WOW, your love overflowing the last 15 month ... thank you from the depths of the sea!!!
Until the 11th of July, the speed boats and your favorite crew will be "in the shop" receiving facelifts and making progress on the next Splashes for you!
Mark your calendar for 11th of July!!!! And keep SEAsing your Adventure 🎉🌊🌟🪷✨️🧜🏽♀️
Hola Comunidad Amors del Agua Aventuras!!!
Gracias por apoyarnos durante 15 meses 🎉🤯🌊🧜🏽♀️, ¡vaya!
Tomándonos un descanso para el mantenimiento humanos operación y del lanchas.
Vernos en el 11 de julio con nuevo Brillantes!!!!
What do the best scientists AND explorers have in common?
1, Attributes of child-like curiosity!
2, Ask questions to learn how "it" works
3, Vibe with a sense of wonder and curiosity for the:
Who, what, where, why, when, and how!’
“They never stop asking questions and I never stop asking questions, just like a five year old!"
Sylvia A. Earle, Inspiring Explorer
Splashing Gratitude your way Sylvia A. Earle and team Mission Blue
SAVE our favorite sea friends Flipper, Willy, Nemo, Dory, Crush ...
🫧💙 Choose Bubbles, 🛑🎈Not Balloons!
Spring fiestas are HERE: school graduations, birthdays, weddings, PRIDE, etc! Let’s celebrate & keep our water-living marine friends safe.
Balloons can travel MASSIVE distances through our skies, 100s of km, before popping over water bodies because of the difference in air pressure.
Sea turtles and whales mistake balloons for jellyfish in the ocean, leading to belly aches, digestion blockage, and starvation 😵☠️💔
No matter where you live you can help PROTECT our bodies of water AND the amazing creatures that call them home:
1, Click Share to bring awareness to your community
2, Bring on the Fiestas with Bubbles
#stop #balloon #releases #nopollution #protect #sealife #cleanwater #turtles #savethewhales #love #bubbles
Choose Bubbles, Not Balloons!
Outdoor balloon releases: KILL marine life like our favorites Flipper, Nemo, Dory, Crush.While letting go of balloons seems harmless, they are deadly for marine animals in lakes and seas.
Sea turtles and whales mistake balloons for jellyfish in the ocean, leading to belly aches, digestion blockage, and starvation.
Guilty admission: I feel sick just remembering the number balloons I used to enjoy watching fly away.
Progress over perfection: I’m grateful to practice with eco-friendly alternatives now!
WIN with Bubbles.
No matter where you live you can help PROTECT our bodies of water AND the amazing creatures that call them home:
1, Click Share to bring awareness to your community
2, Bring on the Fiestas with Bubbles
#stop #balloon #releases #nopollution #protect #sealife #cleanwater #turtles #savethewhales #love #bubbles
We Become
What We Repeat
Nos convertimos
Lo que repetimos
What Are You Repeating?
¿Qué estás repitiendo?
#sealife #remotework #sirena #mermaid #love #wavesounds #pacificocean
The Big Blue’s Secret Song is ...
Infinitely Mysterious & Sings to my Soul
From Its Shallows to Depths
“With every drop of water you drink,
every breath you take,
you’re connected to the sea.
No matter where on Earth you live.”
Sylvia A. Earle, OG Blue Explorer
With Splashes & Sparkles!
#sealife #sirena #mermaid #PuertoVallarta #mexicomagico #lapaz #capetown #love #underwater #divers #adventure
Don’t simply scroll on,
Add some Love, it feels Better:
1, Splash that emoji ...
2, What song seas your soul?
If you DON’T like walks & swims in warm rain,
Keep Scrolling ...
For Everyone else,
SEAs your Move:
Rain or Shine,
Dance, Walk or Swim!
Add some Love:
1, Splash that emoji ...
2, Tag a friend who Loves to Move
#sealife #sirena #mermay #playadelcarmen #puertovallarta #mexicomagico #love #movement #community
Just another "office" day 😉🧜🏽♀️🌊
Sundays = Flukes of Natural Fun 💙🐳
#neverboring #humpbackwhales #sealife #mermaid #OG
1 splash
1 step
1 hola
1 hug
1 rooftop
Yyy Mucho amigos
Loved being part of this Open House by
@derek_carkner_realtor_ 🙌🏼👏🏼
Splash forward in Your PV Adventure by Sea AND Land✨️🧜🏽♀️🧭🏡
Salty Secret 2:
Know this Specialized Fisher
Our local Blue-Footed Booby ... BIRDs
Yea, yea, it's hella funny to see someone's face when you ask them if they've seen one BUT forget to add "BIRD" at the end of the phrase, hehehe.
The blue-footed booby is a specialized fisher that goes partying with around 12 amigas to really SEAs the day’s catch of sardines, anchovies, mackerel and more.
The cabrons, dudes, need to chow down extra to bring forward their BLUE swagger in their beak and feet to increase their mate options --- that’s right the cabronas, femmes, do the selection in this flock-o-fun!
Shoutout to guest and amigo, Crispin Sheridan Photography Crispin Sheridan, for capturing the best footage on a recent private tour!
Don’t simply scroll on,
Add some Love - it feels Better:
1, Splash that emoji
2, Blue Booby Geeks go here,
3, Do one better: get in touch for a private tour, [email protected] or Book your ticket on a public tour
Nature doesn’t disappoint nor do we, SEAs Your Adventure!
#sealife #sirena #PuertoVallarta #mermaid #mexicomagico #love #blue #birdwatching
Guess what? Salty Secrets 🌊💙
Salt Water Boosts Mineral Intake
Our bodies crave those tiny minerals to keep the show running smoothly.
The sea is like a treasure chest full of these vital goodies such as magnesium, manganese, cobalt, and more!
No need to gulp down salty water though - just take a dip in the ocean and let your skin soak up these minerals like a sponge!
SEAS Your Adventure in Mexico’s Banderas Bay with Boat Sofi & Sirena Tours PV!
🔗 Event Tix below
🚤 Departing THIS Saturday @ 10am, Pier los Muertos - Zona Romantica, Emiliano Zapato
#sealife #sirena #PuertoVallarta #mermaid #mexicomagico #love #saltlife