Smelling Flowers In The Rain is a Sci-fi movie set in 2040 that visualises both the Dystopian and the Utopian possibilities that lie on the road ahead.
The story explores the rise of an extraordinary young man (Flynn Faroe) amidst a background of repulsive realities and raw repression that leaves him no alternative than to rise up and revolt.
No path to emancipation is ever easy, it’s built on the bones of the brave and the bold. Flynn Faroe dreams of utopia but lives in dystopia, something has to give, and it will.
He gets his kicks from downing drones and bashing bots. It is a spontaneous naive reaction to his cards of life. Just when he thought life could not get any worse, it does as he becomes an unwitting victim of the tongue of treachery.
Flynn Faroe has a choice, get out of Thraldom or face a fate far worse than death. But how to escape from the most surveilled confinement city in the empire?
His face adorns electronic billboards across a city where many would gleefully turn his carcass in for less than the price of a chemical coffee. Few could remember a manhunt of this intensity.
The stakes are high. His antagonist, the sinister Chief AGI who was programmed by a sadist, is chomping at the bit to get him strapped into his dreaded interrogation chair.
Infamy has a price to pay. It also opens unexpected doors that lead to unimaginable outcomes .. and Melissa Moore.
In a plot with more twists than a hangman's noose, the protagonist navigates an uphill battle against all the odds to finally discover a Utopia actually exists but its days are numbered, unless ........