Bikram NuwaKott - A Tourism Personality

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Bikram NuwaKott - A Tourism Personality Bikram NuwaKoTT (PandeKaaji) creates “Multiple Tourism” in Nepal for Growth of TOURISM ECONOMY.

Bikram is a TOURIST Traveller, working on Multiple Tourism Programs to create Multiple Economic Opportunities for People of Nepal.

अचम्म को Story …….. A Good Read for Nepalese Learned Men Circle ….. बुद्धि जिबी हरुको लागी ......

अचम्म को Story …….. A Good Read for Nepalese Learned Men Circle ….. बुद्धि जिबी हरुको लागी ......

Women in ancient Egypt were revered as superior and more sacred than men, being considered the source of life and wisdom. It was believed that a man who attained great knowledge, spirituality, and power could earn the right to wear a long-haired wig, which symbolized his attainment of a level equal to that of a woman. The woman was seen as a source of strength and protection for her man, and it is a saying that still circulates today that behind every successful man is a strong woman supporting him.

"I allow myself to hope that the world will emerge from its present troubles, that it will one day learn to give the direction of its affairs, not to cruel swindlers and scoundrels, but to men possessed of wisdom and courage. I see before me a shining vision: a world where none are hungry, where few are ill, where work is pleasant and not excessive, where kindly feeling is common, and where minds released from fear create delight for eye, ear and heart. Do not say this is impossible. It is not impossible. I do not say it can be done tomorrow, but I do say that it could be done within a thousand years, if only men would bend their minds to the achievement of the kind of happiness that should be distinctive of man."

~Bertrand Russell, Human Society in Ethics and Politics (1954)

•The War of Independence, also known as the Revolution or the Greek Revolution of 1821, was a successful war of independence by Greek revolutionaries against the Ottoman Empire between 1821 and
1829. The revolution is celebrated by Greeks around the world as independence day on 25 March every year.


The Kingdom of Khotan was an ancient Buddhist Saka kingdom located on the branch of the Silk Road that ran along the southern edge of the Taklamakan Desert in the Tarim Basin (modern-day Xinjiang, China). The ancient capital was originally sited to the west of modern-day Hotan at Yotkan. From the Han dynasty until at least the Tang dynasty it was known in Chinese as Yutian. This largely Buddhist kingdom existed for over a thousand years until it was conquered by the Muslim Kara-Khanid Khanate in 1006, during the Islamization and Turkicization of Xinjiang.

Built on an oasis, Khotan's mulberry groves allowed the production and export of silk and carpets, in addition to the city's other major products such as its famous nephrite jade and pottery. Despite being a significant city on the silk road as well as a notable source of jade for ancient China, Khotan itself is relatively small – the circumference of the ancient city of Khotan at Yōtkan was about 2.5 to 3.2 km (1.5 to 2 miles). Much of the archaeological evidence of the ancient city of Khotan however had been obliterated due to centuries of treasure hunting by local people.

The inhabitants of Khotan spoke Khotanese, an Eastern Iranian language belonging to the Saka language, and Gandhari Prakrit, an Indo-Aryan language related to Sanskrit. There is debate as to how much Khotan's original inhabitants were ethnically and anthropologically Indo-Aryan and speakers of the Gāndhārī language versus the Saka, an Indo-European people of Iranian branch from the Eurasian Steppe. From the 3rd century onwards they also had a visible linguistic influence on the Gāndhārī language spoken at the royal court of Khotan. The Khotanese Saka language was also recognized as an official court language by the 10th century and used by the Khotanese rulers for administrative documentation.


Alexander in Southern Greece
as told by Arrian

Arrian’s account of Alexander’s actions in southern Greece can be summed up as follows:

336 BC
1. Alexander’s accession
2. Alexander is granted leadership of the Pan-Hellenic war of revenge against the Persian Empire
- Spartans refuses to accept this
3. Unrest in Athens
- the cause of this unrest is not explained but is presumably against Alexander’s authority as it subsides after he marches on the city

335 BC
1. Alexander remains concerned about Athens’ loyalty
2. Thebes’ Rebellion
- Alexander and his southern Greek allies destroy the city
3. How Thebes’ allies respond to Thebes’ destruction (they submit to Alexander)
4. Alexander demands the surrender of various Athenians
- when the city appeals against this, he relents – perhaps out of regard for the city or because he wants to get on with planning his invasion. He does, however, order – and gets – the exile of one man: Charidemus

Arrian’s account is brief and to the point. Eager to get on with his main narrative (the war against Persia), he races through two years of action that highlights Alexander’s strength, the fragility of Macedonian power in southern Greece, the playing out of old feuds, Athens’ bravery in refusing to do everything that Alexander demands (although they surely had accurate intelligence that told them what Alexander’s most likely response would be), and the inner strength, determination, and stubbornness of the Greeks (Thebes and Sparta).



In June of 323 BCE, Alexander the Great (r. 336-323 BCE) died in Babylon. His sudden death before his 33rd birthday has long been a point of speculation: was it disease, old wounds, or murder?

Barely 21 years old, he had led his Macedonian army into Asia. He would go on to defeat the Persians at the Battle of Granicus (334 BCE), the Battle of Issus (333 BCE), and the Battle of Gaugamela (331 BCE). Besides his victories over the Persian Achaemenid Empire, Alexander also defeated the Indian King Porus at the Battle of Hydaspes (326 BCE), establishing an empire that extended from Greece and Asia Minor through Mesopotamia and into India and Egypt. In 324 BCE, he finally returned to Susa, where he initiated plans for a future expedition into Arabia.

Alexander began to contemplate how to govern his vast empire. Among his long-term proposals was to integrate the Greek and Persian cultures, which was not well received by his loyal Macedonians. A significant transformation came at the king's court, where his demeanor and attitude had noticeably changed. As his fellow Macedonians began to see changes in Alexander's court, a sense of discontent began to emerge. There were even rumors of a mutiny or conspiracy to assassinate him.

Escaping the summer heat, Alexander sought refuge at his palace at Ecbatana, where a music and athletic festival was held. Both Alexander and Hephaestion partied, and both fell ill with a fever. Alexander was placed on a strict diet regimen and recovered. Hephaestion did not; he died in October 324 BCE. Alexander was inconsolable.

Still in mourning, Alexander left the city and returned to Babylon. Alexander now spent his days organizing the details of his Arabian expedition, but his nights were filled with banquets and drinking binges. One evening, he was invited to a party at the home of a friend, Medius of Thessaly, but after feeling a pain in his chest, he returned to his bed. Feeling feverish, his health quickly began to deteriorate, but he ignored both the pain and fever and continued working through the day and partying at night. Over the next few days, he continued his usual routine of sacrificing to the gods and holding meetings with his officers, believing he would soon recover. Arrian confirmed what was written in the royal diaries about Alexander's last days; he drank with Medius twice but later took a bath, ate, and went straight to sleep "with the fever already on him".

Despite reassurances that he was still alive, the men believed him to already be dead, so they were permitted to file past him as he lay on his bed. The fever and pain continued to escalate, and eventually, he lost his ability to speak. On 10 June 323 BCE, Alexander the Great died.

✍️Donald L. Wasson
📷Head of Alexander the Great from a smaller than life-size statue, goldleaf on bronze, 2nd century CE. (Palazzo Massimo, Rome).

लौ सुन म भन्छु मेरो राम कहानी ............ बिक्रम को नयाँ प्रस्तुती ......१८ जनवरी अर्थात माघ ०४ गते बेलुकी ८ बजे बिहिबा...

लौ सुन म भन्छु मेरो राम कहानी ............ बिक्रम को नयाँ प्रस्तुती ......

१८ जनवरी अर्थात माघ ०४ गते बेलुकी ८ बजे बिहिबार ...........
..... हेर्न नभुल्नु होला ......
............ "मेरो रामकहानी" ...........
यो पाली सगरमाथा का 3 किर्तीमान आरोही हरु सङग गरियको कुराकानी र आ-आफ्नै राम कहानी ......



The Indo Parthian Kingdom was ruled by the Gondopharid dynasty, which was made up of a group of Iranian tribes that lived east of Parthia and ruled the Indus Valley between 12 BC to 130 AD. For most of their history, the Gondopharid kings held Taxila as their residence, but during their last few years of existence the capital shifted between Kabul and Peshawar.

These kings have traditionally been referred to as Indo-Parthians, as their coinage was often inspired by the Arsacid dynasty. However, oddly enough, there is no evidence that all the kings who assumed the title Gondophares, which means ”Holder of Glory”, were even related to one another, which was rare for this time period. The rise of Indo Parthian rule in the Indus Valley occurred as the Indo Scythian rule was diminishing.

The city of Taxila is thought to have been a capital of the Indo-Parthians. Large strata were excavated by Sir John Marshall with a quantity of Parthian-style artifacts. The nearby temple of Jandial is usually interpreted as a Zoroastrian fire temple from the period of the Indo-Parthians.


【सिकंदर को हराने वाली कठगणराज्य की राजकुमारी कार्विका】
राजकुमारी कार्विका सिंधु नदी के उत्तर में कठगणराज्य की राजकुमारी थी । राजकुमारी कार्विका बहुत ही कुशल योद्धा थी। रणनीति और दुश्मनों के युद्ध चक्रव्यूह को तोड़ने में पारंगत थी। राजकुमारी कार्विका ने अपने बचपन की सहेलियों के साथ फ़ौज बनाई थी।
जिस उम्र में लड़कियाँ गुड्डे गुड्डी का शादी रचना खेल खेलते थे उस उम्र में कार्विका को शत्रु सेना का दमन कर के देश को मुक्त करवाना,शिकार करना इत्यादि ऐसे खेल खेलना पसंद थे। राजकुमारी धनुर्विद्या के सारे कलाओं में निपुण थी, दोनो हाथो से तलवारबाजी करते मां कालीका प्रतीत होती थीं।
कुछ साल बाद जब भयंकर तबाही मचाते हुए सिकंदर की सेना नारियों के साथ दुष्कर्म करते हुए हर राज्य को लूटते हुए कठगणराज्य की ओर आगे बढ़ रही थी, तब अपनी महिला सेना जिसका नाम राजकुमारी कार्विका ने चंडी सेना रखी थी जो कि ८००० से ८५०० विदुषी नारियों की सेना थी, के साथ युद्ध करने का ठाना।
३२५(इ.पूर्व) में सिकन्दर के अचानक आक्रमण से राज्य को थोडा बहुत नुक्सान हुआ पर राजकुमारी कार्विका पहली योद्धा थी जिन्होंने सिकंदर से युद्ध किया था। सिकन्दर की सेना लगभग १,५०,००० थी और कठगणराज्य की महज आठ हज़ार वीरांगनाओं की सेना थी जिसमें कोई पुरुष नहीं जो कि ऐतिहासिक है।
सिकंदर ने पहले सोचा "सिर्फ नारी की फ़ौज है , मुट्ठीभर सैनिक काफी होंगे” पहले २५००० की सेना का दस्ता भेजा गया उनमे से एक भी ज़िन्दा वापस नहीं आ पाया।राजकुमारी की सेना में ५० से भी कम वीरांगनाएँ घायल हुई थी पर मृत्यु किसी को छु भी नहीं पायी थी।
दूसरी युद्धनीति के अनुसार सिकंदर ने ४०,००० का दूसरा दस्ता भेजा उत्तर पूरब पश्चिम तीनों और से घेराबन्दी बना दिया परंतु राजकुमारी सिकंदर जैसे कायर नहीं थी खुद सैन्यसंचालन कर रही थी उनके निर्देशानुसार सेना ने तीन भागो में बंट कर लड़ाई किया और सिकंदर की सेना पस्त हो गई।
तीसरी और अंतिम ८५,०००० दस्ताँ का मोर्चा लिए खुद सिकंदर आया। नंगी तलवार लिये राजकुमारी कार्विका ने अपनी सेना के साथ सिकंदर को अपनी सेना लेकर सिंध के पार भागने पर मजबूर कर दिया। इतनी भयंकर तवाही से पूरी तरह से डर कर सैन्य के साथ पीछे हटने पर सिकंदर मजबूर हो गया।
सिकंदर की १,५०,००० की सेना में से २५,००० के लगभग सेना शेष बची थी , हार मान कर प्राणों की भीख मांग लिया सिकंदर ने और कठगणराज्य में दोबारा आक्रमण नहीं करने का लिखित संधी पत्र दिया राजकुमारी कार्विका को।
इस महाप्रलयंकारी अंतिम युद्ध में कठगणराज्य के ८,५०० में से २७५० साहसी वीरांगनाओं ने भारत माता को अपना रक्ताभिषेक चढ़ा कर वीरगति को प्राप्त कर लिया। जिसमे से इतिहास के दस्ताबेजों में गरिण्या, मृदुला, सौरायमिनि, जया यह कुछ नाम मिलते हैं।
नमन है ऐसी वीरांगनाओं को 🙏🙏 #सिकंदर #नारी


17 अक्टूबर 1858 को बाहदुर शाह ज़फर मकेंजी नाम के समुंद्री जहाज़ से रंगून पहुंचा दिए गये थे ,शाही खानदान के 35 लोग उस जहाज़ में सवार थे ,कैप्टेन नेल्सन डेविस रंगून का इंचार्ज था , उसने बादशाह और उसके लोगों को बंदरगाह पर रिसीव किया और दुनिया की तीसरी सबसे बड़ी हुकूमत के बादशाह को लेकर अपने घर पहुंचा !

बहादुर शाह ज़फर कैदी होने के बाद भी बादशाह थे, इसलिए नेल्सन परेशान था, उसे ये ठीक नही लग रहा था कि बादशाह को किसी जेल ख़ाने में रखा जाये ... इसलिए उसने अपना गैराज खाली करवाया और वहीँ बादशाह को रखने का इंतज़ाम कराया !

बहादुर शाह ज़फर 17 अक्टूबर 1858 को इस गैराज में गए और 7 नवंबर 1862 को अपनी चार साल की गैराज की जिंदगी को मौत के हवाले कर के ही निकले , बहादुर शाह ज़फर ने अपनी मशहुर ग़ज़ल इसी गैराज में लिखा था ....

लगता नही है दिल मेरा उजड़े दियार में
किस की बनी है है आलम न पायेदार में


कितना बदनसीब है ज़फर दफ़न के लिए
दो गज़ ज़मीन भी न मिले कुए यार में..

7 नवंबर 1862 को बादशाह की खादमा परेशानी के हाल में नेल्सन के दरवाज़े पर दस्तक देती है , बर्मी खादिम आने की वजह पूछता है ..खादमा बताती है बादशाह अपनी ज़िन्दगी के आखिरी साँस गिन रहा है गैराज की खिड़की खोलने की फरमाईश ले कर आई है .... बर्मी ख़ादिम जवाब में कहता है ... अभी साहब कुत्ते को कंघी कर रहे है .. मै उन्हें डिस्टर्ब नही कर सकता .... ख़ादमा जोर जोर से रोने लगती है ... आवाज़ सुन कर नेल्सन बाहर आता है ... ख़ादमा की फरमाइश सुन कर वो गैराज पहुँचता है .....!

बादशाह के आखिरी आरामगाह में बदबू फैली हुई थी ,और मौत की ख़ामोशी थी ... बादशाह का आधा कम्बल ज़मीन पर और आधा बिस्तर पर ... नंगा सर तकिये पर था लेकिन गर्दन लुढ़की हुई थी ..आँख को बहार को थे .. और सूखे होंटो पर मक्खी भिनभिना रही थी .... नेल्सन ने ज़िन्दगी में हजारो चेहरे देखे थे लेकिन इतनी बेचारगी किसी के चेहरे पर नही देखि थी .... वो बादशाह का चेहरा नही बल्कि दुनिया के सबसे बड़े भिखारी का चेहरा था ... उसके चेहरे पर एक ही फ़रमाइश थी .... आज़ाद साँस की !

हिंदुस्तान के आखिरी बादशाह की ज़िन्दगी खत्म हो चुकी थी ..कफ़न दफ़न की तय्यारी होने लगी ..शहजादा जवान बख़्त और हाफिज़ मोहम्मद इब्राहीम देहलवी ने गुसुल दिया ... बादशाह के लिए रंगून में ज़मीन नही थी ... सरकारी बंगले के पीछे खुदाई की गयी .. और बादशाह को खैरात में मिली मिटटी के निचे डाल दिया गया ......

उस्ताद हाफिज़ इब्राहीम देहलवी के आँखों को सामने 30 सितम्बर 1837 के मंज़र दौड़ने लगे ...जब 62 साल की उम्र में बहादुर शाह ज़फर तख़्त नशीं हुआ था ...वो वक़्त कुछ और था ..ये वक़्त कुछ और था ....इब्राहीम दहलवी सुरह तौबा की तिलावत करते है , नेल्सन क़बर को आखिरी सलामी पेश करता है ...और एक सूरज गुरूब हो जाता है !

Ar Ibrahimi साहेब की क़लम से


This Year 2023 marks my 50th Year of my First Visit to Khumbu Highlands.

During these early years, Tengboche Monastry Autari Lama had really influenced me toward conservation, saving the Khumbu Eco-system from any Damage.

Autari had made me an “Awakened Person” on Saving Enviroment and Conserving the Beauty of Khumbu’s Natural Landscape. Autari had ordained me as a “Bikram the Conservation Minded Devouts” of the Mount Everest Highlands.

Today I am happy that I have paid him my “Spiritual Respect” by Creating a Conservation Award in His Name for the Mount Everest Khumbu Highland Conservation Efforts.


Bikram NuwaKoTT (PandeKaaji) creates “Multiple Tourism” in Nepal for Growth of TOURISM ECONOMY.

Honorary Consular Corps Nepal's 16th Annual General Meeting & Charter Day Ceremony in Radisson Hotel on 23 July 2023. Bi...

Honorary Consular Corps Nepal's 16th Annual General Meeting & Charter Day Ceremony in Radisson Hotel on 23 July 2023.
Bikram as Consul General of Greece in Nepal also attends the AGM, together with ALL Eminent Consuls & Consul Generals of Europe Africa Asia of all Continents in the HCCN.

In the presence of the Right Honourable Vice President of Nepal and Honourable Foreign Minister of Nepal.



भगवान बुद्ध को "जन्म भुमीमा नयाँ भाईस चैरम्यान"? ... "उम्मेदवार छोरी मान्छे पनि"
..... "फुल को आँखा मा फुलै सन्सार .....



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