Students for Wildlife

Students for Wildlife A group of enthusiastic Wildlife students organizing Wildlife oriented activities for students to exp If you have any questions left, feel free to mail us!

Students for Wildlife is a group of enthusiastic Wildlife management students organizing wildlife oriented fieldtrips, excursions and other sector-based outings for students to explore, network and learn more about wild flora and fauna. Every month we arrange a wildlife oriented (field)trip, ranging from official bird observations, through a look behind the scenes of nature organizations to night

time bat researches. All students interested in Wildlife are more than welcome to join us any time and any day. And the most important part: the majority of the excursions are completely free! Every month we arrange an activity, ranging from professional bird observations and nighttime bat research to symposia and presentations. During these activities we can learn with each other and from each other in order to increase our knowledge and skills regarding species, field techniques, surveys and a lot more. In addition to all the field activities, we also want to release a monthly newsletter with small articles about the results and findings of our field excursions and updates for the coming activities. Once you liked this page, you can follow all our announcements, events and interesting posts. We also created a group account on LinkedIn ( Joining this group increases your network and enables you to read articles from a lot of Wildlife related subjects and organizations. Want to join an activity and/or subscribe for the newsletter? Please sign up by sending an email to [email protected]. We hope to see you soon


Wildlife Management, University Of Applied Science Van Hall Larenstein



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