Study: Reconnective Healing was taught to a group of doctors, researchers, therapists and Olympic athletes in Russia. The design of the study provided the test subjects with merely six hours of teaching and interaction with the Reconnective Healing frequencies over the course of two days. Each of the participants was measured before, during and after the experiment, with various testing methodologies, including the use of the EPC device, which measures the bio-energy fields around a person’s body.
Results: The effects of the Reconnective Healing on the athletes and their energy levels were “hugely significant,” according to Korotkov. Each of the athletes and test subjects experienced a significant boost in their energy levels, with an average increase of 22% or more. The athletes reported that they could clearly feel the frequencies and the benefits they were experiencing in their bodies. One athlete with a recently broken leg injury, who walked only with difficulty and on crutches, was able--after the two session experiment--to get off the table and walk on his own with little pain. His doctor, who was present during the experiment, re-x-rayed the athlete the next day and was stunned to see that the sever bone break had somehow now become a slight sprain.
Comments: Dr. Korotkov said, “The results were very, very strong and very, very different” than anything else he had seen in his extensive bio-energetic research.
- Konstantin Korotkov, PhD Deputy Director of Saint-Petersburg Federal Research Institute of Physical Culture