Elizabeth Opeyemi Abiola-Oke

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Elizabeth Opeyemi Abiola-Oke Friendly and loves being sincere

Receive the Man of Godby Kenneth CopelandBible Reference: Numbers 12:1-16“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiv...

Receive the Man of God
by Kenneth Copeland

Bible Reference: Numbers 12:1-16

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.” John 13:20

I can’t tell you how many born-again, Holy Ghost-filled Christians pick their pastor apart on Saturday night and then expect him to pray the prayer of faith for them Sunday morning! They’ll constantly make critical comments about the evangelists and preachers that God has sent to minister to them and then wonder why the rain of the Spirit has all but dried up in their churches.

Most of those folks would never dream of criticizing the ministry of Jesus. Yet, according to the Word of God, that’s precisely what they’re doing. You see, Jesus said, “He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me.”

I know ministers fail sometimes. I know they make mistakes. Jesus knew they would too. But, even so, He said, “If you receive them, you receive Me.”

If you think some preacher’s doctrine is wrong, then pray for him. Stop sitting under his ministry if necessary. But the Scripture says, “Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand” (Romans 14:4, New International Version).

The ministers of the gospel are not your servants, they’re God’s servants. Whether they’re right or whether they’re wrong, love them and respect them if for no other reason than to honor the One who sent them.

Learn to receive the minister of God that Jesus sends to you with the same respect and the same honor that you would give Jesus Himself. You’ll open the door for great spiritual power to be released. You’ll clear the way for God to meet your needs. The Anointing of God will be released through the man of God to you.

Refuse to let criticism hold back the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Then get ready to be blessed because, I guarantee, He won’t hold out on you.

Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7!

Also, visit www.kcm.org/ebook to download free audio teachings from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Our flagship daily broadcast, Believer's Voice of Victory, reaches more than 885 million viewers each day and features Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their guests, who teach foundational principles for faith and whole-life prosperity.

Discover What the Name Can Doby Kenneth CopelandBible Ref: Acts 3:1-16“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and g...

Discover What the Name Can Do
by Kenneth Copeland

Bible Ref: Acts 3:1-16

“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth.” Philippians 2:9-10

Once you make up your mind to keep the commands of Jesus and begin to allow the Word to dwell in you richly, the Name of Jesus will become far more powerful to you. It will become more than just a word. It will become a force that will cause every circumstance and every demon that tries to stand in your way to bow its knee to your command.

I tell you, the Name of Jesus works. There is far greater power in it than any of us have yet realized.

My faith is so set on the authority of the Name of Jesus that there are times I just say, “In the Name” and the power of God comes on the scene.

In fact, I’ve discovered that the Name of Jesus―just the Name alone―is effective when spoken by a Word-abiding believer. Revelation 19:13 says the Name of Jesus is the Word of God! So, when an evil spirit is trying to bring sickness, poverty, depression or any other garbage into my household, I don’t have to quote every scripture I know to stop him. I can just point my finger at him and say, “Jesus!” That’s like throwing the whole Word of God in his face at one time!

Discover for yourself what the exalted Name can do. Begin to speak it with confidence and authority. There is power in the Name of Jesus.

Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7!

Also, visit www.kcm.org/ebook to download free audio teachings from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Our flagship daily broadcast, Believer's Voice of Victory, reaches more than 885 million viewers each day and features Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their guests, who teach foundational principles for faith and whole-life prosperity.

Awake to Righteousnessby Kenneth Copeland“Awake to righteousness, and sin not.…” 1 Corinthians 15:34Bible Ref: Colossian...

Awake to Righteousness
by Kenneth Copeland
“Awake to righteousness, and sin not.…” 1 Corinthians 15:34

Bible Ref: Colossians 2:9-15

When your alarm clock goes off tomorrow morning, don’t just wake up to another day. Do what the Word says to do and “awake to righteousness”! Reawaken yourself to the glorious fact that you’ve been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and given right-standing with Almighty God.

Why? Because tomorrow―and every other day of your life on this earth―Satan is going to try to convince you that you don’t have any right to the things of God. He’s going to try to bring you into bo***ge again to sin in order to control your life. But he won’t be able to do it if you’ll reawaken yourself every day to who you really are in Jesus.

Here’s a prayerful confession to help that revelation come alive in you:

“Father, I confess anew Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior today. Lord, You are the head of my life. I completely yield myself to You. My will is now Your will. My plans are now Your plans.

“As a new creation in Christ Jesus, I accept the gift of righteousness and all that gift includes: health, prosperity, peace, joy and life abundant. I put aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets me. I now look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith.

“According to Your Word, I can now reign in this life as a king. The power of sin and death in my life has been overcome. No longer am I ruled by the forces of evil but by the God above all gods. I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me.

“I determine today to walk conscious of my right-standing with You, Lord, and with every step to draw closer and closer to You. Thank You for the gift of righteousness. Because of that gift, I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

“In Jesus’ Name. Amen!”

Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7!

Also, visit www.kcm.org/ebook to download free audio teachings from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Our flagship daily broadcast, Believer's Voice of Victory, reaches more than 885 million viewers each day and features Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their guests, who teach foundational principles for faith and whole-life prosperity.


Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) specializes in teaching principles of bible faith - prayer, healing, salvation and other biblical topics via Believers Voice of Victory, bible study, devotions and Real Help - Jesus is Lord!


I have reached 700 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

The Bridegroom Comethby Gloria Copeland“And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out t...

The Bridegroom Cometh
by Gloria Copeland

“And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.” Matthew 25:6

Text: Matthew 25:1-13

The Spirit of God is delivering a vital message to you today: Get ready for Jesus’ return! It’s an old message. But there’s a fresh urgency to it. An urgency you can’t afford to ignore.

Some believers make the mistake of saying, “Oh well, I just don’t think we’re supposed to know about the Second Coming. It’s supposed to come upon us like a thief in the night!”

But they’re wrong. The Word of God says that as children of light we shouldn’t be taken by surprise. We should be so keen in the spirit that even though we don’t know the day or the hour, we should sense that the season of Jesus’ return has come.

First Corinthians 2:10 tells us that God reveals His plans to us through His Spirit. I suspect that those who are walking in the spirit on the day the Lord comes again will actually begin to anticipate that something is about to happen.

Be like the five wise virgins in Matthew 25 who were prepared when the bridegroom’s arrival was announced. Stay full of the oil of the Holy Spirit and with your light shining!

Don’t get caught sleeping when Jesus returns. Wake up now to the Holy Spirit. Let Him put you on the inside track and get you ready for your Lord. Because just as Jesus foretold, there is a cry going out at midnight. The Spirit of the Lord is announcing His return.

Can you hear it in your spirit? Can you sense the Lord saying, Get up and come out to meet Me. Fellowship with Me. Get in the light now, and at that crucial hour, you’ll be on the inside of My plans.

Obey Him quickly. For, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh”!

Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7!

Also, visit www.kcm.org/ebook to download free audio teachings from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) specializes in teaching principles of bible faith - prayer, healing, salvation and other biblical topics via Believers Voice of Victory, bible study, devotions and Real Help - Jesus is Lord!

Don’t Let the Devil Put One Over on Youby Gloria Copeland“When [the devil] speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for h...

Don’t Let the Devil Put One Over on You
by Gloria Copeland
“When [the devil] speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” John 8:44

Some people find it difficult to believe God’s promises because they’ve seen so many things in the natural world that seem to contradict them. They’ve seen faithful tithers go broke. They’ve seen sick Christians fail to receive their healing.

In reality, it would be more accurate to say that they think they’ve seen those things. Because, you see, there’s a deceiver at work in the world. A deceiver who’s busily doing the same thing he’s been doing ever since the Garden of Eden: tricking mankind into believing God’s Word isn’t true.

And, after working on it for thousands of years, he’s a master at it. Think about that the next time he tries to make things look as though God’s Word is not going to work for you, when he makes it look like all hope is lost. Say, “I don’t care about appearances. I believe the Word and I refuse to doubt it.”

Let me show you what I mean. Have you ever seen a magic show where someone crawls inside a box and then is sawn in half? You can see it with your own two eyes. The guy’s feet are sticking out one end of the box and his head is poking out the other, and the box is plainly cut in two. Then the magician slides the two halves back together and the sawed-apart fellow jumps out of the box in one piece.

Now tell me, did you really believe, even for a moment, that fellow was truly cut in half? Of course not! You knew that you’d seen a trick, a deception, something that appeared one way when, in reality, it was a different way altogether. You may not have known how it was done. You may not have been able to explain it. But you knew a person couldn’t be sawn in half, then put back together, so you refused to believe your eyes.

That’s exactly the way you need to be where the Word of God is concerned. You need to learn to trust it and rely on it to such an extent that when Satan shows you something in the natural world that appears to contradict it, you just say, “Well, I saw that, but I’m not going to be gullible enough to believe it. I’m just going to stick with the Word.”

If you’ll do that, the father of lies will never be able to put one over on you.

Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7!

Also, visit www.kcm.org/ebook to download free audio teachings from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) specializes in teaching principles of bible faith - prayer, healing, salvation and other biblical topics via Believers Voice of Victory, bible study, devotions and Real Help - Jesus is Lord!

As the year is running to an end, none of us will go with the year in Jesus name. Happy Holidays

As the year is running to an end, none of us will go with the year in Jesus name. Happy Holidays

Good morning Sir/MaPlease your assistance is required with this questionnaire. The questionnaire is strictly for researc...

Good morning Sir/Ma

Please your assistance is required with this questionnaire. The questionnaire is strictly for research purpose. Your response to this will be highly appreciated.

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Please help fill this questionnaire.

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My name is Elizabeth Abiola-Oke. I am a researcher in the field of tourism, and I am carrying out a research on the topic stated above. This questionnaire is designed for the purpose of gathering data on what people really expect from visiting a destination. Your response is highly appreciated, and....

Narrow Is the RoadBy Joyce MeyerFollowing God means walking the 'narrow road.' It means facing adversity. Here are sever...

Narrow Is the Road
By Joyce Meyer

Following God means walking the 'narrow road.' It means facing adversity. Here are several things I've learned that help me to keep going:

1. God's Word is a border for my life. As long as I stay within the guidelines laid out in Scripture, I'll have what I need to do what I need to do. God is faithful and true to His Word.
2. I have to be willing to finish what I start. God uses committed people who aren't led by emotion. It's easy to be excited in the beginning when something is new, but the ones who cross the finish line are the ones who hang in there when no one else is excited anymore.
3. When no one is there to help me, I get to know Jesus really well. The narrow road of living for God and not conforming to the ways of the world is often lonely. But the trade-off of gaining real intimacy with Christ is worth more than anything you could ever get from the world.

I believe these truths can help you like they've helped me. Always remember that even though there will be opposition, the rewards of walking the narrow path are absolutely worth it.

Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, I desire to walk the narrow path - the way of life in Christ. Keep me within Your boundaries and show me how to live so that I can persevere to the end.

From Messes to Miraclesby Kenneth Copeland“A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.” P...

From Messes to Miracles
by Kenneth Copeland

“A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.” Proverbs 18:7

Text: James 3:1-3

We have what we say. As believers, we know that’s a vital biblical truth. We can see it in Mark 11:23, Matthew 21:21, James 3:2 and many other verses. Yet we often let it slip.

We allow ourselves to begin talking like the world instead of talking the Word. And eventually we get what we’ve been asking for―a big mess.

If that’s happened to you, remember, whatever you have in your life is a product of what you’ve been saying. In order to change what you have, you must change what’s coming out of your mouth. To head your life in a different direction― from death to life, sickness to health, failure to success―you must take charge of your words.

That’s a lot easier said than done. But that’s the key: It must be said in order to be done!

How do you start?

First, realize that it can’t be done just in the natural. This is a spiritual law, so it must be handled with spiritual power.

James 3:7-8 says the tongue can’t be tamed with the same power with which man tames animals. It takes God’s wisdom from above. God’s Word is His wisdom (Proverbs 2:6). He also said His words are spirit and life. That means it takes God’s words to tame our tongues.

Second, repent before God for ever allowing your tongue to be used by anyone except the Holy Spirit. Then give Jesus your tongue. Be determined to speak His words of love, faith, joy, peace and grace. Words of faith stop the fiery darts of hell.

The third thing is what Jesus said in Mark 4:24: Take heed, or listen, to what you hear. Listen to yourself! Think, Do I want what I just said to come to pass? If the answer is no, then stop and correct yourself right then. Replace those negative words with praise (Ephesians 5:4).

If you’ve gotten sloppy about what you say, change your course today by changing your words. Ask God to help you set a watch over your mouth (Psalm 141:3). Put the power that’s in your tongue to work for you instead of against you. Stop using it to make messes, and start using it to make miracles. There is a miracle in your mouth!

Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7!

Also, visit www.kcm.org/ebook to download free audio teachings from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) specializes in teaching principles of bible faith - prayer, healing, salvation and other biblical topics via Believers Voice of Victory, bible study, devotions and Real Help - Jesus is Lord!

Don’t Worry!by Kenneth Copeland“Therefore do not worry and be anxious.” Matthew 6:31, The Amplified BibleText: Psalm 55G...

Don’t Worry!
by Kenneth Copeland
“Therefore do not worry and be anxious.” Matthew 6:31, The Amplified Bible

Text: Psalm 55

God is vehemently against worry. Jesus preached against it. Paul preached against it. The whole Bible preaches against worry because it was designed by Satan to produce stress, strain and death.

Yet many of us still act as if it’s an option, as if we’re free to worry if we want to. But we’re not! Worrying is a sin. It’s one of those things the Word of God directly commands us not to do.

What are you supposed to do then with all the concerns you have about your problems? In 1 Peter 5:7, God says you should cast them all upon Him. All. Not 75 percent of them. Not all of them but the ones about your kids. All of them!

Your confession every morning should be, “I do not have a care in this world because I’ve cast every one of them onto my Lord.”

Let me illustrate how that works. Let’s say you were standing about 20 feet away from me and I tossed my car keys to you. If someone else were to come to me and say, “Brother Copeland, I need the keys to your car. I need to use it.” I would say, “I can’t help you. I cast my keys over on him. I don’t have them anymore.”

That’s what you need to do with your worries. You need to cast them over on the Lord and not take them back. If Satan brings a worried thought to your mind, saying, “What if this terrible thing happens?” then you can tell him to talk to God about it. It’s in His hands, not yours!

Once you do that, changes will start to take place in your life. Problems you’ve been fretting about for years will start being solved. You’ll no longer be tying God’s hands with your worrying. His power can begin to operate because you’ve acted in faith and cast your cares on Him!

Remember, though, God will not take your cares away from you. You have to give them to Him. Then you have to replace those worries with the Word. You are the one who has to keep your thoughts under control. But you can do it. The Greater One dwells within you. He is able to put you over. Commit to it. You’ll never have to worry again.

Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) specializes in teaching principles of bible faith - prayer, healing, salvation and other biblical topics via Believers Voice of Victory, bible study, devotions and Real Help - Jesus is Lord!


Believe You Are Loved

By Tiffany Bluhm

Romans 8:35-39, John 15:9, Ephesians 3:17-19

In every day and decade, we need to be reminded we’re more than enough. We’re worthy. We’re sometimes fooled by spending our time, energy, and intention looking for worth instead of operating from a place of worth.

In our youth, it’s not uncommon to find our value in someone else, applause from those “people” or in our dewy skin and tiny waistline. In our twenties and thirties, we find it in the size of our house, a man, our job, our pocketbook, and in as few stretch marks as possible after kids. We want so badly to look the part and have it all. Because then we’re worthy of love, right?

Like so many, I’ve found myself striving and reinventing myself for the perceived value that comes from someone else. There is nothing inherently wrong with nice cars, a trim waistline, and a dream job. If it becomes our everything, above communion with Jesus, we have a serious problem on our hands. We go on, grappling to earn our worth through activity and ownership rather than live as a true daughter of the King.

The truth is we are loved. Each and every one of us.

1 John 4:10 tells us, “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

The gift of love is already ours. There is no fountain of applause that will satisfy our deepest desire. What we believe about ourselves in light of God’s generous saving grace is the difference-maker.

We can be, simply be, ourselves. Not a shined-up version, just us. Imperfect and flawed. We access it when we call on the Master. The Redeemer. The Master sent his Son because you were worth it. The Redeemer looks to redeem every pain, sin, and loss because full redemption is possible through him.

In a defunct culture, where you’re valuable only if you’re the right color, right weight, with the right job, right car, and right platform, may we shout from the rooftops the true value of everyone including ourselves. Not defined by our expectations. May we speak value, worth, and love to ourselves and those around us because of the unconditional love of God. No exceptions.



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