Connecsys(CNS) Group provides total energy conservation solutions covering energy management consultancy and engineering services for its local and regional clients since 2001. OUR VISION
To be a leader in providing total energy conservation and energy management solutions for domestic and regional markets with sustained world-class performances in all aspects of our business. OUR MISSION
To be
a recognized and trusted player in providing management and engineering solutions for sustainable energy management for our clients. OUR KEY STRENGTHS AND BUSINESS STRATEGY
We provide both the engineering solutions to ensure energy cost reduction and management solutions from our consultancy and advisory services to ensure our clients would be able to sustain the desired results in a long term. We have proven track records with major and reputable clients from private and public sectors at domestic and regional markets which we have successfully reduced their operating costs in a long term through our total energy management solutions and technologies through the group’s operation for more than 10 years. We ensure the energy performance from proposed energy management system and energy saving measures with our professional advice, scheduled maintenance& parts replacement, monitoring and reporting at our cost throughout the contract period. We have a very experienced and competent in-house expertise with engineering and management solutions support teams in the group to ensure the best delivery of our services to all our clients. Energy Management System Advisory and Consultancy
i) Energy Management System (EnMS)
• Development and implementation energy management system based on ISO 50001: 2011 Standard.
• Preparatory works and assistance towards ISO50001: 2011 Standard certification.
• Energy conservation opportunities, energy review and performance evaluation
• Strategic development and implementation of Sustainable Energy Management System for organizations
• Strategic energy policy related studies and implementation plan
• Energy audit and energy performance evaluation
ii) In-house Capacity Building Program in Efficient Management of Energy
• Training and awareness programs for EnMS & energy efficient applications with customized training modules for building/industrial facilities.
• Customized training modules for different target groups in the organization covering management and technical areas. iii) Compliance towards Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008
• Registered Electrical Energy Manager services.
• Advisory in the development and implementation on in-house energy management system based on ISO50001 EnMS Standard
• Supervisory and facilitation for in-house candidates for the application to become registered electrical energy manager with the regulator.
2. Engineering Services And Solutions For Demand Side And Supply Side Of Energy
i) Implementation of Energy Conservation Measures through investments under Energy Performance Contracting (EPC)-shared saving model or “Pay-As-You-Save” Concept for energy using system/equipment/facilities. iii) Computer Aided Energy Resource Management System (CERMS). iv) Energy Efficiency For Internal Electrical Distribution System. v) Alternative energy sources and renewable energy solutions and technologies. ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAM FOR ORGANIZATIONS
The implementation of Energy Management System (EnMS) has become more critical to ensure the sustainability energy costs savings to be achieved from the implementation of energy conservations project in organizations despite changes in management and personnel. We have the knowledge and expertise to assist organizations to develop and implement effective energy management system customized according the operational and management requirements of each facility. With the introduction of ISO 50001: Energy Management System Standard in June 2011, we have the expertise to assist companies with step-by –step guidelines to develop and implement EnMS based on the standard and able to assist towards compliance to be certified with our expert who has been recognized as one of the leading experts in EnMS by local and international organizations. The in-house capacity to sustain energy cost reduction measures is also important as apart of the strategic approach in the implementation of energy management system in an organization. We would be able to impart and share its knowledge and experiences through well-designed capacity buildings for different target groups such as trainings on energy management system, efficient operations of energy using equipment and energy efficient technologies. We believe that well-trained personnel would be able to contribute significantly for the sustainability of energy efficiency efforts by the organization with their highest degree of dedication and commitment. For the compliance towards the regulatory requirements for efficient management of energy, we would be able to ensure all requirements are met and in the same time we would strongly recommend our clients to develop their in-house personnel with us playing the supervisory roles for them to be certified as well and these personnel will ensure future compliance of the organization. ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT
Energy Conservation
The Energy Conservation Service Industry is a very concentrated market with not only very few major players providing such services. Over the past 10 to 15 years many Energy Saving Service Companies have failed mainly due to technical, software, performance and financial problems. But the main challenge is product performance, many of the players concentrated on low level technology as the main tool for energy saving but were not comprehensively sufficient in providing full range of services complimented by support software. Another major challenge is financial factor; many large corporations acknowledge the necessity of energy conservation management system. However, most of them are unable to implement this due to high capital investment. In order to survive in this industry it is necessary to position oneself as an innovative, reliable and service-orientated company. This differentiation strategy will enable oneself to secure competitive advantage position in offering products and services which performance will provide confidence to users. Energy costs are one of the components of operating/manufacturing fixed costs in the business. Energy conservation plays a vital role in reducing operating costs which is critical under such intense global competitive and soft economic environment. i) Power Management System
Escalating cost of electrical power and its quality have become a major operating concern and this has heightened the interest in energy conservation. Our Power Management System offers a variety of measures that can reduce energy consumption and energy expenses, which include a series of options that address such issues:
• Reducing electrical load consumption
• Improving efficiency of the loads
• Peak demand control
• Improving quality of the facility distribution system
• Maintenance costs
• Excessive heat & resistance on equipment
ii) Waste Heat Management System
Many industrial heating processes generate large amounts of waste energy that is simply discharged into the atmosphere. Reducing these losses should be a high priority for anyone interested in improving the energy efficiency of boilers, furnaces and other process heating equipment. Our Heat Management System is able to easily recover 80% of the waste heat generated by the following processes:
• Waste heat recovery on furnace
• Blow down recovery system&waste water heat recovery
• Boiler waste heat recovery& heat exchanger
• Waste incineration system
iii) Steam Management System
A steam is an important source in the heating of raw materials and treats semi-finished products. It is also a power source for equipment, as well as for building heat and electricity generation. Steam generation gives opportunities for heat recovery and combined heat and power schemes; reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the ability to sequence boilers to give optimum output. Upstream inefficiencies will affect process heating and cost of producing steam; while downstream inefficiencies (leaks, bad traps, poor load-control) can also affect process heating and have severe effects on the boiler and cost of producing steam. Our Steam Management System provides improvement in maintaining steam usage efficiently. We pay attention to all the components in a steam system – boiler water treatment, generation, distribution and steam and condensate recovery; hence it creates significant opportunities for savings, as high as 20% - 30% of energy costs. iv) Process Reengineering & Improvement
One of the challenges facing energy conservation success is due to bottlenecks with an operating system. Certain operating procedures and technologies might have been suitable in period of low energy cost must be revised to fit the times and with ever improvement in the field of technology, continuous process improvement is a must to maintain continuity in the energy conservation efforts. We have the experience to assist in identifying these opportunities through planning, designing and reconstruction of processes and system. We also maintain a network of business and technical specialists for in-depth assistance in the analysis of highly specialized business operation. v) Energy Resource Management (ERM) Monitoring System
Industries consume substantial quantum of energy in various forms like fuel, electricity, steam, thermal energy, recycle heat, waste heat etc. It is very corporation's interest to fully understand the efficiencies of each process so as to take appropriate and timely action to ensu