Strek Collective

Strek Collective Strek Collective is a designstudio created by Fredrik Wærnes, Jørgen Platou Willumsen, Nicolai Gulliksen and Stian Korntved Ruud. Strek is based in Oslo.

Strek is a creative collective founded by four Norwegian designers with a dedicated approach to exploring the unknown and improving the known. Their work can be described through a respectful use of materials and a hands on approach to development. They mainly work towards the domestic field of product design with a desire to develop new experiences and useful relations between product and user. T

he four designers met in Oslo and Akershus University College and began working together in 2008. What started out as a collaboration between students has now resulted in numerous exhibitions including in Milan, Stockholm, Oslo and Paris. The strong ambition to always improve has made it possible for Strek Collective to establish their works in the international market. By thinking, creating and providing credible design, the collective will always do their best to stay one step ahead. Strek Collective consists of:

Fredrik Wærnes
Jørgen Platou Willumsen
Nicolai Gulliksen
Stian Korntved Ruud

As bachelor students in the product design program at Oslo and Akershus University College, the four students saw the benefits of collaborating and sharing ideas. In 2008 they established the collective with the goal to participate in international exhibitions to promote their products, themselves and the collective in its entirety. During the period of study they worked actively in developing individual projects besides school and participated in several exhibitions. In 2011 they finished their bachelor degrees in product design and participated the same year in the Milan Furniture Fair at SaloneSatellite. This became the beginning of their international establishment. In 2011 they also started the annual exhibition, Look to Norway, which shows new and exciting projects from young Norwegian designers. First exhibition was in Designers Open in Leipzig, where Look to Norway won the Jury’s Award price. The exhibition aims to participate in new fairs every year and make people look to Norway. The members of Strek Collective is currently taking their masters degrees at four different universities and cooperate by collectively develop products and work towards new exhibitions. 2012 is the first year where Strek Collective presents products developed together as a group. The collection of lamps and modul based trestles will be released during the Milan Furniture Fair at SaloneSatellite along with individual projects from the designers.


The new workshop in the studio was finish today.


Bow er i dagens utgave av D2.

Bow (making of)

Earlier this summer we filmed production of Bow at Fyresdal Tre. Here are the results a short film about making of Bow.

Vimeo is the home for high-quality videos and the people who love them.


Lyst til å se krakken Bow som vi har designet? Legg et besøk til Norway Design butikken i Vika. Josefin Johansson Studio brukte Bow i sin styling i går, under årets juleåpning hos Norway Design.

strekcollective's photo on Instagram


Our coffee cups at the studio. ☕️ have a nice weekend everyone.

London Design Festival 2013: Best of 100% Norway - Design Milk

"I loved the simplicity of the Bow stacking stool by by the Strek Collective – it’s the result of a collaboration with Fyresdal Tre, a Norwegian wood manufacturer, that has involved combining traditional craftsmanship with contemporary design processes."

*Thank you MILK.*

It's the 10th anniversary of 100% Norway and co-curators Henrietta Thompson and Benedicte Sunde pulled out all the stops to make this a stand-out show.


Curators Henrietta Thompson and Benedicte Sunde present Bow for HM The Queen Sonja.

It's Nice That : Exhibition: The tenth 100% Norway exhibition opens tomorrow and is BRILLIANT!

Thank you for good support 'It's Nice That'

günzler.polmar: WaxandstoneExhibition: The tenth 100% Norway exhibition opens tomorrow and is BRILLIANT! Posted by Liv Siddall, Wednesday 18 September 2013TweetAhh Norway, the beautiful blustery land of delicious fish and exceptional gene pools. As London Design Festival takes it’s hold on the UK’s…


Visit 100% Norway exhibition at Dray Walk Gallery in Brick Lane, London and see our latest project, Bow.


On Friday arranges 100% Norway talks at Dray Walk Gallery. With Sebastian Wrong, Henrietta Thompson and Tom Dixon. Before them we will talk about the development of Bow stool. Free entry and open for all.


Photo by: Jan Tore Eriksen.

Strek Collective launch party at Fabricolage - USM Haller Workshop in Oslo.

We presented our latest project this evening beside to launch us as a studio. We showed the Bow stool for the first time. Designed and developed by Strek Collective + Fyresdal Tre. The Bow stool was exhibiting at the same showroom the rest of the weekend.

Thanks to everyone who showed up on this night and have fun with us.

Thank you and high five for good support to
FABRICOLAGE - USM Haller Workshop


Bow was present for the first time on Strek launch party, last Thursday. Designed and developed by Strek Collective x Fyresdal Tre. You can see Bow at Fabricolage - USM Haller Workshop here in Oslo this weekend. Adress: Nobelsgate 21. .


Today we prepere for tomorrows launch party at Fabricolage showroom.


On Thursday we have a launch party and present Bow for the first time. You can see the stool at Fabricolage USM Haller Workshop on Saturday and Sunday, here in Oslo.


See you in London at 100% Norway during London Design Festival. We present a new stool and celebrate 100% Norways 10 anniversary.

The annual Norwegian design exhibition 100% Norway will once again take place during London Design Festival in September 2013; marking the 10th anniversary of the exhibition. Just like in 2012, the exhibition will be located in Dray Walk Gallery on Brick Lane, as part of Tent London.


The final touches performed on the Bow stool these week.
We will present and exhibit the Bow Stool during the Strek vernissage early in September and during 100% Norway exhibition in London 18-22 September.


We have been in Fyresdal, Telemark these days and completed the first prototype of Bow Stool. Here is a
sneak peek on Bow Stool. Designed and developed by Strek Collective x Fyresdal Tre


Strek Collective are now at Instagram. Check out and follow us. You will find what we do, what we working on and our many coffee breaks.


We work these days to develop new prototypes that we will present in September. More info coming soon.

Thisispaper Magazine

Our products in today. One webpage we like very much and very inspiring. Take a look.

Thisispaper is a new interdisciplinary publication focusing on the interaction between timeless forms and movements in contemporary arts. Founded in 2011, the magazine follows one original idea - modern spirit is sensual, emotional, social and harmonius.


Another Magazine Spring/Summer 2013


Bo Bedre No. 3 March 2013.
Design favorites


RUM 01 2013 ( Denmark )
Trendbook 2013
Strek Collective are on the list with designers who pushing in 2013.



Day 17. Learn about the evolution in lighting and light design. Today you can win a copy of LUX, enter the draw now:

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NEO 2. October 2012

100% Norway 2012

Today we are leaving Paris after one week with exhibiting during Paris Design Week and we will arrive London for the 100% Norway exhibition.

100% Norway 2012 will mark its ninth year as part of the London Design Festival by relocating to a new design district, Tent in East London. The curated exhibition at Dray Walk Gallery showcases works of both established and up-and-coming Norwegian design




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