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Friday 27th October, 2023

Foods and Nutrition (Practical) Planning Session

Home Management (Practical ) Planning Session

Monday, 6th November, 2023 to Friday, 17th November, 2023

Arabic 3 (Oral)

Music 3B (Performance Test)

French 3 (Oral)

Clothing and Textiles 3 (Practical)

Foods and Nutrition 3 (Practical)

Home Management (Practical)

Time for paper will be arranged by the Council.

Wednesday, 15th November, 2023

Building Construction (Building Drawing and Essay)

Financial Accounting (Theory and Practice) 9:30am–12noon

Financial Accounting 1 (Objective)

Government (Essay) 2:00pm–4:00pm

Government (Objective)

Basic Electronics (Essay)

Basic Electronics (Objective)

Thursday, 16th November, 2023

Hausa (Essay)

Hausa (Objective)

Igbo (Essay)

Igbo (Objective)

Yoruba (Essay)

Yoruba (Objective)

Friday, 17th November, 2023

Home Management (Essay)

Home Management (Objective)

Basic Electronics (Practical)

Basic Electronics (Practical)
1:00pm– 4:00pm
(2nd Set)

Agricultural Science (Alternative to Practical)
3:30 pm–5:00pm

Saturday, 18th November, 2023

Civic Education (Essay)

Civic Education (Objective)


Tuesday, 21st November, 2023

Health Education
(Alternative to Practical)

Physical Education 3 (Theory of Practice)

Wednesday, 22nd November, 2023

Technical Drawing 3 (Sketches, Building and Mechanical Drawing)

Technical Drawing (Essay)

Technical Drawing (Objective)

Thursday, 23rd November, 2023

Foods and Nutrition (Essay)

Foods and Nutrition (Objective)

Friday, 24th November, 2023

Woodwork (Practical)
(1st set)

Woodwork (Practical)
(2nd Set)

Saturday, 25th November, 2023

General Mathematics (Essay)

General Mathematics (Objective)

Monday, 27th November, 2023

Building Construction (Essay)

Building Construction (Objective)
10:30 am–11:15 am

Visual Art (Essay)

Visual Art (Objective)

Tuesday, 28th November, 2023

Literature-In-English (Prose)

Literature-In-English (Objective)

Basic Electricity (Essay)

Basic Electricity (Objective)

Woodwork (Essay and Design)

Woodwork (Objective) 4:20pm–5:00pm

Wednesday, 29th November, 2023

Christian Religious Studies (Essay)

Christian Religious Studies (Objective) 11:30am–12:30pm

Islamic Studies (Essay)

Islamic Studies (Objective)

Arabic (Essay)

Arabic (Objective)

Thursday, 30th November, 2023

Auto Mechanics (Essay)

Auto Mechanics (Objective)

Literature-In-English (Drama & Poetry )

Friday, 1st December, 2023

Agricultural Science (Essay)

Agricultural Science 1 (Objective)

Physical Education (Essay)

Physical Education (Objective)
4:50pm – 5:40pm

Saturday, 2nd December, 2023

Economics (Essay)

Economics 1 (Objective)

Visual Art 3A (Drawing) 2:00pm–5:00pm

Monday, 4th December, 2023

Music 2 (Essay)

Music 1 (Objective)

Basic Electricity (Practical)
(1st Set)

Basic Electricity (practical)
1:00pm– 4:00pm
(2nd Set)


Tuesday, 5th December, 2023

History (Essay)



(i)Gender; It does not seem that Soyinka consciously tries to make a statement about gender, but he does so nonetheless. On the one hand, he creates two female characters that are sassy, opinionated, manipulative, and independent. On the other hand, both of them are ultimately pawns in the games of men. Sidi does not want to marry either Lakunle or Baroka, but Baroka tricks her, rapes her, and then gets to marry her. She is an object and nothing more. Sadiku is also tricked, and sees her elation over the Bale's impotence and the power of women vanish as his plot is made clear. Women may seem like they have power in mid-20th century Nigeria, but they ultimately do not.

(ii)Tradition and Modernity; This is perhaps the most conspicuous theme in the play. It initially seems like Soyinka is setting a clear dichotomy between these two things, tradition embodied by Baroka and modernity embodied by Lakunle. However, as the play progresses Soyinka defies the audience's assumptions. Lakunle espouses a variety of backwards views and seems to abandon his progressive principles when it is convenient to do so. Similarly, Baroka says he does not hate progress but merely finds its sameness and stagnation boring. He is preparing to use a stamp machine to make the village make money as they do in Lagos. Soyinka thus suggests that progress is not bad, but that it must be done on African terms.

(iii)Trickery and Manipulation; Most of the characters in this play decide to trick and manipulate others in order to achieve their ends. This is perceived to be a much more effective method than being forthright, as the things characters want come at the expense of others' feelings and wishes. Sidi and Sadiku try to fool the Bale so they can feel a sense of triumph at his humbling, and the Bale fools Sadiku and Sidi so he can subdue Sidi and acquire her as one of his wives. Even though Soyinka carries this out with a light touch and a great deal of witty repartee, the fact remains that there is a lot of lying and manipulation in the play.

(i)SEXISM; Readers can find ample evidence that suggests the relationship between Alison and Jimmy, and the short-lived one between Jimmy and Helena, is rife with sexist undertones. In the first act alone, Jimmy begins an angry tirade about Alison and women in general. Jimmy's anger and hatred is directed at women in general. The examples in the play that are taken to represent a greater sexism on Jimmy's part are his relationships with Alison and then Helera, the most striking point of which is that after a time, Helena stands silently and emotionally passively at the ironing board on Sunday night just like Alison used to do. The similarity between Helena and Alison is that they are both from the upper class and are both religious with "establishment" church affiliations. Jimmy's great criticism is against the satisfied, unthinking privilege given to and assumed by the upper classes who have no need to think or be intelligent, as Nigel represents, or feel, as Alison and Helena represent. When Jimmy's treatment of Alison and Helena are seen from a 1950s perspective as representative of Jimmy's hatred of a class division that defrauds individuals on both sides of the class divide - of their humanity, the undertones of sexism take a secondary position.

(ii)THE ANGRY YOUNG MAN; Osborne's play was the first to explore the theme of the "Angry Young Man." This term describes a generation of post-World War II artists and working class men who generally subscribed to leftist, sometimes anarchist, politics and social views. According to cultural critics, these young men were not a part of any organized movement but were, instead, individuals angry at a post-Victorian Britain that refused to acknowledge their social and class alienation. Anyone in the "angry young man" leaning, due to their low social class, would be "required" to dislike anyone of upper-class heritage.

Jimmy Porter is often considered to be literature's seminal example of the angry young man. Jimmy is angry at the social and political structures that he believes have kept him from achieving his dreams and aspirations. He directs this anger towards his friends and, most notably, his wife Alison.

(iii)ANGER AND HATRED; Jimmy Porter's anger dominates the play. He operates out of a deep well of anger. His anger is directed at those he loves because they refuse to have strong feelings, at a society that did not fulfil promises of opportunity, and at those who smugly assume their places in the social and power structure and who do not care for others. This theme is pervasive, affecting the plot, the characters, and the tone of the entire play. In the first act for instance, Jimmy's anger causes him to lash out at his wife and his business partner, Cliff, calling them boring, stupid, and unambitious, in large part because they don't share his rage and frustration. Like many working-class men, Jimmy feels overlooked by the Establishment, shut out by polite society, and relegated to menial jobs where he is underutilized and underpaid. He also lashes out in anger because of his deeply felt helplessness. When he was ten years old he watched his idealist father dying for a year from wounds received fighting for democracy in the Spanish Civil War, his father talking for hours, "pouring out all that was left of his life to one bewildered little boy." He says, "You see, I learnt at an early age what it was to be angry - angry and helpless. And I can never forget it."

(i)Leadership; This theme is predominant in the poem, as it runs throughout the poem. Osunadre’s main focus in his poem ‘ the leader and the led is the corrupt African society. Using different animals and their qualities, Osundare illustrates the bad qualities of a leader, which is associated with selfishness, deceit, selfishness etc. The poet concludes that a good leader should possess a hybrid of qualities, being meek and brave, transparent, tough and gentle, above all, be considerate of their followers.

(ii)power struggle; Another prominent theme in the leader and the leader is the theme of power struggle. Power is a problem in Africa, leaders who have obtained power desire more power and are so clingy that they want to die ruling the country. Osundare in exposing the power struggle in African politics employs a figurative setting portraying different animals laying claim to the throne. Each ruler wants power for fame and authority, rather than for the good of the masses. In Africa, leaders have shown that power corrupts and over the years the issue of leaders clinging on to power, not wanting to let go is a common problem. Osundare successfully portrays the theme of power struggle in his poem ‘The leader and the led’.

(iii)Arrogance; This theme will discuss the theme of leadership arrogance in the leader and the led. Arrogance is another vital theme in the poem. The various leaders depicted in this poem show arrogance as they ly claim the throne. They proclaim their right to rule, claiming they are fit because of their physical strength, size or appearance. They are proud and display no form of humility and are only concerned about their selfish needs. The poem admonishes that a leader should be mindful of the follower’s right to lead, therefore displaying humility and consideration for the masses.

(i)Alliteration; One of the significant figurative devices used in this poem is alliteration. By alliteration, one refers to the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of different words on the same line. A golden example of this in the poem can be found in line 4, where the poetic persona says, ‘of a fresh, following and folded rank’. In these lines, there is the repetition of the sound /f7. Another example can be found in line 8, where the poetic persona says, ‘wind-wandering weed-winding bank’.

Other examples within the poem include: ‘...swam or sank’ (line 7),’quelled...quenched’ (line 2), ‘all felled, felled, are all felled’ (line 3), ‘fresh...following folded’ (line 4),’quelled or quenched in leaves* (line 2), ‘growing green’ (line 11), ‘sleek.. .seeing’ (line 14) and’beauty been’ (line 19).

(ii)Imagery; This poem is also awash with imagery. The visual images incurred by the reading of this poem are rich in vibrancy and power. In line 1, the poetic persona describes the tree branches as ‘airy cages’. This expression cages can mean that the cages contain much space. However, within the context of this poem, what is brought to the readers’ imagination is the idea of a cage that can retain air. This is impossible because most of the time, a cage is made up of iron bars with spaces and thus, cannot hold in air. Here, one is made to imagine a tree’s branches and how although it has spaces like a cage, it can cage air is to cool anyone that comes under its shade. In line 3, the poetic persona says, ‘all felled, felled, are all felled’. This creates in the mind of the reader the visual image of the trees falling and landing on the ground. Even the sound of ‘felled’ in continuous repetition sounds like the thud of falling trees.

(iii)Diction; The words used in this poem seem to have been deliberately chosen to project the poet’s message about the destruction of the environment. In line 6, the poetic persona makes use of the word ‘dandled’. While ‘dandled’ might have been understandable to a Victorian audience, it is archaic in twenty-first century contexts. ‘Dandled’ is the past tense of ‘dandle’ which is an archaic English word that refers to a playful way of lifting a baby up and down on one’s knee. The original meaning of this word does not apply to what is being said in the poem. It is the imagery that the word creates in the mind that the poetic persona seeks to apply to his ideas. Other words that project the poet’s ideas about the negative effect of the activities of humans on the environment to the reader include ‘quelled’ (line 1), ‘felled’ (line 3), ‘hew’ (line 10), ‘hack’ (line 11), ‘rack’ (line 11) and ‘unselve’ (line 21), to mention but a few.
Also, the poem contains words that are ‘formal ‘or ‘high’ in a conversational and lyrical way and which are used as non-conventional sentences and phrasal structures.




Length of the secondary Map from ilora to Adeitan town = 23cm

:. 23cm × 1:50,000 ÷ 100,000
= 23/2

(i) Availability of schools: Due to the availability of schools in Oyo town, economic growth and innovation is fostered.
(ii) Hospitals: There is an availability of hospital in Oyo town which help in the growth of the town Economically.
(iii) Roads: Presence of main road contributed Massively in the growth of Oyo town. A town with main roads tends to foster transportation which helped in industrialization of a place.
(iv) Rivers: This is a natural resource that helped in the growth of Oyo town, presence of rivers bring about several business like fishing, recreational activities and tourism.


(i) Texture: The texture of a rock is the size, shape and arrangement of the grains(for sedimentary rocks) or crystals(for igneous and metamorphic rocks). They could be coarse grained in texture eg granite. They could be fine grained in texture eg Basalt. We also have porphyritic texture - mixed fine and coarse grained texture. Eg: volcanic rock. Sedimentary rocks examples are shale, siltstone, sandstone and conglomerate.

(ii) Structure: Rocks are composed of grains of minerals which are crystalline solids. Some are non-crystalline eh volcanic glass

(iii) Colour: Rocks have different colors because of different mineral compositions. Light, white or yellow rocks can be composed of quartz or calcite. Dark colored, composed of chromite and red colour by iron oxides.

(i) Plutonic rocks are formed beneath or within the earth’s crust while volcanic rocks are formed on the surface of the earth.

(ii) Plutonic rocks are coarse grained while volcanic rocks are fine grained.


Environmental resources refer to any useful item in the environment, or materials and substances that are useful to man. In other words, environmental resources are useful things (both living and non-living) occurring naturally within a particular geographical location which are of benefit to man, animals and plants.

(Pick Any Four)

(i) Atmospheric resources
(ii) Water Resources
(iii) Vegetation Resources
(iv) Human Resources
(v) Mineral Resources
(vi) Land Resources

(Pick Any Two)

(i) Industrial development and source of ornaments: Diamond, iron ,copper,silver and graphite are useful for industrial development e.g diamond, the hardest know metal is used in cutting other metals and graphite is used in making pencil. Some mineral like gold, silver,bronze are used as ornamental ware or jewellery. Gold is the most valuable metal used in making wrist watches,chains etc

(ii) Source of foreign exchange and provision of employment: Most mineral sold to other countries provide foreign exchange for development eg petroleum in Nigeria. People engaged in the morning of these minerals get jobs as miners, drillers , engineering.. It contribute to economic development of a nation

(iii) Source of timber and firewood: Timber like Iroko, obeche , Mahogany etc are sources of planks and plywood used for building and furniture. Timber also provides foreign exchange for nation. Firewood is used to provide fuel for cooking food, warning the body during cold weather ,for drying fish etc. They are contribute in economic development of a nation

(iv) Development of game resource and Tourism: Forest and savanna are the home of wildlife which can serve as game reserve eg Yankari Games Reserve. Forest and Savanna are also centres of tourism which can also generate foreign exchange to nations.An increase in tourism flow can bring positive economic outcomes to the nations.



(i) It is cost effective and requires less manpower as it is tool-based.
(ii) It requires field study to interpret data into useful information

(i) It is a costly affair as the data is incurred from space and through sensors and satellites.
(ii) It reduces manual work and ground field study.

(i) In Telecommunication: Satellite remote sensing have been found to be more useful and relevant in telecommunication. The satellite remote sensing has made it possible for regional, national and international communication without being in direct contact with human beings.

(ii) In Transportation: The availability of high resolution commercial remote sensing has contributed to a revolution to the transport network. The satellite remote sensing is useful to transportation, it helps to improve the trafficability of the roads and also contributed greatly in the movement of aero planes, jets and even seen beyond the bonds of human eye sight.

(Pick Any FOUR)
(i) Inadequate Power
(ii) Inadequate Personnel
(iii) Inadequate capital
(iv) Poor communication
(v) Lack of GIS institution
(vi) Low technology transfer



(1)************************Address(student address) Dear David,                     How are you doing? I hope you are do...

************************Address(student address)

Dear David,

How are you doing? I hope you are doing great and well? I know with full heart,everything is going well. Am writing this letter to you in telling you about my future career and how it will benefit our country Nigeria.

Firstly, I have been having so much thought on how I will add to the promotion of this country,i have made some thought an I got some inspirations which I know it will be very helpful in this country especially at this time, and I had come to a conclusion on letting it out but I had only told these plans to my parent and you. I hope you will check it out I know what you think about it.

Furthermore, one of the plan I have in mind is building an hospital in this our town, because am finding out that a lot of people in our village has been dying due to no developed and skilled hospital in our town and this has hurt me so bad that people die some get ills and no one can do anything concerning it that’s why am deciding of becoming a medical student so that I could find a way to help my people from this medical lack which has brought a lot of harm to us. Even the herbalist that they are relying on is not even help the matter so well.

Moreover, when I become medical doctor, I could be able to save lives and have enough mother to help purify our town bole hole water because I noticed that there are some particles penetrating inside the water when been fetched and this could be very harmful to the people, even I guess this is mostly one of the cause of peoples illness in our town but I will try as much as possible to find out a cure that could saturate the water and make it clean and also cure those that has already been infected by it.

More so, by me becoming a medical doctor probably the first medical doctor, I can open a teaching hospital for the youth who would want to become a nurse and they will be trained and this could even lead to employment in our society and reduce the rate of youth parading around our town with no aim.

In summary,this doctor I want to become is just like the perfect idea for me and the society because this could help everyone and keep everyone healthy and bring about development to our society even employment to our youth.

In conclusion, I am only telling you this David because you are my very good friend and I would want your prayer as well so that I could help keeping our people from sickness, from illness and also bring about employment. THANK YOU.

**********************************Yours Sincerely,


(5) Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears the Crown*

This saying explains the fact that it is difficult to be a leader and even more difficult to be at th helm of affairs. When one sees himself in a position of authority, a lot is expected from that person. The individual faces a lot of ups and downs. If he is a good leader, many will admire him and many will also hate him. No matter the level of your good governance you must have oppositions and criticism even from your own people.

A true story of this adage can be seen from the life of Moses whom God appointed to lead the people of Israel when they were suffering in the land of Egypt. After they might have cried for many years, he decided to deliver them from the hands of the Egyptians, to send them to the promised land. (the land flowing with milk and honey). To accomplish this. God called Moses and gave him the crown of leadership to lead the people of Israel out of the land of affliction.

When he started his leadership career. he was finding things very difficult, as he had several encounters, problems and challenges with God, with Pharoah, the Egyptian, the Isrealites and even with his household. As the mantle of leadership rested on Moses, he started acting according to God's instruction. In the process he discovered that to be a leader entails a lot of responsibilities. In the first instance, the people refused to believe and hearken to him. He was accused of usurping powers, hence the question "who made you a king and a ruler over us?" From that moment he realized the fact that uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.
Although Moses was made a god over Pharaoh his leadership tenure wasn't a bed of roses. When they were finally allowed to leave Egypt, they made their journey in the wilderness and they encountered a lot of problems. They were worried and resorted to blaming and insulting Moses. Their disgusting murmuring increased day-in-day-out against Moses and his God, despite the glory of the Lord that accompanied them. Notwithstanding, they hearkened not unto Moses. They complained when they were hungry. They murmured against Moses and he cried to God and they were given manna. When they were thirsty they complained bitterly against Moses. Again Moses cried to God they were given water.
Many a time the people murmured against Moses saying, "take us back to Egypt. You have brought us out of Egypt to kill us and our children". As they were about to stone him, he cried unto the Lord. Moses as a leader was bearing the burden of leadership alone and it was not easy on him at all.
The behaviour of the Isrealites in the wilderness aggrieved Moses especially when they started worshiping false gods. Out of annoyance, he broke the table containing the commandments of God. As a result of that, the wrath of God came upon him. This particular offence/encounter denied Moses the opportunity of entering the promised land. He later paid with his dear life.
From this story, one can see actually that it is not easy to be a leader, hence the popular saying "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown".

But Alani was an intelligent child and performed brilliantly at school

(i) Hard work
(ii) Dedication and huge amount of money and time he invested in the venture

Alani treated his clients shabbily

Alani was the architect of this business' downturn and not his employees'

Alani had a rethink when five of his workers resigned on the same day

Experiencing difficulties/likely to fail

(i) Adjectival clause/Relative clause
(ii) It modifies the noun phrase Alani's secretary

(i) Medals
(ii) Support
(iii) Prominent
(iv) Enterprise
(v) Proud
(vi) Went down

(i) Youths engaged in armed robbery with the intention to boost their status
(ii) They engaged in armed robbery to obtain money and valuables
(iii) They engaged in armed robbery due to unemployment

(i) Parents should instil good values in their in children and should not hesitate to correct them early in life
(ii) Monitoring of places with high incidence of crime by law enforcement authorities
(iii) Provision of social amenities by the government


He was an intelligent child with an outstanding performance

(i) He ammased wealth of experience through travelling he made for the business
(ii) He invested hugely in both material, mental and finance in the business

He was taken over by pride

He was the one who was pulling down his business as he rejected instructions that will make the business grow

When five of his workers resigned the same day

It means something bound to fail or having difficulties

(i) Adjectival clause
(ii) It qualifies the noun "Alani's secretary"

(i) laurels - awards
(ii) Sustenance - assistance
(iii) Reputable - renowned
(iv) Venture - enterprise
(v) Pompous - arrogant
(vi) Dwindled - diminished


(i) Youths engaged in armed robbery with the intention to boost their status
(ii) They engaged in armed robbery to obtain money and valuables
(iii) They engaged in armed robbery due to unemployment

(i) Parents should instil good values in their in children and should not hesitate to correct them early in life
(ii) Monitoring of places with high incidence of crime by law enforcement authorities
(iii) Provision of social amenities by the government


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WAEC CHEMISTRY SOLUTIONS ==========================(1ai)According to Lewis, an acid can be defined as a substance that c...

According to Lewis, an acid can be defined as a substance that can accept a pair of non-bonding electrons i.e an electron pair acceptor.


Salting out is a process through which soap is precipitated as solid from the suspension by adding common salt to the suspension. It is a purification process.

Reagent - Silver trioxonitrate(v)
Condition - The reaction takes place at high temperatures and pressure.

This is the proportion at which isotopes of an element are to each other in its composition.

(i) It has a stable configuration
(ii) This is because they have a covalent bond.

They can be differentiated using barium chloride. When barium chloride is added to concentrated H₂SO₄ a white precipitate is formed with concentrated HNO₃


(i) There are two electrolytes
(ii) Salt bridge is present.

(i) There is only one electrolyte
(ii) There is no salt bridge present.

The lower the ionisation energy, the higher the reactivity of metals. Since it decreases down the group, the reactivity increases down the group I.

This can be defined as a formula that shows the actual number of atoms in a compound.

(i) NH₃
(ii) This is because its interaction is perfectly inelastic.


Ionization energy can be defined as the energy required to remove a loosely bound electron from the outermost shell of a gaseous covalently bonded atom.

This is because B has more shells than Be which makes the valence electrons to be far from the nucleus making it require less energy due to lesser nuclear attraction.

I = 0.12A, t = 500seconds
m = 0.015g, F =96500C
M = 48.0, Charge = ?
m = MIt/CF
C = MIt/mF
C = (48x0.12x500)/(0.015x96500)
C = 2


(i) Electricity supply
(ii) Nearness to source of material

This can be defined as a property of metal which are weakly attracted to an applied magnetic field

(i) I → ₂₄Cr²⁺ → 2
₂₄Cr⁶⁺ → 0

(ii) ₂₄Cr²⁺

(iii) It has unpaired electrons.


This can be defined as the number of atoms or molecules in one mole of a substance which is equal to 6.02 ×10²³

Mass/m.m = no. of molecules/Avogadro's number
(2.30/m.m) × (3.01×10²²/6.02×10²³)
m.m = (2.30×6.02×10²³)/3.01×10²²
m.m = 46g/mol

Since the molar mass = 46g/mol
The formula is NO₂
:. 14+(16×2)
14+32 = 46g/mol
:. NO₂

(i) There is no reaction but rather forms a layer underneath the water
(ii) It reacts violently with water forming white silicon dioxide and hydrogen chloride gas.

The reaction is different because CCl₄ is an organic substance while SiCl₄ is not.

Extraction of copper

(i) CuSO₄
(ii) CuCl₂

Cu²⁺ + 2e⁻ ---> Cu

Using; m = ZIt
Z = m/It
Z = 3.2/(50x(3x60)+13)
Z = 3.2/(50x193)
Z = 3.2/9650
Z = 0.000332g/Asec


Oxygen can be prepared by heating KClO₃ in the presence of manganese(iv)oxide which acts as a catalyst to produce KCl and oxygen gas. The reaction takes place at a lower temperature and much faster rate.
KClO₃ (MnO₂)heat-----> KCl + O₂


(i) It melts to clear mobile liquid
(ii) A brownish gas is evolved.

(i) Carbon(ii)oxide
(ii) Lead(ii)oxide


(i) It leads to erosion
(ii) It causes pollution

This is because it has more surface area than it occupies leading to a faster rate of reaction.

Ammoniacal liquor

When water is added to white anhydrous CuSO₄ it turns blue.

(i) It removes the hardness by precipitating the trioxocarbonate(iv)

(ii) It removes the hardness by removing the calcium or magnesium ion and precipitating trioxocarbonate(iv).

Ca(HCO₃)₂ → CaCO₃ + H₂O + CO₂


Ibadan, Oyo


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