…. Not one road leads to GREATNESS.
StayTangled offers her sincerely apology for the little delay in publication, due to technicalities beyond our control.
Thematic learning, also known as Thematic Instruction is a means of learning where by emphatic focus is given to a specific theme for teaching one or many concepts.
It is based on integrating information by highlighting the relationship of knowledge, across many academic disciplines.
Thematic learning tries to put cognitive skills of reading, writing, thinking, memorizing in the context of real life situations, where there is a vast target that allows for creative exploration and absorption of knowledge.
An example of thematic learning is when a class is taught Geography, Science, Social Studies or Civil Education, English etc. on a theme like “Your neighborhood”.
The Geography class teaches topics like weather or soil or erosion as found in the students’ neighborhood.
The Science class teaches living things and non-living things as found in the neighborhood.
Social Studies or Civil Education explains topics like family as seen in the neighborhood.
While the English language class teaches the topic Noun as seen in the neighborhood.
Thematic synergizing Learning stimulates observations, problem solving skills, critical reasoning and first hand communication.
This learning style allows for learners to share ideas with one another.
These ideas shared foster their learning, as it will remain with them for a long time, because its something they can easily relate with.
Interaction in the process of learning improves communications skills, boost self confidence, builds values of respect and team work which consequently builds effective peer learning groups.
The thematic learning style has proved to be a strong instructional method of bringing together different concepts in curriculum by daily life examples and experience.
This style promotes learning with deep understanding, thus discourage memorization learning, which makes learning process more attractive and fun. It is a learning style that will be compatible with any learning child.
To round off this sequel on learning methods, a bonus learning tip to help your children and young adults learn and absorb better will be released in the next publication.
D.O.N.T B.E. R.I.G.I.D. I.N. H.E.L.P.I.N.G. Y.O.U.R. C.H.I.L.D O.R. Y.O.U.N.G A.D.U.L.T. F.I.N.D. T.H.E.I.R. P.A.T.H. T.O. G.R.E.A.T.N.E.S.S.
Join StayTangled for the bonus publication of this sequel next Sunday!
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