Connecsys-CNS Group

Connecsys-CNS Group Total Energy Management System and Energy Saving Solutions Provider SCOPE OF SERVICES OFFERED

1. ii) Energy Engineering Audit.

Connecsys(CNS) Group provides total energy conservation solutions covering energy management consultancy and engineering services for its local and regional clients since 2001. OUR VISION
To be a leader in providing total energy conservation and energy management solutions for domestic and regional markets with sustained world-class performances in all aspects of our business. OUR MISSION
To be

a recognized and trusted player in providing management and engineering solutions for sustainable energy management for our clients. OUR KEY STRENGTHS AND BUSINESS STRATEGY

We provide both the engineering solutions to ensure energy cost reduction and management solutions from our consultancy and advisory services to ensure our clients would be able to sustain the desired results in a long term. We have proven track records with major and reputable clients from private and public sectors at domestic and regional markets which we have successfully reduced their operating costs in a long term through our total energy management solutions and technologies through the group’s operation for more than 10 years. We ensure the energy performance from proposed energy management system and energy saving measures with our professional advice, scheduled maintenance& parts replacement, monitoring and reporting at our cost throughout the contract period. We have a very experienced and competent in-house expertise with engineering and management solutions support teams in the group to ensure the best delivery of our services to all our clients. Energy Management System Advisory and Consultancy
i) Energy Management System (EnMS)
• Development and implementation energy management system based on ISO 50001: 2011 Standard.
• Preparatory works and assistance towards ISO50001: 2011 Standard certification.
• Energy conservation opportunities, energy review and performance evaluation
• Strategic development and implementation of Sustainable Energy Management System for organizations
• Strategic energy policy related studies and implementation plan
• Energy audit and energy performance evaluation

ii) In-house Capacity Building Program in Efficient Management of Energy
• Training and awareness programs for EnMS & energy efficient applications with customized training modules for building/industrial facilities.
• Customized training modules for different target groups in the organization covering management and technical areas. iii) Compliance towards Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008
• Registered Electrical Energy Manager services.
• Advisory in the development and implementation on in-house energy management system based on ISO50001 EnMS Standard
• Supervisory and facilitation for in-house candidates for the application to become registered electrical energy manager with the regulator.

2. Engineering Services And Solutions For Demand Side And Supply Side Of Energy
i) Implementation of Energy Conservation Measures through investments under Energy Performance Contracting (EPC)-shared saving model or “Pay-As-You-Save” Concept for energy using system/equipment/facilities. iii) Computer Aided Energy Resource Management System (CERMS). iv) Energy Efficiency For Internal Electrical Distribution System. v) Alternative energy sources and renewable energy solutions and technologies. ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAM FOR ORGANIZATIONS

The implementation of Energy Management System (EnMS) has become more critical to ensure the sustainability energy costs savings to be achieved from the implementation of energy conservations project in organizations despite changes in management and personnel. We have the knowledge and expertise to assist organizations to develop and implement effective energy management system customized according the operational and management requirements of each facility. With the introduction of ISO 50001: Energy Management System Standard in June 2011, we have the expertise to assist companies with step-by –step guidelines to develop and implement EnMS based on the standard and able to assist towards compliance to be certified with our expert who has been recognized as one of the leading experts in EnMS by local and international organizations. The in-house capacity to sustain energy cost reduction measures is also important as apart of the strategic approach in the implementation of energy management system in an organization. We would be able to impart and share its knowledge and experiences through well-designed capacity buildings for different target groups such as trainings on energy management system, efficient operations of energy using equipment and energy efficient technologies. We believe that well-trained personnel would be able to contribute significantly for the sustainability of energy efficiency efforts by the organization with their highest degree of dedication and commitment. For the compliance towards the regulatory requirements for efficient management of energy, we would be able to ensure all requirements are met and in the same time we would strongly recommend our clients to develop their in-house personnel with us playing the supervisory roles for them to be certified as well and these personnel will ensure future compliance of the organization. ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT

Energy Conservation

The Energy Conservation Service Industry is a very concentrated market with not only very few major players providing such services. Over the past 10 to 15 years many Energy Saving Service Companies have failed mainly due to technical, software, performance and financial problems. But the main challenge is product performance, many of the players concentrated on low level technology as the main tool for energy saving but were not comprehensively sufficient in providing full range of services complimented by support software. Another major challenge is financial factor; many large corporations acknowledge the necessity of energy conservation management system. However, most of them are unable to implement this due to high capital investment. In order to survive in this industry it is necessary to position oneself as an innovative, reliable and service-orientated company. This differentiation strategy will enable oneself to secure competitive advantage position in offering products and services which performance will provide confidence to users. Energy costs are one of the components of operating/manufacturing fixed costs in the business. Energy conservation plays a vital role in reducing operating costs which is critical under such intense global competitive and soft economic environment. i) Power Management System

Escalating cost of electrical power and its quality have become a major operating concern and this has heightened the interest in energy conservation. Our Power Management System offers a variety of measures that can reduce energy consumption and energy expenses, which include a series of options that address such issues:
• Reducing electrical load consumption
• Improving efficiency of the loads
• Peak demand control
• Improving quality of the facility distribution system
• Maintenance costs
• Excessive heat & resistance on equipment

ii) Waste Heat Management System

Many industrial heating processes generate large amounts of waste energy that is simply discharged into the atmosphere. Reducing these losses should be a high priority for anyone interested in improving the energy efficiency of boilers, furnaces and other process heating equipment. Our Heat Management System is able to easily recover 80% of the waste heat generated by the following processes:
• Waste heat recovery on furnace
• Blow down recovery system&waste water heat recovery
• Boiler waste heat recovery& heat exchanger
• Waste incineration system

iii) Steam Management System

A steam is an important source in the heating of raw materials and treats semi-finished products. It is also a power source for equipment, as well as for building heat and electricity generation. Steam generation gives opportunities for heat recovery and combined heat and power schemes; reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the ability to sequence boilers to give optimum output. Upstream inefficiencies will affect process heating and cost of producing steam; while downstream inefficiencies (leaks, bad traps, poor load-control) can also affect process heating and have severe effects on the boiler and cost of producing steam. Our Steam Management System provides improvement in maintaining steam usage efficiently. We pay attention to all the components in a steam system – boiler water treatment, generation, distribution and steam and condensate recovery; hence it creates significant opportunities for savings, as high as 20% - 30% of energy costs. iv) Process Reengineering & Improvement

One of the challenges facing energy conservation success is due to bottlenecks with an operating system. Certain operating procedures and technologies might have been suitable in period of low energy cost must be revised to fit the times and with ever improvement in the field of technology, continuous process improvement is a must to maintain continuity in the energy conservation efforts. We have the experience to assist in identifying these opportunities through planning, designing and reconstruction of processes and system. We also maintain a network of business and technical specialists for in-depth assistance in the analysis of highly specialized business operation. v) Energy Resource Management (ERM) Monitoring System

Industries consume substantial quantum of energy in various forms like fuel, electricity, steam, thermal energy, recycle heat, waste heat etc. It is very corporation's interest to fully understand the efficiencies of each process so as to take appropriate and timely action to ensu

The principal consultant and who is also the Operations Director of CNS Group has been appointed by the Economic Plannin...

The principal consultant and who is also the Operations Director of CNS Group has been appointed by the Economic Planning Unit of the PM's Department as the Lead Consultant/National Project Manager for the Demand Side Management Preliminary Study under the 11th Malaysia Plan.
The appointment is effective from June 2016 and for one year period.

We have the know-how and the experience in delivering big scale investments and the implementatin of EPC projects in Mal...

We have the know-how and the experience in delivering big scale investments and the implementatin of EPC projects in Malaysia and Asia.
Contact us for details at [email protected]

As the leading ESCO in implementing energy cost saving projects with Energy Performance Contracting(EPC) in Malaysia, we...

As the leading ESCO in implementing energy cost saving projects with Energy Performance Contracting(EPC) in Malaysia, we performed all the works with 100% using our internal expertise and resources.

EPC is business model where an ESCO will implement energy saving measures at the client's facilities with its investment with zero up front cost from the client. The ESCO will recover its investments and making some profit from the actual energy cost savings achieved which is also shared with client at agreed % and conditions.
The actual saving must be proven with measurement and verification methods that have been agreed by both parties in the EPC contract.

The process of EPC implementation will involve from...

1.The identification of energy saving measures potentials trough investment grade/detailed energy energy audit by our energy audit team equipped with our own energy audit equipment;

2. Presenting the investment potentials with detailed financial analysis such as investment values, pay back period,ROI,IRR, sharing % and contract period.

3. Providing funding sources from our already established financing partners which have funded our EPC projects for more than 12 years;

4. Providing the complete computerized energy measurement, control and monitoring system for each system/equipment to improved or to replaced to gain savings based on energy audit findings.

5. The use of a comprehensively drafted and tested EPC contract document which has been developed more that 12 years ago and used for clients from muti-national and local companies in Malaysia, Thailand, China and Taiwan.

6. The implementation process by a very experienced project implementation and commissioning team to ensure all energy saving measures will produced results as committed in the signed EPC contract.

Our track records in big scale EPC projects implementation have been proven with the contract period ranged from 4-8 years with intensive energy users from manufacturing and building sectors.

If you are looking for a long term benefits with ESCO as the strategic partner to provide the total solutions of your energy savings and total energy management system, we are keen to explore the possibility with you.

Kindly log on at our website or contact us via [email protected] or Tel: 03 61561881 or Fax: 03 27720975 for any query or for a request for our consultant to come to see you and to explain further on our EPC business model.

One of our biggest accomplishments in EnMS consultancy this year is when our client SAJ Holdings Sdn Bhd has been certif...

One of our biggest accomplishments in EnMS consultancy this year is when our client SAJ Holdings Sdn Bhd has been certified with MSISO50001:2011 simultaneously for 6 of its facilities covering 1 corporate office/HQ and 5 Water Treatment Plants in Pasir Gudang, Kota Tinggi and Muar.
The project started in July 2014 and through our holistic approach, key personnel from all levels of personnel have been involved in developing, implementing and now monitoring the EnMS for all the facilities.
What we have emphasized is getting certified is not only about getting the manual and procedures ready to be complied but more importantly, how all employers feel the ownership of EnMS and how can they play their roles that have been clearly defined with the policy and targets that have been set by the company.
Well done SAJ and we wish you all the best in the way forward to sustain and improve your energy performance with EnMS implementation!


At CNS , we don't see energy management is not just about engineering or technical solutions to save energy costs.It requires the efficient management of resources that covers equipment and also the people in the organization.
Technologies will help us to save more energy but only the people can ensure any technology will continue to save energy at intended performance and results in long term.

The Director of Operations of CNS Group will share his thoughts on energy service industry as a guest expert speaker at ...

The Director of Operations of CNS Group will share his thoughts on energy service industry as a guest expert speaker at a business forum on 14 December 2015, G Tower Hotel,Kuala Lumpur.

9-12 February 2015For SAJ Holdings Sdn BhdInternal audit training for internal auditors and as an observer for internal ...

9-12 February 2015
For SAJ Holdings Sdn Bhd
Internal audit training for internal auditors and as an observer for internal audit process for HQ office and 5 Water Intake & Treatment facilities in Pasir Gudang, Larkin, Muar and Kota Tinggi

AEON Cheras Selatan Shopping Complex 9 March 2015 EnMS introductory workshop for central region 2 shopping complexes und...

AEON Cheras Selatan Shopping Complex
9 March 2015
EnMS introductory workshop for central region 2 shopping complexes under AEON Co(M) Bhd.

AEON Alpa Angle Shopping Complex5 March 2015EnMS introductory workshop for central region 1 shopping complexes under AEO...

AEON Alpa Angle Shopping Complex
5 March 2015
EnMS introductory workshop for central region 1 shopping complexes under AEON Co(M) Bhd.

23-24 Feb 2015Hotel Swan City MelakaOur EnMS expert appointed by Melaka Green Technology Corporation to conduct 3 sessio...

23-24 Feb 2015
Hotel Swan City Melaka
Our EnMS expert appointed by Melaka Green Technology Corporation to conduct 3 sessions of training for public and private sectors.



Contact us for more details and to register!

We are still looking for suitable candidates to fill this exciting position in energy management consultancy!

We are still looking for suitable candidates to fill this exciting position in energy management consultancy!

Date: 9 January 2014The paper presented by Connecsys titled Practical Approach in Energy Management Implementation to In...

Date: 9 January 2014
The paper presented by Connecsys titled Practical Approach in Energy Management Implementation to Increase and Sustain Profitability.
Connecsys was also represented in the forum session at the end of the seminar

We are please to announce that the principal consultant and Director of Connecsys Sdn  Bhd will represent MAESCO to pres...

We are please to announce that the principal consultant and Director of Connecsys Sdn Bhd will represent MAESCO to present a paper on Energy Performance Contracting at the International Construction Week 2014 as follows:
Date : 19 Sep 2014
Time: 11.40 a.m -12.40 p.m
Venue :Room 2,Tun Abdul Razak Hall, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur


We are glad to inform that Connecsys Sdn Bhd already registered with Energy Commission for the followings:

1. The training provider for the Continuous Development Program(CDP) for Registered Electrical Energy Managers(REEMs) - this registration will enable participants for our training programs will eligible to use their attendance to fulfill the requirement for the renewal of their REEM certificate.

2. As an Energy Service Company(ESCO). Other company in CNS Group which is also registered is CNNS Technasco Sdn Bhd-with this registration, we have met the requirements to enable us to participate in EPC projects at government building facilities.

The Operation Director/Principal EnMS of CNS Group has been elected on 5 Sept 2014 as the Vice Chairman for the Sectoral...

The Operation Director/Principal EnMS of CNS Group has been elected on 5 Sept 2014 as the Vice Chairman for the Sectoral Training Committee(STC) for Oil, Gas and Energy Sector at HRDF Malaysia. He is representing the Malaysia Association of Energy Service Companies(MAESCO) which he is also an elected committee member (Treasurer/Strategic Initiative).

STCs formed by HRDF are primarily to serve as a think-tank groups with the main objective to identify and plan training needs for industries that correspond with the advancement of technology, system and sub-sectors that are covered under the PMSB Act 2001.
It is to enhance the employers' level of productivity and competitiveness.

An expert from Connecsys is participating as a mentor in the Biz-Clinic today at SME Corp

An expert from Connecsys is participating as a mentor in the Biz-Clinic today at SME Corp

Connecys Sdn Bhd will be participating as the Energy Effciency Expert Category  in Global Cleantech Innovation Programme...

Connecys Sdn Bhd will be participating as the Energy Effciency Expert Category in Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) Malaysia - Aug 26, 2014. Details of program agenda is outlined in the attached photos.

Details of the GCIP Program are available at

See you there!


3, Teknologi Kubik, No. 6 Jalan Teknologi 3/4, Taman Sains Selangor1, Kota Damansara
Petaling Jaya


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