Our comrade Victoria has been camping and volunteering on Chinampa Nantli this week and made this beautiful visual of the sights and sounds of this sacred land and water. We are so grateful for her and all who show up with so much love for Mother Earth. ❤️🙏🏽🪶🌱
If you are interested visiting us in Xochimilco let us know!
#mexico #chinampas #xochimilco #anahuac #nahuatl #nahuas #protectmotherearth #protectthesacred
Repost @mamiiearth
sounds & sights of the chinampas
Our hearts and prayers are with the people currently in Tongva lands- aka Los Angeles, CA. Our efforts to protect our ecosystem in Xochimilco is directly related to the health of all ecosystems because all waters, land, people and all life are interconnected. We pray for our relatives (including the trees, animals…) caught in the path of the fires burning right now. We pray for those that have left their homelands in Mexico to work and find themselves in this nightmare. May everyone find safety 🙏🏽💔
Nuestros paisanos que han trabajado tan duro y han hecho tantos sacrificios para salir adelante y lograr comprar sus casas han perdido muchísimo💔
Our comrades who have worked so hard and have made so many safrifices to get ahead and achieve buying their homes have lost so much 💔
Repost @psl_losangeles
Interview with Altadena resident and gardener Jaime about his experience escaping the Eaton Fire.
Something about how easily these come out of the soil is so satisfying 💚 Here a volunteer is weeding through the chicharo micro-greens with our friends at Chinampa Nantli. 🌱
#asmr #asmrnature
NOV 27th 3pm CST Virtual tour at Chinampa Nantli, Xochimilco. Please join us or consider sponsoring someone to participate. Donate on our website @12tochtli chinampasxochimilco.com . For more information send me a DM.
#xochimilco #mexico #traditionalfarming #chinampas #indigenous #nahuas #anahuac #mexica #aztec #tenochtitlan #xochimilcas #chinampatemachtiani