Boat Bike Tours

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Boat Bike Tours Boat Bike Tours: Perhaps the most dutch way of traveling. A unique concept that combines cycling and cruising.

Discover beautiful spots in the Netherlands and other European countries like Germany and Croatia. Are you an active person who enjoys comfortable holidays? Then our cycling cruises are exactly what you are looking for.

What are your plans for this Summer? Ever dreamed of being a sailor? đŸŒŠâ›”We're diving into the thrill of sail and bike tou...

What are your plans for this Summer? Ever dreamed of being a sailor? đŸŒŠâ›”

We're diving into the thrill of sail and bike tours, feeling the wind and salt on our skin—it's like exploring the seas as modern-day explorers! Or discover the natural beauty of Holland’s Green Heart: waterways, meadows, grazing cows, windmills, and charming farms await!
And if that's not enticing enough, let's venture into Northern Burgundy, known as "The Land of Good Living." Picture ancient villages, serene rivers, and the finest wines, cheeses, and ciders that'll leave us craving more!

Tell us about your summer plans! What adventures are you embarking on?

Why can't a bicycle stand up on its own?Because it's two tired!😅.. Hm, maybe we need some more practice in making jokes ...

Why can't a bicycle stand up on its own?
Because it's two tired!😅
.. Hm, maybe we need some more practice in making jokes ... What is your favorite joke? Let us know in the comments below!

Happy International Joke Day!

Did you know that the Netherlands has a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is 124 Miles long? It’s called the Dutch Waterli...

Did you know that the Netherlands has a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is 124 Miles long? It’s called the Dutch Waterline and goes through the regions of Noord-Holland, Utrecht, Gelderland and Noord-Brabant! There is widespread acknowledgment that this specific line of defense forms a unique interplay of landscape, water and fortifications. Check out our infographic to learn more about this ingenious system - or experience it for yourself on one of our tours!

Kennen Sie Volendam? Das malerische Dorf am Markermeer verzaubert Besucher mit seinen idyllischen Straßen und der unverw...

Kennen Sie Volendam? Das malerische Dorf am Markermeer verzaubert Besucher mit seinen idyllischen Straßen und der unverwechselbaren niederlĂ€ndischen Architektur. Der Hafen ist voller bunter Boote, wĂ€hrend in der NĂ€he HolzhĂ€user mit steilen DĂ€chern und lebhaften Fassaden enge Gassen sĂ€umen. Ob Sie auf zwei RĂ€dern unterwegs sind oder die schönen Gassen bei einem gemĂŒtlichen Spaziergang entlang der Uferpromenade entdecken: Tauchen Sie ein in die lokale Kultur und erleben Sie, wie in Volendam die niederlĂ€ndische Geschichte und das Dorfleben lebendig werden.

Have you ever heard of Volendam? This picturesque village on the Markermeer enchants visitors with its quaint streets an...

Have you ever heard of Volendam? This picturesque village on the Markermeer enchants visitors with its quaint streets and timeless Dutch architecture. The harbor bustles with colorful boats, while nearby, wooden houses with steep roofs and bright facades line narrow streets. Whether you cycle through the charming little streets, enjoy a leisurely stroll along the waterfront, or soak up the local culture at a cozy cafe, Volendam offers a captivating glimpse into Dutch history and village life.

Nord, SĂŒd, Ost oder West - was ist Ihr Lieblingsziel in Frankreich? Es ist schwer zu entscheiden angesichts des Charmes ...

Nord, SĂŒd, Ost oder West - was ist Ihr Lieblingsziel in Frankreich? Es ist schwer zu entscheiden angesichts des Charmes dieses Landes der Feinschmecker. Ob Sie die AtlantikkĂŒste erkunden oder vom Eiffelturm aus die Aussicht genießen, durch die HĂŒgel der Champagne wandern oder in einem französischen Bistro eine Mahlzeit genießen, Frankreich bietet an jeder Ecke puren Genuss!

Mit seinen vielfĂ€ltigen Landschaften, wo wĂŒrden Sie anfangen? Mit den weiten SandstrĂ€nden, den majestĂ€tischen Alpen, den duftenden Lavendelfeldern der Provence, den berĂŒhmten Weinbergen Burgunds oder den wilden Klippen der Normandie?

North, South, East, or West - what's your favorite destination in France? It's hard to choose amidst the charm of this l...

North, South, East, or West - what's your favorite destination in France? It's hard to choose amidst the charm of this land of connoisseurs. Whether you're exploring the Atlantic coast or gazing from the Eiffel Tower, wandering the Champagne hills or savoring a meal in a French bistro, France offers pure enjoyment at every turn!
With its diverse landscapes, where would you begin? The expansive sandy beaches of the Atlantic, the majestic Alps, the fragrant lavender fields of Provence, the renowned vineyards of Burgundy, or the rugged cliffs of Normandy?

Our tours along the Dutch waterways require a special type of ship: spacious enough to comfortably accommodate its guest...

Our tours along the Dutch waterways require a special type of ship: spacious enough to comfortably accommodate its guests, but narrow enough to fit through the locks and slim canals. On open waters, however, you might catch a glimpse at one of our beautiful sailing ships. Did you know that we offer four different types of ships on our tours?

A Premium Ship
B Sailing Ship
C Boutique Ship
D Cycling cruise Ship

Unsere Touren entlang der niederlÀndischen Wasserwege erfordern einen speziellen Schiffstyp: gerÀumig genug, um seine GÀ...

Unsere Touren entlang der niederlÀndischen Wasserwege erfordern einen speziellen Schiffstyp: gerÀumig genug, um seine GÀste komfortabel zu beherbergen, aber schmal genug, um durch die Schleusen und schmalen KanÀle zu passen. Auf offenen GewÀssern können Sie jedoch einen Blick auf unsere schönen Segelschiffe erhaschen. Wussten Sie, dass wir auf unseren Touren vier verschiedene Schiffstypen anbieten?

A Premium Ship
B Sailing Ship
C Boutique Ship
D Cycling cruise Ship

Yes! We have another winner! This time Ellen from Canada is the lucky winner. She filled out our dream tour quiz and won...

Yes! We have another winner! This time Ellen from Canada is the lucky winner. She filled out our dream tour quiz and won a bike and boat trip for two people. Congratulations!

Would you also like to be in the running to win a vacation for two? No problem! Just click on the link, answer the questions and find out what your dream trip through the Netherlands would look like. Maybe you’ll be the lucky one next time! Do you already know who you want to take with you?

For some time now, we've diligently pursued the reduction of our CO2 emissions, and our efforts are finally yielding res...

For some time now, we've diligently pursued the reduction of our CO2 emissions, and our efforts are finally yielding results. Our 2023 sustainability report reveals a remarkable reduction of nearly 13% in CO2 emissions per guest compared to 2022. How did we achieve this? We've fostered a heightened awareness regarding the meals served aboard our ships, introduced Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) to power six of our vessels, and upgraded several ships with newer, more efficient engines. Our commitment to sustainability remains unwavering, as we set our sights on achieving a 70% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2035, relative to 2022 levels. While there's still ample room for improvement, we're proud of our progress thus far and remain steadfast on our sustainable journey!

Last week, our sustainability coordinator, Margriet, embarked on the Wapen fan FryslĂąn for our Sail & Bike Wadden Sea to...

Last week, our sustainability coordinator, Margriet, embarked on the Wapen fan FryslĂąn for our Sail & Bike Wadden Sea tour. Not only did she cycle 160 kilometers through the stunning landscapes of Texel and Terschelling, but she was accompanied by her two young children and her mother. What a great way to spend quality time together as a family!


You may be surprised by this - you may think of the Netherlands as crowded and very busy - but we have some beautiful nature reserves as well. Tidy cycle paths criss-cross them, so it’s easy to get to places where all you see is heathlands, dune grasslands, sea views or forests. Take your binoculars along and you might spot seals or grazing horses, and you’ll certainly see lots of birds! Check out the video to see some of these nature reserves!

Today is International Bicycle Day! đŸšČ It’s a day to celebrate cycling and encourage people to cycle more. After all, it’...

Today is International Bicycle Day! đŸšČ It’s a day to celebrate cycling and encourage people to cycle more. After all, it’s great exercise, it’ll get you from Point A to Point B without having to wait in a single traffic jam, you can see the scenery much better as you travel, and it’s a wonderfully eco-friendly form of transportation besides!

Here’s an interesting fact for you: did you know that in the Netherlands there are actually more bikes than people? It’s because we like to have a back-up, just in case! How many bicycles do you have?

Jossie’s Aeolian Islands Tour is drawing to a close. On the final morning, she embarked on a bike ride from Milazzo to t...

Jossie’s Aeolian Islands Tour is drawing to a close. On the final morning, she embarked on a bike ride from Milazzo to the Faro di Capi Milazzo. From there, a short walk led to the Pool of Venus, a natural pool offering breathtaking views of the islands. After a delicious last lunch on board, the group had the opportunity for more biking, beach time, or a climb up to the castle. Tomorrow, everyone will part ways again. This journey has left a lasting impression on Jossie—one she will cherish. Thank you for letting us to be a part of this unforgettable experience!

Day 6 of Jossie’s Sicily Tour: Today, Jossie and her group were once again transferred by dinghy to the shore, this time...

Day 6 of Jossie’s Sicily Tour: Today, Jossie and her group were once again transferred by dinghy to the shore, this time to the island of Vulcano. They embarked on a hike up to the Cratere della Fossa, where Jossie marveled at the enormous crater and the fumaroles—vents from which volcanic gas escapes into the atmosphere. It was a fantastic experience!
In the afternoon, the captain sailed the Sundial back to the mainland of Sicily. Tomorrow Jossie will share her last impressions of her last day aboard the beautiful ship before the tour sadly comes to an end.

On the fifth day of the Aeolian Islands Tour, Jossie embarked on a scenic bike ride around the island of Lipari. The fir...

On the fifth day of the Aeolian Islands Tour, Jossie embarked on a scenic bike ride around the island of Lipari. The first stop was an abandoned pumice quarry, a fascinating glimpse into the island’s industrial past. They enjoyed a picnic lunch at the little church of Vecchia di Quattropani, where they were treated to stunning views of Salina.
Returning to the Sundial, they sailed along the coast of Lipari to the island of Vulcano. During the voyage, Angelo delighted the group with a special Sicilian snack, arancino, lovingly prepared by Mama. This surely is a family business!

Day 4 of the Aeolian Islands Tour: Jossie and her group embarked on a delightful biking tour across the island of Salina...

Day 4 of the Aeolian Islands Tour: Jossie and her group embarked on a delightful biking tour across the island of Salina, exploring its scenic landscapes. After enjoying a picnic lunch and a refreshing granita, they returned to the ship and set sail for the island of Liparia! Upon arrival, they made a brief swim stop before reaching the town of Lipar, where they had time to stroll through the charming streets, visit the historic citadel, and relax with a drink at the old harbor.

On the third day of the Aeolian Islands tour, Angelo once again ferried Jossie’s group ashore with the dinghy, this time...

On the third day of the Aeolian Islands tour, Angelo once again ferried Jossie’s group ashore with the dinghy, this time to explore the enchanting island of Panarea. They enjoyed a pleasant walk, a refreshing swim at the beach, and a delicious lunch before returning to the Sundial. In the afternoon, they set sail for the island of Salina. Tomorrow, the group will bike around Salina, renowned for producing the best capers in the world. Isn't it wonderful to try local delicacies? Have you ever tried capers yourself?

On Day 2, Jossie set sail from the harbor of Milazzo for a sunny journey to the island of Stromboli. As an active volcan...

On Day 2, Jossie set sail from the harbor of Milazzo for a sunny journey to the island of Stromboli. As an active volcano, Stromboli offered an extraordinary adventure. The guide, Nicolas, led the group up the mountain to witness a stunning sunset and several volcanic eruptions. Captain Angelo brought them ashore in a small dinghy. Although the group's feet ached from the climb, it was worth the effort. What a beautiful day!

Join us this week as we embark on a journey to Sicily and the Aeolian Islands! Our sustainability consultant, Jossie, re...

Join us this week as we embark on a journey to Sicily and the Aeolian Islands! Our sustainability consultant, Jossie, recently boarded the Sundial and shared her exciting vacation experience along with some stunning pictures. On her first day, tour guide Nicola and Captain Angelo warmly welcomed Jossie aboard. Before sailing to Milazza, she took some time to explore the charming city of Catania.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's update, where Jossie will share more about life aboard the vessel!

Yes, there really is a National Wine Day, and it’s today! đŸ· What better excuse to plan a trip to a wine-producing countr...

Yes, there really is a National Wine Day, and it’s today! đŸ· What better excuse to plan a trip to a wine-producing country? We offer boating and biking tours, for example, in Burgundy in France, where you bicycle through the vineyards, then sample the wines right where they are produced! Or how about our tours along the Moselle River, where some of the best German wines are created from the grapes grown in the vineyards that so picturesquely cover the hillsides? Don’t forget to pour yourself a glass to sip while you’re choosing your trip!

Cycling through the beautiful landscapes of the Netherlands, our tours already offer a special experience. However, what...

Cycling through the beautiful landscapes of the Netherlands, our tours already offer a special experience. However, what makes them truly magical, are the adventurous and creative people who join us. We received some stunning photos from Sjoerd van der Pluijm, capturing the Magnifique II at the “Parksluizen” floodgates in Rotterdam. Thank you, Sjoerd! Do you also have pictures of our tours? Then you can join our photo contest: We look forward to seeing all of your beautiful pictures!

Watch any intersection in any city in the Netherlands at rush hour, and you will be amazed. It’s like a choreographed da...

Watch any intersection in any city in the Netherlands at rush hour, and you will be amazed. It’s like a choreographed dance, with bicyclists as the dancers. Commuters on their way home, wearing their work clothes; parents carrying their children home from nursery or school; the elderly, perhaps on ebikes; teenagers chatting away as they pedal; even small children, still wobbling a bit ... So many bikes, and you’ll be in awe of how it all works. The Dutch have embedded bicycling into their culture, and it shows by how comfortable they are, even with lots of other bikers around. But don’t worry: our routes avoid the busy spots! Read lots more about biking in our blog!

We have described 10 reasons that explain why cycling is so popular in the Netherlands. Read them on this page.

Summer is approaching! Are you dreaming of lying on a beach on an island, soaking in the sun? Lots of our trips include ...

Summer is approaching! Are you dreaming of lying on a beach on an island, soaking in the sun? Lots of our trips include stops on some pretty wonderful islands. Which would you most like to visit?

A. Texel Island (Wadden Sea, Netherlands)
B. Ven Island (Öresund, Sweden)
C. Hvar Island (Adriatic Sea, Croatia)
D. Aeolian Islands (Mediterranean Sea, Italy)

There’s lots of talk lately in travel circles about “slow travel.” To us, it isn’t just a trend: we’ve always done it at...

There’s lots of talk lately in travel circles about “slow travel.” To us, it isn’t just a trend: we’ve always done it at Boat Bike Tours! We move slowly through the landscape by boat and bike, not ticking off must-see sights, but soaking in lots of impressions. We support local businesses, and get a better sense of place than any long-distance tour. It’s a relaxing and reflective way to travel! Join us!

Experience a stress-free vacation exploring beautiful landscapes . Ideal for those seeking a relaxing and immersive travel experience.

Today we’d like to honor the amazing mothers who make every journey special! Like our marketing expert, Judith, who took...

Today we’d like to honor the amazing mothers who make every journey special! Like our marketing expert, Judith, who took our Wadden Sea tour with her son. It was an unforgettable trip with lots of bonding moments. Here’s to shared experiences and laughter with our real-life heroes, who make every day an adventure! Happy Mother’s Day! ❀


Aambeeldstraat 20

Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 23:00
Tuesday 06:00 - 23:00
Wednesday 06:00 - 23:00
Thursday 06:00 - 23:00
Friday 06:00 - 23:00




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Our Story

A unique concept that combines cycling and cruising. Discover beautiful spots in the Netherlands and other European countries like Germany and Croatia. Are you an active person who enjoys comfortable holidays? Then our cycling cruises are exactly what you are looking for.