Gratitude is the strongest vibration and allows you to connect with your heart. Once there is coherence between brain and heart you move into the present allowing you to be fully in the moment.
In other words practicing gratitude brings you into the now which increases your resilience and thus you experience challenges you face in your life like a breeze. It's up to you whether you turn that breeze into a cool summer breeze that ends up cooling on a hot summer day.
Are you on holiday right now? Even if you are in your everyday life, take the time to stand still for a moment, bring your right hand to your heart and feel the power of your heart. It beats for you without you asking for it and keeping you alive. How special is that!
Now think of 3 moments in your life that you can be very grateful for. Beautiful unforgettable moments that made you laugh really hard, that made you feel loved, made you achieve a success or made you experience a romantic moment in your life.
Join us and reflect on all the little things you can be grateful for today.
And for all the guests staying in our holiday homes - Dutch Sweet Homes- right now:
“We are grateful that you are staying with us - without you we wouldn't be here! From our hearts to your hearts, thank you!”🙏❤️💫
👉 Like this post if you too feel grateful today and tell us, what are you grateful for today?