游乎 Take a trip

游乎 Take a trip Take a Trip by DrukAsia My
Your Vegetarian travel specialist
(KPK/LN 9707) (Co.No.1267486-M)

2024年12月24号 跨年圣诞节  #哈尔滨吃素不必愁出炉啦!9天7晚 中国哈尔滨日期:24DEC2024 - 01JAN2025❤️ 吉隆坡出发来回国际机票❤️ 4晚5星酒店 + 2晚4星酒店+1晚雪乡民宿❤️  #无购物站❤️  #全...

2024年12月24号 跨年圣诞节 #哈尔滨吃素不必愁出炉啦!

9天7晚 中国哈尔滨
日期:24DEC2024 - 01JAN2025

❤️ 吉隆坡出发来回国际机票
❤️ 4晚5星酒店 + 2晚4星酒店+1晚雪乡民宿
❤️ #无购物站
❤️ #全程蛋奶素餐饮
❤️ #来回高铁体验
❤️中国雪乡, #雪乡处处挂起大红灯笼
❤️ #赠送雪乡航拍小视频团队照
❤️ 百花谷朝鲜民俗村
❤️ #1晚长白山温泉酒店
❤️ #长白山天池
❤️ #哈尔滨冰雪大世界
❤️一起和游乎Take a trip #度过圣诞和元旦


December 24, 2024, New Year's Eve & Christmas China Harbin Vegetarian trip

9 days and 7 nights Harbin, China
Date: 24DEC2024 - 01JAN2025

❤️ International round-trip air tickets from Kuala Lumpur
❤️ 4 nights 5-star hotel + 2 nights 4-star hotel + 1 night Snow Village B&B
❤️ No shopping stops
❤️ Vegetarian meals throughout the trip
❤️ Round-trip high-speed rail experience
❤️ China Snow Village, where big red lanterns are hung everywhere
❤️ Free Snow Village group aerial video
❤️ Baihua Valley Korean Folk Village
❤️ 1 night Changbai Mountain Hot Spring Hotel
❤️ Changbai Mountain Tianchi
❤️ Harbin Ice and Snow World
❤️ Spend Christmas and New Year's Day with Take a trip

#哈尔滨素食旅游 #琪琪素人记事本

最后5个位赶快报名吧! #水灯节带你素游清迈清莱 祈福平安健康很多人以为泰国🇹🇭只有看庙而已,那你就错了!Take a trip by Drukasia 给你感受不一样的清迈清莱素之旅让你  #体验泰国, #品尝素美食, #感受泰文化, #...

#水灯节带你素游清迈清莱 祈福平安健康
很多人以为泰国🇹🇭只有看庙而已,那你就错了!Take a trip by Drukasia 给你感受不一样的清迈清莱素之旅
让你 #体验泰国, #品尝素美食, #感受泰文化, #观美景 感受不一样的清迈清莱素游之旅

日期:12/11/2024 - 16/11/2024
5天素游清迈清莱行程丰富, #绝对让你留恋忘返
❤️ #体验泰国传统服装包含当天摄影师拍照
❤️ #皇帝餐晚餐加泰国传统舞蹈表演
❤️ #参观克伦长颈村和山地部落村
❤️ #皇太后行宮和皇太后行宫花园清莱小瑞士
❤️ #大象营加竹筏漂流
❤️ #翠芬茶园加送一杯绿茶
❤️ #参加老城区的水灯节
❤️ #赠送一人一水灯
❤️ #全程4星酒店
❤️ #全程蛋奶素

想了解行程 请联系以下 More info

Loy Krathong vegetarian trip to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, praying for peace and health
Many people think that Thailand 🇹🇭 is only about visiting temples, but you are wrong! Take a trip by Drukasia gives you a different vegetarian trip
Let you experience Thailand, taste Thai vegetarian food, feel Thai culture, see the beautiful scenery and experience a different vegetarian trip in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai

Date: 12/11/2024 - 16/11/2024
The 5-day vegetarian trip to Chiang Mai & Chiang Rai
❤️ Experience Thai traditional costumes including photographer taking photos on the day
❤️ Kantoke Dinner and Thai traditional dance performance
❤️ Visit Karen Long Neck Village
❤️ Chiang Rai Little Switzerland Doi Tung Royal Villa and Mae Fah Luang Garden
❤️ Elephant Camp and Bamboo Rafting
❤️ Choui Fong Tea Plantation & Free green tea for each person
❤️ Loy Krathong Festival in the Old Town
❤️ Drinking water 1bottle per person per day
❤️ 4-star hotel
❤️ ovo lacto Vegetarian meals

More info please contact the following

#素游清迈 #素食旅游 #琪琪素人记事本 #清迈素食 #素食也可以很好吃素食也可以很好吃

素食旅游并非只限于素食者能参加,您也可以来一趟素食之旅享受蔬菜瓜果带来的新鲜口感,蔬食旅游让你身体无负担 感谢Charles郭朝河满意我们的安排你的旅游我们在乎 Youhu 游乎 Take a trip想了解行程 请联系以下 More in...

你的旅游我们在乎 Youhu 游乎 Take a trip

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What a rich vegetarian restaurant in Kunming! Please pay attention to our latest Yunnan itinerary in 2025

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纳帕海香格里拉Shangari-la Napa Lake

Shangari-la Napa Lake

云南素有  #野生菌王国 来到云南当然要品尝野生菌火锅宴啦! 跟着 游乎 Take a trip走吃素不必愁Yunnan is known as the Wild Mushroom Kingdom. Of course, you have ...

云南素有 #野生菌王国 来到云南当然要品尝野生菌火锅宴啦! 跟着 游乎 Take a trip走吃素不必愁

Yunnan is known as the Wild Mushroom Kingdom. Of course, you have to try the wild mushroom hot pot when you come to Yunnan!
Take a trip your vegetarian travel agent




游乎 Take a trip  #您的素食旅游公司云南实地考察,餐厅酒店,用心为你们安排素食旅游 #您的旅游我们在乎Take a trip your Vegetarian travel company Inspection trip to ...

游乎 Take a trip #您的素食旅游公司

Take a trip your Vegetarian travel company
Inspection trip to Yunnan, Hotel, Restaurant, plan a perfect vegetarian travel for you




留意我们明年2025 年的云南团吧!将会推出全新的云南旅游产品!琪琪与公司同事一同前往云南考察,用心挑选好的素食餐厅,酒店给大家,因为你的旅游我们在乎。

留意我们明年2025 年的云南团吧!将会推出全新的云南旅游产品!琪琪与公司同事一同前往云南考察,用心挑选好的素食餐厅,酒店给大家,因为你的旅游我们在乎。

 #最后5个位  #全程国际5星酒店海南岛 不要错过啦!美丽的海南岛Take a trip  #特别乘坐直升机高空瞭望海南岛 #2024九月學校假期  #5天素游海南岛 🌱作为中国面积最小和最南端的省份,海南岛在中国的地位就犹如美国的旅游热...

#最后5个位 #全程国际5星酒店海南岛
Take a trip #特别乘坐直升机高空瞭望海南岛

#2024九月學校假期 #5天素游海南岛 🌱


团 : 16Sep - 20Sep2024 学校假期

👍乘坐游艇出海 含飲料/水果/小吃
👍素食餐饮 (蛋奶素)
👍南山文化旅遊區 膜拜108米高南海觀音
👍亚⻰湾热带天堂森林公园 包含玻璃棧道

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Last 5 seats 5Days Vegetarian trip to Hainan
Don't miss it! Beautiful Hainan Island

Departure date:
Group: 16Sep- 20Sep2024 School Holiday

👍5-star hotel
👍Direct flight from Kuala Lumpur to Hainan Island
👍Yacht trip with drinks/fruits/snacks
👍Full board Vegetarian food
👍Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone Worship the 108-meter-high Nanhai Guanyin
👍Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park including glass plank road
👍Sanya Binglang Valley
👍No shopping stop and No Optional tour

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Take a trip #你的素食旅游

#素游海南岛 #素食旅游 #琪琪素人记事本 #素游中国 #海南素食 #素食也可以很好吃素食也可以很好吃

2024游乎素食旅游目录更新啦!看看你们想去哪? PM我们吧!2024 Take a trip Catalog have been update! take a look and PM us the places you interest想...

看看你们想去哪? PM我们吧!
2024 Take a trip Catalog have been update! take a look and PM us the places you interest
想了解行程 请联系以下 More info
updated 更新:22JUL2024


最高兴最是看见你们开心笑,你们玩的开心我们就高兴了❤️因为你们的旅 #游 我们在 #乎

The happiest thing is to see you smile happily. We are happy when you joyfully smile ❤️ because we care so much

游乎 Take a trip your vegetarian travel specialist

5天素游日惹  12Jul - 16Jul2024 #参观印尼婆罗浮屠寺庙 宏伟的婆罗浮屠寺位于印尼爪哇岛,是世界七大奇迹之一也是世上最大的佛教寺庙。5Days Yogyakarta vegetarian trip 12Jul - 16Ju...

5天素游日惹 12Jul - 16Jul2024
#参观印尼婆罗浮屠寺庙 宏伟的婆罗浮屠寺位于印尼爪哇岛,是世界七大奇迹之一也是世上最大的佛教寺庙。

5Days Yogyakarta vegetarian trip
12Jul - 16Jul2024
Visit Borobudur Temple in Indonesia
The magnificent Borobudur Temple is located on the island of Java in Indonesia. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and the largest Buddhist temple in the world.

游乎 Take a trip 您的素食旅游公司
Take a trip by Drukasia my your Vegetarian travel specialist

#游乎素旅游 #你的旅游我们在乎 #素食旅游 #琪琪素人记事本 #素游日惹


10月24号素游不丹🇧🇹,琪琪亲自带团。 #带你了解不丹为什么会被称为全世界最幸福的国家。

忙碌的生活 #你多久没好好休息了?
琪琪带你前往不丹, #来一趟洗涤心灵之旅吧! 让自己再次充电🔋

7天素游不丹🇧🇹最幸福的国家 #新加坡出发
日期:24Oct - 30Oct2024

24Oct vegetarian trip to Bhutan
Gigi will lead you to the most Happiness country [Bhutan]

Busy life! Do you still remember how long have you not pamper yourself? Let’s go Bhutan with Gigi and recharge yourself and let your soul shine

7Days Vegetarian Bhutan trip Depart from Singapore
Date: 24Oct - 30Oct2024
WhatsApp us for more info

#游乎素旅游 #你的旅游我们在乎 #素食旅游 #琪琪素人记事本 #素游不丹

璀璨夜景, #魅力重庆美丽山城重庆又是一个典型的山城,大概是全世界人口最多、面积最大的山城。重庆给人的印象就是一个美!有人说重庆就是内地“小香港”,真是名不是虚传。8天7晚素游重庆/武隆/龚滩/金佛山日期:06 Dec 2024Take a...

璀璨夜景, #魅力重庆美丽山城


日期:06 Dec 2024

Take a trip 游乎 *8天素游重庆*,绝对让你留恋忘返
❤️ #厦门航空吉隆坡直飞重庆来回国际机票
❤️ #全程蛋奶素餐饮
❤️ #包含旅游保险
❤️ #全程2晚5星酒店+5晚4星酒店
❤️ #电影满城尽带黄金甲 和《 #变形金刚4》的取景地 - 武隆天坑三桥
❤️ #游览素有“东方瑞士”之称的仙女山
❤️ #船游乌江画廊景色
❤️ #中国南方喀斯特 - 金佛山
❤️ #探寻神话世界的奇幻之旅 - 九黎城
❤️ #重庆网红打卡点 - 洪崖洞
❤️ #世界文化遗产 - 大足石刻
❤️ #纯玩无购物无自费项目

想了解行程 请联系以下 More info

Brilliant night view,

Chongqing is also a typical mountain city, probably the most populous and largest mountain city in the world. Chongqing gives people the impression of beauty! Some people say that Chongqing is the "Little Hong Kong" in the mainland.

8 days and 7 nights vegetarian tour to Chongqing/Wulong/Gongtan/Jinfo Mountain
Date: 06 Dec 2024

Take a trip Youhu 8 days ChongQing vegetarian tour :
❤️ Xiamen Airlines Direct flight to Chongqing
❤️ Ovo vegetarian meals
❤️ Travel insurance included
❤️ 2 nights in 5-star hotel + 5 nights in 4-star hotel
❤️ The filming location of the movie Curse of the Golden Flower and "Transformers 4" - Wulong Tiankeng Three Bridges
❤️ Visit the Fairy Mountain, known as the "Oriental Switzerland"
❤️ Boat tour of Wujiang Gallery
❤️ Southern China Karst - Jinfo Mountain
❤️ Explore the fantasy world of mythology - Jiuli City
❤️ Chongqing Internet celebrity check-in point - Hongyadong
❤️ World Cultural Heritage - Dazu Rock Carvings
❤️ No Optional and No Shopping

Please contact for more info

#素游重庆 #素食旅游 #琪琪素人记事本 #重庆素食 #素食也可以很好吃素食也可以很好吃 #素游中国

2024游乎素食旅游目录更新啦!看看你们想去哪? PM我们吧!2024 Take a trip Catalog have been update! take a look and PM us the places you interest想...

看看你们想去哪? PM我们吧!
2024 Take a trip Catalog have been update! take a look and PM us the places you interest

想了解行程 请联系以下 More info

updated 更新:25jun2024


来看看 琪琪 分享在内蒙古拍下的美照吧❗️Let take a look Gigivegdiary sharing her Beautiful Inner Mongolia pics

Take a trip 你的专业素食旅游公司
Take a trip Your Vegetarian trip specialist

祝大家端午节快乐 Happy Dragon Boat Festival

祝大家端午节快乐 Happy Dragon Boat Festival


中国内蒙古是以肉食文化为主。吃素相当的困难。 但 #游乎 Take a trip 安排的素食让每位素食者游客都吃的很满意🥰

China Inner Mongolia is a meat-eating culture. It is quite difficult to be a vegetarian. But the vegetarian meals arranged by Take a Trip made every vegetarian tourist very satisfied🥰

Tour: 8Days Vegetarian and photography trip to Inner Mongolia
01Jun - 08Jun2024

Take a trip 你的专业素食旅行社
Take a Trip Yrour Vegetarian travel specialist

#素游内蒙古 #素食也可以很好吃



Ever danced on the lush grasslands of Inner Mongolia? Let's dive into the dance with our Take a Trip VIPs and enjoy the stunning scenery together!

Tour: 8Days Vegetarian and photography trip to Inner Mongolia
01Jun - 08Jun2024

Take a trip 你的专业素食旅行社
Take a Trip Yrour Vegetarian travel specialist

#素游内蒙古 #品尝素美食 #琪琪素人记事本

素游内蒙古除了大草原还有火山能拍出漂亮的宇航员凯旋归来的照片In addition to the grasslands, there are also volcanoes in Inner Mongolia, where you can t...

素游内蒙古除了大草原还有火山能拍出漂亮的宇航员凯旋归来的照片In addition to the grasslands, there are also volcanoes in Inner Mongolia, where you can take beautiful photos of the astronauts returning.

Tour: 8Days Vegetarian and photography trip to Inner Mongolia
01Jun - 08Jun2024

Take a trip你的专业素食旅行社
Take a Trip Your Vegetarian travel specialist

#素游内蒙古 #品尝素美食 #琪琪素人记事本

游乎带你素游内蒙古来到了黄花沟大草原,穿上蒙古服装当蒙古人。Vegetarian trip to Inner Mongolia wearing Mongolia traditional dress act like a Mongolian团...

游乎带你素游内蒙古来到了黄花沟大草原,穿上蒙古服装当蒙古人。Vegetarian trip to Inner Mongolia wearing Mongolia traditional dress act like a Mongolian

Tour: 8Days Vegetarian and photography trip to Inner Mongolia
01Jun - 08Jun2024

Take a trip你的专业素食旅行社
Take a Trip Your Vegetarian travel specialist

#素游内蒙古 #品尝素美食 #琪琪素人记事本


游乎带你素游 #世外桃源巴拉格宗
Take a trip take you to Amazing Places Balagezhong valley

Tour: 9Days Yunnan/Dali/Lijiang/Balagezhong
23May - 31May2024

Take a trip你的专业素食旅行社
Take a Trip Your Vegetarian travel specialist

#素游云南 #品尝素美食 #琪琪素人记事本

素游丽江玉龙雪山,玉龙雪山纳西语意为“天山”,其十三座连绵不断的雪峰犹如一条腾飞的“巨龙”,故名“玉龙雪山”。Vegetarian trip to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain , Jade Dragon snow m...

Vegetarian trip to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain , Jade Dragon snow mountain in the Naxi language is known as 'Heavenly Mountain'. Meanwhile, its 13 continuously snow-capped peaks are like a flying "giant dragon", so it is called "Jade Dragon

Tour: 9Days Yunnan/Dali/Lijiang/Balagezhong
23May - 31May2024

Take a trip你的专业素食旅行社
Take a Trip Your Vegetarian travel specialist

#素游云南 #品尝素美食 #琪琪素人记事本

素游云南,大理,丽江,巴拉格宗  #吃素不必愁来看看我们为客人准备的素食美食吧!Vegetarian Tour to Yunnan, Dali, Lijiang, Balagezong Let's take a look at the ve...

素游云南,大理,丽江,巴拉格宗 #吃素不必愁

Vegetarian Tour to Yunnan, Dali, Lijiang, Balagezong
Let's take a look at the vegetarian food we prepared for our guests!

Tour: 9Days Yunnan/Dali/Lijiang/Balagezhong
23May - 31May2024

Take a trip你的专业素食旅行社
Take a Trip Your Vegetarian travel specialist

#素游云南 #品尝素美食

9天素游云南大理,丽江,巴拉格宗今日游览美丽花海花语牧场和沙溪古镇的美丽景色9-day tour of Yunnan Dali, Lijiang, BalagezongToday, visit the beautiful Flowers R...

9-day tour of Yunnan Dali, Lijiang, Balagezong
Today, visit the beautiful Flowers Ranch and Shaxi Ancient Town

Tour: 9Days Yunnan/Dali/Lijiang/Balagezhong
23May - 31May2024

Take a trip 你的专业素食旅行社
Take a trip Your Vegetarian travel specialist

#素游云南 #品尝素美食 #琪琪素人记事本


S-25-3A Wisma YNH No8 Jalan Kiara Mont Kiara
Kuala Lumpur





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