Mystic Kailash Adventure Pvt. Ltd.

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Booking Open for KAILASH MANASAROVAR Yatra/Tour 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------...

Booking Open for KAILASH MANASAROVAR Yatra/Tour 2024
We are offering - Fixed Departure Date AND According to own group's schedule too.

FIXED DEPARTURE                                                                                             (Overland - ...

FIXED DEPARTURE (Overland - Helicopter - Fly Lhasa)

1. Lhasa City Pilgrimage Tour
2. Kailash Manasarovar Tour
3. Kaialsh via Lhasa Pilgrimage Tour


Join with Us - (team MK)
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The west of Tibet, Mount Kailash stands as a silent sentinel of secrets and mysteries. Sacred to multiple religions and ...

The west of Tibet, Mount Kailash stands as a silent sentinel of secrets and mysteries. Sacred to multiple religions and steeped in ancient lore, this towering peak conceals a treasure trove of enigmas waiting to be unraveled.

Here, the 15 fascinating mysteries about Mount Kailash will tell you more about this sacred peak.

1. Mount Kailash has many names in different language in different religions

2. Mount Kailash is the central of the Universe in Tibetan Buddhism

3. Mount Kailash is the home of Lord Shiva in Hinduism

4. Mount Kailash is believed to be the link between Earth and Heaven

5. There is the face of Lord Shiva on the Mt.Kailash

6. Mount Kailash is a solitary peak located in the remote area of western Tibet

7. The Shape of Mount Kailash peak is like a man-made Pyramid

8. The snow cap of Mount Kailash never melts

9. The peak of Mount Kailash is unclimbable

10. The Mount Kailash Kora purifies the soul and leads to spiritual liberation

11. There is very little wildlife in Mount Kailash Region

12. Mount Kailash is the origin of the four great rivers in Asia

13. Mount Kailash is associated with the mythical city of Shambhala

14. Mount Kailash is the Central Axis of the World

15. Sw****ka and Om Parvat symbols can be observed on Mount Kailash during sunset.

In Detailed

1. Mount Kailash has many names in different language in different religions.

Nestled in the Himalayas, Mount Kailash is a mountain of many names, echoing its spiritual significance across cultures. In Sanskrit, it's "Kailāsa," possibly derived from "kelāsa," meaning "crystal." In Tibetan, it's "Gang Rinpoche," translating to "Precious Jewel of Snows." This sacred peak holds diverse meanings: Tibetan Buddhists cherish it as "Kangri Rinpoche," Bon texts offer names like "Water's Flower" and "Mountain of Sea Water," and Hindus revere it as Lord Shiva's home. Locally, it's Tisé Mountain, the source of legendary rivers. These myriad names and beliefs make Mount Kailash a captivating enigma.

2. Mount Kailash is the central of the Universe in Tibetan Buddhism.

Mount Kailash holds a profound and unique significance within Tibetan Buddhism. It is seen as a representation of the mythical Mount Meru, which is considered to be the cosmic mountain located at the exact center of the universe. This majestic mountain isn't just a geographical wonder but is believed to be the very heart of the universe, often referred to as the "navel of the universe." In the realm of Tibetan Buddhism, it stands as the holiest of holies, a sanctuary where the world was born.

3. Mount Kailash is the home of Lord Shiva in Hinduism.

Mount Kailash graces the spiritual tapestry of Hinduism as the revered dwelling place of Lord Shiva. According to ancient Hindu beliefs, the mighty lord sits in eternal meditation here, his sacred presence wrapping the holy peaks with his yogic energy. He resides here with his divine family – his consort, Devi Parvati, and their two cherished sons, Ganesha and Kartikeya. The blessed bull, Nandi, Lord Shiva's ardent worshipper, also finds its place here. This mountain, veiled in mysticism, beckons devotees to embark on a spiritual journey to feel and pay homage to Lord Shiva's divine aura, gracing the very essence of the Himalayas.

4. Mount Kailash is believed to be the link between Earth and Heaven.

Amidst the towering Himalayas, Mount Kailash stands tall, its four faces pointing in the four cardinal directions. In the beliefs of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, this mountain is seen as a celestial link between Earth and Heaven, a gateway to the divine.
According to legends, the Pandavas and Draupadi embarked on a spiritual journey here, seeking moksha, the ultimate liberation. As they trekked these sacred slopes, one of them is said to have achieved liberation before reaching the summit.

Mount Kailash, a tangible bridge between the earthly and the heavenly, continues to call out to seekers, inviting them to explore the mystical connection between our world and the divine realm above.

Mount Kailash Pilgrims Prostrate Local pilgrims prostrate along the kora around Mount Kailash, which is the sincerest way to worship Buddha.

5. There is the face of Lord Shiva on the Mt. Kailash.

Deep in Tibet's remote southwest, Mount Kailash in the Himalayas holds a remarkable secret – a face resembling Lord Shiva, as noted by NASA scientists. The sacred pilgrimage, Mount Kailash parikrama, begins at Yamdwar, revealing Kailash's South face, then progresses to Dirapuk for the North face. With every step, the mountain reveals new facets, transitioning from the South to the West, then finally to the North face. As trekkers advance, the mountain transforms, presenting its West face, where a massive, human-like face emerges. Lord Shiva devotees, known as Bhole Bhakts, regard it as Lord Shiva's face.

6. Mount Kailash is a solitary peak located in the remote area of western Tibet.

Situated in the remote wilderness of western Tibet, Mount Kailash stands tall, reaching 6,638 meters above sea level. It's a lone giant in the area, with no other mountains nearby to rival its magnificence. This makes it an exceptional and breathtaking sight, as its beauty remains untouched and unobstructed by any neighboring peaks.

This unique geographical isolation only deepens its spiritual allure, drawing pilgrims from diverse faiths to pay homage to its sacred heights. As the world's attention turns toward this solitary sentinel, it remains a testament to nature's artistry and a beacon of reverence in a rugged and uninhabited landscape.

7. The Shape of Mount Kailash peak is like a man-made Pyramid.

Mount Kailash, a mountain shrouded in mystery, has revealed an astonishing secret. Scientists believe that its peak is not a natural formation but a man-made vacuum pyramid. It's surrounded by more than 100 smaller pyramids. These pyramids are estimated to be between 100 and 1,800 meters tall, surpassing even the famous Egyptian pyramids, which are 146 meters high. This discovery challenges the idea that Mount Kailash is a purely natural creation.

Russian scientists argue that its perfect symmetry and resemblance to a cathedral, along with its unnaturally steep sides, suggest intentional design, similar to a pyramid. If confirmed, this revelation could change our understanding of ancient engineering and the mysteries surrounding this sacred mountain.

8. The snow cap of Mount Kailash never melts.

One of the most enigmatic features of Mount Kailash is its perpetually unmelted snow cap. Despite its location in a region where temperatures can be extreme, the crown of this sacred peak remains eternally covered in pristine white snow.

This phenomenon has captured the imagination of pilgrims and seekers for centuries, further adding to the mountain's aura of mysticism and divine significance. Whether attributed to natural factors or revered as a manifestation of the sacred, the perpetual snow cap of Mount Kailash stands as a symbol of enduring purity and spiritual resonance in the heart of the Himalayas.

9. The peak of Mount Kailash is unclimbable.

At 6,638 meters above sea level, Mount Kailash is a mountain of unique intrigue. Surprisingly, it's not the tallest in Tibet Plateau, yet it remains unconquered by climbers.

According to ancient legends, only the revered Buddhist monk Milarepa once reached its summit. In recent times, a scientific expedition aimed to conquer the peak, but a Tibetan Lama's counsel led them to abandon their quest. Tragically, despite of that, four members of the team still met their demise within a year or two.

Climbing Mount Kailash is deemed taboo, as it is believed to anger the gods. Its Sanskrit name, meaning 'heaven of Shiva,' underscores its sacred stature across four religions. Despite attracting adventurers for centuries, this mystic mountain has never yielded to human conquest, preserving its enigmatic aura.Mount Kailash Kora and Trek Tourists can trek around Mount Kailash but are not permitted to climb the sacred mountain.

10. The Mount Kailash Kora purifies the soul and leads to spiritual liberation.

Kora, a Tibetan term for "circumambulation," transcends pilgrimage; it is a spiritual journey encompassing meditation and enlightenment. At Mount Kailash, a three-day, 53-kilometer clockwise Kora purifies souls, absolves sins, and guides seekers toward salvation or Nirvana. This sacred practice involves clockwise circumnavigation of Mount Kailash, epitomizing deep reverence. Pilgrims chant mantras, rotate prayer wheels, and sometimes prostrate before the sacred sites, embracing a life deeply connected to divinity.

Mount Kailash Kora helps shed material distractions, fostering spiritual growth and a stronger connection with the divine. It's a path to fulfillment and a profound understanding of divine power, bringing pilgrims closer to enlightenment.

11. There is very little wildlife in Mount Kailash Region.

The Mount Kailash region, shrouded in spiritual mystique, is notably devoid of abundant wildlife. It is said that the profound energy of this sacred place exerts a unique influence on the behavior of animals. This energy, deeply intertwined with the beliefs of pilgrims and seekers, seems to create an environment where the usual presence of wildlife remains scarce.

However, while embarking on a Mount Kailash tour to this revered mountain, there's a rare opportunity to encounter unique creatures, including wild donkeys, Tibetan antelopes, yaks, swans, and black-necked cranes, particularly in the vicinity of the four sacred rivers that flow nearby: The Sutlej River, Brahmaputra River, Indus River, and Karnali River.

12. Mount Kailash is the origin of the four great rivers in Asia.

Mount Kailash holds a unique distinction as the wellspring of four major Asian rivers: The Indus, Sutlej, Brahmaputra, and Karnali. These rivers, integral to the region's life and culture, trace their origins close to this sacred mountain and the nearby Lake Manasarovar and Lake Rakshastal. The Yarlung Tsangpo, also known as the Brahmaputra, flows through Tibet, India, and Bangladesh, carving the formidable Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon. The Sutlej originates near Mount Kailash, traversing Tibet and India. The Indus, known as Singgye Khabub in Tibetan, starts its journey in Tibet before meandering through Pakistan. The Karnali, named Macha Khabub in Tibetan, flows from Tibet into Nepal and eventually joins the Ganges. This confluence of sacred rivers weaves a rich tapestry of cultural and ecological significance in the Mount Kailash region.

13. Mount Kailash is associated with the mythical city of Shambhala.

Mount Kailash carries a mystical association with the legendary city of Shambhala. Shambhala, often spelled "Shambala," is a mythical realm in Buddhism, said to exist between the Himalayas and the Gobi Desert. This kingdom represents the pinnacle of Tibetan Buddhist ideals, where all inhabitants have attained enlightenment, earning it the moniker "The Pure Land."

Also known as Olmolungring, Shangri-La, Paradise, and Eden, Shambhala's enigmatic presence is intertwined with Mount Kailash's region. According to Tibetan beliefs, Siddhas and ascetics continue to dwell in this mysterious city, deepening the mysteries surrounding Mount Kailash and the sacred legends that enshroud it.

14. Mount Kailash is the Central Axis of the World.

Mount Kailash, referred as the "Axis Mundi," bridges the physical and spiritual realms in Tibetan culture. Scientific studies from Russia and America endorse it as the world's central point, aligned with monuments like Stonehenge (6,666 km), the North Pole (6,666 km), and the South Pole (13,332 km).

This sacred mountain is also recognized as the cosmic axis and world tree in the Vedas and the Ramayana. It symbolizes humanity's pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, unifying diverse cultures in awe of its divine significance as the pivotal point where heaven and earth converge.

15. Sw****ka and Om Parvat symbols can be observed on Mount Kailash during sunset.

As the sun sets behind Mount Kailash, a captivating spectacle unfolds. The mountain's shadow, cast against the backdrop of the twilight sky, forms distinct symbols of spiritual significance. One is the Sw****ka, a revered Hindu symbol symbolizing auspiciousness and well-being. The other is the Om Parvat, a mystery in itself, where the falling snow on the peak miraculously takes the form of the sacred Om symbol. These phenomena add to the mystique surrounding Mount Kailash, drawing seekers and believers to witness the divine symbolism that graces this sacred mountain during the enchanting moments of sunset.



The Holy Pilgrimage Tour - Mount KAILASH 2024-------------------------------------------------------------As a matter of...

The Holy Pilgrimage Tour - Mount KAILASH 2024

As a matter of fact, Mount Kailash is from the Tibetan Plateau, which is largely considered to be inaccessible. For Hindus and Buddhists, Mount Kailash is the physical embodiment of Mount Meru. Here are 10 of the most interesting, little-known facts about one of the world’s most sacred and mysterious mountain peak—Mount Kailash.

The Kailash Range, considered to be one of the most sacred by Hindus, is said to be 30 million years old, formed during the early stages of the formation of the Himalayan mountains. Its highest peak, the 6,675-m-high Kailash, is said to be the holy residence of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. The mountain has immense significance in Jainism and Buddhism and has been attracting pilgrims from various religions for centuries.

Upper Dolpa – Shey Mountain (Upper & Lower) via Jomsom                                      (FESTIVAL - DRAGON YEAR - 20...

Upper Dolpa – Shey Mountain (Upper & Lower) via Jomsom (FESTIVAL - DRAGON YEAR - 2024)
Duration: 24days
Trekking in field: 21 days
Max. Altitude: 5550m
No. of Passes: 06
Activity: Sightseeing and Trekking
Starts In & Ends In: Kathmandu
Trek Type: Camping Trek / T - House
Accommodation: Camping / T - House

Fixed Departure - April/ 24th/ To 15th/MAY – 2024

Dolpo is a secluded and picturesque valley nestled in the Himalayan Mountains, known for its rugged terrain, ancient monasteries, and rich Tibetan Buddhist heritage. Shey Monastery (Gomba) is one of the most revered monasteries in the region and serves as the focal point for the festival. The festival is celebrated in honor of the ritual of Kora (circumambulating). The Holy Crystal Mountain was instituted by an ascetic from Tibet by the name of Drupthop Singhe Yeshi, who, according to mythology, rode a snow lion to triumph over the evil spirits and demons of Crystal Mountain (Shey-Riwo Drukta). Druptop Singye Yeshi is believed to have meditated in the caves surrounding Shey Gompa, bestowing blessings of enlightenment upon the land and its people.

Every 12 years of the Tibetan calendar a ceremony is held at Shey. It has been practiced for centuries. It has been a ritual of the Dolpo people. Along with the time now, it is celebrated more as a festival than a ritual. The Tibetan calendar represents 12 years by 12 different animals. Mouse, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Bird, Dog and Pig. Every year has its specific pilgrims. For example, Boudhanath Stupa is in the year of Bird, Swoyambhu-nath is in the year of Monkey, Jamacho is in the year of Ox, Namobuddha is in the year of Tiger, and Buddha Ribo is in the year of Rabbit, Mount Kailash in the year of Horse and Crystal Mountain in the year of Dragon.


To Our Valuable Guests
In Traditional Culture of Sherpa - Offering Thank You - Best Wishes for Bright Future - Best of Health with Full of Happiness.
Pikey Peak Trek - 02nd - 14th/12/2023

The Beauty of CAMPING Trek --------------------------------------------

The Beauty of CAMPING Trek

Some of Glimpse of Closing Trek of the Year - 2023The Pikey Peak Trek – The Lower Everest Region – Home of Sherpa ------...

Some of Glimpse of Closing Trek of the Year - 2023

The Pikey Peak Trek – The Lower Everest Region – Home of Sherpa

Many say that the view of Mount Everest from Pikey Peak is one of the best in Nepal. That’s a bold statement, but Sir Edmund Hillary himself claimed it to be his favorite, and we're inclined to agree.
This adventure trek combines a moderately challenging trek at lower altitudes with incredible views across the Himalaya. Make your way through a landscape of snowcapped peaks, mountain villages, and Buddhist monasteries to reach one of Nepal's best-kept secrets—Pikey Peak. From its summit, you'll look out over a breathtaking panorama, including the best views of Mount Everest in the country.

Pikey Peak Trek is the newly discovered incredible trekking trail in the Everest region. It is still less traveled by tourists. From Pikey Peak, you will have incredible views of Mt. Everest, Makalu, Kanchenjunga, Annapurna, Gaurishankar, Lhotse, Nuptse, Numbur, Sishapangma, Thamserku, and Mera Peak.

The other highlight of this trek is you will not have threats of altitude sickness as the maximum height of the trek is just 4070 meters from sea level.

Very Warm TASHI DELEK & NAMASTETo - ALL; May the Goddess Durga bless you with all the Happiness, Success, and Prosperity...

To - ALL;

May the Goddess Durga bless you with all the Happiness, Success, and Prosperity in the world.

I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating Dashain with your loved ones. May the festival bring you all the good things in life and wash away all your worries and bring you a fresh start.


With Lots of Love,

Mystic Kailash Adventure Pvt Ltd
Himalayan Guge Organization HGO
—————— TEAM —————————


Darpoche (dar po che), the Great Flag, at Mount KAILASH

Mystic Kailash Adventure Pvt. Ltd.


At Holy Lake Manasarovar - Yatris are offering Puja with the early morning sun rising from Holy Lake.

Join with Us (TEAM - MK) - Mystic Kailash Adventure Pvt. Ltd. for your right and perfect travel PARTNER.

-------------------- THANK YOU - OM NAMAH SHIVAYA.


About Lake Manasarovar - The Invincible Lake _______________________________________________________________________

The Lake Manasarovar is among the world’s highest fresh-water lakes. At an elevation of 4,583 meters, the lake covers 412 square kilometers. With the northern part broader than the southern end, the deepest point of the lake is over 70 meters. The lake is purer than a sapphire and one can see through dozens of meters into the lake. The lake is located in the Burang County, 20 km southeast of the Mount Kailash.

In Tibetan language, Manasarovar means “invincible lake”. In “Regions In Great Tang”, wrote by monk Xuanzang, Lake Manasarovar was regarded as the sacred Yaochi Lake of Nirvana. In the 11th century Buddhism won in the competition against the local Bon Religion and changed the lake’s name from “Machui Co” into “Manasarovar”, which means the “Invincible Lake”, in the hope of winning more believers in Tibet.

In Tibetan Buddhism, it is believed that bathing with the water of Manasarovar will drive off avaricious desires, troubled thoughts and past sins; drinking the water will keep healthy and away from disease; while circling the lake will bring boundless beneficence to the pilgrims. The Hindi poet Kalidasa once wrote that the waters of Lake Manasarovar are "like pearls" and that to drink them erases the "sins of a hundred lifetimes".

Thus all the pilgrims to Tibet will come to Manasarovar and regard circling and drinking from the lake as their greatest fortune. Throughout the year, numerous pilgrims and visitors are attracted to the holy Mt. Kailash and the Lake Manasarovar. It is also 1 of 3 Holy Lakes in Tibet -
(the other 2 are Namtso Lake and Yamdrok Lake).

Every summer, flocks of swans will gather on the lake, bringing grace and life to the area. Legend says that the fish in the lake can cure sterility, dystocia, dropsy and other illnesses. Chemical analyses show that the lake water indeed contains various types of minerals.While at just 3 kilometers away from Manasarovar, lies the “Ghost Lake” La’ang, which is a salt water lake. With high winds and rapid currents, it’s difficult for fish or weeds to grow.

- SUCCESSFULLY COMLETED   -                                                                                             ...

- SUCCESSFULLY COMLETED - 16Nights/17Days – Holy Kailash Trek via Lhasa City Tour --------------------------------------------------------------------------
We would like to share some of glimpses to Mount Kailash via Lhasa - Including - the Holy Mount Kailash, Chuku Monastery, Diraphuk Monastery, Zuthulphuk Monastery, Tirthapuri, Pakba Monastery - Kyidrong, TashiLhunpo Monastery - Shigatse, Jokhang Temple, Potala Palace, Norbulingka, Sera & Drepung Monasteries, Samye Monastery, Yumbu Lhakhang Palace, Yamdrok Lake, Palkor Monastery & Kumbum Stupa, Sakya Monastery, Drakkar Taso Caves & Monastery, Pakshing Ani Gumba etc.

It was one of my best Pilgrims trips with such amazing people from Upper Mustang (TEAM). I would like to convey hearty THANK to them for choosing our company (Mystic Kailash Adventure Pvt. Ltd.) for this Unforgettable Pilgrimage trip to TIBET " Roof of the World". Thank you all team members for giving us an opportunity to bring your one of dream come true and appreciating and experiencing our services.

And, we would like to THANK to our Staff and Staff from Tibet – Our Travel Partner.

Note: Anyone who is willing to be there Physically and Mentally then JOIN with ME & my TEAM.


The Guge Kingdom I Mysterious Ancient Kingdom___________________________________________________________________One of t...

The Guge Kingdom I Mysterious Ancient Kingdom
One of the first important cultural relic sites under protection, the grand palace ruins stand on a 300-meter tall yellow earth hill on the banks of the Xiangquang River in the Zaborang District, 18 km away from the Zada County. The Xiangquang River runs northwest from the Lake Manasarovar. Rising abruptly from the river bank, the ruins add much mystery to this area.

The local regime known as Guge Kingdom started in the 10th century by the descendants of the Tobo Kingdom. In the 9th century, when Lang Dharma was assassinated, the Tubo Kingdom fell apart as civil wars surged. Jide Nyimagon, the great-grandson of Lang Dharma, led his followers to Ngari and set up the Guge Kingdom.

The 3 sons of Jide Nyimagon and their descendants later set up 3 regimes: Guge, Ladakh and Burang. The region had a glorious past. At its peak, the regime covered not only the entire Ngari, but also extended to Kashmir and today’s Pakistan.

There are many opinions on how the Guge Kingdom disappeared. A widely acclaimed view says that in 1635, soldiers from the Ladakh Regime finally conquered the Guge Palace and ravaged the place into ruins. Every human being here was hunted down. The last King of Guge and his family members were captured and taken away. Nothing was ever heard of them. The great Guge Kingdom thus bade adieu to the stage of history.

Until today, the grandeur of the Guge Palace still strikes awe in the beholder's heart. The castle-like palace was built along the mountain and commands a strategic point. Inside, there are underground tunnels leading to various directions; outside, the strong and thick walls are invincible.

The ruins take up an area of 720,000 square meters, consisting of 445 rooms, 879 caves, 58 pillboxes, 4 secret tunnels and 28 Buddhist pagodas. The hundreds of rooms were piled up one after another till the top of the mountain. This is truly an unique imperial palace. Most of the cave palaces have grand domes and are differentiated for summer and winter functions.

Ama Yangri Trek | A sacred Buddhist site in the Helambu-----------------------------------------------------------------...

Ama Yangri Trek | A sacred Buddhist site in the Helambu

Ama Yangri Trek derives its name from the religiously significant mountain Ama Yangri. This sacred site is ideally located in the holy region of Helambu. The word Ama Yangri, meaning Mother Yangri. Locals consider Ama Yangri as the protector and the savior of the entire region of Helambu.

Ama Yangri is a famous tourist destination for short-term trekking located about 90 km north of Kathmandu. It is in the Helambu area of ​​Sindhupalchok district. It is also known as the hidden gem of Helambu. Ama Yangri is a desirable destination on Helambu trekking circuit. From this place, which is about 3771 meters above sea level, you can see the mountains of Jugal glacier, Rowaling glacier, beautiful villages, and an excellent natural environment. Most of the Hyolmo communities live in Helambu trekking circuit area.

Hyolmo art, language, culture, and lifestyle, is the main attraction of this area. Of course, the Helambu area is full of "Hyolmo heritage". In the same way, Ama Yangri is the centre of the main faith and belief of the Hyolmo community. It is a religious, cultural, art, faith, and tourist centre. And, Ama Yangri is the patron deity of Hyolmo Valley. It is also said that Padmasambhava meditated at this place.


GOOD MORNING & NAMASTE ---------------------------------------------------
TO ALL WELL - WISHER OF MK (Mystic Kailash Adventure Pvt. Ltd.)

HISTORY OF SWOYAMBHU STUPA________________________________________________________________A golden spire crowning a coni...


A golden spire crowning a conical wooded hill, Swoyambhu Stupa is the most ancient and enigmatic of all the holy shrines in Kathmandu valley. Its lofty white dome and glittering golden spire are visible for miles and from all sides of the valley.

Historical records inscribed on stones around the stupa prove that it had already been an important Buddhist pilgrimage destination by the 5th century AD. Its origin, however, is dated to a much earlier time, long before the arrival of Buddhism in the valley.

The 15th-century Swoyambhu Purana legend, speaks of a miraculous lotus, planted by a past Buddha, which blossomed from the lake that once covered Kathmandu valley. The lotus mysteriously radiated a brilliant light, and the name of the place came to be Swoyambhu, meaning ‘Self-Created or Self-Existent’. Saints, sages, and divinities traveled to the lake to venerate this miraculous light for its power in granting enlightenment.

During this time, the Bodhisatva Manjushri was meditating at the sacred mountain of Wu Tai Shan and had a vision of the dazzling Swoyambhu light. Manjushri flew across the mountains of China and Tibet upon his blue lion to worship the lotus. Deeply impressed by the power of the radiant light, Manjushri felt that if the water drained out of the lake, Swoyambhu would become more easily accessible to human pilgrims. So with his great sword, Manjushri cut a gorge in the mountains surrounding the lake. The water, draining away, left the valley of present-day Kathmandu. The lotus then transformed into a hill as the light became Swoyambhu Stupa.

The worshippers of Swoyambhu Stupa include Hindus, Vajrayana Buddhists of northern Nepal and Tibet, and the Newars of central and southern Nepal.

Every morning before dawn, hundreds of pilgrims ascend the 365 steps that lead up the hill. They go past the gilded Vajra(Tibetan: Dorje) with two lions guarding the entrance and begin a series of clockwise circumambulations around the stupa.

Every four sides of the main stupa have a pair of big eyes. These eyes are symbolic of God’s all-seeing perspective. There is no nose between the eyes but rather a representation of the number one in the Nepali alphabet. It signifies that the single way to enlightenment is through the path of Buddhism. Above each pair of eyes is the third eye, enlighting the wisdom of looking from within. No ears are present because they say the Buddha is not interested in hearing praise for him. The disciplines of Buddhism teach that one must help others regardless of the praise one receives after accomplishment.

The stupa has many chaityas, temples, painted images of deities, and numerous other religious objects around its surrounding. There are many small shrines with statues of Ta***ic and Shamanistic Deities, prayer wheels for the Tibetan Buddhists, Buddhist chaityas, and decorated with the faces of the Dhyani Buddhas.

Atop Swoyambhu Hill is another small, fascinating, but legendary place. The name of the temple is Shantipur, the Place of Peace. Inside the temple is believed to be a secret, always locked, underground chamber lives the 8th century Ta***ic, Master Shantikar Acharya. Practicing meditation techniques that have preserved his life for centuries, he is a great esoteric magician who has complete power over the weather.

When the valley of Kathmandu has a threat of drought, the King of Nepal must enter the underground chamber to get the secret mandala from Shantikar. Soon after the mandala is brought outside and shown to the sky, it will start raining. Frescoes were painted on the walls inside the temple, depicting when this last occurred in 1658. The small temple has a powerful atmosphere; it is mysterious, stern, and slightly ominous.

For the followers of Buddhism, there is no doubt about the importance of the Swoyambhu chaitya. For them, it is the most sacred shrine, the root point of their religion.

The Stupa resides a mile west of Kathmandu on top of a hillock. Beyond the borders imposed by locality and caste, all Buddhists accept Svayambhu¯ as the center of their religion. Notably, during the month of gunl¯a parba, which coincides largely with August, many thousands of devotees from Kathmandu and its surroundings get up every morning well before sunrise. They ascend the steep staircase leading up the hillock from the east and venerate Swoyambhu Stupa and the ancillary shrines before returning home two hours later.

The historical beginnings of the Swoyambhu Chaitya are obscure. There are no sources attesting to its existence before the fifth century CE. What is more, the little evidence pointing to the presence of the Chaitya in the fifth and seventh centuries is flimsy and far from conclusive.



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