Project Baseline Vinkeveen

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Project Baseline Vinkeveen Project Baseline empowers passionate citizens to observe and record change within the world’s aqua Connect underwater objects by logging positions.

Monitor for Project Baseline Netherlands
Map route through gps position. Create GPS based map of the objects. Monitor state of objects. Monitor fish populations. Monitor salt levels
Clean up underwater garbage. Many thanks to our supporters! Scuba Academie & GUE Netherlands

Op 3 maart, 31 maart, 28 april organiseert Scuba-Academie weer bootduiken in het kader van het project Baseline. Activit...

Op 3 maart, 31 maart, 28 april organiseert Scuba-Academie weer bootduiken in het kader van het project Baseline. Activiteiten: documenteren wrakken, timelapse locaties bep***n en plaatsen p***n, temperatuur en zichtmetingen. Aanmelden via de agenda bootduiken van Scuba-Academie.

In Vinkeveen we have few Lota Lota (Burbot) fish left. In the dutch waters this species is nearly extinct. We know that ...

In Vinkeveen we have few Lota Lota (Burbot) fish left. In the dutch waters this species is nearly extinct. We know that they are highly influenced in their reproduction by temperature. In 2017 therefore RAVON asked Project Baseline Vinkeveen if we could deploy temperature loggers. Stichting RAVON focusses on study and protection of the in The Netherlands living amfibious, reptile and fish. So these loggers where placed by Project Baseline Vinkeveen volunteers on the edge of the Sand Island 4 diving area. After a year in the water we got to remove them last weekend. All loggers where intact and untouched. They are currently on their way back to Stichting Ravon.

Project Baseline Vinkeveen wordt voortgezet vanuit GUE centrum Scuba-Academie. KICK-OFF 26 juli bij Scuba-Academie 19:00...

Project Baseline Vinkeveen wordt voortgezet vanuit GUE centrum Scuba-Academie.
KICK-OFF 26 juli bij Scuba-Academie 19:00 uur
- meten, observeren en registreren van de veranderingen van het aquatisch mileu
- documenteren van wrakken op de gehele plas
- samenwerking met Dupan/ duurzame palingsector Nederland en het registreren van de paling groei
- duikprojecten in de "Zuidplas"
- maandelijkse bootduiken voor vrijwilligers "Baseline"
- en nog veel meer.

We gaan nog niet duiken op de 26e. De kick-off is een informatieve avond aangaande het project.



We have exciting news! scuba-academie will be taking over Project Baseline Vinkeveen.

After 8 years of working hard on Project Baseline Vinkeveen it is time to further professionalise it. As you might have noticed Project Baseline Vinkeveen has been less active over this last year. The 2 remaining boardmembers (Jan Plukkel/Rick van Dijk) have been active with other projects. Jan is nearly a professional photographer and Rick has moved towards board work for the regional water authorities and other caving adventures.

Scuba Academie is becoming a GUE dive center and running Project Baseline Vinkeveen from the Scuba Academie basis guarantees continuity and many activities. We are therefore very excited to announce that as per july 26, 2018 Scuba Academie will be running Project Baseline Vinkeveen. Ofcourse we will remain volunteers and be part of Project Baseline Vinkeveen team. We could not have wished for a better team to take over. From day one Cees den Toom has supported us and has always been a keen Project Baseline fan.

There have been many volunteers working hard on Project Baseline Vinkeveen over these last years. We would like to thank them for all the support and hope for their continious Project Baseline Vinkeveen support. A special mention is needs to go out to Marco Garitta and Jack Vliegendhart who both where the orginal founders. Without our original fundamentals buddies we would never have come so far.

Scuba Academie will have a Project Baseline Vinkeveen in new style kick-off July 26. A further invitation will follow. We are looking forward to it!

Thank you!
Jan Plukkel & Rick van Dijk

We hebben heel mooi nieuws! scuba-academie gaat Project Baseline Vinkeveen overnemen.

Na 8 jaar Project Baseline Vinkeveen krijgen we de kans om het project verder te professionaliseren. Zoals je wellicht gemerkt hebt is Project Baseline Vinkeveen het laatste jaar wat minder actief geweest. De 2 nog actieve bestuursleden (Jan Plukkel/Rick van Dijk) zijn telkens actiever geworden in andere projecten. Jan is practisch professioneel fotograaf en Rick is naast grot(duik)avonturen zeer actief geworden binnen het Waterschap Amstel, Gooi en Vecht.

Scuba Academie wordt een GUE duikcentrum. Door Project Baseline Vinkeveen te borgen bij en in Scuba Academie garanderen we continuïteit en meer activiteiten. Daarom zijn we zeer blij te mogen aankondigen dat per 26 juli, 2018 Scuba Academie Project Baseline Vinkeveen gaat overnemen. Uiteraard blijven we vrijwilligers in het project en hopen dat jullie allen dat ook doen. We konden niet voor een beter vervolg en team wensen bij Scuba Academie. Vanaf dag één heeft Cees den Toom en zijn team ons gesteund en zijn ze er altijd voor Project Baseline Vinkeveen geweest.

Zeer veel vrijwilligers hebben de laatste jaren keihard aan Project Baseline Vinkeveen gewerkt. We willen jullie allemaal bedankten voor alle steun en toekomstige steun. Een speciale dank gaat uit naar Marco Garrita en Jack Vliegendhart. Zonder de start van met deze fundie buddies was het project nooit zo ver gekomen.

26 juli zal er bij Scuba Academie een kick-off gehouden worden in de nieuwe stijl. Hier volgt nog een verdere aankondiging over. We kijken er naar uit!

Iedereen bedankt!
Jan Plukkel & Rick van Dijk

We just received the results back from last years NETLAKE study on Microplastics. VInkeveen performed ok-ish in comparis...

We just received the results back from last years NETLAKE study on Microplastics. VInkeveen performed ok-ish in comparison. Vinkeveen had 0 plastics smaller then < 0,5 cm and 5 plastics > 0,5 cm. Check out these results:

Yesterday we deployed the 2 sediment traps per request of NETLAKE and NIOO-KNAW. Volunteers Klaas Talsma and Klaas Talsm...

Yesterday we deployed the 2 sediment traps per request of NETLAKE and NIOO-KNAW. Volunteers Klaas Talsma and Klaas Talsma JR build these 2 sediment traps following the NETLAKE protocol. As we are a deep lake we deployed at two different depths. Thank you for all the help Klaas and Klaas Jr!

Photography by: Klaas talsma en Jan Plukkel

Today Project Baseline Vinkeveen deployed 4 temperature sensors for Stichting Reptielen Amfibieën Vissen Onderzoek Neder...

Today Project Baseline Vinkeveen deployed 4 temperature sensors for Stichting Reptielen Amfibieën Vissen Onderzoek Nederland. These sensors are part of a larger study into Burbots in The Netherlands. These sensors will log temperature all the way into next winter. The bouy we deployed is connected to the rope next to the 18 meter platform in the diving area (Sand Island 4) of the Vinkeveen North Lake.

Because we often receive questions about Project Baseline funding, we (and others) have asked Project Baseline to be mor...

Because we often receive questions about Project Baseline funding, we (and others) have asked Project Baseline to be more transparant about funding.

This has resultated in this a newsletter to all volunteers from Project Baseline headquarters. The link to the newsletter is below and here are some excerpts on Funding, Budget, and Transparency

In regards to Project Baseline Vinkeveen. We have never had any extra funding except from volunteers paying for PBVV materials that have been used in PBVV activities.

Transparency with respect to Project Baseline’s financials has been a priority since our inception though it appears that we have not done a very good job at communicating our status. Below you will find a summary followed by great detail in relation to these financial transactions.

* No money has been spent by GUE/PB to facilitate GlobalSubDive projects including those aboard the Baseline Explorer.
* GlobalSubDive has instead been responsible for the largest financial contributions to our work, without which we would not have our database interface.
* Membership revenue has been insufficient to consistently cover Vanessa’s salary, which is why we have not filled that position since her departure and instead are focusing on part-time work to address our promotional and communication efforts.
* We remain in need of finding a sustainable financial model to support the back-end work that we know is needed to support PB, including: 1) maintenance of and improvements to the database and database interface; 2) promotional work, outreach, and communications/reporting; 3) website upgrades and maintenance; and 4) fund raising. Without the support for these positions the hard work our volunteers do would go unnoticed and Project Baseline would cease to exist.
* Moving forward, we will be tracking and reporting our financials in the form presented in the 2016 Annual Report.
* We’re considering reporting our status more regularly, quarterly for instance, but this will require an allocation of time and therefore dollars that we don’t have at present.

* The majority of our income has come from GUE membership dues. We have been steady at ~1,000 members for several years and Project Baseline is ear-marked $39 per membership. Thus, PB has received ~$40,000 per year from GUE membership dues. Last year that was $46,215.
* We’ve received very small periodic donations – usually $50 - $500. Last year, those totaled $556.
* GlobalSubDive contributed approximately $80,000 directly to Project Baseline between 2015 and 2016 that didn’t flow through GUE’s account but were listed in our 2016 Annual Report. These funds were earmarked for promoting Project Baseline and Baseline Explorer missions with scientific and conservation organizations, uploading Baseline Explorer data to the PB database, and improving the database interface.

* Our largest expense has been salary and benefits associated with the single funded full-time position that was held by Vanessa from about 2013 to about December 2016. For most years, this position cost GUE more than PB’s membership revenue provided thus we have always been looking for additional sources of funding.
* We spent $30,450 on the development of and revisions to the database interface between 2013 and 2015.
* We spent, $14,346 between 2014 and 2015 for part-time work to move the back-log of data from Project Managers into the database as well as data collected from the 2014 GlobalSubDive missions on Pacific Provider and the 2015 missions on Baseline Explorer, and to develop and implement procedures to more quickly and effectively obtain and enter data from our Project Managers into the database.
* We’ve spent $21,090 between 2010 and 2016 on travel expenses associated with sending Vanessa to the GUE conferences, trade shows, and out to some of our project locations to conduct PB Workshops and work with teams to launch and expand their efforts.
* We’ve spent $5,346 between 2010 and 2016 on printed promotional materials, advertising, and marketing.
* We spent $500 in 2015 on team grants intended to encourage Project Managers to participate in scientific or public events in their areas.
* The $80,000 from GlobalSubDive was used to engage in promoting Project Baseline with scientific and conservation organizations and to process video transect, photographic, and numeric data from the 2016 Baseline Explorer missions into the Project Baseline Database and into deliverable files for the scientific collaborators on those missions. In 2015 and 2016 a portion of this was used on minor fixes to the database interface.

In-Kind Contributions

We attempted to capture in-kind contributions that have been made by various companies to support Project Baseline operations in the 2015 Annual Report. We stopped this because, at present we aren’t tracking all the different contributions made by people and organizations around the world to our work and feel that it is unfair to only report those that we’re most directly connected to at HQ. At some point, we believe there would be significant value in tracking and reporting as much of the in-kind support received by our Projects as possible. The major contributions that we’re currently aware of include:

* GlobalSubDive – sustained promotional support aboard Baseline Explorer and yearly public outreach events.
* GeoHydros, Inc – provided office space and logistical support for Caylin and then Vanessa between 2009 and 2016.
* Halcyon Manufacturing – provided products for auctions and project support.

Click on the link below to read the full newsletter.

Listen to the beautifull sound of the Vinkeveen Lota Lota in the mating season.

Listen to the beautifull sound of the Vinkeveen Lota Lota in the mating season.

Midden in de winter, wanneer het water op zijn koudst is, is de kwabaal in paaistemming. En dat laat de hij luid en duidelijk horen. Om elkaar te kunnen vinden maken ze namelijk geluiden. Afgelopen winter gingen onderzoekers van RAVON gewapend met een onderwatermicrofoon op zoek naar het geluid van…

Project Baseline Vinkeveen is ready for Duikvaker 2017.. See you all there.. The place to be this weekend!!

Project Baseline Vinkeveen is ready for Duikvaker 2017..
See you all there.. The place to be this weekend!!

Exciting projects have been done in 2016 and new ones for 2017 are planned. Want to know more about them then pay a visi...

Exciting projects have been done in 2016 and new ones for 2017 are planned. Want to know more about them then pay a visit to our booth at Duikvaker 2017.

Photo by: René Lipmann

In two weeks time (4-5 Feb.) the dive show Duikvaker will be held for the 25th time. Project Baseline Vinkeveen arranged...

In two weeks time (4-5 Feb.) the dive show Duikvaker will be held for the 25th time. Project Baseline Vinkeveen arranged again a booth on the dive show for Project Baseline.

So if you would like to know more about Project Baseline then come and see us at Duikvaker. This year you will find us in Hal 1 next to the guys of Ghost fishing.

See you all at Duikvaker 2017


Opening Hours

Wednesday 12:00 - 18:00
Thursday 12:00 - 18:00
Friday 12:00 - 18:00
Saturday 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday 08:00 - 16:00





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