LevArt Discovery in style, travel with insight. We think of traveling as an art of leaving (hence, LevArt is pronounced as leave-art).



Travel, if spelled reverse would be levart, that’s where our name came from. Whether you are embarking on a journey or going home, both acts involve leaving behind someone or something as you bid farewell, but each

farewell comes with a wealth of experiences and fond memories. LevArt is passionate about traveling, sharing, and learning. If you are like-minded people, you are welcomed to join our trips, and get ready to experience the art of leaving.

🇳🇴 在路上 | On The RoadTromso天气非常差,连续数天都下雨下雪,还刮强风,市区的缆车甚至因此停止服务。在如此恶劣的天气之下,极光依然从厚云层的缝隙探出那么一点头,但极速地消散,好些人都还来不及按下快门它就不见了。就那么一...

🇳🇴 在路上 | On The Road


Very poor weather in Tromso, for several days it was raining and snowing with strong wind, so much so the city cable car had to suspend operation. Despite the bad weather, aurora seep through thick clouds and offered a light show by the nature, just briefly, like a miracle.

#挪威 #极光

🇳🇴 在路上 | On The Road大家带着期待和兴奋的心情体验狗拉雪橇。先是换上御寒的全副武装,然后聆听向导的讲解并学习如何驾驭雪橇。看来大家的领悟力都很强(没有发生“撞车”和“翻车”的事故),游刃有余并顺利完成任务。The day ...

🇳🇴 在路上 | On The Road


The day for highly anticipated activity: dog sledding. Firstly changed into winter gear suited for long hours outdoor exposure, followed by a crush course on how to ride and control the sled. Group members seem to be fast learners, everyone completed the activity without any mishap.

🇳🇴 在路上 | On The Road从Longyearbyen的极夜,我们来到Tromso郊区的峡湾入住。天气不好,阴天、雨天、下雪、刮大风,全都体验了。但我们还是在能走动的时候尽量去看看周遭的环境,包括徒步一小段山路,免得辜负了如画的...

🇳🇴 在路上 | On The Road


After bidding farewell to the Polar Night in Longyearbyen, we arrived in Tromso countryside, staying at Bayside holiday cabins. Poor weather, we've experienced rain, snow, and strong wind. But we still braces the weather and explored the surroundings on foot, admiring the scenic view.

🇳🇴 在路上 | On The Road斯瓦巴德因煤矿开采而开始有人定居,现在许多煤矿场已关闭。我们前往其中一个已关闭的煤矿场参观和了解当地的煤矿发展史,体验当时煤矿工人在黑暗隧道的工作情况。活动结束回到镇上,我们还徒步到世界最北教堂参观和...

🇳🇴 在路上 | On The Road


Coal mining started permanent settlement in Svalbard, although today most of the coal mines have ceased operation. We visited a shut down coal mine to learn about the mining history and miners' life in Svalbard. Later, we returned to city center and walked to the world's northernmost church. In the evening, some energetic members went for a beer tasting event at a brewery, while some took a night bus ride to explore the countryside.

🇳🇴 在路上 | On The Road进入二月份的极夜,Longyearbyen白天开始有一点曙光的出现,但很快地又回到黑夜的状态。我们抵达后先去餐厅尝了当地的特色菜:鲸鱼肉和驼鹿肉(moose),入住公寓后则自己做饭。公寓里很温暖,外头...

🇳🇴 在路上 | On The Road


In Longyearbyen, during the Polar Night in Feb, during the day time, there's a short period of blue light but the sun doesn't rise above the horizon, the day then quickly return to pitch black darkness. Upon arrival, we went to a restaurant to sample local delicacies: whale and moose meat. Later, back at our apartment-hotel, we have self-catering meals. The apartment is warm, while the outside temperature is not as cold as expected.

罗马尼亚“寻人” | Looking for 2 pax有团员因私人原因无法出游,原本团满的罗马尼亚之旅(8 - 20/5/2025),因此腾出了2个空位。若感兴趣,抓紧这个第二次机会,到LevArt官网查阅详情(行程链接见留言区),线上报...

罗马尼亚“寻人” | Looking for 2 pax

有团员因私人原因无法出游,原本团满的罗马尼亚之旅(8 - 20/5/2025),因此腾出了2个空位。若感兴趣,抓紧这个第二次机会,到LevArt官网查阅详情(行程链接见留言区),线上报名。


Previously fully booked Medieval Romania tour (8 - 20/5/2025) now has 2 seats left due to unexpected pullout. For those interested, grab this second chance, browse LevArt website (itinerary link in comment box) for more details and book online.

Romania is more than all the hypes about Dracula myths and fantasies. In medieval fortified towns, vibrant commercial activities with trendy cafes and bars set amidst centuries-old cultural heritage. There’re medieval monasteries and villages tucked in remote mountains untouched by mass tourism, and Maramures region is known to be the last places where rural European medieval life remains intact.

🇳🇴 在路上 | On The Road抵达挪威奥斯陆,我们随性地在市区走走,也搭了趟有轨电车去Vigeland公园逛逛。今年的冬天,比往常要温暖,只是天气一如既往那样阴阴的。明日,我们将飞往一个太阳不升起的极夜之地,不管阴天还是晴天,全日...

🇳🇴 在路上 | On The Road


Upon arrival Oslo, capital of Norway, we explored the city leisurely and took a tram to Vigeland Park. This year's winter is warmer than usual and the weather is gloomy. By tomorrow, we'll be heading to the destination for Polar Night experience, where the sun never rise in winter, rain or "shine", it's darkness all day long.

保加利亚之自然风光 | Bulgaria Nature (part 3/3)保加利亚是一个多山之国,有许多美丽的山川湖泊,适合徒步游览。我们挑选了两个完全不同的自然景观,个别进行半天的徒步活动,分别为里拉七湖,以及有“天眼”之称的山林洞穴。...

保加利亚之自然风光 | Bulgaria Nature (part 3/3)


Bulgaria is a mountainous country, a great place to explore the nature by trekking. We picked two entirely different landscapes for half-day trekking at Rila Seven Lakes and Prohodna Cave respectively. Both trekking trails are easy and full of greenery and wildflowers in early summer.

保加利亚之玫瑰谷 | Bulgaria Rose Valley (part 2/3)保加利亚是全球最大的玫瑰精油产地。春末初夏之际,是当地的玫瑰摘采季节,我们不仅参与了丰收盛会玫瑰节,还入住玫瑰谷里庄园围绕的度假农舍,见到农民们忙碌地摘采珍...

保加利亚之玫瑰谷 | Bulgaria Rose Valley (part 2/3)

保加利亚是全球最大的玫瑰精油产地。春末初夏之际,是当地的玫瑰摘采季节,我们不仅参与了丰收盛会玫瑰节,还入住玫瑰谷里庄园围绕的度假农舍,见到农民们忙碌地摘采珍贵的Rosa Damascena花瓣,用以制作价比黄金的玫瑰精油。

Bulgaria is the world’s largest rose oil producer. We visited Bulgaria in late May, during the rose harvesting season. We participated in Rose festival, stayed at holiday cottage in Rose Valley surrounded by farmland, and witnessed farmers busy picking Rosa Damascena for making rose oil, which is so precious that it is known as the liquid gold.

保加利亚之古城镇 | Bulgaria Ancient Cities (part 1/3)保加利亚是欧洲最古老的国家之一,遍布着色雷斯古文明、古罗马、拜占庭、奥斯曼帝国时期的文化遗产。这里的古城保有古朴面貌和悠闲氛围,但也有现代化的活力。B...

保加利亚之古城镇 | Bulgaria Ancient Cities (part 1/3)


Bulgaria is one of the oldest civilizations in Europe, rich with ancient remains from the Thracians, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman eras. The ancient cities in Bulgaria maintained a medieval ambience along with vibrancy of modernity.

2025年4月-6月确定出发的团,位子有限了,欢迎浏览我们的网站查看详情。https://www.levart.com.my/Tours confirmed departure between Apr and Jun 2025, limit...



Tours confirmed departure between Apr and Jun 2025, limited seat available, visit our website for more details.








🔴出游日期|Tour Date: 12–23 APR (12D)
🔴团费|Tour Fee: RM 6,200
🔴截止报名|Booking deadline: 1 FEB

Blooming season is delightful. Some would visit Japan for cherry blossom, while northern Thailand is a more affordable option, and in recent years Pakistan emerges as a popular blossom viewing spot. Meanwhile, LevArt introduces Ladakh for apricot blossom viewing, a less traveled destination.

Ladakh is part of India but unlike India. Visiting Ladakh, one would have the illusion of being in Tibet. Ladakhis with prayer wheels in hands, Buddhism chanting echoing from ancient monastries on hilltops, colourful prayer flags lined high passes. Ladakh is a place filled with traditions, yet to be commercialized.

In April, apricot trees are in full bloom. We shall enter farmland or simply pullover by the roadside to admire spring scenery, these are not gated scenic sites, without the crowds, and one could slowly enjoy the view and take photos without having to wait in queue.

Ladakh, the unexpected spring blossom viewing destination.

The trip has confirmed departure, you are invited to come along, book before registration deadline.





Oct to Dec itineraries released online!

▶️Socotra is a new itinerary, let's admire the unique blood dragon and bottle trees.
▶️Cuba is another highlight, full of nostalgia.
▶️Algeria, the best place to experience the vastness of Sahara.
▶️Autumnal Pakistan, Hunza Valley painted in vivid hues.
▶️Xinjiang, where desert meets with snow mountain ranges, lush poplar forest in autumn hues.
▶️Tunisia, half-sea-half-desert, pilgrimage place for Star Wars fans.

Visit our website to view all the itineraries for 2025!






Looking for trekkers for Sichuan Ancient Trail.

Due to last-minute pullout, there's a seat available for each of the tour date listed below. Sichuan Ancient Trail is suitable for beginner trekker, the trail named Golden Bull is rated easy. The trip combines car excursion and trekking to explore ancient heritage sites, old villages, farmland, and lush cypress forest. 8-day fun-filled trip, good food and accommodation, with a little bit of workout!

Tour Dates:
7-14 Mar 2025: 1 seat
14-21 Mar 2025: 1 seat

Enquiries welcomed.




There are several overland routes into Tibet and G318 is the most famous, which cycling enthusiasts put on the "mus-do" list. We will be traveling by 4WD on the G318 from Chengdu to Lhasa, covering some 2000km of mountainous road and crossing numerous high passes. Along the way, impressive views of snow capped ranges, high altitude lakes, vast grassland, quaint villages, and towns. During the overland journey to Tibet, we will be visiting ancient monasteries, trekking on pasture ground, and exploring unique villages.

Last 4 seats left, enquiries welcomed!

新的一年开始,我们会和老团友继续一起出游,也会认识新朋友。对于刚接触LevArt的朋友,或许你想了解我们的报名程序,因此我们做了一个报名流程的图,希望能让你更清楚如何参加我们的团。有机会我们就一起出游啦!As a new year begi...




As a new year begins, we will be travelling with some old friends, at the same time, we'll also make new friends.

For those who have just acquinted with LevArt, perhaps you would like to find out more about our tour booking procedure, hence we come up with a process flow-chart for your reference.

Hope to seeing you soon!





As we usher in a new year, we are preparing a brand new itinerary: Socotra Island!

Where's Socotra? It's part of Yemen, but the island lies more than 350km off the mainland, tucked between the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Long-term geographical isolation has allowed Socotra to breed extremely rare species, such as the peculiar-looking dragon blood tree and the bottle tree known as desert rose. Socotra is a virgin land yet to be exploited or developed, visiting its white beaches, rolling sand dunes, hidden caves, clear pools, canyons, and rare flora, is akin to entering a world of genesis. The best way to explore the island is by 4WD and camping along the way.

We plan to schedule Socotra tour in Dec 2025 and Mar 2026. You may WA us to place your name on the "Interest List" for priority notification once booking opens.

2025年4月-10月尚可报名的团,欢迎浏览   网站查看详情。另外,我们预告了11月-12月即将推出的团,包括久违的古巴,以及一个新团:索科特拉岛——世界最像外星的地方!Tours still open for booking betwe...

2025年4月-10月尚可报名的团,欢迎浏览 网站查看详情。另外,我们预告了11月-12月即将推出的团,包括久违的古巴,以及一个新团:索科特拉岛——世界最像外星的地方!

Tours still open for booking between Apr and Oct 2025, visit our website for more details. We will publish more tours for Nov and Dec soon, plans in the pipeline include Cuba and Socotra Island.


Telok Panglima Garang


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