The Toughest Man
The link takes you to the last episode of my series. 14 programs from my near epic visit to The Faroes and Iceland is now available on my blog or on the YouTube channel, among whatever else I have produced. I hope it is appreciated and that you have become just a little bit more curious and a little bit more understanding of the people, culture and landscapes out there in the Atlantic.
I wish you luck in exploring the corners in your world. If you are able to read this, you are among the privileged ones and is it all up to you. Seize it or miss it.
Icelands's Wild West
It's been a while, but I've had stuff on my mind - and I still do. Here is, however, Episode 13 from the adventure on Iceland. As far west as you can get in Europe (except for some tiny islands somewhere). Chasing white sheep in the snow, eating meat smoked in sh*t. What a place! Follow the link above and see the series.
Watch the episode above: Icelandic horses are driven from the mountain pastures in autumn, in the great horse gathering in Skagafjordur. Farmers sing and drink. Nature is wonderful. Horses are everywhere and Samuel Örn Erlingsson is my key to the adventure!
We also make the traditional slautur, a meal consisting of liver, kidneys, fat, stomach ... really yummy stuff!
Monster trucks, ATV's and horsepower is what matters to the breed of Icelanders I meet in this episode. The adventure takes me to the mountains and the remote northwest of Iceland, in great company.
The full episode is found in the link above, subtitles provided. Sharing is caring... ;)
In Iceland, in the crack Silfra, is a bucket-list must for any diver. Spectacular scenery awaits, but there are other places, other geothermic miracles, more tectonic activities ... this island is ... ALIVE!
I accidentally uploaded the whole episode here, but check out the others, and images on the blog ... and order your ticket to Iceland!
Follow the link above to a combination of animals, nature, women and culture that is hard to beat. Ride across Iceland and you will see what I mean. In this episode I take you along the historical route Kjölur, nearly 250 awesome kilometres on horseback. Subtitled in English and Norwegian. as usual :) Enjoy!
Sailing to Iceland
Sailing across the North Sea from Faroe Islands to Iceland in a small sailboat, I get to know Magnar Grødem. He was a fine guy with a great personality. This episode is about our adventure together. Also check out my ongoing visit to Cairo, while you visit the blog.
Kristian Blak - a Music Man
Kristian Blak - the Music Man
See the full, subtitled episode here:
This is cultural joy in its pure form. Artists with vision, ambition and quality. How could a simple kayaker be as lucky as to experience this vocal beauty and wonderfully mad jazz? I had a great time, that is certain!
Kayaking the Northwest Faroe Islands
Get the complete episode here:
Let me first thank all of you for the incredible amount of sharing you did of my last video. I simply could not believe it, and now a lot of souls out there are aware of these episodes thanks to you! A special greeting goes to all my friends and helpers on the islands, of course.
I do not expect sharing to continue in this scale, and most of what I catch on tape is nowhere near as spectacular as "the hole" in Mykines, but any like or share you would feel like giving in the future is of course a great help. Above all, I hope you appreciate my work and the immense beauty of destinations and souls i visit.
Kayaking the north-west of the Faroe Islands offers the most spectacular scenery you can dream of - and bathing in cold Atlantic water with a bunch of wonderful women!
All the programs are subtitled in English, and text as well as photos and added footage is found on the link above.
episode one: PUFFIN HUNTING
Enjoy the small video of Henk as you please, but the real stuff is on my blog, in the first episode from the Faroes I go puffin hunting:
Be warned, this is not for the faint-hearted. Please read the blog first, to reduce your personal hate towards me after this.
Paul i Vesterled - promo
Are you guys ready for more? I think I will keep this in English from now on, presenting the series from Faroe Islands and Iceland. It has been a long time coming, but every week from now, I'll open up a little known part of the world to you, right here in Pauls Planet ... Here's the first taste, before it is unleashed tomorrow...
As usual, more photos and the background story, is found on Pauls Planet Blog, where this promo is available WITH SUBTITLES!
Promo: Oscarsborg
Promo episode 13. En redigeringsdag gjenstår, så er tretten uker med hard redigering over. Denne siste episoden gir deg en bråte gode grunner til å besøke Oscarsborg - en fabelaktig øy! Programmet vises på TV8 fra tirsdag ettermiddag og i helgen. (velg HD på promoen)
Bastøy Fengsel, promo ep. 12
Promo episode 12: Bastøy Fengsel ble en tankevekker for meg. Lærte mye mer enn kan vises i en episode. Igjen løftes to personligheter med helt spesielle erfaringer fram, begge soner lange fengselstraffer. Vises på TV8 på tirsdag. (velg HD)
Verdensmaleren og ostemikroteknologen
Episode 11 av "Paul padler Nabolaget" vises på TV8 på tirsdag, nå begynner det virkelig å svinge her! To vidunderlig forskjellige hovedpersoner, en har malt verden og den andre har studert ostemikrobakterier. En gammel og en ung. En mann og en kvinne. Vidunderige folk. Vidunderlige!! (husk HD, og del om du vil, link til programmet kommer uti uka.)
Engelsvikens spesialiteter
Igjen har jeg snublet over mennesker som har skapt sin egen lykke. Det er en stor fornøyelse å presentere denne fiskehistorien fra Engelsviken. Så smakebiten her, programmet kommer tirsdag på tv8 og deretter på link her fra Planeten... ;)