NHY Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd

NHY Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from NHY Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd, Tour Agency, B-6-13, Ativo Plaza, No. 1, Jalan PJU9/1, Damansara Avenue, Bandar Sri Damansara, Kuala Lumpur.

New Hoong Yoon Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd (Travel Agency Registration Number: KPK/LN:9610 |
Company Registration Number: 1311383-V) was started with the goal of realising everyone’s dream tour and enabling them to live in the moment.

月饼圆圆,合家团圆!🌕 祝贺大家在这闪耀的团圆日和家人过个美好的中秋夜晚!Wishing everyone a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Have a merry time with your family on...

月饼圆圆,合家团圆!🌕 祝贺大家在这闪耀的团圆日和家人过个美好的中秋夜晚!

Wishing everyone a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Have a merry time with your family on this bright full-moon night! 🌕

🇲🇾即使有多渴望去趟旅行,今天可不能忘了饮水思源,共同庆欢国家独立日!在此愿大家过个欢愉的节日!🌺🥳🇲🇾As much as we yearn to go on an overseas trip, let’s not forget our ...


🇲🇾As much as we yearn to go on an overseas trip, let’s not forget our roots and come together to commemorate Malaysia's Independence Day today! Hereby wishing all a joyful holiday today! 🌺🥳

祝愿所有穆斯林,哈芝节快乐!☪️ 尽情地享受这欢乐的周末!✨Wishing all Muslims, Selamat Hari Raya Haji! ☪️Enjoy this joyous weekend to the fullest! ✨


Wishing all Muslims, Selamat Hari Raya Haji! ☪️
Enjoy this joyous weekend to the fullest! ✨

父亲节到啦~ 🕺祝天下的爸爸们,父亲节快乐!这两年没法出国的朋友们,是否有股想要立马环游世界的冲动呢?😆✈️为了慰劳你父亲,不妨带着家人与鸿韵一同游玩!🧭It’s Father’s Day~🕺Wishing all dads a Happy...

父亲节到啦~ 🕺祝天下的爸爸们,父亲节快乐!


It’s Father’s Day~🕺Wishing all dads a Happy Father’s Day!

Those who haven’t gotten the chance to travel in these 2 years, do y’all miss the feeling of travelling?! 😆✈️ Show your love to your dad by booking a vacation with NHY Travel, to fly to your desired destination with your family! 🧭

祝大家端午节快乐!无论今日是在积极参与龙舟赛或简单的在享吃粽子,希望你们都是快乐地度过这欢庆的节日!🤗Wishing everyone a Joyous Dragon Boat Festival!Be it you’re celebrati...



Wishing everyone a Joyous Dragon Boat Festival!

Be it you’re celebrating this day by eating dumplings or actively participating in dragon boat races, we hope you’re enjoying this festive day with high spirits! 🤗

祝各位佛教徒们卫赛节快乐!🧘🏻‍♀️愿疫情早日结束,大家事事如意,平安健康。🤗Wishing all devotees a happy and hearty Wesak Day! 🧘🏻‍♀️May the pandemic end soon...


Wishing all devotees a happy and hearty Wesak Day! 🧘🏻‍♀️May the pandemic end soonest and may everyone be blessed with abundant good health and wellness.🤗


鸿韵旅游祝所有穆斯林朋友们开斋节快乐!🌙✨大家会怎么渡过开斋节假期呢?留言和我们分享吧!Selamat Hari Raya Puasa to all our muslim friends and followers!🌙✨ What will...


Selamat Hari Raya Puasa to all our muslim friends and followers!🌙✨ What will you be doing this holiday? Share with us below!


祝各位劳动节快乐!🙌😊 您是否正策划着旅游行程?别忘了我们的约定,与鸿韵旅游一同满足旅行狂热,开启一趟超relax的梦幻之旅!🏝️⛱️🧳快游览旅游配套 @ https://nhytravel.comHave a delightful Lab...

祝各位劳动节快乐!🙌😊 您是否正策划着旅游行程?别忘了我们的约定,与鸿韵旅游一同满足旅行狂热,开启一趟超relax的梦幻之旅!🏝️⛱️🧳

快游览旅游配套 @ https://nhytravel.com

Have a delightful Labour Day! 🙌😊 Planning where to rest and relax? Satisfy your travel wanderlust with NHY Travel by booking your dream vacay with us: 🏝️⛱️🧳

Check out our travel packages @ https://nhytravel.com

祝大家复活节平安健康快乐,好运重生!🧺🐰❤️Wishing all who celebrate, a very happy and healthy Easter full of light and love!🧺🐰❤️

Wishing all who celebrate, a very happy and healthy Easter full of light and love!🧺🐰❤️

祝愿穆斯林朋友们斋月愉快吉祥!🌙Wishing all Muslim friends a blessed & happy Ramadan!🌙

Wishing all Muslim friends a blessed & happy Ramadan!🌙

👩 祝所有女性们,国际妇女节快乐!希望你们每日都是无忧无虑,快快乐乐的!🥰👩 Wishing all females, a Happy International Women’s Day! May all of you live a car...

👩 祝所有女性们,国际妇女节快乐!

👩 Wishing all females, a Happy International Women’s Day!
May all of you live a carefree life every day, with no worries! 🥰

一年中第一个月圆之夜, 和家人一起赏花灯,吃汤圆 -- 甜甜圆圆的圆寄托着对新的一年美好的期望!祝各位元宵快乐!🉐😊✨It's the first round moon of the year! Indulge in tradition b...

一年中第一个月圆之夜, 和家人一起赏花灯,吃汤圆 -- 甜甜圆圆的圆寄托着对新的一年美好的期望!

It's the first round moon of the year! Indulge in tradition by enjoying tangyuan and appreciating festive lanterns with your loved ones. Wishing all a happy Chap Goh Meh !😊✨

虎福临门,虎啸龙腾!🤞🤞祝各位新年快乐,继续锁定我们的脸书页面,希望在今年带给大家最新汇报!🤞Xīn Nián Kuài Lè! 🤞🤞Wishing all a huat-derful Year of the Tiger, do stay ...


Xīn Nián Kuài Lè! 🤞🤞
Wishing all a huat-derful Year of the Tiger, do stay tuned for fresh updates! 🤞

新年新气象,记得以美好的心情迎接新的一年!🏖️ 2022 年好事多多,笑容多多!🥂😃💯Usher in the new year on a vibrant note with all the good vibes! 🏖️ May 2022 ...

新年新气象,记得以美好的心情迎接新的一年!🏖️ 2022 年好事多多,笑容多多!🥂😃💯

Usher in the new year on a vibrant note with all the good vibes! 🏖️ May 2022 spell joyous happenings and lots of laughter! 🥂😃💯

鸿韵旅游祝大家过一个充满爱与温暖的圣诞节!🎁✨🎁✨ 也愿新的一年带来新气息与希望!🛫😊🎉NHY Travel wishes all a joyous and safe festive season. 🎅‍🎄 Rise above every...

鸿韵旅游祝大家过一个充满爱与温暖的圣诞节!🎁✨🎁✨ 也愿新的一年带来新气息与希望!🛫😊🎉

NHY Travel wishes all a joyous and safe festive season. 🎅‍🎄 Rise above everything that held you down in 2021 as we look forward to a new year ahead! 🛫😊🎉

冬至吃过汤团象征着长大一岁啦,祝各位冬至快乐!🍡😊Having tangyuan (glutinous rice balls) symbolises growing a year older. Wishing you a happy Win...


Having tangyuan (glutinous rice balls) symbolises growing a year older. Wishing you a happy Winter Solstice! 🍡😊



Goodbye MCO! 👋🏼與鴻韻旅遊一起享受舒適旅程!我們的豪華轎車可容納高達13人,並擁有即現代又舒適的汽車內飾!您與親朋好友還能使用內置電視機放鬆和觀看電視節目。


請通過WhatsApp鏈接👉 https://wa.me/60125001383, 向我們了解更多詳情吧!

Having stayed at home for so long, do you miss the blue sky and the fun of playing everywhere?

Goodbye MCO! 👋🏼Enjoy a journey of comfort with NHY Travel! Our luxury limousine van caters for up to 13 pax, and boasts a modern and comfy interior! You and your squad may also chill and watch shows with the in-built TV!

All West Malaysia runs thoroughly, your schedule is up to you! ! !

WhatsApp 👉https://wa.me/60125001383 for further queries!
Travel Agency Registration Number: KPK/LN:9610
Company Registration Number: 1311383-V

祝印族同胞们屠妖节快乐!😄 愿这个佳节的灯火点亮您与家人的生活,带来健康与欢乐! ✨✨Wishing all a delightful Deepavali. 😄 May this festival of lights illuminate ...

祝印族同胞们屠妖节快乐!😄 愿这个佳节的灯火点亮您与家人的生活,带来健康与欢乐! ✨✨

Wishing all a delightful Deepavali. 😄 May this festival of lights illuminate your lives with good health and joy aplenty!✨✨

宅在家裡那麼久,是否很想念蔚藍的天空與到處遊玩的樂趣?我們也一樣!包吃,包住的4星級度假村配套只需RM350*? ! 😱😱🤩🤩是的你沒看錯,而且旅遊適用期到明年2022年2月! 😎即日起至2022年2月註冊4星級安曼刁曼海灘度假村配套以享用...

包吃,包住的4星級度假村配套只需RM350*? ! 😱😱🤩🤩
是的你沒看錯,而且旅遊適用期到明年2022年2月! 😎
➡ 3天2夜4星級阿曼刁曼海灘度假村
➡ 包括2份早餐+2份午餐+2份晚餐

#另外付费 还可以参加一系列的岛上活动:
👉 1趟包括3個不同地點的浮潛之行 (包括個人浮潛裝備)
👉 有执照出海深潜(Fun Dive)
👉 初学者深潜体验(Discovery Dive)
👉 透明 Kayak 独木舟
👉 ATV 越野车
👉 Jungle Trekking 森林徒步
🛳 #来回船票不包含在配套里头,需另外预购哦 👌
➡ 您可以自行到度假村或通過本公司預訂及購買特別服務 (碼頭往返交通和海島往返船票)

出发前 SOP:
👉 需打了两剂疫苗至少 14天之后
👉 预订和 check in 时需附上疫苗接种证明
👉 在码头必须做 Rapid Saliva Test 测试
👉 只有 Negative 和 Low Risk 游客允许上船

✨ 若4星級度假村住宿一直是您嚮往的體驗,但又不想花費太大的話,可別錯過這個最佳良機噢!
📞欢迎发送WhatsApp👉 https://wa.me/60125001383, 向我们了解更多详情!

ONLY RM350* for makan, and staycay at a 4-star resort? 😱😱
Yes, you heard it right. It's even better where the travel validity is extended till Feb 2022! 😎
Sign-up for your amazing getaway at 4-star Aman Tioman Beach Resort by Nov 2021 to enjoy to promotion! Wait no more, book now and travel when you're ready!
I'm going to jio my friends to enjoy this exclusive deal! 💨💨

Package included:
➡ 3D2N stay at 4-star Aman Tioman Beach Resort
➡ Includes 2 breakfast + 2 lunch + 2 dinner

payment you can also participate in a series of island activities:
👉 1 snorkeling trip including 3 different locations (including personal snorkelling equipment)
👉 Licensed Fun Dive
👉 Discovery Dive for beginners
👉 Transparent Kayak canoe
👉 ATV off-road vehicle
👉 Jungle Trekking
🛳 trip ticket is not included in the package, you need to pre-purchase separately 👌
➡ You can go to the resort on your own or book and purchase special services through our company (round-trip transportation to the island and round-trip ferry tickets to the island)
Before departure SOP:
👉 Need two doses of the vaccine after at least 14 days
👉 Proof of vaccination is required for bookings and check in
👉 Rapid Saliva Test test must be done at the jetty
👉 Only Negative and Low Risk visitors are allowed on board
✨ If you've always dreamed of going to a 4-star resort without burning a hole in your pocket, this is your chance!
*Terms and conditions apply.
Travel validity period: Nov 2021 to Feb 2022.
📞WhatsApp us now at 👉https://wa.me/60125001383 for further queries!

#鴻韻旅遊 #刁曼岛

【🙌送出5份刁曼岛宅度假配套】来来来,为自己和一位伙伴赢取价值RM1,136+的【3天2夜双人刁曼岛旅游配套】!🧳🏝️✨[🙌 𝑮𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒐𝒇 5 𝑺𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝑷𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒖 𝑻𝒊𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒍 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 2]Snag...


[🙌 𝑮𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒐𝒇 5 𝑺𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝑷𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒖 𝑻𝒊𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒍 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 2]
Snag a chance to win a 3D2N Resort Staycation at Pulau Tioman for yourself and a loved one (worth RM1,136+)!🧳🏝️✨

👉 更多详情 More details: https://www.facebook.com/TuttiFruityHouse/photos/a.112387477780374/142026141483174/


又到了年尾,大家是否和小编一样,非常想来场“宅度假”,放松心情?🤩 那可要留意以下的好消息❗🎁👇

为配合年尾假期,鲜果子の家与本地旅行社「鸿韵旅遊^」合作,送出 5 份各值RM1,136+的【3天2夜双人刁曼岛旅游配套】! 😎

即日起至2022年1月31日,只需在我们FB开播时下单水果,即可自动参与我们的幸运抽奖,并有机会赢取3天2夜的刁曼岛旅游配套,带上一位旅游伴侣一起享受无忧无虑的度假体验~🤩! 细节如下:

1. 从@TuttiFruityHouse 下单水果 (FB留言 ‘或’ WhatsApp至 +60 18-983 1383 )
2. 点赞➕跟随我们的FB专页
3. 锁定我们的FB,留意幸运抽奖成绩!
💥 只需关注我们每周二/四/六 @7.30PM 的 FB 直播,在开卖时并下单,就有机会哦!(不熟悉下单步骤的粉丝可以观看我们的教学视频:https://www.facebook.com/TuttiFruityHouse/videos/1996684947152125)
💓【1 个单子 = 1 次幸运抽奖机会】 ┋ 下单越多,机会越高哦!

活动于2022年1月31日结束后,我们将于2022年2月揭晓幸运赢家。切勿错过这个千载难逢的机会哦~😱 别忘了锁定来临周二、四、六的FB Live,直播 Oppa KC 约定你~! 😉
*主办单位保留以相同价位替代礼品的权利。优惠适用期:2022年3月1日至6月30日。前往活动条件: https://bit.ly/3j3TGXv
^公司注册号码: 1311383-V


Year-end holidays are drawing near! If you're dreaming of an idyllic staycation to kick back, relax and unwind, then don't miss what's coming up❗🎁👇

In line with the year-end season, Tutti Fruity House is partnering local travel agency NHY Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd^ to give away FIVE sets of 3D2N Tioman Island Travel Package for 2 pax each worth RM1,136+! 😎

From now till 1 Jan 2022, simply place a fruit order from us during our "FB Live" to be automatically entered into our Giveaway Lucky Draw, and stand to snag a 3D2N Tioman Island Travel Package, along with a travel buddy for a worry-free staycay experience~🤩! Details are right below:

1. Make a purchase from (FB comment ‘OR' WhatsApp to +60 18-983 1383)
2. Like & follow us on Facebook
3. Stay tuned to our FB for the Lucky Draw announcement!
💥 Take note of our FB Live sessions happening every Tue/Thu/Sat @ 7.30pm & place your order to enter! (Order steps can be found in our demo video: https://www.facebook.com/TuttiFruityHouse/videos/1996684947152125)
💓【1 order = 1 chance】┋ Buy more for a higher winning chance!

Contest ends 31 Jan 2022 and winners will be announced in Feb 2022. Don't let this exclusive opportunity slip by~😱 Remember to catch our coming FB Live happening every Tues/Thurs/Sat, Oppa KC will be waiting~!😉
*To be replaced with a package of equivalent value if unavailable. Travel validity period: 1 March - 30 June 2022. See contest T&Cs: https://bit.ly/3j3TGXv
^Business Reg. No.: 1311383-V

#鲜果子の家 #鴻韻旅遊 #刁曼岛

祝愿你和家人花好月圆人安康! 🥮 中秋节快乐! Wishing you and your loved ones a delightful Mid-Autumn Festival! 🥮

祝愿你和家人花好月圆人安康! 🥮 中秋节快乐!

Wishing you and your loved ones a delightful Mid-Autumn Festival! 🥮

祝马来西亚64岁生日快乐! 🇲 🇾欢庆假日时记得遵守安全距离,愿您与家人保持身心健康愉悦!🥳Wishing all a happy 64th National Day! May everyone stay safe and healthy,...

祝马来西亚64岁生日快乐! 🇲 🇾欢庆假日时记得遵守安全距离,愿您与家人保持身心健康愉悦!🥳

Wishing all a happy 64th National Day! May everyone stay safe and healthy, by observing safe distancing while indulging in the celebrations!🎉

祝穆斯林同胞们哈芝节快乐!也祝祝大家假期愉快! Wishing our Muslim friends and customers Selamat Hari Raya Haji, and happy holidays to all!


Wishing our Muslim friends and customers Selamat Hari Raya Haji, and happy holidays to all!

端午节快乐!🐉 祝大家身心安康,安居乐业!🥳Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 🐉 Wishing all a healthy and happy life! 🥳

端午节快乐!🐉 祝大家身心安康,安居乐业!🥳

Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 🐉 Wishing all a healthy and happy life! 🥳

祝所有佛教徒过个有意义的卫塞节!Happy Wesak Day to all Buddhists!


Happy Wesak Day to all Buddhists!

祝所有的穆斯林同胞们开斋节快乐!   💚Wishing all our Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!   💚

祝所有的穆斯林同胞们开斋节快乐! 💚

Wishing all our Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! 💚

妈妈们的无私付出与关爱是我们常常忽略的。趁这个特别节日表达谢意,致敬所有超人妈妈与妈妈级人物,母亲节快乐! 💞The selfless love and devotion of mothers are something we often ...

妈妈们的无私付出与关爱是我们常常忽略的。趁这个特别节日表达谢意,致敬所有超人妈妈与妈妈级人物,母亲节快乐! 💞

The selfless love and devotion of mothers are something we often take for granted. On this meaningful day, let us show our gratitude to all the mother figures in our lives! Happy Mother's Day! 💞


【無敵RM480+*3天2夜配套讓您玩FUN曼刁島! 性價比超高!】😍

被列為「世界十大美麗島嶼之一」的刁曼島,讓您一秒就愛上! 身处沙粒細白的絕美海灘🏖️、蔚藍無邊的海洋🌊與明媚陽光,讓人心情無比放鬆! 而4星級的「阿曼刁曼海灘度假村」絕對是這個度假天堂staycation的首選之地,除了舒適冷氣臥房與包在配套內的誘人餐點,桌球、电子游戏與室外游泳池等設施也將讓您過足癮! 🎮

浮潛是不可錯過的島上活動,why not前來體驗3個不同地點的浮潛樂趣,與艷麗的海底珊瑚和五彩斑斕的熱帶魚近距離嬉水,就算是初試者都能樂在其中!

一天下來的活動結束後,晚上還能享用新鮮的BBQ燒烤大餐! 🦀

再不來打卡你就OUT了! 無論是與家人、朋友放個假或是小情侶想來個體驗浪漫getaway都非常適合哦! 現已開放預定,快快PM小編了解更多!

或 PM 我們了解更多詳情!


[Unbeatable RM480+*3D2N package for absolute fun at Pulau Tioman! Super worth it!] 😍

Hailed as one of the 10 most beautiful islands in the world, Pulau Tioman can steal your heart in just one second! The island’s gorgeous white sandy beaches 🏖️ that are surrounded by the seemingly boundless ocean 🌊 and brilliant sunshine, can no doubt make one feel instantly relaxed! Besides, the 4-star Aman Tioman Beach Resort is definitely the go-to place for your dream staycation! Other than comfy air-conditioned hotel rooms and tasty meals that are included in the package, you can also enjoy to the max and entertain yourselves with billiards, video games, an outdoor swimming pool and much more! 🎮

Snorkelling is an activity that you cannot miss when visiting Pulau Tioman, especially when you can get to experience snorkelling fun at 3 different locations, as well as stunning underwater reefs and a colourful variety of tropical fish just a few feet from the shore! Even snorkelling newbies are in for a wonderful time!

When the day ends, you can also enjoy a fresh BBQ dinner! 🦀

This is a destination you don’t want to miss! Whether it’s to have a short holiday with family and friends or a romantic getaway with your significant other, this location is perfect! Reservations are now open, hurry and PM us for more deets!

📞Feel free to WhatsApp us 👉https://wa.me/60125001383
or PM us!

*T&Cs apply. Min. 4 adults. Travel period till Oct 2021.

Business Reg. No. 201901002057 (1311383-V)
Licence No. KPK/LN: 9610

#鴻韻旅遊 #刁曼岛

五一劳动节快乐!趁着节日让自己透一透气,歇一歇吧~😎 祝大家周末愉快! Happy Labour Day, have a restful weekend!

五一劳动节快乐!趁着节日让自己透一透气,歇一歇吧~😎 祝大家周末愉快!

Happy Labour Day, have a restful weekend!


B-6-13, Ativo Plaza, No. 1, Jalan PJU9/1, Damansara Avenue, Bandar Sri Damansara
Kuala Lumpur

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00





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About NHY Travel

New Hoong Yoon Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd was started with the goal of realising everyone’s dream tour and enabling them to live in the moment. Through horizon-broadening travels, we create opportunities for more individuals to immerse in unique local customs and celebrate the beauty of diverse cultures.

Catering to both solo travellers and families, NHY offers convenient one-stop transport and tour services. We focus on meeting individual travellers’ personalised requests so you arrive at your destination comfortably within your budget. Whatever your preferred travel tempo or activity, NHY’s travel specialists are committed to present the best-customised package to deliver an ideal experience. Our thoughtfully-curated itineraries will ensure every day of your vacation is well-spent – from local accommodation, transport to culinary highlights, our planned activities and recommendations will have you embark on the journey of a lifetime!

Catering to both solo travellers and families, NHY offers convenient one-stop transport and tour services. We focus on meeting individual travellers’ personalised requests so you arrive at your destination comfortably within your budget. Whatever your preferred travel tempo or activity, NHY’s travel specialists are committed to present the best customised package to deliver an ideal experience. Our thoughtfully-curated itineraries will ensure every day of your vacation is well-spent – from local accommodation, transport to culinary highlights, our planned activities and recommendations will have you embark on the journey of a lifetime!

NHY's services include:

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