species to Xochimilco and a central figure to Mexican culture and identity. Despite the devastation Doña Susana has witnessed, she still has a glimmer of hope that her way of life, and the wild Axolotl, can be saved.

During the month of November, I had the opportunity and privilege to learn and film with Doña Susana, along with several chinamperos, to shed light on their daily work and fight to survive. Their livelihoods are at risk due to centuries of water mismanagement, overdevelopment, and pollution. The Axolotl serves as an indicator species for the remaining canals, protecting these small creatures means saving this traditional way of life. 

With the help of a local crew, guidance from Sara Sandoval of and support from my amazing Producer and , we filmed our principal photography over the course of five days during Día de Los Mu***os. We are now entering into the post-production phase of our project and have recently launched a fundraising page through to help us actualise this film! Please consider donating or sharing our fundraising page (link in my bio). We are excited to move forward in sharing this story with the world. Thank you.🙏🏽🌱❤️

On this giving Tuesday we ask all our friends, family and comrades to donate to Chinampa Temachtiani! For those of you t...

On this giving Tuesday we ask all our friends, family and comrades to donate to Chinampa Temachtiani! For those of you that have spent time with us in Xochimilco, MX, you know how special this sacred place is. Please help us continue our work to protect and preserve the chinampas, canals and the entire ecosystem. Please help us stimulate the local economy so that traditional farmers and artisans can continue their work in their homelands.

Goals for this fundraiser:
We want to expand and improve our Axolotl conservatory and bring awareness to how critical it is to return them to their natural habitat, Lake Xochimilco. Axolotls are being bred in large numbers to sell as pets. This inbreeding is causing a change in their dna and a loss of their natural ability to regenerate. Furthermore, they are often flushed down the toilet after the owners are bored with them. We want to promote true love for Axolotls. This means contributing to the efforts of returning them to their natural habitat and not holding them in captivity. We want to keep as many Axolotls as possible from being science/medical experiments, where their limbs and parts of their organs are repeatedly cut off to examine their regenerative abilities.
We want to keep them from being bred for consumption as a delicacy in foreign restaurants.
We want to keep Axolotls from dying in an unlivable ecosystem. For Axolotls to survive their natural habitat has to survive.

We are caring for Axolotls, not in tanks but in tubs right on Chinampa Nantli. These tubs mimic the canals of Lake Xochimilco (native plants and water temperature, etc). We are caring for them in our conservatory until we can return them to their natural habitat.
Goal 2: We want to purchase 2 canoes! Each canoe is about 3k. The canoes are made by our friend Rafa, right on his chinampa, so with your donation you will also be contributing to stimulating the local economy in Xochimilco.


Today we want to recognize Indigenous resistance in all of its forms - Resistance against colonialism, genocide, land th...

Today we want to recognize Indigenous resistance in all of its forms - Resistance against colonialism, genocide, land theft, water exploitation, missing and murdered relatives, erasure of our diverse cultures and so on.

We honor the Xochimilca warriors who fought to protect the land and people over 500 years ago. We honor the Indigenous pueblos who continue to fight to protect the land and water in what is now Mexico. It’s not easy, the murder rate of environmental activists south of the US border is heartbreaking. We are holding those who were killed for protecting life close to our hearts.

While we strive to uplift the beauty of Xochimilco we want to be honest in the struggles of the 18 barrios in this section of Mexico City. The water spring here is being exploited at a faster rate than it can replenish itself. The canals get more shallow as time passes, which is threatening the trees that hold the ancient chinampas together. Mexico is quickly running out of water and a huge reason is due to water theft.

Only 43% of the population in Mexico has steady access to water. “Danone extracts 15 billion liters of water per year, Coca-Cola 55 billion, PepsiCo has 32 billion liters of water concessions, Danone 15,400 million, and Nestlé 9,700 million,” - National Indigenous Congress spokesman Carlos González García

Filming in Xochimilco last week. I’m excited to share more about this project in the coming year so stay tuned in! Swipe...

Filming in Xochimilco last week. I’m excited to share more about this project in the coming year so stay tuned in! Swipe to see our precious Axolotls. Also, threw in pictures of beautiful beans and my favorite kitchen ❤️

CUETLAXÓCHITL is her real name and she grows on the chinampas in Xochimilco. She is native and she is sacred. FLOR DE NO...

CUETLAXÓCHITL is her real name and she grows on the chinampas in Xochimilco. She is native and she is sacred. FLOR DE NOCHEBUENA Is her Spanish name. POINSETTIA is the colonizer’s name that stole her and gave her his name.

Chinampa Temachtiani is a nonprofit led by our Xochimilca elder Doña Susana and founded by her niece Our mission is to p...

Chinampa Temachtiani is a nonprofit led by our Xochimilca elder Doña Susana and founded by her niece

Our mission is to preserve chinampas for traditional farming while restoring the water canals, protecting Axolotls, and uplifting local Xochimilco farmers, artesans and the teachings of this land.

We are looking for volunteers who can write grants which can be done remotely, and volunteers who can be in Xochimilco either tending the land with various farms or translating our eco tours. Farming experience isn’t required as long as you’re willing to learn and follow the lead from experienced farmers. Translators need to speak both Spanish and English 💚

🌱 Volunteers from countries outside of Mexico get a free tour in exchange for your time supporting this project. Those from and living in Xochimilco may be compensated by commission for translating tours, lets talk about it!

Los de Xochimilco podrán ser compensados con comisión por traducción de tours, ¡envíanos un mensaje!

Chinampa Temachtiani is a nonprofit led by our Xochimilca elder Doña Susan and founded by her niece  🌺 Our mission is to...

Chinampa Temachtiani is a nonprofit led by our Xochimilca elder Doña Susan and founded by her niece 🌺 Our mission is to preserve chinampas for traditional farming while restoring the water canals, protecting Axolotls, and uplifting local Xochimilco farmers, artesans and the teachings of this land.

We are looking for volunteers who want to write grants which can be done remotely, and volunteers who can be in Xochimilco hands on supporting various farms or translating eco tours :) Volunteers from the U.S. get a free tour in exchange for your time 🛶Those from and living in Xochimilco may be compensated by commission for translating tours, lets talk about it!

Los de Xochimilco podrán ser compensados ​​con comisión por traducción de tours, ¡envíanos un mensaje!

We’ve got lots of amazing work to do for our vision to completely bloom 🌺 This is a community effort not only within the...

We’ve got lots of amazing work to do for our vision to completely bloom 🌺 This is a community effort not only within the chinamperos, but now branching out to relatives outside Xochimilco. Together we can grow a beautiful future for generations to come.

Thank you to all of our volunteers, those on the chinampa and those working behind screens and paperwork. You are seen and appreciated!

Since this project has started we have become caretakers of a few sacred Axolotls, where we are slowly adapting them to the water of their home, lake Xochimilco.

We have hosted multiple groups of volunteers including an entire University class.

We have constructed a temazcal using carrizo which grows abundantly around the chinampas.

We have began dry farming and planted our first trees.

and so much more!

Do you have skills or time you’d like to contribute? There are volunteer opportunities all year long!

More than ever, we all need to be involved in stimulating the local economies and in protecting the ecosystems of our ho...

More than ever, we all need to be involved in stimulating the local economies and in protecting the ecosystems of our homelands. We invite you to visit us or to join us as a volunteer. Come see a side of Xochimilco that is beautiful, calm, healing and traditional. Whether you wish to have a private gathering or learn from us, we wait for you with open arms and hearts. Send us a message or visit our website!

Más que nunca, todos necesitamos participar en la estimulación de las economías locales y en la protección de los ecosistemas de nuestras tierras de origen. Te invitamos a visitarnos o a unirte a nosotros como voluntario. Ven a ver un lado de Xochimilco que es hermoso, tranquilo, curativo y tradicional. Ya sea que desee tener una reunión privada o aprender de nosotros, los esperamos con los brazos abiertos y el corazón. ¡Envíenos un mensaje o visite nuestro sitio web!

Beautiful piece by  who is having a sale for Pride month 🏳️‍🌈A Xochimilca tradition is wearing flower crowns made from t...

Beautiful piece by who is having a sale for Pride month 🏳️‍🌈

A Xochimilca tradition is wearing flower crowns made from the flowers grown on the chinampas. Many who grew up on the chinampas have memories of making these crowns.

Our elder, Doña Susana, often speaks of her memories of canoeing through the canals and cutting down flowers to decorate the head of the canoe. When her father helped found the well known trajinera, they were first decorated with fresh flowers. Now we see wooden arches with carvings of painted flowers.

Happy Pride to all the lovers, all the freedom fighters, all the warriors, all the artists ✊🏽❤️

Hermoso arte de que tiene una oferta de impresiones para el mes del Pride 🏳️‍🌈
Una tradición Xochimilca es llevar coronas de flores hechas con las flores cultivadas en las chinampas.
Nuestra mayor, Doña Susana, suele hablar de sus recuerdos de navegar en canoa por los canales y cortar flores para decorar la cabecera de la canoa. Cuando su padre ayudó a fundar la conocida trajinera, primero las decoraron con flores frescas. Ahora vemos arcos de madera con tallas de flores pintadas.

Feliz Pride a todos los amantes, a todos los luchadores por la libertad, a todos los guerrerxs, a todos los artistas ✊🏽❤️


✊🏽❤️💚🖤🤍 para Palestinapara Sudanpara el Congopara tod@s rp

para Palestina
para Sudan
para el Congo
para tod@s


In the spirit of Tierra Y Libertad (Land and Freedom), Land Back, Resistance and Liberation…We continue to stand with Pa...

In the spirit of Tierra Y Libertad (Land and Freedom), Land Back, Resistance and Liberation…We continue to stand with Palestine, and all peoples suffering genocides around the world. We do not want Znst $. We the people are one. You are on our minds, in our hearts, and in our prayers in Xochimilco.
~ In 1914, Villa and Zapata met in Xochimilco to shake hands, settled their differences and unite in the fight for Mexico’s Independence against the regimes of both Porfirio Díaz and Victoriano Huerta.
Freedom to all.

Tierra y Libertad (Land and Liberty )~ Zapata
Don’t let it end like this. Tell them I said something. ... ~Villa


😋🌱facilitated by chinampa temachtianigrown by  photo from

facilitated by chinampa temachtiani
grown by
photo from


Mexico City


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