Interconnection by Mariëlle de Natris

Interconnection     by Mariëlle de Natris Wil je meer in je leven? Benieuwd naar wat er wel en niet werkt voor jou? Mail me op [email protected] voor een gezonde dosis empatische directheid. By you.

In 2014 I wrote: 'Interconnection; evoking all of your potential and living fully Alive' is the working title of my forthcoming book. The (e)book got published in 2015 titled:
"Conscious Interconnection Volume 1: See to your Balance; Bodymind Basics for Living and Working". (Available on

Why do I feel called to write? Most people have one or more Life questions to walk wi

th. My expertise is mentoring the process of finding answers to questions or Quests and the many ways this process potentially gets delayed or obstructed. Volume 1:
A Life Question in my perspective is a mini Quest, an explorative adventure. In the case when your main Life Quest or Venture is losing momentum, or even finds itself abandonned leaving you with an aching feeling of unfulfillment, it is most probable that a survival response got in your way. The survival responses Fight and Flee are well known. Lots of self help books cover these responses and how to manage them. There is a third, more hidden form of survival: Freeze. The survival response Freeze in my perspective is highly underestimated in its dimming effect on self-realization and Living fully Alive. From my 30 years of experience I conclude that Freeze responses are more difficult to detect, more painfull to acknowledge and more reluctant to accept being inspired into fresh, Alive momentum. Alive momentum is momentum in the flow of life, without resorting to merely shifting from one to another survival mode. Shifting from Freeze to Fight for instance might feel a bit more active and thus a litle less bad, but my educated guess is that it is not the sustainable outcome you are really looking for. You know there is unused potential and a more intense sense of fulfillment waiting to be evoked. By finding out how to Live more fully Alive. How to be in a state of Presence. Get going and get reading and get creative. In Volume 2 (forthcoming in 2022) my new vocation of metAware and Wholeness Artist will be speaking, of course founded on my knowledge in the deep and multidimensional arena of Conscious Interconnection. Do you want more Art and Aliveness in your Life? Send me a message or an email. Much Love

About Part 2 of an interesting Trilogy, released 2 days ago on Youtube. Link is in the description as well as the link t...

About Part 2 of an interesting Trilogy, released 2 days ago on Youtube. Link is in the description as well as the link to part 1.

Please stay with me to realize the end of this trilogy ;-)

Update on my Conscious Interconnection book project Below are some musings that haunt me in my aim to get more clarity a...

Update on my Conscious Interconnection book project

Below are some musings that haunt me in my aim to get more clarity about the two out of four Integral Quadrants that address the collective aspects of Life. During my previous professional life as a psychotherapist I mostly studied the two individual quadrants. Ever since 2015 I am still getting myself up to date with the two collective quadrants. I need to know them to interconnect all four quadrants in a meaningful way.

It also made me find out why my first book did not address the right niche. Cc Volume 1 is a workbook addressing burn-out primary prevention. An individual workbook preferably used in the context of a conscious workplace. It took a while to find a new direction instead of trying to get into the business world with the collective ITS-quadrant not being very inducive for using and applying my workbook.

Musings like the one below lard my Conscious interConnection (CC) four-books project with white lines. White lines diverging from the main 'red line' of addressing the four Integral quadrants my way. In an interconnected way. In a Wholeness (third Tier) oriented way.

There are many white lines, moving like mycelium since I started my CC-project in 2012. The 'red line' entails writing four-books about the four Integral Quadrants. It is a deep journey as these archetypal quadrants can't be reduced to either one of the four. They can be studied and addressed separately but they can't be wrenched apart they are inseparable. They are all ways already co-arising.
My ongoing CC-project probably a never ending journey. It is more of a Pilgrimage along a lost European road. A road originating in pre-traditional orally transmitted nature wisdom, morphing into mystics wandering the not yet Romanized more Northern areas of Europe. Not a Camino the Santiago, with a clear main road ahead full of designated resting places. But a very personal inner route, inspired by my ancestors. Epigenetically, energetically, ethereally and God Knows in what other implicit and subtle, yet very powerful, ways.

I love this Pilgrimage that functions more like a vagus nerve than a spinal cord. Despite of all of its unexpected intricacies and necessary nuance I envision Conscious Connection Volume 2 to be ready for editing in the first half of 2025. It is about 85% finished. There are a few unknowns to be explored a bit deeper before they can express themselves through me on paper. Plus I will probably have to start crowdfunding to pay for the editing process and professional help with making the publication official by getting it on Kindle.

Musings on some possible fatal inconsistencies in our thinking

In the book Animal Farm there were two main rules:
1. All pigs are equal
2. Some pigs are more equal

Please read it again
What does it tell you?

What it tells me is that this is not a paradox
This is not to be glossed over in any way

This is a fatal inconsistency of thinking
Often leading to social gaslighting to obscure that very fact

It goes together with personal inner gaslighting
T think one is 'more equal' than others still is hierarchical thinking

Wrapped up in an equalistic sounding statement
That is a mere meme, not a Lived Truth

The conviction of being 'more equal' often goes with thoughts like:
1. All people are wrong (and/or stupid)
2. Except for me !

This inner inconsistency often leads to a third thought that goes along the lines of:
3. So if everybody would just do as I tell them to do, the world would be paradise

If one ould be able to manage this
Which would take force and coercion

As everyone is equal in worth
And in the inescapable answering to biological and natural laws

But everybody is different
In its personal unique expression of these laws

So having everyone follow your very personal preferences
And human made rules and regulations

Often involves coercion
Maybe leading to a semblance of a personal paradise

But not an Oasis with enough room for the good Life of everyone
Not Wholeness


I envision that

Moving from hierarchy to synarchy
From competitiveness to a more seamless togetherness

To moving as a human Being
Consciously interconnected with the Whole interBeing of humanity

Will naturally bring us 97% dynamic balance and prosperous peace
But it takes for us to at least take a few moves

To take a few leaps
Individually and collectively

Individually moving from 'I look down upon you, so I am better than you'
To 'I feel my interconnection with the Whole and my receptivity, activity, responsibility in my relationship with it all'

Together moving from 'I need to survive no matter whether you do too or not'
To moving together as a natural reciprocal interpenetrative Whole


Don't wait for others to do it first

I have already started
I invite you to join me

Much Love


The Earth Dodecahedron as shared by Matias De Stefano and the YoSoy network

About integral quadrantsIn Dutch this time.~~~Aandachtsvelden NL. 1e versieHet lijkt erop dat onze menselijke evolutie z...

About integral quadrants
In Dutch this time.


NL. 1e versie

Het lijkt erop dat onze menselijke evolutie zich beweegt
Van aandachts-punten naar aandachtsvelden

De vier meest basale aandachtsvelden Zijn de vier kwadranten zoals voorgesteld door Ken Wilber

De velden van ~Ik en ~Het-enkelvoud
~Wij en ~Het-meervoud (ENG: I~It~We~Its)

Deze vier kwadranten lijken archetypisch te zijn
D.w.z. niet verder reduceerbaar dan tot deze vier

Ze lijken ook archaïsch te zijn:
Niet verder te deconstrueren zonder te eindigen in 'the boundless timeless'

Dat laatste is een heel ander onderwerp
Een Eenheidsbewustzijn dat voor de meesten van ons (inclusief ikzelf) onvoorstelbaar is

Gelukkig zijn de vier kwadranten zijn wel voorstelbaar
En kunnen ook beleefbaar worden

Ze ontstaan door twee belevingsassen met elkaar te combineren:
Binnen ~ Buiten en Individueel ~ Collectief


Kennis maken met deze vier aandachtsvelden
Is geest-verruimend en psycho-actief Zonder dat je 'er iets voor hoeft in te nemen'

Het is een simpele kaart met vier vakken
Die je 'tot je neemt' via je ogen
Samen met het besef van hun onzichtbare altijd-aanwezigheid

Ze gaan samen op voor alles
Zijn toepasbaar op alles
Zijn her-kenbaar in alles

Deze aandachtsvelden
Vormen een geHeel
geheel dat ik Leven noem


Ik kom er nog op terug
Ik stop er even mee voor vandaag
Ik heb niet zo'n goede dag

Een oude pijn vol van paniek
Vraagt om haar verder te integreren
Dat gaat niet samen met dit soort 'verhandelingen' over iets super belangrijks



📸 Look at this post on Facebook


My Patreon account has been deleted. I don't know why. So the links I shared in this Interconnection page that are related to Patreon unfortunately don't work anymore.





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