Green Surprise

Green Surprise Sharing and promoting the goodness of Organic products which improved our lifestyle and value systems.

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How to protect your child at school with these organic superfoods?

How to protect your child at school with these organic superfoods?

NaturGreen Organic Agave SyrupA healthier sugar alternative that is made from organic agave plant- a giant spikey plants...

NaturGreen Organic Agave Syrup

A healthier sugar alternative that is made from organic agave plant- a giant spikey plants with a pineapple-like sweet bulb. This low GI sweetener allows you to enjoy a little sweetness without raising your blood sugar rapidly while blends well with any dishes and beverages.

一种更健康的糖替代品,由有机龙舌兰植物制成——一种巨大的带刺植物,带有类似菠萝的甜球茎。这种低 GI 甜味剂可让您享受一点甜味而不会迅速升高血糖,同时可与任何菜肴和饮料完美融合。

Why Not?® Organic Apple Juice (Demeter), 750mlFlush away the gallstones-deliciously!This apple juice is 100% direct pres...

Why Not?® Organic Apple Juice (Demeter), 750ml
Flush away the gallstones-deliciously!
This apple juice is 100% direct pressed from ripe and aromatic biodynamic apple.

It is rich in minerals and organic acids which are excellent to reduce gallstones and detox.

这种苹果汁是 100% 从成熟和芳香的生物动力苹果直接压榨的。


Chase away stuffy noses with some lemony ginger tea!Garden of the Andes Ginger Lemongrass Tea is a delightful infusion o...

Chase away stuffy noses with some lemony ginger tea!

Garden of the Andes Ginger Lemongrass Tea is a delightful infusion of the finest warming ginger with lemony lemongrass, providing an aromatic spice with a refreshing citrus note.

Ginger tea is the perfect warm remedy for many nosy ailments.

Packed with the pleasant fragrance from lemongrass, this tea bag is packed with antioxidant and polyphenol that helps fight off symptoms of flu, ward off nausea and helps you relax.

Garden of the Andes Ginger Lemongrass Tea 是最好的暖姜和柠檬香茅的令人愉快的融合,提供芳香的香料和清爽的柑橘味。


Raw pumpkin seeds contain the active ingredient cucutbitasin, which has powerful  about cancer anti-inflammatory propert...

Raw pumpkin seeds contain the active ingredient cucutbitasin, which has powerful about cancer anti-inflammatory properties.

Tips on switching formula milk:Even at 1 year old, our little one's taste buds and digestive system are still immature a...

Tips on switching formula milk:
Even at 1 year old, our little one's taste buds and digestive system are still immature and in a developing stage. Hence, it is important to slowly introduce Babybio Organic Deserve Formulated Cow's Milk during transition. Symptoms such as watery stools, constipation, a change in milk intake volume at first or a heaty body is only natural. This happens to any type of formulated milk or at any stage when the baby transitions to different types of formula milk. The following steps are suggested to ease the transition and reduce rejection towards the new formula milk.

Step 1: 1/3 Babybio Organic Deserve Formulated Cows Milk

Mix 1/3 of Babybio Organic Deserve Formulated Cows Milk into your current formula milk, introduce to your little one for 2-3 days.

Step 2: 1/2 Babybio Organic Deserve Formulated Cows Milk

Mix 1/2 of Babybio Organic Deserve Formulated Cows Milk into your current formula milk, introduce to your little one for 2-3 days.

Step 3: 2/3 Babybio Organic Deserve Formulated Cows Milk

Mix 2/3 of Babybio Organic Deserve Formulated Cows Milk into your current formula milk, introduce to your little one for 2-3 days.

Step 4: 100% Babybio Organic Deserve Formulated Cows Milk

Change completely to Babybio Organic Deserve Formulated Cows Milk.

即使在 1 岁的时候,我们小宝宝的味蕾和消化系统仍然不成熟,处于发育阶段。因此,在过渡期间慢慢引入 Babybio Organic Deserve 配方牛奶很重要。水一样的大便、便秘、最初的牛奶摄入量发生变化或身体发热等症状都是自然现象。这会发生在任何类型的配方奶粉或婴儿过渡期喝到不同类型配方奶粉。建议采取以下步骤来缓解过渡期并减少对新配方奶粉的排斥。

第 1 步:1/3 Babybio 有机应得配方牛奶粉

将 1/3 的 Babybio Organic Deserve 配方牛奶粉混合到您当前的配方奶粉中,给您的宝宝喝2-3 天。

第 2 步:1/2 Babybio 有机应得配方牛奶粉

将 1/2 的 Babybio Organic Deserve 配方牛奶粉混合到您当前的配方奶中,给您的宝宝喝 2-3 天。

第 3 步:2/3 Babybio 有机应得配方牛奶粉

将 2/3 的 Babybio Organic Deserve 配方牛奶粉混合到您当前的配方奶中,给您的宝宝唱2-3 天。

第 4 步:100% Babybio 有机应得配方牛奶粉

完全改用 Babybio Organic Deserve 配方奶。

Babybio Organic Deserve Cow's Milk Doesn't your child deserve organic?Pesticides, herbicides, antibiotic, growth hormone...

Babybio Organic Deserve Cow's Milk

Doesn't your child deserve organic?
Pesticides, herbicides, antibiotic, growth hormones...
These are among some of the possible harmful residues found in the process from cows to bottle. Growing children are extremely sensitive to pollutants from food such as pesticides, antibiotic, growth hormone etc. anatomy of baby their liver and kidneys are immature and unable to breakdown these complex chemicals and toxin. Nutritionists recognise that dietary habit from early age will affect their life-time physical and mental development.

That’s why every child deserves organic, right from infancy!

Here's 7 reasons why Babybio:

(1) No.1 in France,since 1996
Babybio has more than 20 years expertise in producing organic children food. Each Babybio product is produced and formulated with our little one’s best interest in mind, in terms of nutrition and what food is suitable at different growth stages.

(2) Certified organic, EU standards
Organic certification is an assurance that there are no harmful chemical residues in the food that you are giving to your little one. Babybio goes beyond the organic certification by running vigorous tests to ensure that there are no traces of chemicals in all Babybio products.

(3) Milk Quality assured.
Organic milk means no hormones, no antibiotics and 100% organic feed, eliminating GMO or any other harmful compounds in the milk. Practising a healthy lifestyle and diet, the cows produce only the best qualities milk which are highly nutritious for our little ones.

(4) Cows that graze freely.
Cows that graze freely are able to exercise and socialize with other cows, resulting in a healthier cow and reduces the risk of the cows falling sick or getting infections.

(5) Grass fed cows.
Organic cows are fed with a wholesome organic diet which meets the animal’s nutritional requirements at various stages of its development. Organic feed eliminates GMO food, or food with chemical pesticides and fertilizers which may residue in the milk produced. Organic grass fed cows are healthier and has a better immunity to diseases, producing milk that is better in quality.

(6) Plant based EFAs.
Babybio Deserve contains essential fatty acids (EFAs) from first cold pressed organic vegetable oils. EFAs are vital for children’s brain and nerve development.

(7) Enriched probiotics.
Babybio Deserve contains friendly bacteria such as Bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium lactis) that promote a healthier digestive system and a stronger immune system.





有机认证可以确保您给小孩子的食物中没有有害的化学残留物。 Babybio进行严格的测试,以确保所有Babybio产品中都没有任何化学痕迹,从而超越了有机认证的范围。




(6)植物性脂肪酸 EFAs。
Babybio Deserve包含来自第一批冷压有机植物油的必需脂肪酸(EFAs)。 EFA对儿童的大脑和神经发育至关重要。

Babybio Deserve含有友好的细菌,例如双歧杆菌(乳酸双歧杆菌),可促进更健康的消化系统和更强的免疫系统。

Wishing everyone has a prosperous and healthy Chinese New Year. 新年快樂,萬事如意!

Wishing everyone has a prosperous and healthy Chinese New Year. 新年快樂,萬事如意!

Honeysuckle Chrysanthemum Enzyme Vinega金银菊花酵素醋

Honeysuckle Chrysanthemum Enzyme Vinega金银菊花酵素醋

What Are the Benefits of Organic Brown Rice Vinegar?Rice vinegar is brimming with amino acids. Amino acids are responsib...

What Are the Benefits of Organic Brown Rice Vinegar?

Rice vinegar is brimming with amino acids. Amino acids are responsible for a lot of processes in the body. They’re required for proper nutrient assimilation and digestion.

For centuries, rice vinegar has been popularly used in Japan as a tonic for the liver. It is believed to increase the detoxifying effects of this organ and ensure that it functions normally.

This type of vinegar is rich in certain amino acids that are critical to your immune system’s function. By using this vinegar, rather than other common forms, you can strengthen your immune system and reduce free radical activity.

Research has shown that rice vinegar can slow the deposition of cholesterol in your arteries and blood vessels, helping you avoid heart conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.




How to make Raspberry Tea如何泡覆盆子叶茶🌿☕The most common way of using Raspberry Leaf is as a tea, and it’s very simple to make...

How to make Raspberry Tea

The most common way of using Raspberry Leaf is as a tea, and it’s very simple to make. Just take 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of the dried leaves and put in 1 cup of water for 10-15 minutes. Add a sweetener like honey or maple syrup, if desired, and enjoy!

To get the most benefit out of Raspberry Leaf, the Herbal Academy recommends making an infusion instead of a tea. This means that you would pour boiling water over the herb and let it infuse for 4-8 hours instead of 10-15 minutes.

When making an infusion, it’s best to make a larger amount ahead of time so that you don’t have to wait 4 hours every time you need a cup of Raspberry tea. It can be stored in the refrigerator and enjoyed hot or cold.




New stock has just arrived.👏👍🌿

New stock has just arrived.👏👍🌿

No doubt Raspberries are tasty and juicy. But apart from the enthusiasm about this wonderful fruit, one should not forget the leaves of the plant because they truly deserve attention. The dried Raspberry leaves when infused in boiling water produces tea in yellow color with slightly spicy-sweet tast...

How to cook monk fruit tea?Place the monk fruit pieces (including the shell) in a pot with 4 cups (1 liter) of water and...

How to cook monk fruit tea?
Place the monk fruit pieces (including the shell) in a pot with 4 cups (1 liter) of water and bring to a boil. Then cover and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. Strain the tea before serving. Alternatively, combine the monk fruit pieces with boiled water in a thermos and sip it throughout the day.


Monk fruitMonk fruit, or lo han guo, is a small green melon native to southern China and named after the monks who first...

Monk fruit
Monk fruit, or lo han guo, is a small green melon native to southern China and named after the monks who first cultivated it centuries ago. The health benefits of the fruit have been well-known in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for decades, but its sweet little secret is finally making it into the wellness mainstream.

Health benefits of monk fruit
1. Safe for diabetes
Monk fruit gets its sweetness from natural compounds called mogrosides. It’s generally safe for those with diabetes because it doesn’t increase blood sugars.
2. Promotes weight loss
Monk fruit has no calories, carbs, or fat, so it may be a great option for anyone watching their waistline.
3. Anti-inflammatory properties
monk fruit has been used in TCM for centuries to make hot drinks that relieve sore throats and reduce phlegm. The fruit’s mogrosides are said to be anti-inflammatory, and may help prevent cancer and keep blood sugar levels stable.



当归煮蛋当归煮蛋,是由当归、鸡蛋为主要食材做成的一道菜品,属于家常菜。当归煮蛋有补气补血的功效,适合身体虚弱的女性食用。所需食材做法一当归15克,川芎3克,黑豆20克,花生50克,龙眼20克.做法一1 将药材用清水稍微洗一下.2 将药材和鸡...

1 将药材用清水稍微洗一下.
2 将药材和鸡蛋放入沙锅中用大火炖开.
3 大火炖开后转小火炖40分钟就可以了.
4 龙眼在最后20分钟放入.
5 炖的过程中,在鸡蛋熟后,捞出,去壳,在放入一起炖.
6 吃的时候放少许的红糖,那样就不苦拉!


Angelica Boiled Egg
Angelica boiled egg is a dish made from Angelica sinensis and eggs as the main ingredients. It is a home-cooked dish. Angelica boiled eggs have the effect of nourishing qi and blood, and are suitable for women with weak health.

Ingredients needed

15 grams of angelica, 3 grams of chuanxiong, 20 grams of black beans, 50 grams of peanuts, and 20 grams of longan.

1 Wash the ingredients lightly with clean water.
2 Put the herbs and eggs in a casserole and simmer over high heat.
3 After the high heat is simmered, turn to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes.
4 Put the longan in the last 20 minutes.
5 During the stewing process, after the eggs are cooked, remove them, remove the shells, and simmer together.
6 Put a little brown sugar when eating, so it won't be bitter!

1. When boiling eggs, put a little salt to prevent the egg white from flowing out when the eggs are broken.
2. After cooking, pierce some small holes in the egg, the angelica liquid will pe*****te into the egg more easily.
3. Be patient and cook. From three bowls of water to one bowl of water, the essence of the angelica will be boiled out.

Chinese Angelica• Relieves anaemic symptoms• Helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and eases menstrual pain• Also eases ...

Chinese Angelica
• Relieves anaemic symptoms
• Helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and eases menstrual pain
• Also eases other kinds of pain, such as pain experienced in cold limbs or pain resulting from physical injuries due to poor blood circulation


紅豆湯 Red Bean Soup红豆汤是由红豆加白砂糖制作而成的一种汤,具有清热解毒、健脾益胃、利尿消肿、通气除烦、补血生乳等多种功效,在治疗肠炎、痢疾、腹泻以及疮痈疖肿上都有良好的效果。紅豆 200公克砂糖 170公克水 3000㏄紅豆...

紅豆湯 Red Bean Soup


紅豆 200公克
砂糖 170公克
水 3000㏄


Red bean soup is a kind of soup made from red beans and white sugar. It has a variety of effects such as clearing away heat and detoxifying, strengthening the spleen and stomach, diuretic and swelling, in the treatment of enteritis, dysentery, diarrhea and sore carbuncle There are good results on boils.

Red beans 200g
Sugar 170g
Water 3000㏄

The red beans need to be soaked in water for 5 hours to 1 night, and the red beans are poured into the soup pot the next day.
After the soup pot is boiled on the gas stove, turn to low heat and continue to cook for 50 minutes.
Just before done, add in sugar.

Adzuki beans are rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds. Soaking, sprouting and ferme...

Adzuki beans are rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds. Soaking, sprouting and fermenting makes it easier to absorb these nutrients.


Health Benefits Of Adzuki Bean
1. Improves Digestion
2. Balances Sugar Levels and Reduces the Risk of Diabetes
3. Improves Heart Health
4. Improve Bone and Skin Health
5. Detox
6. Aids in Weight Loss



Petaling Jaya


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