The earthworks for the construction of the campsites at the famous Moon Landscape in the Namib Desert started about two million years ago. The Swakop River, in its youth a mere few millennia ago, was a vigorous, raging torrent that carved out a huge valley through soil and hard layers of granite. As you drive along the edge of this valley, its sheer size and the brutal, arid, moon-like topography will overwhelm you. The best approach to this impressive area is along the C28 from Swakopmund. But first you need to obtain a permit from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism’s offices in Swakopmund, Walvis Bay or Windhoek. To reach the Moon Landscape from Swakopmund, you take the turn-off from the C28 onto the Welwitschia Drive just after entering Namib-Naukluft National Park. The contrasts of light and shadow early in the morning and late afternoon provide excellent photographic opportunities. Pitch your tent at Goanikontes Oasis for an exceptional camping experience on the moon – a mere 40 km from Swakopmund. It is out of this world!