Civil aviation ranks aviation in general as a higher grade in global flights are not included in scheduled or non-scheduled transport are long list of applications,extending from the aviation industry and private planes forming various activities and includes schools aviación.In USA there are more than 17,300 public airports, three hundred airports are controlled locally ATC; only 600 airports are
operated by regular commercial aviation transportation, the rest are exclusive to general aviation. The Association of Aircraft Owners and Pilots (AOPA) in EU, general aviation provides more than 1% of USA GDP, generates 1'3 M jobs in manufacturing and professional services. Examples Colombia general aviation represents 75% of civil aviation. Airbus and Boeing, the emerging market leaders show Lat Am the highest growth coming 20 years, Mexico Bookmark: this strategic region and international sales, manufacturing and supply should increase demand. Airbus expects to sell 410 aircraft in 20 years,penetrating with innovation in survival mode and design to avoid jetlag effects. Internet Services, overweight pax seats and spacious living areas or (LED lighting).Airbus In Sept/2014 invests 20 'MUSD starts1st Flight Training Center in Monterrey, pilots,technicians and Surcharges
The high-flying business goes beyond the glamor of the ships, the companies related to tourism and aerorescue different times, a distance of .30 "is what makes a car at 1.15 pm invaluable to evacuate and rescue wounded make time lifesaving difference. It's time to silence the madding crowd, skipped turbines do hear the sound of surprise helicopter tearing the sky, we can identify overload.Lives rescue missions or aircraft pilots protect the environment, jobs of all kinds could be a ride to remember that experience and make "someone important".Thousand examples to the sound from the top flight.