Unglaubliche 57mm Starkregen in zwei Stunden. Seit gestern Abend sind die Dämme gut gefüllt. 🥳
Game Drive rain
Guests on Game Drive captured this amazing rain clip... you can smell the rain.
rain at Sophienhof Lodge waterhole
Todays good rains... 11mm at the Lodge... lots of rain on the farm. perfect.
first rain
Yesterday afternoon we recieved the first rain of the upcoming raining season. 14mm at the lodge is a great start after the hardest drought we ever had. Check out and share the video from our webcam at the lodge waterhole.
Kudu bulls fighting at the lodge waterhole... 👌🏻😀
Regen am Ostersonntag
Und zum Ostersonntag noch ein paar wichtige Tropfen für die Weide.
Sophienhof Omajova rain 2017
We found loads of Omajovas the last weeks. If you stay with us you´ll have them for dinner ;-)
Whoooohooo, first rain of the Saison. What a blessing! Let's hope for more and enjoy the sound. 👌🏻😁