Halfway there
This is a short clip from the hardest day of my journey across Oz, possibly the toughest day of my life. Halfway across the Nullarbor crossing. Shed many tears that day, but with the help of some great motivational speeches on my iPod (and fair bit of ibuprofen gel) I got there. Seems so long ago! Crazy!
A little fella
I saw a lot going across OZ, but this was probably the cutest thing ever!
This couple take in animals that have been injured in traffic accidents or similar and nurse them back to top health.
Filmed July 2014
Music "Sunset" by Evgeny Grinko is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 2.0 Germany License.
WIM News
Sorry I didn't upload this sooner, slipped my mind. This is the interview I did with the (Australian) WIN News Channel. Thanks to my mate John for arranging it!
I've seen more kangaroos this week, than I have in the rest of Australia :D
Just seen my first Australian snake :D COOL
Staying in an ashram (monastery) this week. Hopefully it will be an eventful week indeed :)
It's 01:05 and I'm at the couch terminal waiting for the night bus up to Byron Bay
Had a really great day. AMAZING scenery and many fine beaches. This is one of them :D
This makes up for a sh*t day on the bike. The couple I'm staying with have baby kangaroo :D I will get to hold it later!!!! This makes up for all the sh*t days. So cute :D
First day on the citrus farm. Was raining today, so couldn't work outside, but was taught how to pack and stack oranges. Genuinely quite interesting :D
ANZAC Dawn service
ANZAC Dawn service, where one remember and honour the people that have died in wars in Australia and New Zealand
(Closed) Yalata roadhouse
Yalata roadhouse, all boarded up. Still some people living there, so didn't want to stay too long. Bit eerie to be honest...
The Lion King
Starting the day Lion King style. Think I was loosing it that morning, haha!
How I communicate
How I've been communicating when there's been no signal... Payphones.
The Color Run 2014 + A surprise proposal at the end <3
The first The Color Run in New Zealand, the most epic paint party ever. Over 9000 running, covered in paint and dancing the some crazy beats! This was absolutely amazing.
Also the guy preposing to his boyfriend at the end, SO romantic. The entire crowd went crazy.
So if there's a Color Run near you, sing up NOW.
The Color Run New Zealand
International Buskers Festival 2014
Auckland (and NZ) is playing host to the International Buskers Festival 2014, a four day festival containing some of the worlds BEST street performers. SOO Many great ones!
(So about the quality, filmed on my phone...digital zoom)