Proveniente de latín que significa "El tiempo se escapa" o "El tiempo vuela" invitando a no perder el tiempo.
¿Qué es un Bucket List? - “Bucket List” es una lista de objetivos, propósitos, metas, sueños y deseos que motivan a cada persona a hacer conscientes estos pendientes de vida y poderlos realizar, antes de partir de este mundo. Dicen que esta vida es mejor cuando ayudas a los demas a logra
r sus objetivos. Asi que, los guiaremos de inicio a fin, para que usted y su familia logre todos esos viajes, vivan esas experiencias, cumplan esos sueños que aun no echa a su Bucket List. Cuentanos tus metas/sueños mas locos e unicos, y asegurense que haremos que se vuelvan realidad. Falta lo mas importante - Tachar lo de la lista y lanzarlo al cesto de los objetivos cumplidos.
What does Tempus Fugit mean? Coming from Latin meaning "Time runs away" or "Time flies" inviting not to waste time. What is a wish list? - "Bucket List" is a list of goals, purposes, goals, dreams and desires that motivate each person to make these life experiences and be able to carry them out, before leaving this world. They say that this life is better when you help others achieve their goals. So, we will guide you from start to finish, so that you and your family achieve all those trips, live those experiences, and fulfill those dreams that you have not yet added to your Bucket List. Tell us your craziest and most unique goals/dreams, and make sure we make them come true. The most important thing is missing - Cross it off the list and throw it in the basket of fulfilled objectives